Police: Ex-girlfriend attacks Indianapolis Colts linebacker, new girlfriend

Story here.

'An Indianapolis Colts linebacker is recovering after police say his ex-girlfriend attacked him and his girlfriend.

Erica Palmer was arrested after the attack at Walden’s home in Georgia, according to WSB-TV. She’s accused of breaking Walden’s girlfriend’s arm and cutting the football player.

Police found her hiding at a nearby hotel. Charges against her include aggravated assault, theft and battery.

Police told WSB-TV that Palmer had access to a gun, knife and bat when she confronted the couple Saturday. Palmer and Walden have two children together.

This isn’t the first domestic violence incident involving the couple, police said. Walden and Palmer were involved in another domestic dispute in Wisconsin in 2011.'

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Feminist Reporter: Take Away White Men’s Guns

Article here. Excerpt:

'Still think liberal feminist journalists aren’t racist man-haters? (RELATED: Men Should Avoid Progressive Women For Their Own Safety).

Andrea Grimes, senior political reporter at the lefty women’s site RH Reality Check, sank to a disgusting new low Thursday by saying that guns should be confiscated only from white men.

“Suggestion: we don’t have to vaporize all the guns. Let’s just vaporize white men’s guns,” Grimes tweeted, linking to an article about Arizona shooter Ryan Giroux.

“White guys cannot be trusted to use guns responsibly. It is time to stop giving guns to white guys,” Grimes added. ”I mean, it’s time to stop giving guns to everybody, but we can start with the white guys.”

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More Men Fight College Allegations of Sexual Assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former undergraduate student sued Cornell University, alleging the Ivy League school wrongly accused him of forcing himself on a female student.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday by a man referred to as John Doe, is the latest to be brought against a school amid a crackdown on campus sexual assaults. It contends Cornell violated his due-process rights when the school concluded he raped a fellow student after a party in December 2013 and then withheld his diploma.

The suit says the Ithaca, N.Y., university “cherry-picked witness statements,” “ignored important…statements” and judged the credibility of witnesses “without any ascertainable rationale or logic.”

A spokesman for Cornell declined to comment.

Since the start of last year, more than two dozen men have sued colleges and universities over such cases, largely alleging that the schools’ disciplinary processes are stacked against them. The number is a dramatic jump from just a few years ago.

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Student Barred From Class For Disputing Rape Statistics

Story here. Excerpt:

'A student at Reed College has been banned from class for denying the existence of “rape culture” in the United States and arguing that the oft-repeated statistic that one in five women are raped at college is bogus.

Jeremiah True, 19, received an email from professor Pancho Savery on March 14 telling him he was making his classmates so uncomfortable that he was no longer welcome to participate in the “conference” sections of his Humanities 110 class, a course which focuses on the art and literature of classical Greece, according to BuzzFeed News.

True says he sparred with his classmates on a variety of issues, but says it was his criticism of the 1-in-5 rape statistic that ended up being the tipping point.

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Canada: Father claims RCMP negligent in parental abduction

Story here. Excerpt:

'The father of a baby girl whose mother took her out of Canada against his wishes last year is suing the RCMP for negligence, alleging the force helped her to commit a criminal offence.

"I'm just so angry. I just can’t imagine anyone would ever do this to somebody else," said Craig Johnstone, 28, an electrician from North Vancouver.

Richmond RCMP let the mother leave, even though they had removed her from a flight the previous night for suspected parental abduction. She was trying to move to Australia with their Canadian-born daughter, who was six months old at the time.
The now worthless court order had ordered the RCMP to seize her passport, along with the baby's.

He and his family are devastated over losing the little girl. He said he’s only seen her three times in 10 months – short, awkward visits in Australia.

"It hurts me — but it hurts my daughter much more," he said. "I had a lot of faith in the court system and the judicial system but now I have none. None whatsoever.”

