The Footwear Cadets Were Allegedly Forced to Wear During Political Event March Has Sparked an Uproar

Story here.  Excerpt:

'Making the general public aware about tough issues that need addressing is obviously a good thing. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about doing it.
In the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event, cadets were required to wear high heels and march to “raise awareness of sexual assault against women.”
“Its a Cadet Command wide thing, pretty much every battalion in Cadet Command has had to, or will have to do it. GEN Combs has picked it up as a CC initiative.”

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Attorney: Former athlete plans to sue accuser

Story here. Excerpt:

'The attorney for Rodney Austin said the now former Detroit Lions offensive guard is considering filing a civil suit against his accuser in a domestic violence case for malicious prosecution, defamation of character and slander.

Austin turned himself in Friday on four misdemeanor counts of assault on a female, child abuse, larceny and interfering with emergency communication after his former girlfriend, Yvonne Gill-Sadler, obtained warrants for his arrest a day earlier from the Mecklenburg County (N.C.) Magistrate's Office.

Gill-Sadler called Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police around 2:20 a.m. April 5 to report a domestic incident. According to a police department press release, Gill-Sadler said Austin, who was listed at 6-feet-4 and 330 pounds in booking records, pushed her to the floor while she was holding their infant child then prevented her from calling 911 by damaging and taking her phone.

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U.S. cracks down on female teachers who sexually abuse students

Article here. Excerpt:

'A "Saturday Night Live" skit about a male student having sex with his female high school teacher painted the relationship as every teen boy's dream, but drew a firestorm of criticism on social media.

The reaction to the comedy sketch reflected a growing view among law enforcement and victims' advocacy groups that it is no laughing matter when a woman educator preys on her male students.

In U.S. schools last year, almost 800 school employees were prosecuted for sexual assault, nearly a third of them women. The proportion of women facing charges seems to be higher than in years past, when female teachers often got a pass, said Terry Abbott, a former chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Education, who tracked the cases.

This year's numbers are already slightly ahead of last year with 26 cases of female school employees accused of inappropriate relationships with male students in January compared to 19 cases the previous January.

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State court: Dad has rights after turkey-baster pregnancy

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who used a turkey baster to impregnate herself is on the losing side of a legal battle over parental rights.

The Virginia Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the child's biological father is more than a sperm donor and is entitled to be a part of his son's life.

The case hinged on an informal agreement between two longtime friends: a woman who wanted to get pregnant and a man willing to supply the sperm to make it happen. According to court filings, Joyce Rosemary Bruce impregnated herself with a turkey baster, believing that Robert Preston Boardwine would not have any parental rights — including a say in the boy's education and other decisions — because they did not have intercourse.

The appeals court said she was wrong.

"The path to fatherhood may have been unconventional," the court said, but it doesn't remove Boardwine's parental rights.'

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Study: 30% of Millennial men don't have a job

Story here. Excerpt:

'While the Millennial generation, born from 1981 to 1996, is more highly educated than preceding generations, their education is not necessarily leading to higher-paying jobs — or even to any job at all. According to a study recently released by the Pew Research Center, 30% of Millennial men between the ages of 18 and 33 have no job. Approximately 8% are unemployed and 22% are not engaged in the workforce at all.

Those are staggering numbers compared to previous generations at the same point in their lives. Men from those generations maintained an almost constant 20% jobless rate. Generation X men (born from 1965 to 1980), Baby Boomer men (born from 1946 to 1964) and men of the Silent Generation (born from 1928 to 1945) all had a 78% employment rate between the ages 18 and 33, while Millennial men dropped to a 68% employment rate.

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'An Easy Way to Help Tell How Sexist a Man Is'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Well now, this is revealing! A new study finds you can determine how sexist a man is -- whether the more hostile and malignant form, or the more benign and patronizing -- by how they smile towards women when they interact with them in social interactions -- and by the manner in which they speak to them in those situations.
"Benevolent sexism is like a wolf in sheep's clothing that perpetuates support for gender inequality among women at an interpersonal level," Hall adds. "These supposed gestures of good faith may entice women to accept the status quo in society because sexism literally looks welcoming, appealing, and harmless."

And that more insidious form of sexism, as well as the more blatant, is something against which both men and women should be aligned.'

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Protests occur over Christina Hoff Sommers college speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, feminists at Georgetown melted down over a visit by AEI resident scholar Christina H. Sommers claiming she makes them feel “unsafe” and demanded the talk carry a “trigger warning.”

But don’t think for a second that it’s just Georgetown that’s a problem.

Yesterday Ms. Sommers appeared at the very liberal Oberlin college in Ohio and was met by some of the same nonsense. ...'

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Can Hillary Clinton win over men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's clear from Hillary Clinton's campaign rollout -- a video announcement/campaign ad/short film that debuted Sunday afternoon -- that she will make women and being a woman central to her outreach.

In case you're skeptical, Vox has posted a handy "by the numbers" for her campaign video, and there are 38 people besides Clinton in the two-minute ad. Twenty of them are women. There are three separate mentions of motherhood.

