Police Report On University Of Virginia “Rape” May Blunt Prevention Efforts

Article here. Excerpt:

'A very thorough police investigation has found no evidence whatsoever to support the allegations of rape at the University of Virginia as sensationally reported in Rolling Stone magazine which provided such a boost to efforts to reduce rapes at colleges and universities.

This Rolling Stone debacle, coupled with the recent memory of phony allegations of rape at Duke University, and a Justice Department study showing that widely cited estimates of the rate of rapes and other sexual assaults on college campuses has been grossly exaggerated, may blunt so-far successful efforts by the federal government and anti-rape groups to force colleges to not only crack down but to also convict more male students, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.

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Woman Throws Molotov Cocktail At Pro-Life Activists

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman threw a Molotov cocktail at three pro-life volunteers who were praying in front of a Planned Parenthood facility in Austin, Texas, Monday night.

One of the three women saw the flaming cocktail coming directly at her, and was able to dodge it and stamp it out. Another woman got the woman’s license plate number, and police later arrested her.

The women were volunteering for the Central Texas Coalition for Life, whose executive director, Heather Gardner, recounted the details to The Daily Caller News Foundation. ”People will throw eggs or styrofoam cups or get verbally aggressive, but nothing violent like this happen before,” Gardner said.'

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"I’m going to speak slowly’ so feminists learn rape reports are a ‘war on boys'"

Article here. Excerpt:

'“And I’m going to speak slowly here so all the feminist blogs can get this one because I’m sure they’ll clip it,” she continued. “There is a war happening on boys on these college campuses.”

According to Tantaros, President Barack Obama’s administration was “scrutinizing these college campuses to come down hard on cases of rape.”

“This is a real problem,” she insisted. “They say there’s no opportunity to discover the facts, there’s no opportunity to confront witnesses and to present a defense. This also hurts lower income students because they can’t retain legal representation. They cannot fight back."

“And so you have Lena Dunham, Rolling Stone — it is a theme in this country to go after boys in this rape culture,” Tantaros said. “What happens after they assassinate their character? What happens to Lena Dunham? What happens to these fraternity boys? Absolutely nothing! And it hurts the women and the victims at the end of the day the most.”

Watch the video below.'

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U.S. fraternities lobby for reduced powers for universities to investigate and punish rape allegations

Story here. Excerpt:

'College fraternities and sororities, concerned that students accused of sexual assault are treated unfairly, are pushing Congress to make it harder for universities to investigate rape allegations.

The groups’ political arm plans to bring scores of students to Capitol Hill on April 29 to lobby for a requirement that the criminal justice system resolve cases before universities look into them or hand down punishments, according to an agenda reviewed by Bloomberg News.

“If people commit criminal acts, they should be prosecuted and they should go to jail,” said Michael Greenberg, leader of 241-chapter Sigma Chi, one of many fraternities participating in the legislative push.

The Fraternity & Sorority Political Action Committee, or “FratPAC,” and two other groups will ask Congress to block colleges from suspending all fraternities on a campus because of a serious incident at a single house. In addition, the Greek representatives want a rule against “any mandate” for chapters to go co-ed.
Dozens of men have filed lawsuits claiming they have been unfairly treated in campus hearings. Fraternity groups also point to cases of what they call a rush to judgment against Greek houses. University of Virginia suspended activity at all houses after Rolling Stone magazine published a since-discredited article in November claiming fraternity members had gang-raped a student. On Monday, police in Charlottesville, UVA’s home, said they found no evidence supporting the Rolling Stone account and were suspending their investigation.

Beginning April 27 in Washington, the fraternity groups will provide two days of training to the student lobbyists, who will then split into small groups for visits with lawmakers and their aides. Members of congress, including recipients of FratPAC donations, will speak at its April 29 dinner.

