#ThankYouEllenPao? Only if You Like Bullying, Vexatious Opportunists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ellen Pao, interim chief executive of Reddit, has lost her “landmark” gender discrimination case against venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. Pao had alleged that the firm denied her a promotion and eventually fired her on account of her gender. But after deliberating for more than two days, a jury of six men and six women dismissed all charges brought by Pao against the firm.
Despite the verdict, feminist activists and their sympathizers in the tech media have sought to spin Pao’s defeat as a ‘win’ for women in Silicon Valley. They argue that Pao’s case has, somehow, shone a light on gender discrimination in tech, despite the fact that the jury found that Pao experienced none. It’s a contortion of which Houdini would be proud.

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Scottish National Party vote in all-women and 'balanced' shortlists for next Holyrood election

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Scottish National party has voted heavily in favour of introducing all women shortlists and “balanced” regional lists, reversing decades-long opposition to positive action.

SNP officials refused to disclose the voting numbers and would not allow media into the debate – fearing it would be heated, but in a closed session of the party’s pre-election conference at the SECC in Glasgow delegates gave the party’s national executive three new powers to push women candidates forward.

The vote, which saw two amendments against the motion defeated, has empowered the NEC to:

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SAVE: Lesson from the UVA Gang-Rape ‘Disaster:’ Due Process Must be Restored for Campus Sex Cases

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / March 26, 2015 – In the aftermath of the recent Charlottesville, Virginia police report of “no evidence” of an alleged gang-rape of “Jackie” during a University of Virginia fraternity party, commentators on all points of the political spectrum are deploring the harmful effects arising from the incident.

SAVE, a national organization working to end sexual assault, has compiled a listing of over 50 commentaries on the Rolling Stone allegations. These editorials abhor how the Rolling Stone story has exacerbated rape-hysteria on college campuses, contributed to the wrongful expulsion of innocent college men, injured the reputation of the University of Virginia, wasted scarce law enforcement resources, undermined basic notions of journalistic integrity, and damaged the credibility of women claiming to be victims of rape.'

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Pioneering gender-bias-in-courts studies on-line

Two sources of information sent to me by a reader:


Thanks to the reader!

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NPO: Nearly 50 Media Placements in Last Four Months

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Parents Organization’s efforts to reform our family courts by bringing about shared parenting and parental equality are catching the attention of media across the nation.

For instance, since the release of our inaugural Shared Parenting Report Card, National Parents Organization has appeared in media across more than 20 different states with nearly 50 unique media reports, editorials and op-eds.

This unprecedented coverage includes newspaper, radio and television stories, opinion pieces on issues ranging from the Shared Parenting Report Card and Single Parents Appreciation Day to the fact that shared parenting legislation is now active in more than 17 different states across the nation. Please join us in celebrating these successful media outcomes!'

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Ex-Chicago State Admin: I Was Pressured to File False Harassment Claim Against Faculty Critic

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former high-level administrator at Chicago State University alleged in a statement filed yesterday in federal court that Chicago State President Wayne Watson pressured her to file a false sexual harassment complaint against Professor Philip Beverly, an outspoken faculty critic of Watson’s administration.

According to the declaration of former Chicago State Vice President for Enrollment Management LaShondra Peebles, Watson was determined to silence Beverly by shutting down the blog, CSU Faculty Voice, which Beverly had founded. Contributors routinely posted documents that supported their allegations of mismanagement by the administration.

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Civil rights complaints to U.S. Department of Education reach a record high

Article here. Excerpt:

'Straining under a record number of civil rights complaints, the U.S. Department of Education wants to hire 200 more investigators to expand its civil rights division by 30 percent.
“Some of this is about the community believing that we’re here and we’re in business and we’re prepared to do the work,” said Catherine E. Lhamon, the department’s secretary for civil rights. Some of the increase, she said, was due to guidance her agency has issued, reminding the public as well as schools and universities of various protections under federal law and how to report illegalities.

Complaints of discrimination to the department have soared from 6,364 in fiscal 2009 to a record of 9,989 in the most recent fiscal year. Lhamon expects another record to be set when the current fiscal year ends in September. It is a sign that “we have the trust of the national community bringing to us their deepest hurts and asking for resolution,” she said.
Sex discrimination comprised 24 percent of total complaints. Lhamon said two individuals were responsible for filing more than 1,700 of those allegations of sex discrimination. She declined to identify them, citing confidentiality requirements. [Bold added; also see article here]

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'Enough is enough' goes way too far

Article here. Excerpt:

'I applaud Gov. Andrew Cuomo for seeking to change the culture surrounding sexual assault on New York's college campuses. His "Enough is Enough" campaign is raising much-needed awareness about the dangers of complacency with regard to campus sexual assault and rightly highlights the shameful way many sexual assault survivors have been treated by the institutions of higher education that they — and their parents — trusted to keep them safe.

But as much as there is to celebrate in Cuomo's plan, his proposal to change New York law so that college students must proactively say "yes" to every step of a romantic encounter, every single time, goes too far.

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UK: This “No More White Men” in Universities Article Disappeared Pretty Damn Quick

Article here. Excerpt:

'“White men should never hold elected positions in British universities again,” proclaims a bold headline in yesterday’s edition of Britain’s the Independent.

The article, so substandard, boorish, and offensive it was scrubbed from the website within 24 hours, asserts that student gripes such as government, fees, and lack of activism are the result of white men being elected to positions of authority within student unions.

The solution, states the author, is:

“...to ban white men and their activism dilettantism from student unions. We need powerful women and minority ethnic people to bring their passion back to the heart of student politics. Being a student union president should no longer be a place for privileged whiteboys to swing their dicks around before graduating into a world that is in no way affected by what they claim to fight for.”"