This is all fine and good (and predictable) if you acknowledge that the proportion of women who vote has exceeded the proportion of men who vote in every presidential election since 1980. And let's not overlook the fact that Clinton is in fact a woman, and that's a fine thing to celebrate.

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Due process on campus needs a congressional champion

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's a sad day in America when due process rights granted in the Constitution need protection, but here we are.

On college campuses across the country, students — particularly male students — are learning the hard way that they have little if any due process rights should they ever be accused of sexual assault. Indeed, an accusation is all that's needed to destroy or severely alter their future.

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"Yes, Men Have Problems — But The Men’s Rights Movement Doesn’t Come Close To Dealing With Them"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When I first heard about the Men’s Rights Movement, I was naturally extremely interested. After all, I am a man, and I quite like having rights. In fact, I’m in favour of rights for all men, so any movement which supported that, I thought, would be right up my alley.

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Remarks by the President At Working Families Champions of Change Event

Article here. Excerpt:

'So when a baby arrives or an aging parent gets sick, too often workers have to make gut-wrenching choices about whether they can afford to be there when their families need them most. Too many women face unnecessary difficulties on the job, like the difficulty of being paid less than a man for doing the same work. That’s a difficulty. (Applause.) Or being reprimanded or fired for taking too many bathroom breaks when you’re pregnant. (Laughter.) Clearly that’s a man making that decision because they don’t have five pounds of kicks pressing down on their bladder. (Laughter.) Or being forced to take leave when they’re still perfectly capable of doing their work.'

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Say No to the 'C'

Article here. This is primarily an article against routine use of the Caesarian section as an expedited method of birth vs. an emergency procedure done only when necessary, which is why it was devised in the first place. But the interviewee also address circumcision. Excerpt:

'Are you pro or con circumcision?

There’s a huge movement now called Beyond the Bris. It’s Jewish people choosing not to circumcise. What we used to think was a small, benign thing to do is really removing a lot of skin. Rebecca Wald, a Jewish lawyer in Florida, has written a book with a colleague about a ceremony called Brit Shalom. Instead of having a bris, you have a naming ceremony but leave the baby’s penis intact. Many Jews in America and Israel are choosing not to circumcise because they’re convinced that the harms outweigh the benefits.

The harm being the pain?

Babies feel pain, yet some hospitals give them no anesthesia. When the baby’s penis skin is cut, he loses erogenous tissue, taking away nerve endings that heighten sexuality and lessening the width and length of the penis. There are complications. The American Academy of Pediatrics came out with a task force analysis and issued a bogus and unscientific statement in 2012 that the benefits of circumcision outweigh the harms. They recommended that insurance companies pay for it, but the AAP never actually recommended the procedure.

As a journalist and researcher on this topic for over 10 years, it’s clear, based on scientific studies and doctors, the harms grossly outweigh the benefits, but the AAP disagrees with me. Many Jewish men are now saying, “The decision should’ve been ours.” What I told my son is, “You can make the choice to be circumcised once you’re 13.”

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"I Was Sexually Assaulted At UVA. I Don't Accept the Reporter's Apology."

Article here. Excerpt:

'I don’t remember what I was wearing when I got sexually assaulted my freshman year, but I do remember what I wore when I figured out what had happened. It was the autumn of 2008, and I had just left a sorority house, where I had given a lecture on consent, safe sex, and best practices for helping friends who have been raped. Jacob,* a handsome, popular guy I had avoided for years, strode up to me. I was wearing a teal T-shirt emblazoned with the logo of the University of Virginia’s sexual assault crisis center.

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Christina Hoff Summers, trigger warnings, and the trauma of free speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a Saturday post at Legal Insurrection, Christina Hoff Summers, the critic of feminism and author of such books as “Who Stole Feminism” and “The War against Boys” ventured to Georgetown University to give the students the benefit of her wisdom. Apparently what she had to say was such heady stuff that some of the students took it upon themselves to post “trigger warnings,” the purpose being to warn students that what they might hear may cause trauma.

According to New Republic, “trigger warnings” are the latest craze in academia and applies not only to outside speakers, but lectures by tenured faculty. What constitutes things that might prove triggering?

“Oberlin College has published an official document on triggers, advising faculty members to be ‘aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and other issues of privilege and oppression,’ to remove triggering material when it doesn't ‘directly’ contribute to learning goals and ‘strongly consider’ developing a policy to make ‘triggering material’ optional.”

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Female Group Ejected From Comic Expo For Criticizing Feminism

Story here. Excerpt:

'The claims of harassment came following a panel discussion, “Women Into Comics,” which took place on Thursday night. During the panel Q&A, HBB [link added] founding member Alison Tieman answered a question from the floor in which she identified herself as an MRA and criticized feminism. “The reason why I don’t like feminism is because you promote this idea that women are defined by being victims. If you look at the content of all of your issues men also face considerable problems... and they need to be brought into the story and not just for men’s sake, but also for the sake of challenging the notion that women are defined as victims.”

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