Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-04-30 08:36
Article here. Excerpt:
Unsurprisingly, world disarmament has featured prominently in the WILPF events in The Hague this week. It is, after all, the key goal in WILPF’s long struggle with national governments and the international system since the Armistice of 11 November 1918. On WILPF’s birthday, 28 April, we mounted a symbolic action outside the World Forum. Thousands of red plastic discs, symbolizing the world’s $1776 billion global military expenditure, were piled in a heap. Women, with shovels and with their hands, scooped up the coins and transferred them to accounts of their choice - ‘health’, ‘education’ or ‘human rights’.
g is driven by the profit motive of the arms industry and politicians’ weaponized notion of ‘security’. But women peace activists also hold militarized masculinity to account.
Another persistent theme in the Centenary Congress and Conference has been gender relations. One of the commitments in the Manifesto adopted by Congress is to ‘transform gender from a power relation to one of partnership’. And the first plenary of the Conference addressed the male-dominant gender order as one of the ‘root causes’ of militarization and war. Speakers contributed ‘critical perspectives on the construction of violent masculinities, patriarchy, and engaging men’.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-04-30 08:29
Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-04-30 08:26
Story here. Excerpt:
'A WOMAN has been accused of falsely reporting to gardai that a man raped her at a pub in Temple Bar.
Sarah Eastwood (33) made the allegation against a named man, but gardai subsequently viewed CCTV footage and "disproved" the claim, a court was told.
She is facing jury trial on two charges after Judge Michael Walsh said the case was too serious to be dealt with at Dublin District Court.
The case against Ms Eastwood was adjourned for the preparation of a book of evidence.
The accused, with an address at Ballyfermot Parade, Ballyfermot, is charged with knowingly making a false statement at Store Street Garda Station on June 4, 2013.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-04-30 08:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'State police said Wednesday that they intend to charge a Washington County teenager with making false accusations of sexual assault.
The head of the Specialized Victim Investigation and Prosecution Unit in the district attorney's office, however, said she doesn't want such an unusual case to dissuade rape victims from reporting crimes.
“We don't have people making false reports all the time,” said Deputy District Attorney Traci McDonald Kemp. “It's absolutely a rare thing.”
Capping a three-week investigation, troopers at the Washington barracks said they soon will charge a 17-year-old Avella girl with providing unsworn falsification to authorities and making false reports to law enforcement. The girl has not been identified.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-04-30 08:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'Texas Tech University doesn’t want anything to get in the way of students reporting their alleged sexual assaults. Not even a fair hearing for those they accuse.
The Daily Toreador reports that the administration wants students to see the disciplinary process as a “learning experience,” so giving them the common trappings of a courtroom would be harmful.
According to Dean of Students Amy Murphy:
`Also a part of this model, she said, is the decision that students are not able to cross-examine witnesses, nor are the students’ advisers, during the hearing.
If cross-examination were to be allowed, she said, it would create a chilling effect for future possible reports.
“We want responding and reporting parties to talk to that investigator about the questions that they have for witnesses,” Murphy said, “the information that they want to see in that investigation report.”`
That “investigator,” by the way, is “neutral,” according to Murphy.
Student Andy Johnson evidently has more intelligence than his dean:
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-04-30 08:14
Story here. Excerpt:
'Two months after his arrest on allegations of sexually assaulting two women at an off-campus apartment party, former Louisville basketball player Chris Jones and two other men were cleared Wednesday of rape and sodomy charges by a grand jury.
Jones was facing two counts of rape and two counts of sodomy. The two other men, 21-year-old Jalen Tilford and 19-year-old Tyvon Walker, were charged with sexually assaulting one of the women. Those two men also were cleared of rape and sodomy charges.
Scott Drabenstadt, an attorney for Tilford, said Wednesday that surveillance video seen by the grand jury showed the two women, ages19 and 20, "frolicking in the stairs and in the hallway" after the alleged incidents. The video from the apartment complex, near campus, shows the women arriving, leaving the party, returning and leaving again.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-04-30 08:12
Story here. Excerpt:
'"We are very angry because a staff member was assaulted by a grad student and that student is still allowed on campus," says Marie Reimers.
