"It's extreme masculinity – not love or despair – that drives a father to kill his children"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The messages that emerge from such narratives are double-edged, adding fuel to the fire they seek to douse. A similar problem arises with broader discussions of fathers’ rights and masculinity; no one dares to say “what you have lost was never yours to begin with”. If men grow up expecting to acquire ownership of people in the same way one might acquire wealth – as easy as sticking pink and blue pegs in one’s car in The Game of Life – then they are destined to end up feeling robbed. The “masculinity in crisis” narrative already tells them they are being deprived of something essential, something to which all men who lived before them had access but to which they, inexplicably, do not.
Masculinity is not some fragile butterfly on a wheel. It depends on reducing other people to objects. The solution is not to recreate an imaginary golden age in which said objects were – so we tell ourselves – more pliable and less likely to disrupt the narrative. A world in which not only jobs were stable and not going anywhere, but neither were women and children. That world dehumanised over half the human raceand we should temper our sympathy for those men who would openly mourn its passing. As the feminist Kathy Miriam argues, “the problem of ‘masculinity’ has displaced a systemic, structural analysis of male power. And has displaced . . . the problem of men possessing women”. Our obsession with masculinity’s supposedly never-ending crises merely bolsters the myth that if women and children are people, men cannot be. 

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Sexual Assault Case False According To University Alert System

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a Razalert sent to students Wednesday (March 11), a sexual assault case reported Monday (March 9) to University of Arkansas Police is false.

In a follow-up interview, the student recanted her previous statements and admitted there was no attack, according to police.

UAPD called it an unfortunate occurrence and stated they are in contact with the Student Affairs Office and the Washington County Prosecutor’s Office to decide on appropriate course of action regarding the false report.
The student told police the assault happened around 6:30 p.m. after a man approached the student at the parking garage and asked for help jump starting his car, then asked for help getting home to his sick dog, according to police. The student said the man grabbed her arm with one hand and put the other underneath her clothes before she got away and into her vehicle, the report states. The student also gave police a description of the suspect.

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Two expelled from college over sex assault allegations police couldn't substantiate

Story here. Excerpt:

'The University of Maryland-Baltimore County has expelled two students following an investigation into allegations that a female student was raped by four men on campus.

University spokeswoman Dinah Winnick confirmed the expulsions Thursday. The university said two students were expelled for code of conduct violations. Local police, meanwhile, reported they were unable to confirm a crime had been committed.
The investigation was prompted by a complaint from a female student who told authorities she was raped by four male students in a dorm room but that she was so drunk she couldn’t remember what happened.

Baltimore County Police Department spokeswoman Elise Armacost said investigators determined that there was not enough evidence to file criminal charges against the accused students.'

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The Cinematic Railroading of Jameis Winston

Article here. Excerpt:

'A movement is afoot to destroy the career of a young black man whom a young white woman with overwhelming, well-documented credibility problems has accused of raping her. Three separate investigations, including a Florida State Code of Conduct hearing, have found former Florida State quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston not to be a rapist. But now The Hunting Ground, a much-touted documentary on campus sexual assault, features his previously anonymous accuser presenting her case publicly for the first time. Senator Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) has warned that NFL teams had better “watch this movie before they draft him.”

The movie, co-produced by CNN and created by Emmy-winning director Kirby Dick and Oscar-nominated producer Amy Ziering, has already aired at the White House, the Sundance Festival, many campuses, and in New York and Los Angeles. It will air on March 13 in other major cities, including Washington, D.C.

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Woman recants rape story hours later

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 20-year-old woman told police that a masked black man raped her in a Brooklyn park Saturday — but recanted her story hours later, saying it never happened, cops said.

The woman, who is white, showed up at the Woodhull Hospital Emergency Room at about 2:15 a.m. claiming she was raped.

She said her fictitious attacker cut her blouse and bra with a knife before forcing himself on her at Rodney Park North in Williamsburg about 12:15 a.m.
Yet hours after searching, the woman admitted she lied about the whole thing, police said.

