"Is Baby Foreskin The Key To Youthful Skin?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'There's a reason anti-aging products and services is a multi-billion dollar industry. Many women and men are willing to try just about anything in order to achieve a more youthful appearance, even if that involves unconventional methods.

The latest? HydraFacial, a facial treatment that uses baby foreskin to fight acne, treat hyper-pigmentation and reduce wrinkles. Sounds out there, but The Cut's associate beauty editor Ashley Weatherford decided to give it a try.

"I didn't really know exactly what I was walking into. I had this sort of vision of maybe like chunks of skin floating around in a solution, which is totally gross. But it was really nothing like that," she told HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani.'

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Hillary Clinton delivers fiery feminist message in first campaign speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hillary Clinton gave a glimpse of a presidential campaign focused on feminist issues in her first speech since announcing her bid for the White House.

Mrs Clinton, vying to become the first-ever female US president, delivered on Thursday an impassioned speech at the Women in the World conference in New York, saying she aimed to champion women’s rights - from mandatory maternity leave to equal pay.

The frontrunner for the Democrat nomination high-fived the summit’s host, journalist and talk-show host Tina Brown, and was greeted with wild applause and a standing ovation when she took to the stage.

"The advancement of the full participation of women and girls is the great unfinished business of the 21st century," the former secretary of state told the crowd at the Lincoln Centre in Manhattan.

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Columbia student accused of rape by 'mattress girl' sues university

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Columbia University student sued the school Thursday, saying it failed to protect him against harassment when a female student went public with claims he raped her after school and law enforcement authorities rejected her case.

The lawsuit was filed in Manhattan federal court by Paul Nungesser, a German citizen who said onetime friend Emma Sulkowicz has repeatedly and publicly called him a “serial rapist,” resulting in national and international media attention.

Defendants include the school, its board of trustees, President Lee C. Bollinger and Professor Jon Kessler. The lawsuit sought unspecified damages.

“Columbia University’s effective sponsorship of the gender-based harassment and defamation of Paul resulted in an intimidating, hostile, demeaning... learning and living environment,” the lawsuit said.'

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VP Touchy-Feely lies to and idiot-monishes male students to stand up against "sexual violence"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Vice President Joe Biden stood in front of a roomful of University of Illinois students Thursday and talked candidly about a subject that has long been taboo on college campuses.

His message was clear: It is up to them, particularly young men, to reject the quiet tolerance of sexual assault and stand up against the victimization of women.

“Gentlemen, silence is a form of approval,” he said. “You all know the difference between right and wrong. … We measure the decency of a nation by whether it condemns or condones this kind of behavior.
Meanwhile, the numbers have escalated.

According to a White House task force on sexual assault, 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted in college, most often by someone they know. Only 12 percent of those assaults are reported, and in those cases, only a fraction of the perpetrators are brought to justice.'

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Court: Gun Permit Can Be Denied for Domestic Violence Accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'On April 22, a three-judge appellate panel from the New Jersey Superior Court ruled that a domestic violence accusation–that did not result in a conviction–is sufficient grounds for denying a resident a gun permit.

Z.I. was acquitted of those charges in 1998, yet upon applying for a gun permit, the police chief handling Z.I.’s application suggested his “past history of domestic violence” may be enough to “indicate a public safety concern.”

Z.I. appealed the rejection and told the court he had, indeed, “struck his wife in the 1998 incident but stressed that it was accidental.” He then pointed to the court documents showing he was acquitted of the charges.'

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Men face high bar to claim discrimination by campus sex assault tribunals

Story here. Excerpt:

'On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman of Manhattan dismissed an anonymous male student’s gender discrimination case against Columbia University and its board of trustees. The student, who was suspended for three semesters after a campus tribunal determined he had engaged in non-consensual sex with an anonymous female student, had contended that Columbia’s investigation and prosecution of the incident violated Title IX, which prohibits universities from gender discrimination. The John Doe student, who said his accuser consented to their encounter in her dorm room bathroom and even provided the condom they used, alleged he was treated unfairly because of Columbia’s atmosphere of heightened sensitivity to women complaining of sexual assault by men.

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“Kill all men” Lib Dem “proud” of hating men, abuses block-bot position to silence critics

Article here. Excerpt:

'By now I expect most readers have seen the superb Breitbart coverage of our investigation into sexist hate speech at the Liberal Democrats. The article has received a great deal of attention worldwide, with over 1,000 comments which were almost unanimous in their condemnation of the Liberal Democrat party’s gender hatred.

Following the publication of the article, Noble resigned her position on the executive committee of Secular and Humanist Lib Dems. However, as far as we know, Noble remains on the executive Committee of the LGBT Lib Dems and on the Liberal Youth policy committee too. Furthermore, she has now tweeted a claim that her resignation from the Secular and Humanist Lib Dem Exec is “only temporary”

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"Female academics combat bias in STEM fields"

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the gender gap in academia is often most salient at the student level, equally apparent disparities among graduate students and faculty members are often overlooked. These members of the academic community are further along the “leaky pipeline” — a term that describes the incrementally rising attrition rate of women at each rungup the academic ladder. Only 33 percent of University faculty members are female, an imbalance even more stark in the physical sciences, where women make up 15 percent of faculty.

