Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-03-18 00:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'Lawmakers are seeking again to pass alimony changes that would put an end to permanent payments. Opponents said it would seriously harm women.
Sponsor Colleen Burton said her bill is designed to reduce messy court fights.
"The overall (goal) is to reduce litigation that inflicts both economic and emotional tolls on spouses and their families who are going through a divorce and seeking alimony," Burton said.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 23:32
Article and video here.
'Melissa McGrath, an undergraduate student at Ohio State University, was invited to participate in her college’s TEDx Talk, because, although not in possession of a doctorate, McGrath has “a valid story to tell, and (she thinks) that will shine through.” Her thesis: Feminism proffers salvation.
Her “valid story” plays like a tent-revival testimonial about how feminist theory, reinforced by college professors, informed her that it was not her fault that she was sexually assaulted on campus. Avoiding the details of her assault, McGrath instead focuses on feminist liturgy as a method for teaching “intersectionality” that is, how the human race is tied together in a Marxist state of oppressor and oppressed.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 17:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'And yet I am, tentatively, pleased that Labour is proposing an increase in paternity leave and paternity pay. It could have done without the “father’s month” branding, which makes me think of a big, macho version of Woman’s Hour, but it is a step in the right direction (which is the kind of things mums always say, whether it’s to do with politicians mentioning parenting at all, or children getting halfway round Sainsbury’s without the first tantrum). I find myself cringing slightly at the notion that “more fathers want to play a hands-on role in childcare particularly in those first crucial weeks of a child’s life” (what, you mean while it’s still a novelty?).
Four weeks is nothing, a heartbeat. If it matters for anything, it’s more for the support that a partner – male or female – can offer a new mother during those initial dark nights and zombie days. Indeed, part of me wonders why can’t it be framed as “partner” or “co-parent leave.” What, after all, is fatherhood? Is it some unique, mystical role, involving a special kinship with the fruit of one’s loins? Or is it something both more magical and more mundane, a chosen self-sacrifice that might sometimes make you less of yourself, not more? You know, a bit like motherhood?
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 17:52
Article here. Excerpt:
'At first I thought this column titled “Women can’t be sexist” was a parody, like the hilarious condemnation of microaggressions against left-handed people by the University of Michigan’s Omar Mahmood, which got him fired by the Puritan scolds at the Michigan Daily.
Nope, it’s sincere!
In a guest column for The Post at Ohio University, one of its own reporters shares her experience manning a table for the school’s Women’s Center on International Women’s Day last week.
Erin Davoran said she was confronted by a man who claimed the Women’s Center was “sexist against men” and who complained that he was treated unfairly in a job interview, because his female interviewer claimed that “all white men created poverty”:
"I apologized for his experience and explained that one woman does not represent all women or the entirety of feminism, which works toward the equality of both sexes and all genders — not women over men — socially and economically."
It could have ended there, but the guy came back to ask how it wasn’t sexist that the school has a “Women of Appalachia” group but not a parallel group for men. This is where Davoran goes off the rails:
"I started to explain that women can’t be sexist..."
Wait, what? That’s even less credible than claiming men can’t be pregnant. Back to Davoran and her airtight explanation:
"...that reverse racism doesn’t exist, but he cut me off before I could finish. He started yelling, “That’s bullshit! That is complete bullshit!” and walked away. I tried calling after him, asking him to hear me out, but he just kept walking.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 17:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'Libertarian feminist Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers is no friend to liberal academics, as the latest planned boycott of an upcoming UCLA appearance still demonstrates, but one cannot deny her influence and public recognition on the issues of feminism and political correctness in the current political sphere. She makes no apologies regarding her opinion, which is very similar to my own that leftist political correctness has hijacked the feminist cause and turned it into something akin to political and societal napalm. I love her for it.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 17:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'Indeed, some men these days are pathetic, shiftless, effeminate, video game obsessed couch potatoes. No doubt about it. I’ve known several myself. They’re out there. Well, not out there, more like in there, in the living room, playing with toys and trolling Tinder for cheap hook-ups. They’re not always unemployed or unproductive, mind you. They might have a job, a girlfriend (which won’t necessarily stop them from trolling Tinder), their own apartment, and their very own student loan debt.
