College Sexual Assault Discipline Bill Passes California State Senate

Story here. Excerpt:

'Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson’s Senate Bill 186 (SB 186 [link added]) cleared the senate floor Monday, extending California community colleges’ jurisdiction beyond their campuses, allowing them to discipline students who commit sexual assault and sexual exploitation off-campus with suspension or expulsion from the college.

The senate passed the bipartisan bill unanimously, 35-0, and will now send it to the California State Assembly. The original bill language allowed community colleges to discipline students for any off-campus crimes deemed “egregious,” but an amendment limited the authority to sexual assault cases.

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SAVE: New UVA Sex Policy Is ‘Illogical and Hysterical,’ Will Do Nothing to Stop Rape, SAVE Charges


Contact: Gina Lauterio
Telephone: 301-801-0608

WASHINGTON / April 27, 2015 – The University of Virginia (UVA) has adopted a new Interim Policy on sexual misconduct that dramatically expands the definition of sexual misconduct to include any type of sexual contact. The policy also imposes an “affirmative consent” requirement, warning that “Relying solely on non-verbal communication before or during sexual activity… may result in a violation of this Policy.” SAVE believes the policy will do nothing to deter forcible rape, and is likely to serve to trivialize the problem.

According to the new policy, any intentional touching of intimate body areas, whether clothed or unclothed, must be preceded by specific words or actions indicating consent. Under this definition, a simple hug or close dancing could be construed as sexual assault punishable by expulsion, SAVE notes.

Constitutional scholar Hans Bader has criticized the new UVA policy as “an outrageous violation of students’ privacy rights.”

SAVE highlights the fact that the new policy likely would not have helped to prevent the recent rape of Hannah Graham. The former UVA student was abducted on September 13, 2014. One month later, human remains believed to have come from her body were found at a rural location.

The murder suspect, Jesse Matthew, had been accused of sexual assault at two separate Virginia colleges he had attended as a student. But a criminal case was not brought against the man in either incident.

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Georgetown demands edits to Christina Hoff Sommers video

Article here. Excerpt:

'When I wrote my previous LI piece about Christina Hoff Sommers lecture at Georgetown, I hoped that the “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” were the end to the attempted censorship of Dr. Sommers’ speech.

The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, for which I am the lecture director, sponsored the speech, and recorded it so that others could both hear Dr. Sommers and the people who questioned her.

Unfortunately, I was wrong about the controversy being over.

Now, Georgetown University itself is putting pressure on the Georgetown College Republicans to make CBLPI edit its video of the lecture.

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ABC report on women abusing men

I know some were asking about the ABC PRIMETIME LIVE report about women's violence against men. Well, I found it!

It's on my website, go have a look-see. This is back when such stories were able to get through the feminist stranglehold on the media. Sadly, those days are gone, I think, but it is an interesting report on the subject.

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"Mattress Girl" spoke at a university, yielding some priceless gems

Tweet caps here. Just a couple:

"If we use proof in rape cases, we fall in a pattern of rape deniers."

"If we keep trying to 'prove that it exists', we will never get anywhere."

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Gillibrand On Rape Hoaxes: 'I Hope It’s Just Putting More Of A Spotlight On The Problem'

Article here. Excerpt:

Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said Friday she hopes recent rape hoaxes will put “more of a spotlight on the problem [of rape].”

She was asked if the recent highly publicized hoaxes are “helping or hurting” her advocacy relating to stopping sexual assault on university campuses.

“Well, I hope it’s just putting more of a spotlight on the problem. My hope is that it’s not undermining our advocacy, because this is important,” Gillibrand said. “These lives of these women and men–young lives that are being destroyed and ruined, because there is no justice if you are a survivor of rape whether it’s the criminal justice system or whether it’s the campus adjudication process.”'

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Columbia student says Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand smeared him by standing with alleged rape victim

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Columbia University student suing the Ivy League college for failing to protect him against a fellow student’s accusations of rape also blames Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for helping destroy his reputation.

Paul Nungesser’s lawsuit, filed last week in Manhattan Federal Court, argues that Columbia violated his rights by allowing Emma Sulkowicz to earn course credit for a project in which she carried a mattress around campus to highlight her claim that he raped her in 2012.

