Domestic Violence Awareness Comes To Tinder

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'A new series of public service announcements on Tinder hopes to remind women that even a seemingly perfect man can turn violent at the drop of a hat.

Relationship abuse is alarmingly common in the United States. Every minute, 20 people experience intimate partner violence, and three women are murdered every day by a current or former male partner.

Women in Distress, a domestic violence center based in Florida, collaborated with the ad agency Bravo/Y&R for the Tinder Beaters campaign, which aims to raise awareness about relationship abuse.'       

YouTube: Tinder Beater Nice guys turn ugly in domestic violence PSA

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There Is No Wage Gap: Feminists Want Equal Pay for Unequal Work

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Bad news for Hillary: Women CEOs make more than men

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'What happens when two cherished Democratic wedge issues, the War on Women and income inequality, collide? Hillary Clinton is about to find out.

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"College rapists should not be able to transfer schools to skip consequences"

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'A bit of good news for college rapists: if you’ve been accused of sexual assault and don’t feel like sticking around to deal with the consequences on campus, you can simply transfer schools and no one will be the wiser. Thanks to a privacy law for students, young men accused of rape don’t even have to disclose the complaint to their new school.

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SAVE: The Hunting Ground: Anatomy of a Cinematic Flop

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'Produced by Academy award nominee Kirby Dick and billed as a “piercing, monumental exposé of rape culture on campuses,” The Hunting Ground was screened at the Sundance Film Festival in late January, 2015 to enthusiastic critical acclaim. The movie’s public release date was February 27.

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) predicted, “Believe me, there will be fallout.” The New York Times ballyhooed, “Judging by viewer reaction at the film’s premiere and the comments of two United States senators afterward, festival programmers might have undersold it.” ( )

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Canada: Supreme Court rules man has right to sue government for wrongful rape convictions

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'A Supreme Court of Canada ruling empowering a British Columbia man who was wrongly imprisoned for 27 years to sue the Crown may be the trigger for an out-of-court settlement, say observers.

The high court decision on Friday ruled that Ivan Henry can use the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to pursue a lawsuit after his life was upended by convictions for 10 sex crimes he did not commit.

The landmark ruling clarifies the circumstances under which criminal prosecutors may be sued if they fail to disclose evidence to accused persons.

“It is a great win for Ivan,” said Vancouver author Joan McEwen, who spent hundreds of hours over three years with Henry to write a book on his case.

She predicted Henry is entitled to at least $10 million, but said the 68-year-old man’s ailing health may put pressure on him to accept less.'

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Film Director Deletes Twitter Account After Feminist ‘Avengers’ Backlash

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Director Joss Whedon deleted his Twitter account Monday after a stream of hateful messages directed at him by feminists upset with story elements of Avengers: Age of Ultron, the weekend’s big box-office smash.

Tech Times reports that Whedon’s final tweet was an implicit goodbye. He wrote, “Thank you to all the people who’ve been so kind and funny and inspiring up in here.”
The most surprising part of the Black Widow backlash is that Whedon has long considered himself a feminist for his portrayal of strong women, starting with his film/television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Whedon also created Firefly and Dollhouse, two shows which featured strong female characters in leading roles.'

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Feminism: Challenging inequality or pernicious social engineering?

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'The Oxford dictionary defines Feminism as the following: “The advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of equality of the sexes.” I define Feminism as the following: “The advocacy of a vitriolic rodomontade on men, blaming societal maladies on the artificially constructed and nonsensical patriarchy.” Which of these two definitions is correct?

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Students accused of sexual assault also turning to TItle IX

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  • 'Many young men accused of sexual assault on their college campuses are turning to the same law as their alleged victims to defend themselves — Title IX.
  • Inside Higher Ed reports this tactic allows the men to argue their campus arbitration was biased against them because of their gender, and while several have won settlements from their colleges, no judge in civil courts has ruled in their favor yet.
  • In perhaps the only case an accused student won, his lawyer argued negligence and breach of contract because the university didn’t follow its own policies in notifying him of the allegations and the hearing, according to the article.'
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11 people have paid $1,000 each for a hyper-realistic sculpture of a human foreskin

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'At least 11 people have stumped up $1,000 (£684) each to buy a hyper-realistic sculpture of a human foreskin - designed to raise awareness about the "true cost" of male circumcision.

