Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-05-15 00:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'Yes, there are victims of America’s alleged college “rape crisis.” There are the women who are actually raped — who experience among the worst of crimes and live with the psychological and sometimes physical consequences for the rest of their lives. But there are also other victims, people whose lives are ruined by false accusations, with reputations destroyed in the quest to prove a larger narrative — that America’s college campuses are uniquely dangerous places for American women.
Three recently filed lawsuits show the other side of the “rape crisis,” how the media glosses over ambiguity to advance an agenda, creating heroes out of potential liars and villains out of the possibly innocent. I say “potential” and “possible” because in the real world, ambiguity is common and clarity is rare. But its difficult to create a crisis out of confusion, so agenda-driven “journalists” manufacture clarity, no matter the cost.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2015-05-14 23:26
Listing here. Excerpt:
'This page includes a huge array of information about Jewish circumcision (brit milah), and its modern alternative, brit shalom.
It is a vast subject, and tends to provoke strong emotional reactions on both sides of the argument. While I am a deeply committed Jew, and active in the Jewish community as a prayer leader, teacher, cantor and celebrant, I oppose circumcision on anything other than urgent medical grounds, whether for an infant or an adult. I oppose brit milah as a practice, as well as circumcision of an adult male at the time of conversion to Judaism. Neither is necessary according to even the most stringent halachah (Jewish law), even though many Jews insist upon it. I profoundly support the practice of brit shalom – naming and welcoming infants into their Jewish life and people through a ceremony that does not include cutting anything or drawing any blood.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-14 21:07
Video here. Description:
'During a recent episode of The Jeremy Kyle Show (essentially a British analogue to The Maury Show), the eponymous host had a guest on named Geoff to discuss his relationship with his violent pregnant ex-girlfriend, and to see whether he was the father of the baby. (We told you it was kind of like Maury.)
Geoff described in great detail an episode where he’d been locked in his apartment by the ex, and the only way to escape was to jump off a third-story balcony, prompting the audience to burst into giggles.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-05-14 20:18
Story here. Excerpt:
'If you take public transportation and use social media on a mobile device, beware of rubbernecking feminists.
Specifically, beware Guardian columnist Jessica Valenti. Some poor guy had the misfortune to be sitting next to her while checking his Twitter feed on the subway in New York yesterday. And just like that, average straphanger became “passive sexist.”
Valenti saw something, but she didn’t say something. At least not directly. She took to Twitter instead, like the truly courageous activists do.
The tweet brought her well-deserved Twitter scorn, with users calling it the “dumbest tweet of the year” and some recalling an earlier Valenti tweet in which she whined about “women on the subway” having no right to “privacy.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2015-05-14 05:18
Parody song here. Because if you don't laugh, you'll cry.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Thu, 2015-05-14 01:32
More feminisation of a men's and boy's health concern. Link here. Excerpt:
'While girls are far less likely than boys to be diagnosed with autism, girls with the developmental disorder show more impairments compared to their healthy female peers than comparable sets of boys do, new research suggests.
Scientists from the University of California Davis MIND Institute contend that girls with autism may suffer from greater social deficits than boys with the condition, which is characterized by problems with emotional and communication skills.
"Many of the studies looking for behavioral differences in autism have only compared boys and girls with autism and not to their typically developing counterparts," said study author Christine Wu Nordahl, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.
About one in 68 American children is diagnosed with autism, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but boys are more than four times as likely to be affected.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-05-13 21:44
Story here. Excerpt:
'A student who banned white people and men from a students’ union equality event has insisted that she can’t be racist because she is an “ethnic minority woman”.
Publicity for event claimed that it aimed to be all about “challenge the white-centric culture of occupations”, “diversifying our curriculum” and building a “cross-campus campaign that puts liberation at the heart of the movement”.
But when Bahar Mustafa, Goldsmith University’s Students Union Welfare and Diversity officer, took to Facebook to invite people to the event, she insisted that it was for “BME Women and non-binary people” only, adding “if you’ve been invited and you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME”.
Breitbart London reported at the time that Miss Mustafa had repeatedly confirmed that the event was segregated.
Her remarks quickly drew criticism from Goldsmiths students, who branded her comments “patronising” and “laughable”.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-05-13 21:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'You’d best get out your hip waders, folks – we’re about to wade through a steaming pile of government balderdash.
The controversy surrounds a storage shed built by the baseball booster club at Arbor View High School in Las Vegas. The youngsters needed a place to store their bats and balls and bases.
The boosters had wanted to build a clubhouse for the teenage ball players, but after months of delay they came up with an alternative plan.
One of the parents knew the owner of a company that made precast one-story buildings. The company offered to donate the manpower and materials to build the boys a shed.
Carl Pastrone, whose son is a pitcher and outfielder for the Arbor View Aggies, told me they pitched their plan to school administrators and were promptly given a green light. That was in 2014.
