What Are We Teaching Our Girls? Men Are Not The Problem With The World

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have three sons. One is in college, and one will be there in a few years. I worry about them.

I worry because it seems obvious that our universities have become a cesspool of leftist, feminist culture that is harmful and even possibly dangerous to young men.

Let me also say that rape is a heinous crime and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, what happens when a girl decides she was raped after she said yes?
What are we teaching our young girls?

That it’s okay to lie when you feel guilty and wish you hadn’t done something? That men are the problem and young women have no personal responsibility? That women are inherently society’s victims and that lying about men is okay?

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New Hampshire: House Committee Hears Circumcision Bill

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'Today a house committee considered a bill that would prohibit Medicaid from funding circumcisions of newborn baby boys.

Bedford Republican Keith Murphy sponsored this bill. He firmly believes circumcision is dangerous – potentially, very dangerous.

"One hundred and seventeen children a year, on average, die from circumcision complications. In fact it’s one of the leading causes of neonatal male deaths," says Murphy.
Ronald Goldman, Director of the Boston-based Circumcision Resource Center, painted a dark picture of circumcision’s impact on the male psyche.

"Anger, a sense of loss, sadness, and sexual anxieties....A recent study found a connection between circumcision and the risk of autism," said Goldman.
If passed, it’s worth noting this bill could impact a lot of people. The latest data from 2010 found Medicaid paid for nearly 30 percent of the babies born in New Hampshire.'

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KC Johnson’s campus talk on due process in sexual assault draws protesters

Story here. Excerpt:

'Johnson is best known for his book analyzing the Duke lacrosse rape case with National Journal‘s Stuart Taylor, but you’d think he was Joe Pesci going up against a cartoonish Southern prosecutor to defend “two yoots” against Dixieland justice.

Two of the university’s student publications, The Post and The New Political, live-tweeted the circus around Johnson’s talk, including the heavy security presence.
"As Johnson approached the podium, members of Student Union and F*ckrapeculture stood from their seats and turned to the crowd of around 70 people in the Baker Center. They wore hand-made shirts saying “RAPE IS REAL, THIS IS BULLSH*T”, and some members held signs saying “SEX WITHOUT CONSENT IS ALWAYS RAPE” and “1 in 5 women will be SEXUALLY ASSAULTED during college”.

The protesters sat down after some members of the audience audibly complained that they could not see Johnson and after a warning of their removal by the police."
Johnson took it all in stride, telling The New Political after the lecture:

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The (New) Big Chill: More on Erosion of Rights of the Accused from a Harvard Law Prof

Article here. Excerpt:

'Harvard Law School to the rape-hysteria rescue!

Or, more specifically, Harvard Law School professor Janet Halley, who’s been a leading protestor against the university’s new sexual harassment policy, which—like that of all too many colleges and universities these days—not only tilts the on-campus legal procedure against the accused but defines as harassment a range of classroom and out-of-classroom speech, from jokes to mere generalized references to sex, which means that anyone can be a victim who feels like a victim.
Paradoxically, Halley herself specializes in teaching gender and sex-related issues at the Harvard Law School. As a professor who knows whereof she writes, she probably has serious doubts about whether her fellow feminists in charge of enforcing Title IX will pay attention to her warnings. So far, they haven’t.'

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U Penn procedure on sexual assault concerns some law faculty

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'Nearly one-third of the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania Law School have criticized a new university procedure for handling sexual assault cases that they say undermines traditional safeguards for the accused and could lead to wrongful disciplinary actions against Penn students.

The procedure, adopted under pressure from the Obama Administration, establishes a new position at Penn - the Sexual Violence Investigative Officer - and became effective Feb. 1. The policy weakens standards for finding that a sexual assault has occurred while offering the accused only limited rights to a defense, the law school critics say.

Given examples of high-profile sexual assault charges that have unraveled under close scrutiny, notably the gang rape allegation at the University of Virginia reported by Rolling Stone magazine, the university must take steps to ensure its procedure for adjudicating sexual assault cases is fair, the faculty members say.'

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KC Johnson to give presentation on campus sexual assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'KC Johnson [link added], co-author of Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustice of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case, will give a presentation titled “Abandoning Due Process: Campus Sexual Assault and Presumptions of Guilt” on Monday.

Johnson’s presentation, which is part of the George Washington Forum, will likely center around his core view that those accused of sexual assault on college campuses are not given the same rights of due process as those accused of other crimes.

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UK: Woman’s group blasts plan for Men’s Rights Society at Staffordshire University

Article here. Excerpt:

'Plans by Staffordshire University students to launch a “Men’s Rights Society” are being blocked – by its rival “Woman’s Network” group!

Student Vajra Dhatu made the suggestion for the new society when he posted his idea on the Student Union “better Staffs forum” page.

But now members of the Woman’s Network group at the university in Stoke-on-Trent have taken action against the proposal.
She told StaffsLive: “If the Men’s Society is about ‘fathers for justice’ and issues treating men more fairly in court then that is fine.

“The statement written in the forum for the Men’s Rights Society was very male-centric and there was no mention of women.

“He was trying to raise the rights of men and lower the rights of females.