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Kirsten Gillibrand: Don’t Blame The Victim Of A Rape That Never Happened For Reporting A Rape That Never Happened

Article here. Excerpt:

'Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has a history of calling people rapists without any proof. If she hears a rape accusation, she assumes it’s true. She skips niceties like “allegedly.” The way she sees it: If the accused isn’t guilty, why does he stand accused? Due process is for ladies only.
"Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who is pushing for stronger laws against rapes on college campuses, today warned against people criticizing the woman at the center of a University of Virginia sexual assault case…

“Victim blaming or shining the spotlight on her for coming forward is not the right approach,” Gillibrand said on “The Capitol Pressroom,” a public radio show in Albany. “In fact, what we have to focus on is how do we keep these campuses safe? How do we have better trained personnel on campuses so they can tell a survivor what her options are and so they can have all the facts?”

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Deal with the reality of domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'When I started this gig, I was a crime reporter. For the better part of 12 years, I covered everything from organized crime to petty theft to homicide.

Generally speaking, the murders I covered fell into two broad categories.

By far the most common were criminals killing other criminals, usually over drugs or money. The others were domestic murders.

Any experienced crime reporter will tell you the same thing: In the overwhelming number of cases, victims in domestic murders are women.

They were killed by their husbands or boyfriends, sometimes in one-time act of rage but usually as the final act of violence in a long history of domestic abuse.

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'Mansplaining' the return of political correctness

Article here. Excerpt:

'I've never seen the Vagina Monologues. Perhaps I'm incurious, but I just never had any interest in sitting through segments with titles like The little coochie snorcher that could.
Anyway, the point is that the Vagina Monologues, so shocking when Eve Ensler wrote it in 1996, has become an entertaining relic. And its cancellation at Holyoke just seems like an attempt to find something new to protest.

Sorry, I know that sounds like old-man talk, but that's what it looks like.
Political correctness, apparently, is making a comeback, like a sharp-tongued schoolmarm coming out of retirement. (Yes, that was a deliberate speech violation, but PC always seemed sort of schoolmarmish to me.)

New York magazine ran a long article on the subject recently, describing groupthink and ideological bullying by students (and faculty) at American universities.
Eventually, the PC of the early '90s faded, partly because it annoyed audiences, and partly because university students do have to, well, grow up.

Cultural concerns yielded to economic concerns, first a rather serious recession, then the great big excessive party that followed.

Now, though, PC is back, but with new terminology.

Modern students are on the lookout for heteronormativity (for the unenlightened, that means the view that there are natural male-female roles); for anyone who might deny rape culture; and for micro-aggressions, which are little slights that belie racism or sexism in someone who tries to appear liberal and tolerant.
My grandchildren will no doubt someday stare agape at their parents for using the term "people of colour," and inform them that any reference to colour is divisive and ugly.

Or that "transgender" implies that there was ever any validity to "gender" in the first place.

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Girls, boys, and reading

Article here. Excerpt:

'The analysis below focuses on where the gender gap in reading stands today, not its causes. Nevertheless, readers should keep in mind the three most prominent explanations for the gap. They will be used to frame the concluding discussion.

Biological/Developmental: Even before attending school, young boys evidence more problems in learning how to read than girls. This explanation believes the sexes are hard-wired differently for literacy.

School Practices: Boys are inferior to girls on several school measures—behavioral, social, and academic—and those discrepancies extend all the way through college. This explanation believes that even if schools do not create the gap, they certainly don’t do what they could to ameliorate it.

Cultural Influences: Cultural influences steer boys toward non-literary activities (sports, music) and define literacy as a feminine characteristic. This explanation believes cultural cues and strong role models could help close the gap by portraying reading as a masculine activity.'

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Misandry is a way for girls to unite and feel powerful, even if it's [mostly] a joke

Article here. Excerpt:

'It also helps, Horowitz says, that misandry jokes don’t really cater to men, as the joke really succeeds as an inside joke between members of the same in-group (feminist women). Being in on the joke can help foster a connection and a sense of solidarity between women with common feminist goals, and for those who need it, it can serve as a coping mechanism for living in a world that wasn’t build for you.

More to the point, joking about misandry with your friends is a way to vent, while at the same time imagining a world where women are respected, and perhaps even in charge.

“I don’t want to say it’s empowering necessarily,” Horowitz says. “But it gives a lot of young women a sense of power while being in on this joke, and that power is attractive.”'

