Top Dem money man departs because Clinton hasn’t answered ethics questions

Article here. Excerpt:

'A top Democratic moneyman recruited by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign has put fundraising activities on hold, saying he can’t do it with a clear conscience because the former secretary of state has too many unanswered questions swirling around her.

New York businessman Jon Cooper, who Team Clinton enlisted for its elite corps of early fundraisers known as “HillStarters,” said that he decided not to tap his donor network for Mrs. Clinton because she hasn’t provided enough answers about foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation while she ran the State Department, her exclusive use of private email for official business as America’s top diplomat and her commitment to liberal priorities.

“I’m officially on the fence,” said Mr. Cooper, a bundler for President Obama’s campaigns who is active in Democratic politics in New York, which Mrs. Clinton represented in the U.S. Senate and where she has set up her campaign headquarters.'

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The Foreskin: Why Is It Such A Secret In North America?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sure, I had heard of circumcision as a Jewish religious practice, but thought myself unlikely to ever see its results. Little did I know, all the male genitalia I had seen both in real life and as depicted in American anatomy books, had been edited in exactly the same way. The shock from this revelation overwhelmed me for weeks, especially since I considered myself to be fairly knowledgeable about anatomy. (My interests included biology and drawing biological structures).

Why would anyone selectively remove foreskins, not just from real people but from scientific anatomical texts, which I had thought were meant to represent the natural human form? And why did no one ever tell me about this? It was as though a basic feature that males (of all mammals) are normally born with was not to be understood or even acknowledged.

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NPO: National Parents Organization’s Pennsylvania Affiliate Rallies Against Parental Alienation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, Parental Alienation Awareness Day was observed and NPO’s Pennsylvania affiliate convened parents from across the state on the steps of the state capitol in Harrisburg to help raise consciousness of the problem. NPO’s Pennsylvania leader Stephen Meehan is to be congratulated for organizing the rally that was widely reported by state and local news media. FOX43 TV in Harrisburg reported on the rally here and NewsRadio 1020 KDKA, the CBS radio affiliate in Pittsburgh interviewed Meehan'

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SAVE E-lert: Sen. Gillibrand Doubles Down on Columbia U. Rape Hoaxer

Senator Gillibrand is in the news again. This time, when asked about rape hoaxes, she responded that the real focus should be on the problem of rape. Her ideal case, however, is Columbia student Emma Sulkowicz, who has never been found to be raped or sexually assaulted.

In fact, in this case she's spotlighting, the accused student is suing Columbia University for false allegations. It's clear that the Senator needs to look at cases objectively, but instead she is decrying the case as yet another example of 'rape culture'.

Call Senator Gillibrand's office today and tell her to start telling the truth about campus sexual assault!

Best always,

Gina Lauterio, Esq.
Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Favorable shared parenting article in MSM

Article here. Excerpt:

'Regarding the wellbeing of kids with divorced parents, the debate over what kind of custody arrangement is best rages on. But a new study, published Monday in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, suggests that children fare better when they spend time living with both of their parents.

That goes against some current thinking that kids in shared-custody situations are exposed to more stress due to constantly moving around and the social upheaval that can come along with that. “Child experts and people in general assumed that these children should be more stressed,” says study author Malin Bergström, PhD, researcher at the Centre for Health Equity Studies in Stockholm, Sweden. “But this study opposes a major concern that this should not be good for children.”'

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The problem at American universities

Article here. Excerpt:

'Claims by certain sensationalist politicians are often repeated by  adoring and equally sensationalist news media. That was certainly the case when a study by RTI International claimed one in five female college students in America is a victim of sexual assault.

“This is not your fight alone,” said President Obama in a public service announcement heralding his “It’s On Us” national campaign. “This is not your fight alone. This is on all of us, every one of us, to fight campus sexual assault. You are not alone. And we have your back and we are going to organize campus by campus, city by city, state by state. The entire country is going to make sure that we understand what this is about and that we’re going to put a stop to it.”
And many a college campus enacted sweeping, totalitarian sex codes to deal with the fictitious “crisis.” As with any law, the violation(s) prohibited must be defined. The University of Michigan, for instance, partially defines sexual violence as “discounting the partner’s feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually… withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex.”

K. C. Johnson, a history professor at Brooklyn College and City University of New York Graduate Center, said a male student accused of a sex crime may have an “advocate” at his college hearing, provided he or she is not a lawyer. And they “cannot speak in any way during the disciplinary hearing,” wrote Johnson in the journal Minding the Campus.
Under new federal guidelines handed down by the Department of Education, campuses are required to presume the accuser is telling the truth and that the accused is guilty until proven innocent.

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Law allows for legal reps for college students

Article here. Excerpt:

'North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple has signed SB 2150 into law, providing students the right to be represented at hearings at their own expense. Joe Cohn of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) says his group worked with a bipartisan legislative group to get the bill passed.

"We think it’s really important that states are starting to recognize that without lawyers able to actively represent students in these campus disciplinary hearings, students are being railroaded out of school,” he explains.'

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Canadian School Fights Pay Gap By Giving Only Women A Raise

Story here. Excerpt:

'In an effort to eliminate what it says is an unjustified gap in the pay of male and female professors, Canada’s McMaster University has hit upon a novel solution: Giving an across-the-board raise exclusively to women, without raising pay for men.