In fact, they might be married (which, again, still Tinder). They’re the husbands who sit at home on Sundays and play Call of Duty while their wives take the kids to church. The husbands who lock themselves in their bedrooms and browse internet smut while their wives clean the kitchen and put the kids to bed. The husbands who don’t lead, who don’t contribute anything to the family other than money, and sometimes not even that. Talk about crying, I know there are many married women who cry themselves to sleep every night because they thought they married a man, only to find out they actually married a vaguely sentient beanbag chair.
Yes, the landscape is littered with men of this sort. Boys, as you call them.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 15:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'Devine complained that International Women’s Day descended into a festival of man bashing. Poor men. In Australia one woman every week is murdered by a man. Seventy per cent of the world’s poorest are women. Women and girls are trafficked shamelessly. Women get paid less for the same work. Women should be furious and should demand better action for themselves and their children.
Why is it unacceptable to complain about men on International Women’s Day? Men are the problem. The solution involves women having equal representation at the highest levels of all of our institutions and how we achieve that is the issue that started this debate.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 13:30
Story here. Excerpt:
'On Monday the effort to fight domestic violence in Central New York kicked off with a breakfast for Vera House’s White Ribbon Campaign, followed by an annual walk Friday.
The annual campaign raises awareness about domestic and sexual violence and is led by men -- to send the message they will not tolerate violence against women.
“Men for the most part are the perpetrators, or have been, and it shows we, as a group, are taking a stand together to making that pledge not to commit or condone,” said Ted Long, the campaign’s chairman.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 13:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said he realized he wanted to make domestic violence a “signature issue” for him because men tend to brush off the issue as a women’s issue, but men represent the bulk of abusers. About one-fourth of women are victims of abuse, which likely means one-fourth of men are abusers, he said.
Rawlings said he makes an effort to speak out to young men to try to combat cultural problems wrought by the “misogynistic gene that’s built in us guys that we haven’t dealt with yet.”
“Half our population is preyed upon by the other half,” Rawlings said. “We are all mad about terrorism all the time and the greatest terrorism takes place right in our backyard, right in our kitchen, right in our bedroom.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 13:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'The McGill campus has recently been in uproar over a proposal to create women-only hours at the gym, submitted by law students Soumia Allalou and Raymond Grafton. The initiative gained support from a number of women who felt uncomfortable with the fitness centre’s male-dominated atmosphere, whether because of intimidation, religious reasons, or otherwise. The request has drawn significant media attention both on and off campus, in part due to massive online backlash. This violently reactionary response should disgust any student reading it, and in fact proves how much this safer space is needed.
... Women are a systemically disadvantaged group, and like other marginalized groups, deserve safer spaces. Women-only gym hours help to overcome a history of male domination in athletic pursuits like weightlifting.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 13:01
Story here. Excerpt:
'Ray McDonald was accused of rape in December, and the 49ers cut him immediately after news broke that police were investigating. But McDonald has not been charged, and now he plans to sue his accuser, saying she made a false claim and that it has put his football career in jeopardy.
McDonald’s lawyer told the San Jose Mercury News that video from McDonald’s home-surveillance system show the woman having “clearly consensual” sex with McDonald, and that the rape allegation was false. Yet the allegation led the 49ers to release McDonald, and no other team has shown interest in signing him. McDonald and his lawyer released a statement saying they hope the lawsuit can vindicate him and get his NFL career back on track.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-03-17 13:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rape has become a common occurrence in the world with with as much as 250,000 reported cases of rape and attempted rape every year according to a United Nations statistical report compiled by the governments of about 65 different countries.
