UK: School bans girls from wearing skirts to stop male teachers from 'feeling uncomfortable'

Link here. Excerpt:

'Headteacher Sarah Pashley says all pupils will now be expected to wear approved trousers bearing the school logo bought from designated suppliers.
Ms Pashley said: “We have a very simple school uniform, which we enforce strictly.

“On one occasion when a male member of staff challenged a female student on her skirt length, she retorted, ‘You shouldn’t be looking at my legs’.

“The male member of staff was understandably uncomfortable with this and reported it to me immediately. Male staff asked me to share this incident with the governing body when uniform was reviewed.”
Another parent claimed that female staff at the school fail to set a good example. She said: “Some female staff wear high heels, short skirts and low-cut blouses.

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UK's Prince Harry calls for return of national service

Link here. Excerpt:

'Harry, 30, fifth in line to the throne, told The Sunday Times that his 10-year career in the British Army had done "amazing things" for him.

"Bring back national service," Harry said.

"I dread to think where I'd be without the army...And more importantly to me, what I've seen the army do to other young guys."
Harry is due to quit the army next month, having said earlier in the year that he is at a crossroads in life and explaining that taking on more royal duties he would not have the time to focus on his army job.
He was speaking to the newspaper in New Zealand, where he has spent the last week on a tour, after previously completing a month-long secondment to the Australian Defence Force.
Under Britain's unwritten constitution, the royal family is supposed to remain above politics, and Queen Elizabeth has kept her opinions to herself during her 63-year reign.

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University looking to change student judicial process

Story here. Excerpt:

'Students at the University of Tennessee could soon see a new kind of punishment.

In 2013, a team of people from UT and other institutions reviewed the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and the punishment process.
The team made 39 recommendations at the conclusion of the review, and 35 of those are up for approval for the 2015-2016 school year.

"I think that when, decades ago, when student codes of conduct were developed, they were really modeled after the legalistic or the criminal process that's used," Carilli said. "Clearly, from an educational perspective, that's not the way to involve education or infuse education into the process."

Moving forward, Carilli said the university is looking to adopt an educational or developmental judicial process so students can better learn from their mistakes, as opposed to simply receiving a punitive punishment.

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‘Transgender’ Director on Hollywood Sexism: ‘Sue the Motherf*ckers’

Article here. Excerpt:

'"I remember three or four years ago being interviewed and saying, ‘Men aren’t doing this on purpose. It’s not their fault. Nobody’s trying to keep women down.’ But something I’ve recognized over the past few years is, I’ve really begun to listen to conversations about implicit bias and privilege.

It very simply makes the world easier for white cis [cisgender, a non-Trans individual] males to have entertainment written by white cis males, where white cis males are the protagonists and the world revolves around them. That’s privilege. Writing is propaganda for the self."
“Let’s sue Hollywood! Sue the motherf*ckers. Sue all of them! It’s been a big week–women speaking up and holding hands,” she said in reference to an announcement that the ACLU has launched an investigation to target gender discrimination in Hollywood.

“Yes...things are changing,” she added.

Furthermore, Soloway believes in affirmative action, a formula is very simple to her:

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Police: Wife Kills Man Hours After He Gets Restraining Order Against Her

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police say a Pennsylvania woman fatally shot her husband hours after he got a restraining order from her.

Allegheny County police say 55-year-old Patricia Katchur shot her husband after returning to their home Wednesday evening. They say she had been living with her sister since the couple fought Saturday, and she had returned to get some belongings earlier Wednesday.

McKeesport police allowed her into the home after 52-year-old Christopher Katchur refused. After she left with her belongings, police advised him to get a protection-from-abuse order.

Police say Patricia Katchur returned to the home by removing a window air conditioner and fell asleep there. Police say her husband returned and woke her up, and she shot him as they walked onto the front porch.'

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University: more ‘secure’ men will eradicate campus sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'What can men at Troy University do to help stop sexual violence? According to a university pamphlet, simply be secure in themselves.

A pamphlet on sexual violence at Troy—obtained by Campus Reform—lists seven things students can do to “stop sexual violence,” including, “be secure.”

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Why Some Male Members of Congress Won’t Be Alone with Female Staffers

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's no secret that Congress is dominated by men, but as women work to make inroads in the congressional boys club, some female staffers face a huge impediment to moving up: They're not allowed to spend one-on-one time with their male bosses.

In an anonymous survey of female staffers conducted by National Journal in order to gather information on the difficulties they face in a male-dominated industry, several female aides reported that they have been barred from staffing their male bosses at evening events, driving alone with their congressman or senator, or even sitting down one-on-one in his office for fear that others would get the wrong impression.
Male staffers said they'd also seen some female aides barred from solo meetings with the boss, and that they benefited in some instances from the exclusion of their female colleagues in high-level meetings, at receptions with major Washington powerbrokers, and just in earning a little more face time with their bosses.