The storage shed was erected last September. Boosters installed doors and gave the shed a coat of paint – nothing elaborate.
“It cost the booster club zero,” Carl told me.
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Submitted by ErikaLancastor on Wed, 2015-05-13 14:34
This is, in reality, what causes militant feminism. Androphobia, like its counter-illness, gynophobia, is a very real mental illness.
With militant feminism, we have a mental illness that is sanctioned by the federal government, perpetuated and exacerbated by the media and has its own organizations and even its own civil rights standards!
THIS is what militant feminism is, and that is ALL it is.
So now that we have identified the problem, what is the solution?
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-12 19:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'Two Salisbury men accused of rape and assault are now free after being cleared of those charges.
The woman that initially came forward claiming to have been raped apparently admitted to making up those allegations. She is facing a potential charge of “making a false statement to police” and could receive up to a $500 and/or prison time.
But the fear, is that the damage is already done.
“It’s hard enough for them to come in,” says Lieutenant Brian Swafford with the Fruitland Police Department. “They feel like they're going to be judged or not going to be believed or it's going to be their fault. Sometimes there will be a third party that lets us know and we reach out and try to get their end of the story a lot of times they're reluctant to tell us everything.”
“This is also a person crying out for help,” he says. “There’s a reason why a person does this, so another interest to the state is trying to get that person some assistance as well.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-12 19:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'When men disagree with illiberal feminists, a favored silencing tactic is to accuse them of “mansplaining.” The term grew out of a fairly brilliant 2008 essay by feminist writer Rebecca Solnit, who described the exquisitely annoying feeling of having a certain type of man condescendingly lecture a woman on a topic about which he knows very little—in this case Solnit’s own book. This is certainly a phenomenon I and millions of other women have experienced, and it can be maddening. But the illiberal feminists have forged the notion of “mansplaining” into a weapon to silence any man who expresses an opinion at odds with feminist orthodoxy.
Illiberal feminists turn simple ideological disagreements, whether about the federal budget or the Second Amendment or anything else, into excuses to engage in character assassination, dismissing their opponents as sexists. Conservatives are their favorite targets, but any dissident can land in their crosshairs.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-12 19:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'Grumblings that Hollywood is a man’s world have percolated for decades and are borne out in grim figures: Women directed only 4 percent of top-grossing films over the last dozen years. Now this apparent truism is being challenged as a violation of civil rights.
On Tuesday the American Civil Liberties Union asked state and federal agencies to investigate the hiring practices of major Hollywood studios, networks and talent agencies for what the organization described as rampant and intentional gender discrimination in recruiting and hiring female directors.
“Women directors aren’t working on an even playing field and aren’t getting a fair opportunity to succeed,” said Melissa Goodman, director of the L.G.B.T., Gender and Reproductive Justice Project at the A.C.L.U. of Southern California. “Gender discrimination is illegal. And, really, Hollywood doesn’t get this free pass when it comes to civil rights and gender discrimination.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-12 18:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'Conflict, consternation, and litigation has spread across college campuses ever since a 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter from the Obama administration’s Office of Civil Rights launched a vast expansion of the Title IX bureaucracy. This Nixon-era law originally focused on banning relics of the past, such as male-only vocational education, but later was expanded by federal bureaucrats to enforce gender equity in college athletics, leading to de facto quotas. Since then, it has accrued new powers not because new powers were conferred by an act of Congress, but because executive branch administrators decided to reinterpret this 43-year-old statute to advance their political agenda.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-12 18:03
Article here. Excerpt:
'Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, appearing at a Manhattan college with RepresentativeNancy Pelosi, on Monday called for the passage of “the toughest law in the nation” on campus sexual assault, a message aimed at state lawmakers who have expressed some reservations about his proposals.
Mr. Cuomo’s proposed policies, which are already in place at New York’s public colleges, would require private colleges to adopt “affirmative consent” as the standard of behavior, putting the burden on an accused student to show that the other person had agreed to the sexual activity, rather than making accusers prove that they had said no; silence or lack of resistance would not be considered consent.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-12 17:59
Story here. Excerpt:
'A former San Diego State University student who was accused — charges were later dismissed — of sexual assault on a student in December of last year plans to take legal action against San Diego State University over the university's handling of the complaint.
Francisco Paiva Sousa filed a claim with California State University's risk management department on April 30. The claim is the first step in a lawsuit. Sousa, a foreign student from Portugal, was arrested on suspicion of forced copulation and false imprisonment of a fellow student on December 9 of last year. Days later, the district attorney's office dismissed the charges.
But the damage, says Sousa, was already done. In the days after the female student made the allegations, San Diego State's Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities had refused to meet with Sousa and declined to see text messages and other evidence, which Sousa says would have proved his innocence.
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