Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2015-05-27 04:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'It took over 70 years of determined, dogged and dedicated effort to gain the right for women to vote in the United States. Seventy years. The women and men who initially campaigned for universal suffrage didn’t live to see the passage of the 19th amendment.
Susan B. Anthony was jailed, chastised and ridiculed. She nonetheless remained faithful to the eventual success of her vision. “Failure is impossible,” she stated, energizing the younger activists who would pick up the mantle after her death.
Failure is impossible
A great deal has changed since Anthony’s time. Women can now own property, initiate divorce, vote, and serve as lawyers, judges, and on a jury. We take these basic rights for granted and easily forget that a few generations ago they existed only as illuminating ideas held true by a handful of “fringe” activists. For example, my paternal grandfather was born in 1918, before any of the aforementioned rights were legal.
I am an intactivist.
I firmly support the right to genital integrity for all children. I uphold the rights of individuals, upon reaching the age of consent, to choose whether or not they want to permanently alter the most private parts of their bodies -- be it for religious, cultural or personal reasons.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-26 11:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'Trigger warning: This column will include discussion of ideas that may conflict with your own.
Those accustomed to reading or listening only to liberal commentators may not be aware of "trigger warnings" and "safe zones" on college campuses.
It seems that mostly conservative sites and writers are concerned with the increasingly draconian suppression of free speech on college campuses. But then, it is mostly conservative writers and speakers who are treated as though they're bringing the Ebola virus rather than contrarian ideas to the sensitive ears of what we may as well name the "Swaddled Generation."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-26 11:41
Story here. Excerpt:
"A model ex-girlfriend of Gerard Butler who accused a photographer of getting her pregnant during a rape saw the case collapse because she got pregnant and DNA confirmed he was not the father, it has been reported.
Alesia Riabenkova, 22, who has appeared on the covers of Glamour and Elle magazines, claims she was raped when she went to his condo to talk about her struggling career, The New York Post reported.
The pair allegedly discussed a photo shoot over champagne, but 45 minutes later, the Latvian native told the doorman she had been attacked and asked him to call 911.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-05-26 05:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'Support has been growing for Bahar Mustafa, the Welfare and Diversity officer at the centre of a racism and sexism row.
They defend Mustafa for organizing minority-specific events and say her tweeting of hashtags such as #killallwhitemen has been misunderstood.
The president of Goldsmiths’ Student Union, Howard Littler, and the co-convenor of the MA in Gender, Media and Culture, Sara Ahmed, are among those who have publicly supported Mustafa.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2015-05-25 23:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'During the 1990s, schools began as a matter of course to criminalize adolescent misbehavior — reclassifying mere shoving matches as acts of “extreme” violence and throwing students out for cursing. The notion of penalizing college applicants for minor misbehavior when they were 14 or 15, when a child’s impulse control is notoriously weak, is unfair on its face. It is even less defensible when you consider that suspension policies are applied arbitrarily and in a racially discriminatory way. “Disruptive behavior” often means talking back to a teacher. And in some places, weapons possession is seen as “not at all violent” while shoving matches are viewed as “extremely violent.” Depending on where a student lives, firecrackers or toy guns can get the student suspended for “weapons possession.”
Colleges that use the disciplinary information in admissions often make matters worse by doing so haphazardly. According to the study, only about a quarter of the 408 colleges that responded to the survey have formal written policies on how the data should be interpreted — and only about a third have trained their admissions staff in how to interpret disciplinary violations. These shortcomings mean that at least some students can be unnecessarily rejected for innocuous violations. And those who are admitted despite violations can be barred from living on campus, placed on probation and so on.
