Defense secretary passes over woman considered front-runner for Navy's top job

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a surprise move, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has recommended that Adm. Samuel Paparo become the Navy’s highest-ranking officer instead of a woman widely believed to have been the front-runner, several senior defense officials said.

Adm. Lisa Franchetti had been considered the leading contender for the chief’s job since becoming the vice chief of naval operations, the No. 2 officer in the Navy, last fall. She would have been the first female service member to hold the job and the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A woman is running the Coast Guard, but she is not a member of the Joint Chiefs.

Paparo, the commander of Pacific Fleet, was expected to become the next commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, as is common. He is one of the top operational leaders in the Navy facing the challenges against China and was expected to bring his expertise to Indo-Pacific Command at a time when China is a top Biden administration priority.

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Gov. Whitmer signs legislation establishing June 12 as Women Veterans Recognition Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'On the 75th anniversary of women being allowed to serve as equal members of the U.S. Armed Forces, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed House Bill 4555 establishing Women Veterans Recognition Day on June 12 in Michigan.

Women Veterans Recognition Day honors Michigan’s estimated 44,000 living women veterans and the many more who served before them.

“For 250 years, women have proudly served alongside men in our military,” said Governor Whitmer. “For too long, however, they have been overlooked and underserved. Today, I am taking action to establish Women Veterans Recognition Day in Michigan, giving these courageous servicewomen the recognition and honor they have long deserved. Millions of women have put their lives on the line to serve our country and it’s our responsibility to connect them with critical resources like healthcare, mental health services, and affordable housing when they leave the service. Let’s keep working together to honor our women veterans and service members.”'

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UK: Two-thirds of workers believe female leaders are better than their male counterparts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two-thirds of British employees believe women make better bosses than men, a survey reveals.

Female leaders were perceived as excelling men in key leadership areas such as multi-tasking and organisational skills, while 83 per cent of employees viewed female bosses as more empathetic.

A further 74 per cent viewed female bosses as having a more collaborative leadership style, with 69 per cent believing that women were more approachable and supportive in the workplace.

More than four-fifths of employees thought female bosses were better at fostering a positive work environment than men.

The only area where men were perceived as better than women was in relation to ‘innovative solutions’, with 54 per cent of respondents choosing men as more effective.'

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Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, UN report finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Almost nine out of 10 people hold “fundamental biases” against women, a new UN report has found, decrying a “decade of stagnation” that has led to a dismantling of women’s rights in many parts of the world.

Half of people globally still believe men make better political leaders than women; more than 40% believe men make better business executives than women; and 25% believe it is justified for a man to beat his wife, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report released Monday found, reflecting the latest data from the World Values Survey.

These biases manifest in numerous ways, such as in an underrepresentation of women in leadership. In the labor market, women occupy less than a third of managerial positions, while the picture remains grim at the highest level of leadership: The share of women as heads of state or heads of government has remained around 10% since 1995, the report finds.

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Trans man goes viral after getting emotional about the ‘loneliness’ of life after gender transition

Article here. Excerpt:

'A biological female turned trans man went viral this week after posting an emotional video about the loneliness of being a man.

"Nobody told me how lonely being a man is," the influencer claimed in the two-minute video discussing having more friends when identifying as a woman.

The subject also discussed why the male suicide rate is higher than in women.

The video was first published to Instagram by James Barnes, a motivational speaker, stress management coach, and social media influencer who claimed to have transitioned from being a woman to a man eight years ago.

Barnes, who goes by "thetranscoach" on the platform, opened up about the struggles of living as a man in the clip that was shared Thursday.

Specifically, the user lamented that life as a man is much lonelier than life as a woman.'

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Masculinity as Prison or Escape

Article here. Excerpt:

'A healthy masculinity acknowledges three things. First, men are distinct from women. Second, men have something essential to contribute, both to females and to society at large. And third, men can make this contribution effectively only through the cultivation of character. Unfortunately, modern culture undermines all three. As a result, there has been a rise in the popularity of a reactionary or “macho” masculinity, which fills the vacuum of hollowed-out masculinity with something harmful.

Men have been deemed not only indistinct from women but inessential to them. Gloria Steinem quipped that “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Over the past 50 years, the marriage rate in the United States has declined significantly, which helps explain why nearly 40 percent of babies are now born out of wedlock. Nearly 70 percent of divorces are initiated by women. Roughly 80 percent of single-parent households are fatherless.'

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Why So Many Young Men Are Lonely, Sexless, and Extremely Online

Interview here. This is a Spotify podcast. It requires you to subscribe for free to listen to it. It is off-linked from here. Excerpt:

'Today’s episode is about the state of men in America. Last week, the nonprofit institute Equimundo published a report on the state of men and boys in America: “Many men—especially younger men—are socially disconnected, pessimistic about the future, and turning to online anger,” it wrote. “They are facing higher rates of depressive symptoms, suicidal thoughts, and a sense of isolation, as seen in the agreement of 65 percent that ‘no one really knows me well.’” One survey is one survey.