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Custody Bill has Lawyers Crying Sexism

Story here. Excerpt:

'A bill in the legislature has the Nebraska State Bar crying sexism. LB 358*, introduced by Sen. Tommy Garrett, addresses custodial rights to a child in cases of sexual assault. It offers several amendments to current Nebraska laws.

"(It) only further perpetuates this myth that only men abuse, only women are victims and that's just not the case. So the way that it's written is unconstitutional because it's not gender neutral," attorney Chris Johnson said.

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Canada: MP ‘astounded’ to learn from media that PM is booting him over sexual misconduct allegations

Story here. Excerpt:

'Newfoundland MP Scott Andrews says he was “astounded” to learn through the media that he and fellow Liberal MP Massimo Pacetti are about to be turfed permanently from the Liberal fold over allegations of sexual misconduct.

Liberal insiders say the fate of Andrews and Pacetti has been decided by Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau after receiving the results of an independent investigation he ordered into complaints levelled against them.

Andrews said he co-operated fully with the investigation into the allegations, levelled by two female New Democrat MPs.

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College athlete still suspened for DV though woman told ESPN she lied to the police

Story here. Excerpt:

'The woman who accused Arizona State linebacker Davon Durant of assault and domestic violence told ESPN that she lied about the incident to police.

Durant remains suspended indefinitely by the school after he was arrested on March 7, according to AZCentral.

Tempe, Ariz., police said Durant was arrested on March 7 on allegations of domestic violence and aggravated assault. As of now, Durant has a preliminary hearing on March 18 and faces charges of disorderly conduct and aggravated assault.
"When I lied to the police, it was out of spite," Arizona State student Kelsi Langley, who is Durant's girlfriend, said to ESPN.com. "I wasn't thinking. It was a very vengeful and spiteful thing to do."

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Court reverses DV restraining order based partly on “‘scary’ clown” picture, etc.

Story here. Excerpt:

'Kyle Rainer and Brandy Buchanon had a 6-year-old child, B.L.G.R. The child “lived with Mother, but visited with Father on Sundays.” In early 2014, though, mother filed a petition in court alleging domestic violence on father’s part. Part of the allegations were that he had angrily yelled at her, scaring her and the daughter. Part was that he had “head-butted” the daughter. But the mother also introduced evidence about

"certain images that were posted on his Facebook page. Among the images were a picture of a “scary” clown, a photograph of Father’s living room where a Walking Dead doll can be seen, and a picture of a head of hair with horns projecting from it."

The family court had earlier entered a stay-away domestic violence order, and “prior to allowing introduction of the Facebook images, the family court indicated that it was going to partially grant Father’s motion and amend the DVO down from ‘no contact’ to ‘no violent contact.’” But “[a]fter considering the Facebook posts,” the court changed its mind on the amendment, and kept the order as it was.

The court of appeals disagreed, and reversed the restraining order altogether (Rainer v. Buchanon (Ky. Ct. App. Mar. 13, 2015), or go here and search for “clown”):

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Does rape culture exist?

Story here. Excerpt:

'“RAPE CULTURE DOES NOT EXIST” reads a sign hanging up all over campus. A triggering exclamation of an opinion or fact?

On March 13, ZenMen held an event to emphatically state that it was absolutely a fact. The event was split into two parts: one part presentation and one part “open discussion.” The presentation, given by ZenMen president Sage Gerard, was a short presentation wherein Gerard hoped that if his audience walked away taking nothing else, that they could walk away accepting that rape culture did not exist.

Gerard recognizes that rape is a crime that is committed, but believes that the idea of a culture built around rape is a product of hysteria and confirmation bias.

Gerard believes that buying into rape culture is not beneficial for anyone by making all men criminals and all women victims.

Gerard believes falsely that feminists only recognize (cisgender) men as perpetrators of rape and sexual assault and only (cisgender) women as victims of rape and sexual assault.