This trend holds true nationwide. In the geosciences, women make up 42 percent of University bachelor’s degree recipients, 45 percent of master of science recipients and 39 percent of PhD recipients. But only 26 percent of assistant professors, 14 percent of tenured assistant professors and 8 percent of full professors are women.

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MANN regular creates new site

Well, I did a lot of thinking. Despite the fact I know I am going to be attacked, slandered and "investigated" by feminists and like minded types, I decided to create a new Men's Rights Activist website.

It's just getting started, (just created it last night) and there isn't much there yet, but you are all welcome to come. The discussions forum is open and ready, so come vent, shout, and converse, if you like. Contributions (stories, articles, etc.) will be appreciated.

Here is the link: http://menshaven.wikifoundry.com/

It's gonna be rough, but I REALLY wanted to do this.

Thanks, guys. I LOVE YOU!


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Will Any Presidential Candidate Support a White House Council on Boys and Men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'There used to be a stigma in recent years toward forming male-only organizations, due to the perception they were sexist; excluding women for the benefit of men. But as boys and men are increasingly failing in so many areas - crime, violence, and education to name a few - that perception is changing. There is a real need for organizations that can reverse this trend and prevent men from turning to destructive lifestyles. The purpose of men's interest groups is evolving; it isn't to help men excel over women, it's merely to stop the spiraling path downward so many are now taking, to the detriment of everyone in society.
I asked Dr. Farrell if the left's interest in transgender, fluid gender, etc., might dissuade Clinton and Democrats from accepting a council for males. He didn't think so, explaining that it doesn't matter what kind of boy or man - every color, every class, every point in history and every place in geography - we're talking about, there is something that has happened to them in recent years that has hurt them. Throughout all of history, girls became women who raised children, and boys became men who raised money or killed animals and enemies. In every culture that survived, boys became heroes by being disposable. After World War II ended in industrialized countries, survival was no longer such a dominant force, and divorces became an option. The women's movement gave women a sense of purpose beyond just raising children; they could also raise money and have careers.

But no one gave men a purpose beyond raising money. Today, males have lost their purpose, because fewer are needed to die in wars and being the sole breadwinner no longer constitutes the definition of masculinity.

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We disagree with you, [insert insult here]

Article here. Excerpt:

'We've reached the point where simply disagreeing with someone is not enough. One must both disagree and name-call to really get the point across.

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Student accused of false sexual assault report booked and released from jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'The University of Arkansas student who falsely reported sexual assault on campus was booked into the Washington County Jail and released shortly after Friday morning.

Fayetteville police issued an arrest warrant for the student, Lindsey Sweetin, on Thursday.
After an initial investigation that included interviewing potential witnesses and checking surveillance video, Sweetin admitted that she made up the assault. She did not specify why.

Police had been debating whether to charge her for a couple of weeks.

The Washington County prosecutor said she did not have to bond out because she does not pose a flight risk. She was released one hour after being booked.'

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Pressure grows on Marines to consider lowering combat standards for women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Traditionalists see the 0-29 performance as a call to arms by those inside the Pentagon who are determined to have significant numbers of women in the infantry. They are on the lookout for standards they believe are no longer relevant in today’s battlefield.

"The pressure is on the services from the White House’s politically correct crowd vis-a-vis Obama’s Pentagon appointees, who will force the services to accept degraded standards,” said Robert Maginnis, a retired Army officer and author of the book “Deadly Consequences: How Cowards Are Pushing Women Into Combat.”
Gen. Dempsey laid down the law this way: “If we do decide that a particular standard is so high that a woman couldn’t make it, the burden is now on the service to come back and explain to the secretary, why is it that high? Does it really have to be that high?”'

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The Footwear Cadets Were Allegedly Forced to Wear During Political Event March Has Sparked an Uproar

Story here.  Excerpt:

'Making the general public aware about tough issues that need addressing is obviously a good thing. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about doing it.
In the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event, cadets were required to wear high heels and march to “raise awareness of sexual assault against women.”
“Its a Cadet Command wide thing, pretty much every battalion in Cadet Command has had to, or will have to do it. GEN Combs has picked it up as a CC initiative.”

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Attorney: Former athlete plans to sue accuser

Story here. Excerpt:

'The attorney for Rodney Austin said the now former Detroit Lions offensive guard is considering filing a civil suit against his accuser in a domestic violence case for malicious prosecution, defamation of character and slander.

Austin turned himself in Friday on four misdemeanor counts of assault on a female, child abuse, larceny and interfering with emergency communication after his former girlfriend, Yvonne Gill-Sadler, obtained warrants for his arrest a day earlier from the Mecklenburg County (N.C.) Magistrate's Office.

Gill-Sadler called Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police around 2:20 a.m. April 5 to report a domestic incident. According to a police department press release, Gill-Sadler said Austin, who was listed at 6-feet-4 and 330 pounds in booking records, pushed her to the floor while she was holding their infant child then prevented her from calling 911 by damaging and taking her phone.

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