It was not immediately clear why she made the story up.

No criminal charges are expected to be filed against her, police said.'

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Facebook's Sandberg: Men are inferior to women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's always fun being a man in a world where the media feels free to insult the intentions and capabilities of men but that doing the same for women is forbidden. There are always excited announcements of new studies showing how women excel over men in this field or that field.

Not the latest to jump on this bandwagon is the brazen COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, who wrote the non-bestselling book Lean In, which, for the male audience, should be retitled Bend Over. Sandberg, who must have an awful lot of free time, penned an op-ed in the NY Times asserting that women are superior to men in a number of ways.

"Studies reveal that women bring new knowledge, skills and networks to the table, take fewer unnecessary risks, and are more inclined to contribute in ways that make their teams and organizations better. Successful venture-backed start-ups have more than double the median proportion of female executives of failed ones. And an analysis of the 1,500 Standard & Poor’s companies over 15 years demonstrated that, when firms pursued innovation, the more women they had in top management, the more market value they generated."

Who seriously believes that women as a whole take fewer unnecessary risks than men, or are better-skilled then men? It's ridiculous on the face of it. What's next, a "double-blind scientific study" showing that women are nicer than men?

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Feminists: Domestic Violence By Women Against Men Isn’t Bad Enough

Article here. Excerpt:

'How many times have you brought up sexual violence against women in the Middle East when arguing with a feminist, only to be told, “Just because someone else has it worse, that doesn’t mean we should ignore injustice here at home?” Never mind that said “injustice” will usually be confined to nonsensical “microaggressions” like breathing too loudly on the subway (#manhaling, trend it), but don’t you often wonder if they’d hold the same standard when talking about real forms of injustice?

Like, for instance, let’s say a nontrivial amount of domestic abuse happened to men. Would it be okay to complain about that, even if someone else has it worse?

Well, according to Canadian feminists, the answer is — surprise, surprise — NOPE:

The text on the billboard claims half of all domestic abuse victims are men and also claims there are no domestic shelters for male victims of domestic abuse.
But that stat is based on self-reported violence. And the same study found women were more than twice as likely to report injuries, and that women report more serious violence — being sexually assaulted, beaten, choked or threatened with a gun or knife.
"Women are more likely to experience more severe and, in fact, far more likely to experience fatal violence,” Minerson said.

Yup, suddenly when the victims of the injustice involved aren’t women, now we can talk about whether the injustice is bad enough to warrant attention. Funny how that works, huh?

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Canada: A Perfect Marriage - Assisted Death and Divorce

Story here. Excerpt:

'In financial desperation and longing to live with her gigolo in the Dominican Republic, Nancy Lane, a Brockville nurse and former Prescott town councillor, killed her husband in 2009 by administering a lethal cocktail to cash in on a $200,000 life insurance policy, an Ottawa court heard Monday.

Lane, 55, is accused of killing Art Lane, 61, on Oct. 8, 2009, at their home.
The Crown’s theory is that Art Lane, a well-known union negotiator in Brockville, was better dead than alive to his wife. Morrison told court that Nancy Lane, on trial for first-degree murder, wanted to cash in on her husband’s life insurance policy to preserve her obsessive dreams of living with her gigolo in the Dominican Republic.

And, as the jury heard, Lane has presented her husband’s death as a mercy killing.'

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Australia: Q&A domestic violence program ignored male victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'As for Monday night's Q&A [link added] programme, it was a highly scripted version of the domestic violence morality play. Every questioner and every question was chosen in the advance by the producers. The message the producers wanted to give was that domestic violence is all about violence by men against women and little else, a message both simple and incorrect in equal measures.

It was only at the close of the programme that a man was allowed to ask a question about the domestic violence he had suffered at the hands of his wife, and then it was quickly dismissed.

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"Why it’s time for men to face up to a violent reality"

Article here. Excerpt:

'We all give lip service to the problem of male-on-female violence, but I think its true horror is rarely felt, at least not by men like me.