The $3,515 ($2,900 in U.S. dollars) raise will be the same for every woman at the school, regardless of what their salary was beforehand.

“This signals to the world, to Canada and to Hamilton, that McMaster is truly committed to equality. It sends a very clear signal that we are interested in recruiting the best faculty, including women,” dean of Social Sciences Charlotte Yates said, according to the National Post.'

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Shocking footage of 'feminists' publicly humiliating man wrapped in bin bag in middle of street

story here. Excerpt:

'This shocking video shows a degraded man wrapped in bin bags being pelted by eggs and yogurt by a group of revenge-seeking 'feminists'.

In the clip, posted to YouTube, the supposed victim is seen standing next to a sign that reads: "Please humiliate and abuse me."

When the man filming confronts the group of giggling girls, they refuse to reveal their reasons behind the stunt, claiming: "It says it on there."

The sign next to the man reads in full: "I lied to my partner, I broke commitments, I am a hypocrite!!

"If you have ever been hurt by a man... please humiliate & abuse me."
The footage then cuts out, but underneath the video, Sneaky TV wrote: "This is not feminism. Every woman (all of whom identify as feminist) I’ve shown this to view it as misandry.

"It’s the type of thing that dude-bros and anti-feminists use to illustrate their misguided definition of what feminism actually is.
"Male or female, this is messed up.

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Brooks Brothers, Maria Shriver kick off a conversation about masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'America is in the throes of a masculinity crisis.

That was the takeaway from an hour-long panel discussion moderated by Maria Shriver at the Paley Center for the Media in Beverly Hills on Thursday, which followed the local premiere screening of Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s documentary on masculinity, “The Mask You Live In.”
The documentary starts with a George Orwell quote: “He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.” It goes on to present a sobering -- if at times simplistic -- look at the chaos caused by the narrow definition of masculinity in America today (which emphasizes athletic ability, sexual prowess, economic success and emotional detachment), some of its root causes and the myriad problems flowing from it, including drug abuse, violence, sexual assault and depression. The film includes interviews with dozens of professionals and turns the camera on many, many males of the species, from those barely past toddlerhood to white-haired retirees.'

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World disarmament? Start by disarming masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

Unsurprisingly, world disarmament has featured prominently in the WILPF events in The Hague this week. It is, after all, the key goal in WILPF’s long struggle with national governments and the international system since the Armistice of 11 November 1918. On WILPF’s birthday, 28 April, we mounted a symbolic action outside the World Forum. Thousands of red plastic discs, symbolizing the world’s $1776 billion global military expenditure, were piled in a heap. Women, with shovels and with their hands, scooped up the coins and transferred them to accounts of their choice - ‘health’, ‘education’ or ‘human rights’.
g is driven by the profit motive of the arms industry and politicians’ weaponized notion of ‘security’. But women peace activists also hold militarized masculinity to account.

Another persistent theme in the Centenary Congress and Conference has been gender relations. One of the commitments in the Manifesto adopted by Congress is to ‘transform gender from a power relation to one of partnership’. And the first plenary of the Conference addressed the male-dominant gender order as one of the ‘root causes’ of militarization and war. Speakers contributed ‘critical perspectives on the construction of violent masculinities, patriarchy, and engaging men’.

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Rape culture still does not exist

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Ireland: Woman is accused of two false rape claims

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN has been accused of falsely reporting to gardai that a man raped her at a pub in Temple Bar.

Sarah Eastwood (33) made the allegation against a named man, but gardai subsequently viewed CCTV footage and "disproved" the claim, a court was told.

She is facing jury trial on two charges after Judge Michael Walsh said the case was too serious to be dealt with at Dublin District Court.

The case against Ms Eastwood was adjourned for the preparation of a book of evidence.

The accused, with an address at Ballyfermot Parade, Ballyfermot, is charged with knowingly making a false statement at Store Street Garda Station on June 4, 2013.'

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Teen to be charged with making false rape report, state police say

Article here. Excerpt:

'State police said Wednesday that they intend to charge a Washington County teenager with making false accusations of sexual assault.

The head of the Specialized Victim Investigation and Prosecution Unit in the district attorney's office, however, said she doesn't want such an unusual case to dissuade rape victims from reporting crimes.

“We don't have people making false reports all the time,” said Deputy District Attorney Traci McDonald Kemp. “It's absolutely a rare thing.”

Capping a three-week investigation, troopers at the Washington barracks said they soon will charge a 17-year-old Avella girl with providing unsworn falsification to authorities and making false reports to law enforcement. The girl has not been identified.'

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College says due process for accused students would ‘chill’ assault reports

Article here. Excerpt:

'Texas Tech University doesn’t want anything to get in the way of students reporting their alleged sexual assaults. Not even a fair hearing for those they accuse.

The Daily Toreador reports that the administration wants students to see the disciplinary process as a “learning experience,” so giving them the common trappings of a courtroom would be harmful.

According to Dean of Students Amy Murphy:

`Also a part of this model, she said, is the decision that students are not able to cross-examine witnesses, nor are the students’ advisers, during the hearing.

If cross-examination were to be allowed, she said, it would create a chilling effect for future possible reports.

“We want responding and reporting parties to talk to that investigator about the questions that they have for witnesses,” Murphy said, “the information that they want to see in that investigation report.”`

That “investigator,” by the way, is “neutral,” according to Murphy.

Student Andy Johnson evidently has more intelligence than his dean:

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