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New controversy about circumcision raising eyebrows

Article here. Excerpt:

'When you go into a hospital, do you expect the hospital and biotech industries to make a profit from your surgical specimens? Well in the case of circumcision, your child’s foreskin could be making thousands of dollars for the biotech industry.

A baby’s foreskin is full of cells, called fibroblasts, that produce structural proteins like collagen. When fibroblasts are extracted, multiple products can be developed, such as artificial skin for plastic surgery, injectable wrinkle treatments and even skin creams that sell for hundreds of dollars per jar.

The ethical question is: Should you be informed that your child’s foreskin is going to become a profitable commodity? Circumcision continues to be a controversial topic, but the majority of people don’t realize that many of the byproducts from human bodies translate to big bucks for biotech companies.

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UK: Man sues police over malicious prosecution in false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A businessman who spent three weeks in jail after falsely being accused of rape by a woman he met on the internet is suing the police for malicious prosecution and wrongful imprisonment.

Kayode Modupe-Ojo, a former boyfriend of David Beckham’s sister Joanne, said his reputation has been destroyed and he lost his business because police failed to investigate properly the woman’s fictitious allegations – including that he possessed firearms – or the glaring inconsistencies in her story.

The 28-year-old former spa owner was arrested at his home in Cheshire shortly after spending two days with the woman.

His accuser gave a harrowing but entirely false account of being tied up and moved around the north-east of England against her will, after a sexual encounter turned terrifyingly violent.'

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"What Everyone Needs to Know About the Police Findings in the UVA Gang Rape Case"

Article here. Excerpt:

'We still must believe survivors: This sentiment is one survivors and activists have been championing since the story was first called into question. While some have stated that this case may be read as a "setback" for the movement and that it "wrecked an incredible year of progress," the incident has also launched an important conversation about the complex experience of survivors and why they should be believed.

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UVA Fraternity Exploring Legal Options to Address 'Extensive Damage Caused by Rolling Stone'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia told ABC News today that the fraternity feels vindicated after Charlottesville, Virginia, police said their investigation found "no evidence" of an alleged rape at the fraternity house.

Stephen Scipione, president of the Virginia Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi, said in a statement, "These false accusations have been extremely damaging to our entire organization, but we can only begin to imagine the setback this must have dealt to survivors of sexual assault.”

He continued, “We hope that Rolling Stone’s actions do not discourage any survivors from coming forward to seek the justice they deserve.”
Phi Psi said it is "exploring its legal options to address the extensive damage caused by Rolling Stone."
Police also found no evidence that a party or event took place at Phi Psi on Sept. 28, 2012, noting that a time-stamped photo from that night shows the house practically empty, Longo said.

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Police Find No Evidence To Support Alleged UVA Gang Rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'Charlottesville Police announced Monday that its investigation into an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia's Phi Kappa Psi fraternity did not find enough evidence to support the account described in a Rolling Stone magazine article published last year.

Charlottesville Chief of Police Tim Longo said during a press conference the case would not be closed, however, because he cannot say conclusively that no assault took place. The alleged victim, a female undergraduate identified only as Jackie, did not provide a statement or any testimony to Charlottesville police during its investigation, Longo said.

"It's a disservice to Jackie and to the university to close this" case without leaving open the possibility that additional information will come to light, Longo said.'

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Rolling Stone to Publish Review of Disputed Rape Article

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rolling Stone magazine plans to publish an external review of a widely disputed article about a gang rape at the University of Virginia “in the next couple of weeks,” its managing editor, Will Dana, said on Sunday.

The 9,000-word article, which was published in November, was based on the account of a female student who described being sexually assaulted by seven men in a dark room during a fraternity house party.

The article quickly became part of a national debate over sexual assault on college campuses, and the university suspended the fraternity’s operations. But in early December, substantial portions of the article were called into question. Rolling Stone acknowledged that it had not sought to independently corroborate the woman’s account, and that it had doubts about the veracity of the story. Shortly afterward, it announced a review of the article would be led by Steve Coll, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.'

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