On Sunday, which was International Women’s Day, I watched with disgust as a host of male trolls made noise about ‘Meninism’ and male rights.

Like petulant children, they asked why there is no day for men (there is) and why issues like male suicide and rape are ignored (they aren’t).
To my fellow blokes, I say you punch like men. You rape like men. You drink like men. You fight wars like men. You hurt children like men.

Woman up.'

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Email scandal raises questions about Hillary’s feminist motives

Article here. Excerpt:

'That being said, coincidence is rarely ever the result of unrelated events. It is possible that Clinton is in fact hiding behind feminist campaigns in order to protect her own self-interests. If this is the case, it is a deplorable stunt. But even if this isn’t true, the aforementioned scandal proves Clinton’s shady character and unlawful activity. It exposes her as a hypocrite and a criminal, and I do not believe that someone with these traits should be one of the main leaders of the feminist cause. The fight for equality deserves better.

But as 2016 approaches, Clinton will continue to rally feminists in the hopes of garnering more votes. In recent speeches she has excited crowds by shouting things such as “Don’t you someday want to see a woman president?” to which she receives an abundance of applause. Of course, I too want to see a woman president. But I know when a politician is using that sentiment and manipulating it for personal causes.

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"Sexism often comes with a smile, study finds"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Benevolent sexism makes men more smiley when they interact with women, and that's bad news. Men who put women on a pedestal may be the wolves in sheep clothing hindering gender equality.

A new study examining the nonverbal cues thrown out during interactions between men and women finds that men who have high ratings of "benevolent sexism" — attitudes towards women that are well-intentioned but perpetuate inequality — finds that smiling and other positive cues increase when this kind of sexism is prevalent.
"Basically, the argument is that these two properties — hostile sexism and benevolent sexism — work together to maintain inequality," said lead author Jin Goh, a graduate student at Northeastern University. Most people think of sexist men as being dominant aggressors who believe that women should be put down in society. But other men believe that women should be treated with kindness and love, but still don't see them as being capable of achieving the same things as men.'

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Sorry Patricia Arquette, Women Are Doing Better Than You Think

Article here. Excerpt:

'I had two emotions when I heard Patricia Arquette’s acceptance speech last week for her well-deserved Oscar for Boyhood. First: good for her to want to spend her speech trying to improve the world by calling for pay equity between genders instead of reveling in her own fame.

Second, however: what a shame that she believes the same old pseudo-facts instead of thinking for a second about what the statistics really mean. Why can’t people learn to be critical about statistics?

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Only women get help for spousal violence, while men are ignored

Article here. Excerpt:

'A condition called hemispacial neglect, also known as hemiagnosia, is a rare phenomenon in the neurological world, characterized by the inability of those afflicted to process and perceive stimuli on one side of their environment. The most striking feature of the condition is that the victim not only fails to see what is in (usually) her left field of vision, but is also unaware of the fact that the other side of his environment even exists.

There is a cultural correlative to this condition that is remarkably common, affecting almost all academics in our university humanities and social science departments, most politicians and most media commentators. Cultural hemiagnosia presents as a failure to see, or even be aware of, the fact that half the population – the male half – are ever victims of violence by women.
The result is that a great deal of social, educational and legislative concern focuses on female victims of domestic violence, with lavish sums of money devoted to counseling, shelters and public service campaigns aimed at sensitizing the public to this shameful social scourge, but virtually zero funds are spent on the same services for male sufferers of the same scourge – without guilt, since male suffering is both visually and cognitively invisible to the hemiagnosiacs creating the policies.

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Women-only police stations an effective way to target domestic violence, law professor says

Article here. Excerpt:

'The head of the school of justice at Queensland University of Technology, Professor Kerry Carrington, said such police stations had been shown to encourage more women to report domestic violence, and resulted in more women being satisfied with the outcome.

But the innovation is not among the recommendations handed down last month in the Queensland Government's Not now, not ever report into domestic violence.

Professor Carrington told 612 ABC Brisbane that Brazil has been operating women-only police stations since 1985 and had gradually increased their presence to 485 locations.'

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