However, there is a level of flaw given that certain countries only reported male to female rape and the fact that there is an increasing number of falsified rape claims being reported. This has become a serious threat to the male folk given the fact that the society tends to pass judgement on an “alleged” offender before getting to the crux of the matter.
For these reasons, we believe every man should be aware of false rape allegations and how they can do them harm while also learning the ways in which compromising situations that may lead to you being accused can be avoided.
Whether we like to admit it or not, rape in itself is subjective. Previously, everyone saw rape as a situation in which a man forcefully has sex with a non consenting woman but this has changed overtime. Nowadays, the meaning of rape is quite different from what we know as even a weak yes can be termed as a no. Added with the fact that feminists are making as much attempts as possible to ensure that the meaning of consent can be manipulated and open to interpretation as possible. A “No” these days could mean a woman saying “Any discomfort I feel from the previous night means I’m feeling a No.”
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Submitted by Kaka81k on Mon, 2015-03-16 22:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Fifty years ago this month, Democrats made a historic mistake.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, at the time a federal official, wrote a famous report in March 1965 on family breakdown among African-Americans. He argued presciently and powerfully that the rise of single-parent households would make poverty more intractable.
“The fundamental problem,” Moynihan wrote, is family breakdown. In a follow-up, he explained: “From the wild Irish slums of the 19th-century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families … never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos.”
Liberals brutally denounced Moynihan as a racist. He himself had grown up in a single-mother household and worked as a shoeshine boy at the corner of Broadway and 43rd Street in Manhattan, yet he was accused of being aloof and patronizing, and of “blaming the victim.”
The liberal denunciations of Moynihan were terribly unfair. In fact, Moynihan emphasized that slavery, discrimination and “three centuries of injustice” had devastated the black family. He favored job and education programs to help buttress the family.
But the scathing commentary led President Lyndon Johnson to distance himself from the Moynihan report. Scholars, fearful of being accused of racism, mostly avoided studying family structure and poverty.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-03-16 05:12
Story here. Excerpt:
'Bradshaw met the woman at Hair of the Dog, where he was working as a server, in late July. The Russian-sounding woman was flirtatious, he said. When his shift ended at 5 p.m., they shot a few games of pool at The Honest Pint and she had one drink.
Two days later, the woman told police that Bradshaw took her back to his apartment the night they met, pretended to be a Marine and brutally raped her.
He says that's not what happened.
"I think she just has lots of issues and I just happened to be the scapegoat that was there," Bradshaw said.
Nonetheless, Bradshaw was arrested and charged with rape, kidnapping, assault and aggravated assault.
Bradshaw eventually made bond and got out of jail. But when word of his arrest got back to Idaho, where he was on parole from a grand theft conviction, he ended up back in the Hamilton County Jail for violating his parole.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-03-16 04:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'Any technical industry is bound to be at least somewhat male-dominated. Our society has unfortunately not yet fully embraced the fact that men and women can be equally talented when it comes to technical careers. SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing, a.k.a. pay-per-click advertising on search engines) are certainly no exception. In fact, it seems as if these are some of the more intensely male-dominated sectors of the digital marketing industry to work in.
As a woman who has created a very successful career in the search industry, I find this particularly disappointing. I truly believe that women have every every bit of likelihood to be just as good at, if not better than, any given male counterpart in the same line of work, especially when it comes to SEO and SEM. Some reasons why they may be even better in this line of work include:
- Ability to multitask. Women are very accustomed to juggling several different types of responsibilities. Being able to keep many different types of tasks moving forward concurrently is a huge asset to an SEO team.
- Patience. Many women have raised or are raising children, and we’re all biologically programmed to be able to do so. There is no greater need for patience than that! And many aspects of search, especially organic optimization, require patience. SEO is a long term marketing strategy that does not provide instant results, and making changes to test theories does not yield immediate feedback. Being a patient strategist and being able to foster patience in clients and stakeholders is an absolute necessity in this field.
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