“It also talked about ‘the myth of the rape culture’, which is a very dangerous area to talk about.'

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Freed by Innocence Project, former Oklahoma State star Darrell Williams this year's least-known comeback story

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'He went from convicted rapist to Innocence Project exoneree. He went 33 months between games, departing as an Oklahoma State starter and reemerging in NCAA Division II anonymity. He’s come from hopelessness to this new beginning.

“Going from being behind bars to being here, just being in a locker room, humbles me and makes me appreciate everything,” he says.
With the help of the Chicago Innocence Project, Williams’ attorney had submitted seven grounds of appeal. The court only ruled on the first one — that at least two jurors had visited the scene of the party and discussed what they saw with other jurors — grounds for a mistrial.

Now the question was whether prosecutors would retry the case. On June 16, D.A. Lee released a statement saying he was dropping charges because the victims did not want to endure the trauma of retestifying.

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NPO: Happenings This Week Around the Country

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Check out this great picture of Tom Brady and his kids on the field in Glendale, Arizona after winning the Super Bowl. 

OK, OK, I’m from Boston and I love the Patriots and everyone else hates Brady and the Patriots, but seriously, as these photos and story make clear, Brady and his ex-girlfriend Bridget Moynahan have put aside their differences and are a great model of shared parenting. Speaking of models, Brady’s wife, Gisele Bundchen, is a supermodel. She and Bridget have done a great job of cooperating to help make shared parenting possible for Brady and Moynahan’s son, John.

Alright, full disclosure, I guess it’s a lot easier to get shared parenting, and to do it, when you make something like $16 million and your wife earns three times that!'

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Men pledge to stop domestic violence

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'A man hitting a woman is wrong and so is knowing it’s going on and doing nothing about it .

This is the message the Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence is stressing in their Take The Pledge campaign, where men choose “to be a stand-up guy, not a stand-by guy.”

On Wednesday, a local community group called Men Of Action took the pledge along with donating food to the Haven House Family Shelter.

“I am beyond elated with this,” said Wendy Mahoney, executive director for the Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Mahoney was in attendance and was also one of the keynote speakers at the program that was held at Fred’s Barber and Beauty Salon on Drummond Street —where the idea of Men Of Action began.'

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Canada: man sues accuser over false rape claim, says rumour mill forced him into 'hiding'

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'A young British Columbia man who claims his life was ruined by gossip about a false rape claim has won the right to sue his accuser for defamation, in a rare case of a sexual-assault complainant being held legally liable for her statement to police.

Simon Caron, who works in the oil patch as a leasehand, was cleared of the rape claim when he showed he was hundreds of kilometres away at the time, and could prove it with receipts and other records. No charges were laid. But as he describes it in his defamation claim against the complainant, who is a minor represented by a litigation guardian, the rumour mill “is still circulating.”

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Woman sentenced to two years for crushing ex-bf's testicles

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'Breaking up is hard to do. Especially if you’re trying to break up with Christina Lorena Reber.

The Indiana woman was sentenced two years in prison for tearing off her ex-boyfriend’s balls as payback for breaking up with her.

The 46-year-old was charged with felony battery after she attacked the 60-year-old victim in March 2012.

According to a police report, Reber flew into a rage after the man broke up with her a few days earlier, which prompted her to break into his house and start punching him in the head. (The big head, not the little one…at least, not yet.)'

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Advocates call for bill to revoke parental rights of fathers who conceived children during an alleged sexual assault

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'A state Senate committee heard testimony Thursday for and against a bill that would prevent accused rapists from claiming parental rights over children conceived during an alleged sexual assault.

Under the Rape Survivor Family Protection Act, sponsored by state Senator Jamie Raskin, D-Montgomery, a court could declare that a man is not the legal father of a child he conceived from an alleged rape.

Maryland law currently allows a man accused of fathering a child through rape to weigh in on custody and adoption decisions, including potentially preventing the mother from putting that child up for adoption, proponents of the bill said.
The bill outlines a “clear and convincing evidence” standard, common in state family law, for finding that the alleged rape occurred.

The state public defender’s office opposes the proposed law because it does not require a criminal rape conviction, which carries higher standards to prove guilt.

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Coworking Space for Women-Only Opens in Dallas

Story here. Excerpt:

'Last Friday, an incubator and coworking space for women only launched in downtown Dallas called The Kaleidoscope for Her.

The space will host events and courses for women, including one-month, two-month, and four-month programs to help them test their business ideas, get them off the ground, and grow. Depending on which option you select, membership is $150-350 per month.

According to founder Tilde Guajardo, the main difference from a traditional coworking space for both genders is that The Kaleidoscope for Her is built to be more collaborative.

“Studies have shown women are often more collaborative than men and more likely to share their voice when men are not part of the conversation,” she says. “We are not anti-men by any means, but creating a ‘safe’ and ‘non-competitive’ space for women to feel free to share is essential to maintaining an open and honest dialogue between our members.”
As far as I know, no one has yet created a similar space for men.'

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The increasingly sensitive issue of circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'A couple of weeks ago, I found myself wandering through a fascinating exhibition called Snip It! Stances on Ritual Circumcision in the Jewish Museum in Berlin.

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