Sulkowicz, 22, first spoke out publicly at a news conference with Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and was the senator’s guest at President Obama’s State of the Union address this year.

Nungesser’s lawyer, Andrew Miltenberg, said Gillibrand, who is not named in the suit, failed to investigate Sulkowicz’s account before appearing with her to publicize legislation to curb campus sexual assault.'

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"Buy A Lady A Drink" -- Because men don't need clean water

Beer producer Stella Artois has a campaign currently in high gear called Buy A Lady A Drink. They are advertising it heavily here in the US during sports broadcasts. The idea is if you buy certain of their products, they will donate some amount of money to a particular charity ( that works to bring modern water delivery technology to less-developed countries' rural areas. I am presuming, based on the ads' content and name of the campaign, that there is a hitch: The assistance must be rendered to homes where at least one woman resides.

I guess men don't need clean water. Now, I get this much: in traditional cultures in places in rural sub-Saharan Africa, rural India, etc., the task of fetching the day's water typically falls to one or more women in a household. This can require hours of walking to and from water sources that are miles away and expose them to dangers from animals, the elements, and criminals (i.e., criminal men). So, I get it. And, I can't say the cause is unjust. What I can say is it's sexist in its priorities and presentation. What's wrong with a "Buy Them A Drink" campaign instead, and aim the focus of largesse to the needy at large, not deciding that because a given home is absent women, that it need not receive this kind of charitable attention? Tell me, would a charity decide that the victims of the recent earthquake disaster in Nepal should be singled out by sex and then only those of a particular sex receive medical aid, food, water, etc.? No, that'd be outrageous. So why is Stella Artois doing that kind of thing here?

We here in the "first world" sure can afford to buy the ladies a drink. We can also afford to buy the gentlemen drinks, too. Why leave them out, though, merely because they are male?

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The UVA Dean Who Was Smeared by Rolling Stone Has Broken Her Silence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nicole Eramo is the associate dean of students who heads the sexual misconduct board at the University of Virginia. She was also the villain of the now-infamous and recently retracted Rolling Stone story about the gang rape of a freshman named Jackie that never happened at a UVA fraternity.

In Rolling Stone's piece, Eramo was painted as the frontline responder who never really responded. She was the one who, when she heard Jackie’s story, tried to steer her away from reporting it, supposedly to protect the university’s reputation. Reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely never spoke to Eramo, but she did put words in her mouth, presumably told to her by Jackie.

“If Dean Eramo was surprised at Jackie's story of gang rape, it didn't show,” Rubin Erdely wrote, and then topped it off with an all-too-perfect quote. When Jackie asked the dean why UVA doesn’t publish statistics on sexual violence, “she says Eramo answered wryly, ‘Because nobody wants to send their daughter to the rape school.’”

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Attack of the Leftist Snowflakes

Article here. Excerpt:

'“History assures us that civilizations decay quite leisurely,” Will and Ariel Durant wrote in 1968’s “The Lessons of History.” Even as ancient Greece and Rome faced serious “moral weakening” and societal decay, for instance, both continued to produce “masterpieces of literature and art” and a steady flow of “great statesmen, philosophers, poets, and artists” for hundreds of years.
If the couple were alive today, one wonders if they could have retained their trademark pluck. On college campuses across America, an army of leftist snowflakes — a generation long told they’re special, fragile, and never, ever wrong — is on the march, aiming to squelch any threatening idea that “triggers” uncomfortable thoughts. On the downside, these marauding bands have sparked an epidemic of protests, hysteria, and Nathaniel Hawthorne-style banishings. On the upside, they’re doing a heck of a job alerting the nation that a significant portion of the “leaders of tomorrow” might be one tick short of a working cuckoo clock.

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NPO: White House Council on Boys and Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'In this issue of the newsletter, we are honored to have a piece by Warren Farrell. Warren describes the efforts he has led to create a White House Council on Boys and Men. Warren is the noted author of numerous influential books, including Father and Child Reunion. This is one of the best exposes of the problems we are fighting in the family courts. If you have not read it, now is the time.