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UK: One in three primary schools has no male teachers, report says

Article here. Excerpt:

'Almost one in three state funded primary schools do not have any male classroom teachers, a study suggests.

Rutland in the East Midlands has the highest proportion of primary schools without any male teachers - 52.9%.

The Warwick Business School report says the proportion of schools without a male classroom teacher has increased over the last 12 months.

The report's author said they believed a lack of male teachers was bad for pupils.

Dr Joshua Fullard, assistant professor of behavioural science at Warwick Business School, said: "Worryingly, the decline in the number of male classroom teachers is getting worse.

"This has an impact on the education that children receive. There is a large body of research that shows students benefit from being educated by a teacher with certain similarities to them.'

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NASA Awards $5 Million to Women’s Colleges Tackling STEM Gender Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'As part of a Biden/Harris initiative, NASA will award more than $5 million in funding to seven Women’s Colleges and Universities (WCUs) to research and develop strategies that increase retention of women in STEM degree programs and careers.

The agency’s Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) created the Women’s Colleges and Universities opportunity to help women overcome obstacles and barriers to working in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

This award seeks to address the significant national gender gap and disparate experiences of women in STEM in the United States, both in higher education and the workforce.

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I'm a mom who flies in business class while my family stays in economy. We see it as a lesson on feminism.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amid the cacophony of boarding passengers, my husband waved at me, leading our two boys, ages 5 and 7, towards Economy while I turned left into Business Class. A flight attendant cast a surprised glance, undoubtedly questioning why I was sitting apart from my family.

Recent viral TikToks and articles have sparked debates about the fairness of fathers sitting solo in Business or First Class while their wives and children remain in Economy. Being inherently contrarian, I decided our family would flip the script and do just the reverse on a recent 12-hour flight from London to Mauritius.

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MSU hit with civil rights complaint alleging school’s business boot camp discriminated against white males

Article here. Excerpt:

'A government watchdog organization on Friday filed a civil rights complaint against Missouri State University, alleging that the school’s business boot camp program illegally discriminated against white males.

The Equal Protection Project (EPP) said it was bringing the civil rights complaint against MSU for "engaging in racial- and gender-based discrimination through its sponsorship, promotion, and hosting of a small business training ‘boot camp’ that limited participation to individuals who identify as ‘BIOPOC’ … or are female. White males, and white males alone, were excluded from eligibility."

"BIPOC" is an acronym for "Black, Indigenous and Persons of Color."

In its complaint to the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, the EPP accused MSU’s program of violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.'

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Why more US men are falling victim to Japan’s anti-social hikikomori trend

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Japan, an estimated 1.5 million people — many of them young men — now live in complete isolation.

The problem has grown so severe that the Japanese have a term for it: Hikikomori, one who literally withdraws from society.

Some 6,000 miles away, the United States is experiencing its own form of hikikomori.

During a recent interview with Chris Williamson, a British podcaster based in Austin, Texas, the political economist Nicholas Eberstadt discussed the fact that 7 million men of prime working age are currently without employment and not seeking jobs.

Many of these men, said Eberstadt, spend inordinate amounts of time indoors, totally withdrawn from society.'

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White men trying to join the RAF were branded 'useless' by recruitment officers in leaked emails set to renew row over diversity quotas

Article here. Excerpt:

'White men trying to join the RAF were branded 'useless' by recruitment officers, leaked emails have revealed.

The emails, which are set to renew a row over diversity quotas, were sent by a squadron leader in the air force's recruitment division in January 2021.

They expose the pressure that officers appeared to be under to filter out white male recruits and fast-track women and ethnic minorities.

The RAF is also reportedly paying £5,000 each to 31 white men who it found had been unfairly disadvantaged by its recruitment policy.

And some selection boards were cancelled if they did not include women or ethnic minorities, according to the leaked messages.'

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How Modern Life Is Making Us Infertile

Video here. From 2021 but still very relevant: "A new study reveals how an alarming decline in sperm count and quality is threatening the human race."

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Matt Walsh's "What Is A Woman?"

I vacilated about posting this based on concerns about germaneness: How germane is the topic to the MRM? I've concluded based on some of its content that there's at least tangential relevancy if not in a couple ways, direct relevancy. After all, if the MRM in general objects to circumcision of infant (minor) males, would not it at least in part object to the drugging of minor males to defer or even entirely nullify their otherwise natural maturation in their teen years? So I've decided to post it: Matt Walsh's What Is A Woman?.

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