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Florida lawmakers seek to pass alimony changes

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lawmakers are seeking again to pass alimony changes that would put an end to permanent payments. Opponents said it would seriously harm women.
Sponsor Colleen Burton said her bill is designed to reduce messy court fights.

"The overall (goal) is to reduce litigation that inflicts both economic and emotional tolls on spouses and their families who are going through a divorce and seeking alimony," Burton said.

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How Feminism Becomes a Religion on College Campuses

Article and video here.

'Melissa McGrath, an undergraduate student at Ohio State University, was invited to participate in her college’s TEDx Talk, because, although not in possession of a doctorate, McGrath has “a valid story to tell, and (she thinks) that will shine through.” Her thesis: Feminism proffers salvation.

Her “valid story” plays like a tent-revival testimonial about how feminist theory, reinforced by college professors, informed her that it was not her fault that she was sexually assaulted on campus. Avoiding the details of her assault, McGrath instead focuses on feminist liturgy as a method for teaching “intersectionality” that is, how the human race is tied together in a Marxist state of oppressor and oppressed.

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"Paternity leave: why we should stop romanticising fatherhood"

Article here. Excerpt:

'And yet I am, tentatively, pleased that Labour is proposing an increase in paternity leave and paternity pay. It could have done without the “father’s month” branding, which makes me think of a big, macho version of Woman’s Hour, but it is a step in the right direction (which is the kind of things mums always say, whether it’s to do with politicians mentioning parenting at all, or children getting halfway round Sainsbury’s without the first tantrum). I find myself cringing slightly at the notion that “more fathers want to play a hands-on role in childcare particularly in those first crucial weeks of a child’s life” (what, you mean while it’s still a novelty?).

Four weeks is nothing, a heartbeat. If it matters for anything, it’s more for the support that a partner – male or female – can offer a new mother during those initial dark nights and zombie days. Indeed, part of me wonders why can’t it be framed as “partner” or “co-parent leave.” What, after all, is fatherhood? Is it some unique, mystical role, involving a special kinship with the fruit of one’s loins? Or is it something both more magical and more mundane, a chosen self-sacrifice that might sometimes make you less of yourself, not more? You know, a bit like motherhood?

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‘Women can’t be sexist': Another contender in Student Op-Ed Hall of Fame

Article here. Excerpt:

'At first I thought this column titled “Women can’t be sexist” was a parody, like the hilarious condemnation of microaggressions against left-handed people by the University of Michigan’s Omar Mahmood, which got him fired by the Puritan scolds at the Michigan Daily.

Nope, it’s sincere!

In a guest column for The Post at Ohio University, one of its own reporters shares her experience manning a table for the school’s Women’s Center on International Women’s Day last week.

Erin Davoran said she was confronted by a man who claimed the Women’s Center was “sexist against men” and who complained that he was treated unfairly in a job interview, because his female interviewer claimed that “all white men created poverty”:

"I apologized for his experience and explained that one woman does not represent all women or the entirety of feminism, which works toward the equality of both sexes and all genders — not women over men — socially and economically."

It could have ended there, but the guy came back to ask how it wasn’t sexist that the school has a “Women of Appalachia” group but not a parallel group for men. This is where Davoran goes off the rails:

"I started to explain that women can’t be sexist..."

Wait, what? That’s even less credible than claiming men can’t be pregnant. Back to Davoran and her airtight explanation:

"...that reverse racism doesn’t exist, but he cut me off before I could finish. He started yelling, “That’s bullshit! That is complete bullshit!” and walked away. I tried calling after him, asking him to hear me out, but he just kept walking.

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Common Core High School Class Calls Video Games ‘Sexist’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Libertarian feminist Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers is no friend to liberal academics, as the latest planned boycott of an upcoming UCLA appearance still demonstrates, but one cannot deny her influence and public recognition on the issues of feminism and political correctness in the current political sphere. She makes no apologies regarding her opinion, which is very similar to my own that leftist political correctness has hijacked the feminist cause and turned it into something akin to political and societal napalm. I love her for it.

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