Article here. Excerpt:
'I've never seen the Vagina Monologues. Perhaps I'm incurious, but I just never had any interest in sitting through segments with titles like The little coochie snorcher that could.
Anyway, the point is that the Vagina Monologues, so shocking when Eve Ensler wrote it in 1996, has become an entertaining relic. And its cancellation at Holyoke just seems like an attempt to find something new to protest.
Sorry, I know that sounds like old-man talk, but that's what it looks like.
Political correctness, apparently, is making a comeback, like a sharp-tongued schoolmarm coming out of retirement. (Yes, that was a deliberate speech violation, but PC always seemed sort of schoolmarmish to me.)
New York magazine ran a long article on the subject recently, describing groupthink and ideological bullying by students (and faculty) at American universities.
Eventually, the PC of the early '90s faded, partly because it annoyed audiences, and partly because university students do have to, well, grow up.
Cultural concerns yielded to economic concerns, first a rather serious recession, then the great big excessive party that followed.
Now, though, PC is back, but with new terminology.
Modern students are on the lookout for heteronormativity (for the unenlightened, that means the view that there are natural male-female roles); for anyone who might deny rape culture; and for micro-aggressions, which are little slights that belie racism or sexism in someone who tries to appear liberal and tolerant.
My grandchildren will no doubt someday stare agape at their parents for using the term "people of colour," and inform them that any reference to colour is divisive and ugly.
Or that "transgender" implies that there was ever any validity to "gender" in the first place.