Frustrated students protested at Central Michigan University today. It's all over a recent sexual assault case. They want the university to suspend the student charged with the crime.
Pradeep Gujjula is charged with criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree. A CMU staff member told campus police that he asked to take a photo with her and then touched her chest.
He's since been banned from academic buildings, except for the buildings his classes are in. Students say that's not enough.
"According to CMU's own sexual misconduct policy the university can take temporary interim measures between the time an assault happened and the time the assailant has their hearing. One of those measures is temporary suspension. CMU has not done that which we find very appalling," says Reimers.'
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Submitted by StayingFit on Wed, 2015-04-29 21:03
Video report here on Randall Smith, a North Carolina man who is paying child support for a son who is not his. In fact, he's in trouble because he is behind in this support, even though he can prove that he is not the father. The comments are actually rather encouraging, for a change. Report summary:
'What was news to a courtroom in North Carolina was well known to Randall Smith. That he is in court over child support payments the county says he owes is not unusual.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-04-29 14:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rolling Stone magazine published an article Nov. 19, 2014 titled “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA.” This article, which Rolling Stone later retracted due to false accusations, claimed members of the fraternity Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia had gang raped a freshman named Jackie at their fraternity house the night of Sept. 28, 2012.
Since society and the American media often negatively portray fraternities and sororities, this didn’t come as a big shock to many people. Studies have shown 1 in 5 females will experience sexual assault at some point in their four years of college and that fraternity men are 300 percent more likely to be involved in sexual assault.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-04-29 12:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'There are two universally accepted “truths” about women and STEM careers (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). The first is that men outnumber women in in these fields, and the second is that women are socialized to avoid STEM as career choices, because society considers them “unfeminine.”
On closer inspection, it turns out that these “truths” are nothing more than assumptions, and that these assumptions are inconsistent with the facts. Here are the facts:
1. Men do not outnumber women in all STEM fields
2. Women and men are equally capable of doing STEM work
3. Sex-linked interest preferences are not mere artifacts of socialization
4. Different preferences don’t mean women’s are less important
5. Men earn more because they believe they are worth more—and women agree'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-04-29 12:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'Notice anything missing from the coming general election?
Could any national drama more starkly reveal how completely men’s interests are a non-issue in British politics? We are not even in the wings.
While the manifestos of all major parties teem with cooing blandishments to women, none of them has a word to say about the glaring disadvantages of boys and young men in education and employment. None of them demonstrates a smidgen of concern that the routine separation of tens of thousands of children from their fathers every year by force of law in the Family Court is this country’s most indefensible abuse of human rights.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-04-29 10:08
Story here. Excerpt:
'After receiving some comments about uniforms, we are currently reviewing how local universities implemented their participation in these events designed to raise awareness on the issue of sexual assault,” Haverstick said in an e-mail.
The professor of military science at Arizona State, Maj. Michelle Bravo, said in the video that the cadets “planned and decided that they would do” the high-heel event. That’s far different than the version of events presented on Reddit.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-04-29 09:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'Every human deserves equal treatment, irrespective of race, caste, creed, nationality or gender. Of course, this rule has been violated many times.
Racist attacks, war crimes, riots and killings in the name of religion and genocides serve as example. When the belief for common good is dishonored in any way, it breeds a dysfunctional society.
In feminism’s case, male-bashing has replaced candid conversations about the warped roles that women have taken in society — roles that men can’t relate to. Originated from the French language, feminism is the support of equal rights of the sexes. You can be a feminist while fighting for a man’s rights.
No movement can do any good by slandering another group of society. If that is the motive behind a revolution, then that movement is headed for downfall.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-04-29 07:35
Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-04-28 17:17
Story here.
'The streets of downtown Roseburg were filled with men walking in high heels Friday afternoon.
It was an unusual scene but it was all for a good cause and a few good laughs.
The Walk-A-Mile In Her Shoes campaign provides men a chance to help raise awareness about violence against women.
"It’s important to take some of the stigma away from that topic,” said Battered Persons’ Advocacy sexual assault services director Cheryl Newell. “If we can talk about violence in our community without shame, without being embarrassed, then we can start talking about solutions."
The money raised stays in Douglas County and benefits the Battered Persons’ Advocacy.'
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