Warren is advocating that President Obama create such a Council to address five main issues affecting males: family court practices that cause fatherlessness, emotional health of boys, physical health of boys, education of boys, and work lives of boys and men. I am honored to be a member of Warren’s Council. To see the terrific job the Council has done in presenting the unmet needs of boys and men, see

In this newsletter, Warren describes how you can help bring these issues to the attention of Presidential candidates in Iowa.'

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Free-Range Parents And The Law

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s a good chance you’ve heard about the Meitiv kids (especially if you have children of your own or friends with children). The kids, ages 10 and 6, were walking home from a park a mile from their house in Maryland when they were spotted by a zealous citizen-protector, reported to the police, picked up 3 blocks from home, and detained for over five hours. In the end, they were handed over to their parents, but only after plenty of panic on both the kids’ and parents’ parts. And, as it turns out, that wasn’t really the end. The parents found themselves under investigation for neglect.

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The Plague of Campus Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'‘Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town” is the empathetic account of five sexual-assault cases at the University of Montana (UM) between 2010 and 2012. Jon Krakauer, the acclaimed author of “Into the Wild” and “Into Thin Air,” was moved to write this very different book when he discovered “that many of my acquaintances, and even several women in my own family, had been sexually assaulted by men they trusted,” and he offers sharp insight into “what deters so many rape victims from going to the police.”
Mr. Krakauer devotes more than 100 pages to this complex encounter, which went to trial in February 2013. The football player says it was consensual, and his lawyers suggested that Ms. Washburn had lied to spite him for his uncaring post-coital demeanor. A jury unanimously found him not guilty in less than three hours. Mr. Krakauer argues that in the campus disciplinary proceeding, with a lower burden of proof, Mr. Johnson should have been expelled and probably would have been had he not been a football hero in a football-crazed town. Nobody except Ms. Washburn and Mr. Johnson really knows what happened—though Mr. Krakauer does show compellingly that she has been deeply traumatized by whatever Mr. Johnson did.

To its great credit, “Missoula” tells both sides of these disturbing stories faithfully enough to let readers draw their own conclusions. Yet Mr. Krakauer is convinced that a great many men get away with rape (which is true) because the authorities don’t try hard enough to punish them (which was true once but is much less so now). He urges universities to not let “legalistic quibbling” impede expulsion of alleged rapists.

Like0 Dislike0 Black men suffer prostate cancer at twice the rate as whites


The African American experience of Prostate Cancer is a rarely told story.

African American men suffer from Prostate Cancer more than anyone, anywhere. If we want better treatments, then we've got to tell folks what it means to be a African American man diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Please go to and write a few paragraphs about your experience with prostate cancer OR email and we'll set up a time for a telephone interview.

The stories we collect will be used for support, advocacy and promotion of research into why Prostate Cancer kills African American men at more than twice the rate as white men.

What we don't know is staggering. We don't know if the hospital, clinic and doctors office experience is culpable. We don't know if African American men are screened and diagnosed in the same manner and with similar quality that white men are. We only know that, when we count the corpses, African American men are dying at twice the rate as white men.

That is why we want to hear your stories. We want to know what you as a Black man, or you, as a caregiver or family member, are experiencing regarding prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Malecare has been working on this disparity issue since 2001, along with many other external prostate cancer advocacy and research programs.

2002 - Malecare, starts an online database of African American's and Prostate Cancer research.
2006 - Father Dad African American Health Program
2011 - Black Dad Connection health and parenting network
2014 - Financed African American research project at Johns Hopkins
2015 - Twice As Many African American Prostate Cancer Advocacy Program

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Ex-Teacher Admits To Sex With Three Teen Boys in Plea Deal

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former high school teacher accused of having sexual relationships with three of her students took a plea deal Wednesday, crying as she accepted the agreement in court.

One of the boys was 16 and two were 17 when they were having sex with Brianne Altice, 35. One testified that he considered her to be his girlfriend during their yearlong sexual relationship.

But the boys were all minors, and Utah law also says a person cannot consent to sex if the other person is in a position of special trust. Altice, who taught high school English, pleaded guilty to three counts of forcible sexual abuse in exchange for prosecutors dropping 11 other counts, including several first-degree felonies.

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