The artwork - called HUFO (Human Foreskin) has been created by Vincenzo Aiello, who believes that circumcision is an unnecessary mutilation that diminishes sexual pleasure later in life.

Whe he's not making art, Aiello is also the founder of Foregen, an organisation that plans to use stem cell technology to regrow foreskins lost through circumcision.

HUFO is being sold through crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to raise money for Foregen research. And so far, 11 people have forked out for the silicone sculpture. But who are they?
More than 130 people have supported the crowd funding campaign, with others pledging anywhere between $10 and $10,000 to the cause. Aiello is hoping to raise at least $40,000, and has already raised more than $35,000.'

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Meet the Vagina Voters

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'"I intend to vote with my vagina."

Have you ever read a more squirm-inducing sentence than that? It appeared in a pro-Hillary piece in Dame magazine, written by a person with a vagina who intends to vote for Clinton because she also has a vagina.

Let's leave aside the unfortunate image conjured up by that sentence ("You can hold a pencil with that thing?!") The bigger problem with such unabashed declarations of "vagina voting" is that they confirm the descent of feminism into the cesspool of identity politics, even biologism, and its abandonment of the idea that women should be valued more for their minds than their anatomy.

Kate Harding, the vagina voter in question, isn't only going to vote with her vag—she's also going to tell everyone about it. "I intend to vote with my vagina. Unapologetically. Enthusiastically... And I intend to talk about it," she wrote in Dame.

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Woman to become firefighter despite failing crucial fitness test

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'The FDNY for the first time in its history will allow someone who failed its crucial physical-fitness test to join the Bravest, The Post has learned.

Rebecca Wax, 33, is set to graduate Tuesday from the Fire Academy without passing the Functional Skills Training test, a grueling obstacle course of job-related tasks performed in full gear with a limited air supply, an insider has revealed.

“They’re going to allow the first person to graduate without passing because this administration has lowered the standard,” said the insider, who is familiar with the training.

Upon graduation, Wax would be assigned to a firehouse and tasked with the full duties of a firefighter.
“We’re being asked to go into a fire with someone who isn’t 100 percent qualified,” the source said. “Our job is a team effort. If there’s a weak link in the chain, either civilians or our members can die.”

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Police charge woman with domestic violence after she stabbed her boyfriend

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'Richland County sheriff’s deputies charged a woman after she allegedly stabbed her live-in boyfriend multiple times early Sunday morning.

Sgt. Kevin Lawrence, a department spokesman, said 32-year-old Donte Fielding was charged with criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature in connection with the incident.

Lawrence said deputies were dispatched to a residence in the 3900 block of Pearl Street off River Drive in reference to a domestic violence call at 1 a.m. When deputies arrived, they met with the victim who said he was involved in a verbal altercation with his girlfriend when it became physical. That was when Fielding allegedly stabbed the victim multiple times in the upper body.'

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Disagree With Your Political Opponents? Just Call In A Bomb Threat At Their Meetup

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'What I missed was not only an event with Breitbart London‘s Milo Yiannopoulos, AEI fellow Christina Hoff Summers, and journalist Cathy Young in the same room; but also a bomb threat from the “tolerant” crowd. Yiannopoulos, Summers, and Young are among the conservative and libertarian journalists that have been promoting the #GamerGate movement, which claims to support ethics in gaming journalism and says that gaming development and journalism has been hijacked by the social justice warrior crowd.

"Police arrived on the scene at approximately 12:15am, just over three hours after the meetup had kicked off. The evacuation began immediately, causing particular difficulty for the event’s two disabled attendees, who had to be carried down from the second floor. The other floors of the bar, which were occupied by regular customers, was also evacuated.

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Large GamerGate meetup disrupted by ‘feminist bomb threat’

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'A 250-strong meetup of GamerGate supporters, which included game developers, journalists and think-tank scholars were evacuated from a bar in Washington D.C on Friday after an anonymous bomb threat was made against the gathering.

This followed an unsuccessful social media campaign spearheaded by anti-GamerGate Salon columnist Arthur Chu to convince the bar’s proprietors to voluntarily eject GamerGate supporters from their establishment.

The event was the largest GamerGate gathering so far, with somewhere between 200 and 300 attendees. It follows a trend toward offline organising by its supporters, who up until recently have tended to congregate on social media and image boards.'

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