Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-05-09 20:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'Students at Oxford University are only being allowed to compete in the biggest rugby tournaments of the season if they agree to attend anti-misogyny workshops, under a new scheme.
The attempt to combat sexism on campus is the first time that the classes have been made a condition to participation on the sports field.
Campaigners said they hope to introduce similar conditions for involvements in other sports, such as football, rowing, hockey and cricket, and organisers are in talks with other universities about introducing the scheme nationally.
Every Oxford college rugby team had to sign up the hour-long workshops in order to enter this year's Cupper knockout tournament.
The "good lad" courses are an attempt to combat the "lad culture" prevalent on campus, and include discussions about sexual harassment, consent, "lad banter" and team initiation ceremonies.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-05-09 20:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'We receive a lot of emails about manspreading over here, and we're not the only ones. Through a public records request, a writer for Bitch Magazine got ahold of emails sent to the MTA regarding "manspreading," which is part of their "Courtesy Counts" etiquette campaign. She received 18 emails that were sent to the MTA over the course of one month, and reports back that 9 called the campaign sexist, or "anti-male." One simply read: "Drop dead, you morons!"'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-05-09 19:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'Attorneys for top NFL draft pick Jameis Winston contend a woman seeking civil damages from the quarterback after accusing him of rape is trying to tarnish his reputation and tap into the Heisman Trophy winner's newfound wealth.
The former Florida State star practiced again Saturday, the final day of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' rookie minicamp, and was not made available to comment on a counterclaim filed on his behalf one week after signing a four-year, $23.35 million contract.
"Nothing is surprising us," Bucs coach Lovie Smith said, when asked if Winston notified the team in advance of Friday's filing in federal court in Orlando.
In it, the quarterback's lawyers alleged that Erica Kinsman created a "media circus," then initiated settlement discussions in which her attorneys demanded $7 million from Winston.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-05-09 02:49
Article here. Excerpt:
'"When it comes to consent, it’s not enough to teach that “no means no” or even that only “yes means yes” — because sometimes “yes” can actually mean “no.”
At least that’s the point of view expressed in an op-ed written by Jordan Bosiljevac for Claremont McKenna College’s student newspaper, the Forum.
In the piece, Bosiljevac explains that she and her friends even came up with a phrase to describe someone having sex with you who you didn’t want to have sex with even though you told him that you did, which they apparently consider a form of rape:
“We coined the term ‘raped by rape culture’ to describe what it was like to say yes, coerced by the culture that had raised us and the systems of power that worked on us, and to still want ‘no,’” she writes in the April 30 article, titled “Why Yes Can Mean No.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-05-09 00:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'#1. Women have the right to vote without agreeing to die
#2. Women Have Genital Integrity Rights
#3. Women Have The Right To Choose Parenthood
#4. Women Have The Right To Be Assumed Caregivers
#6. Women have domestic violence shelters and government housing benefits
#7. Women have the right to exclusive benefits for being a business owner
The Small Business Administration aggressively polices male owned businesses that try to pass themselves off as female owned.
From the SBA:
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-05-08 22:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'Feminists have extended their fight against sexism and racism into the final frontier: space.
Martin Robbins, inspired by another feminist thought piece in Scientific American, wrote a piece for The Guardian on Wednesday called “How can our future Mars colonies be free of sexism and racism?”
In the column, the “Berkshire-based researcher and science writer” who “writes about science, pseudoscience and evidence-based politics” argued visions of future space programs are dominated by white men.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-05-08 22:37
Story here. Excerpt:
'All eight female soldiers participating in the first co-ed class of U.S. Army Ranger School failed to advance to the second phase of the grueling infantry course.
On the male side, 115 male students met the requirement to begin the Mountain Phase of Ranger School in Dahlonega, Ga., on Saturday, May 9, according to a Fort Benning press release.
The eight female candidates, along with 101 male candidates, will be recycled to repeat the Darby Phase of Ranger School.
Approximately 35 male Ranger students failed to meet the standards of Ranger School and will not be recycled, the press release said.
"They will return to their units having learned a great deal about themselves and small unit tactics, patrolling, leadership, and team work," according to the release.
No changes have been made to the deliberate evaluation process used to determine which students are dropped, recycled or allowed to move forward to the next phase, the release states.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-05-08 22:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'Critics say a newly-hired Boston University professor has crossed the line with recent tweets bashing whites, but the school says it’s simply free speech.
“White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges,” Saida Grundy [link added], an incoming assistant professor of sociology and African-American studies at Boston University, tweeted in March.
In another, she called white males a “problem population.”
“Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?” she asked.
The tweets were first noticed by student Nick Pappas, who posted them on his website “” and questioned how Grundy could be able to teach a diverse classroom given the racial hostility in her tweets.
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Submitted by charlie on Fri, 2015-05-08 16:41
Story here. False rape report at the University, but woman is still a victim-survivor. Excerpt:
'University of Minnesota police say they are no longer investigating a reported weekend rape and now consider the incident a "student crisis intervention case."
The U issued a crime alert Tuesday saying a student told campus police she had been sexually assaulted about 1 a.m. Sunday by two men she did not know after they walked her to her Sanford Hall dorm room and then threatened her with a knife.
The next day the U updated its alert, saying the case was no longer being investigated as an assault by a stranger, but that police still were investigating the sexual assault report.
On Thursday, university officials said police were "no longer investigating the reported incident of an armed sexual assault by strangers."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-07 22:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'This Mother's Day we've got some good news and some bad news on the domestic gender equality front.
Now, this isn't entirely because men are oppressive brutish beasts wishing to perpetuate domestic inequality. Sayer points to this finding: even when there's nobody around to pick up after them, men still don't spend a lot of time on housework. "In 2012 single women with no children reported doing almost twice as much cooking, cleaning, and laundry as single men with no children," she writes. In other words, men are simply more slovenly than women, and less averse to filth.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-07 22:52
Article here. Excerpt:
'Mother’s Day is a reminder to fellas that the women in our lives are smarter and braver than us.
My mom, for instance, went back to school in her 60s and got a PhD at Berkeley. Her expertise is in artificial intelligence. At least I think it is. I can never understand what the hell she’s talking about.
My sister has a masters degree, my girlfriend is an MBA. Me, I’ve got high school, a cup of coffee at Carleton University, and the Sun’s work-safety course.
History is adorned with examples of the superiority of women, mothers in particular, from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Laura Secord to Jackie Kennedy to Angelina Jolie.
If women ran the world, we’d be a much happier, more peaceful planet.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-07 22:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'Much like Rolling Stone, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) refuses to the let the facts — or lack thereof — get in the way of her preferred feminist narrative. In her case, it’s the claim that the military has it in for women. Instead of university administrators and fraternity members, she accuses Department of Defense officials of lies and cover-ups and implies that any female living near a base is at risk from sexual predators in uniform.
Sexual assault offenders should indeed be punished. That said, not everyone accused is actually guilty, though it appears the only way to make Gillibrand happy is for every male accused of any type of sexual assault to be convicted, regardless of what the evidence says.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-07 22:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Residents of the Queens neighborhoods served by the new FDNY probie who made the grade despite failing a key fitness test said Wednesday they feel as if they’re in the line of fire.
“Fires happen very often in this area,” said Jay Charriez, 44, who has lived near Engine Co. 259 on Greenpoint Avenue for 15 years. “It’s an industrial area, so it’s really dangerous.”
Other Sunnyside and Long Island City residents also were wary of Rebecca Wax, 33, who graduated Tuesday from the city’s Fire Academy, despite flunking the Functional Skills Training test, a grueling obstacle course of tasks performed in full gear with limited air.
Wax was allowed to graduate after FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro announced rule changes giving less weight to the test.
“She shouldn’t be a firefighter if she can’t meet the standards,” said another neighbor, Asjad Butt, 21. “There are other things she could do.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-07 19:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'“The fates of the two genders are intertwined; for women to thrive, men and boys must be part of the gender equality agenda,” said Gary Barker, co-founder of MenEngage, in a column for New America.
Often in global conversations, abuse is oversimplified into an us-versus-them issue. But as the ICRW study illustrates, such a depiction doesn’t accurately capture the whole story. By dichotomizing one party as good and the other as bad – male or female – it can prevent further exploration into the deeper roots of gender issues that could help make the world more humane for all.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-07 17:35
Story here. Excerpt:
'Boys aren't doing as well in school -- and often in life -- as girls are, says Lee Burns, the headmaster of McCallie School, a private, 110-year-old, all-boys college prep school in Chattanooga.
Boys have lower grade-point averages than girls, national figures show, and boys are more likely to drop out, to have disciplinary problems and to repeat grades. More women attend college than men do, and women graduate at a higher rate. Women go on to earn more advanced degrees than men.
"Across the board, boys are having a tougher time," Burns said. "That's a great thing that girls are doing well. But in the last couple of decades, it's the boys who have trended down in some pretty significant ways."
That's why McCallie will establish the National Center for the Development of Boys at its campus on the slopes of Missionary Ridge.'
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