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Ex-boyfriend, stabbed 13 times, urges others to seek domestic violence help

Article here. Excerpt:

'Like many domestic violence victims, Keith Peterson put off getting help, over and over again.

That all changed after he found himself lying in a Fargo hospital bed last July, covered in gashes and stitches from 13 stab wounds suffered in a knife attack at the hands of his then-girlfriend Carly Ann Lacey at a Minnesota campsite.

The 10-month road to help hasn't been easy.

"I lost everything," said Peterson, including his health, his job, his home and his relationship with Lacey, whom he almost married several months before the slashing. "But I've gained so much more. I got everything back."

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Councilwoman’s ‘white men’ comment offends some followers

Story here. Excerpt:

'A public Facebook post from Leesburg Town Council member Kelly Burk implying white men shouldn't serve on the town's new Diversity Commission is stirring both anger and debate on social media.

Town Council on Tuesday night appointed seven members to the newly created Diversity Commission, this despite council member's Tom Dunn abstention from the vote to finalize the membership.

On Wednesday, Burk, the nonpartisan council's vice chair, wrote: “Last Night at the Leesburg Town Council meeting, the council nominated their appointees for the newly formed Diversity Commission. I have no doubt that each nominee will be an important member of the commission but I did find it somewhat ironic that two Republicans council members appointed white men to the diversity council.”

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Three Recent Lawsuits Challenge the ‘Rape Crisis’ Storyline

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yes, there are victims of America’s alleged college “rape crisis.” There are the women who are actually raped — who experience among the worst of crimes and live with the psychological and sometimes physical consequences for the rest of their lives. But there are also other victims, people whose lives are ruined by false accusations, with reputations destroyed in the quest to prove a larger narrative — that America’s college campuses are uniquely dangerous places for American women.

Three recently filed lawsuits show the other side of the “rape crisis,” how the media glosses over ambiguity to advance an agenda, creating heroes out of potential liars and villains out of the possibly innocent. I say “potential” and “possible” because in the real world, ambiguity is common and clarity is rare. But its difficult to create a crisis out of confusion, so agenda-driven “journalists” manufacture clarity, no matter the cost.

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Brit Shalom ceremonies – resources

Listing here. Excerpt:

'This page includes a huge array of information about Jewish circumcision (brit milah), and its modern alternative, brit shalom.

It is a vast subject, and tends to provoke strong emotional reactions on both sides of the argument. While I am a deeply committed Jew, and active in the Jewish community as a prayer leader, teacher, cantor and celebrant, I oppose circumcision on anything other than urgent medical grounds, whether for an infant or an adult. I oppose brit milah as a practice, as well as circumcision of an adult male at the time of conversion to Judaism. Neither is necessary according to even the most stringent halachah (Jewish law), even though many Jews insist upon it. I profoundly support the practice of brit shalom – naming and welcoming infants into their Jewish life and people through a ceremony that does not include cutting anything or drawing any blood.'

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UK: TV Host Calls Out Audience for Laughing at Male Domestic Violence Victim

Video here. Description:

'During a recent episode of The Jeremy Kyle Show (essentially a British analogue to The Maury Show), the eponymous host had a guest on named Geoff to discuss his relationship with his violent pregnant ex-girlfriend, and to see whether he was the father of the baby. (We told you it was kind of like Maury.)

Geoff described in great detail an episode where he’d been locked in his apartment by the ex, and the only way to escape was to jump off a third-story balcony, prompting the audience to burst into giggles.

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The Horror: Jessica Valenti Terrorized on Subway by ‘Passively Sexist’ Twitter Feed

Story here. Excerpt:

'If you take public transportation and use social media on a mobile device, beware of rubbernecking feminists.

Specifically, beware Guardian columnist Jessica Valenti. Some poor guy had the misfortune to be sitting next to her while checking his Twitter feed on the subway in New York yesterday. And just like that, average straphanger became “passive sexist.”

Valenti saw something, but she didn’t say something. At least not directly. She took to Twitter instead, like the truly courageous activists do.

The tweet brought her well-deserved Twitter scorn, with users calling it the “dumbest tweet of the year” and some recalling an earlier Valenti tweet in which she whined about “women on the subway” having no right to “privacy.”'

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Parody: "The Oberlin College choir responds to the Christina Sommers controversy"

Parody song here. Because if you don't laugh, you'll cry.

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"Girls With Autism Fare Worse Than Boys, Study Finds"

More feminisation of a men's and boy's health concern. Link here. Excerpt:

'While girls are far less likely than boys to be diagnosed with autism, girls with the developmental disorder show more impairments compared to their healthy female peers than comparable sets of boys do, new research suggests.

Scientists from the University of California Davis MIND Institute contend that girls with autism may suffer from greater social deficits than boys with the condition, which is characterized by problems with emotional and communication skills.

"Many of the studies looking for behavioral differences in autism have only compared boys and girls with autism and not to their typically developing counterparts," said study author Christine Wu Nordahl, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.
About one in 68 American children is diagnosed with autism, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but boys are more than four times as likely to be affected.'

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