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"There Is ‘Sexist, Coded Language’ Against Hillary"

Video here. Introduction:

'MSNBC host Toure argued that there is “sexist, coded language” sometimes used to describe Hillary Clinton on Saturday’s “Up with Steve Kornacki.”

Toure, in a discussion about a list of sexist code words put out by a pro-Hillary Clinton group said that “there is this sort of sexist, coded language that we’ve talked about. We had somebody on ‘the Cycle,’ I think when you were on, where somebody referred to Hillary as ‘shrill,’ right? And we all understood that as one of these code words that people use against women that they’d never use against men…we do have to be careful about the way we talk about female politicians and not sort [use] those code words to say ‘hey, remember she’s a woman,'” although he did argue that the words on the list in question weren’t sexist code words.'

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Another Ugly Story of ‘Progressive’ Vigilantism

Article here. Excerpt:

'The campus rape panic that dominated western media for well over two years suffered a severe blow in late 2014 thanks to the credulous reporting of hoax allegations in Rolling Stone. Those who had long harboured doubts about the panic, such as Glenn Reynolds and Emily Yoffe began to lend aid to long-time sceptics like Christina Hoff Sommers and Cathy Young. Today, Bloomberg columnists casually refer to this chapter of history as a moral panic. Meanwhile, colleges that embraced the panic by abandoning due process are facing a wave of lawsuits from aggrieved students.

This is all good news. But the focus on college campuses is limiting. It blinds us to the bigger picture. In truth, the “rape culture” panic spread far beyond the walls of universities, injecting an atmosphere of vigilantism into almost every community where both genders happened to mix. In all of these arenas, opportunists seized on the opportunity to ruin the reputation of innocent people on little more than hearsay. One of the most egregious examples, in fact, did not occur on a college campus but in the community of professional librarians.

The librarian, Joe Murphy, was publicly accused of being a ‘sexual predator’ by two colleagues on social media. This was followed up by blog posts urging his professional community to ban him from conferences, despite the fact that none of the allegations had been proven true.

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Boys’ campus trap: The danger of false accusations

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a piece on these pages this week, Naomi Schaefer Riley contemplates the warnings she will give her future college-bound daughter about the dangers to women on college campuses and the wisdom of not trusting anyone.

It was excellent advice — but it’s not just women who have to be careful at college.

As the mother of a young son, I, too, am starting to plan some advice — about the dangers to guys of false accusations of sexual abuse. It’s a real issue, and a scary one.

My message to my future college-bound son would be: Don’t expect anyone to give you the benefit of the doubt. The tale of the Rolling Stone piece about a gang-rape-that-wasn’t at a University of Virginia Phi Kappa Psi fraternity party is a case in point.
As in the case of the Duke lacrosse team years ago, everyone simply accepted — with zero evidence — that the brothers of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity were rapists. They were guilty merely because of the accuser’s word. Never mind the boys’ claims of innocence.

My son will spend his life hearing from me that women are — or should be — equal to men, that “she can do anything you can do.” But when he gets to college, he’ll find out that’s not always the case.

In fact, men are held to higher standards than women — most notably, by the very women and “feminists” who demand equal treatment between the sexes.

Consider: If a man and woman are both drunk at college, the onus is almost certainly on him to head off any possible sexual interaction between them.

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Fallout from committee meeting on sexual assault bill yields more complaints

Article here. Excerpt:

'State Sen. Mae Flexer, D-Killingly, said there is bipartisan confusion within the Higher Education and Employment Committee about a bill she introduced to help shift the way society thinks about sexual assault.

While state Rep. Mike Bocchino, R-Greenwich, was openly criticized by the Connecticut Democratic Party for comments he made during discussion of the bill at a recent meeting, Flexer said he was just one of several people from both parties to make “unfortunate comments.”

The proposed legislation, which was forwarded to the Senate by a 14-3 vote, would move the burden of proof in sexual assault cases on college campuses from the victim to the alleged perpetrator, Flexer said. Currently, the victim must convince investigators that she said “no,” while this bill would put the onus on the accused to prove she said “yes.”

Bocchino’s remark was made in the context of his concerns about ambiguity in the bill’s definition of “affirmative consent.”

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Create Hysteria, Then Profit from It

Article here. Excerpt:

'In case you missed it, there is a documentary film that purports to expose the “campus rape culture.” Premiering at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, “The Hunting Ground” takes full advantage of the belief that college campuses are extraordinarily dangerous places for women because sexual assault is so common and tolerated. Canadian writer Wendy McElroy’s Daily Bell piece about this film is excellent.

“The film is best understood as a volley in the campus consent wars now raging across North America,” she writes. “It is part of a manufactured and coordinated hysteria about campus rape that imposes a politically-correct agenda and strips accused male students of due process rights.”

Exactly. This is another of those hobgoblins H.L Mencken observed were so vital to crusaders, who constantly need “issues” that keep people looking to them for salvation.

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Connecticut bill requiring "affirmative consent" on campuses voted to joint committee

Bill status page here. Bill as referred here. Excerpt:

'Section 1. Section 10a-55m of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2015):

(a) For purposes of this section and sections 10a-55n to 10a-55q, inclusive:

(1) "Affirmative consent" means an active, informed, unambiguous and voluntary agreement by a person to engage in sexual activity with another person that is sustained throughout the sexual activity and may be revoked at any time by any person;
(b) Each institution of higher education shall adopt and disclose in such institution's annual uniform campus crime report one or more policies regarding sexual assault, stalking and intimate partner violence. Such policy or policies shall include provisions for: [(1) detailing]

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