Disciplinary data is junk information that can hurt students while doing nothing to meaningfully distinguish them from other applicants. Clearly, many schools realize that. About half the 1,360 high schools that answered the survey had chosen not to disclose the information. Of course, this means applicants from districts that do share the information can be penalized merely because of where they live.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2015-05-25 22:21
Article here. From 2013, but still relevant. Excerpt:
'Here’s something you might not know. In Baltimore’s jails, which are run by the state, more than 60 percent of the guards are women, Maryland corrections officials estimate. And nationwide, their numbers are rapidly approaching parity with male guards. Women made up about 37 percent of the corrections force in 2007, according to the American Correctional Association.
Now get ready for my next bombshell. According to a frequently quoted report by the Justice Department on sex in prisons and jails, most of the guards having sex with their charges are women. “Among the 39,121 male prison inmates who had been victims of staff sexual misconduct, 69% reported sexual activity with female staff,” according to the 2008-09 Bureau of Justice Statistics study.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-05-25 07:35
Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-05-25 07:23
Article here.
'It would be unacceptable if the both deputy leader and leader of the Labour party turned out to be men, Harriet Harman said today.
Harman, who is acting as caretaker leader of the party during its leadership contest, told the Andrew Marr programme the party needed a "balanced leadership".
She added:
"I don't think there's a place for all-male leadership teams. A balanced leadership is better."'
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Submitted by ErikaLancastor on Mon, 2015-05-25 05:02
Link to the article here. Excerpt:
'At HEqual we’re delighted to bring readers news of positive and very interesting developments concerning the Twitter hate speech of Liberal Democrat Executive Committe member Sarah Noble. Also known on Twitter as “sarahlicity”, Noble made a number of vile comments over several years, including wanting to “remove men from society” and advocating genocide of men by repeatedly tweeting “kill all men”. Noble also advocated for this removal of men from society at the infamous NUS Women 2015 conference. Outside of her Lib Dem work, Noble is a coordinator for Leeds University Union feminist society and also works on the hugely controversial Twitter blockbot.'
What an uber-wanker... 'all I have to say.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-05-25 01:28
Article here. Excerpt:
'Do you see something wrong in the picture above? [link added]
The photo, which is making the rounds on social media, is drawing people's ire because it shows the man walking on the inside of the sidewalk while the woman walks on the outside, closer to the gutter and street.
The photo has ignited a debate as to if chivalry is dead.
Relationship expert and dating coach Rachel DeAlto appeared on "Fox and Friends Weekend" to share some tips for the modern man to be more chivalrous.
These include, as we learned above, walk on the outside of the sidewalk, open any door and let the lady go first and be the one to call and make plans.
"I always say women want to feel safe, sexy and secure, so if you can do those three things and that's all [that] chivalry does," DeAlto said.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-05-25 01:18
Interview here. Excerpt:
'A self-described liberal, Powers writes that the “illiberal left” is trying to dominate the discussion on campus, online and in the media through intimidation. In our discussion, Powers suggests there is an authoritarian impulse at play, one that has been gaining steam in the broader culture.
BN: One of the things I noticed in the book is there seem to be two sides to this. There are the people who are for “safe spaces” and trigger warnings who seem to be taking a defensive posture. They don’t want to be hurt or offended by something. And then on the other hand you have a group of people who are very aggressive who attack anyone who challenges them. For instance, the feminists who call anyone who disagrees with them a “rape apologist.” One is very aggressive and one is defensive… I’m just wondering how you see them working together.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-05-25 01:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'Lately, there’s a lot of talk among feminists about the need to keep women safe. The rape culture is allegedly inescapable, and trigger warnings are appended to college syllabi to protect sensitive souls from reminders of any past cause of pain, from “neuro-atypical shaming” to mention of “how much a person weighs.” But it turns out that if you dare to debunk feminist myths, you’re the one that really needs protection.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2015-05-24 20:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'In 2013, Elissa Shevinsky wrote an article titled "That's it, I'm finished defending sexism in tech." The article was based on her concerns that a major tech expo would open with a presentation with an app called "Titstare," which, as the name implied, allowed users to take photos of themselves staring at women's breasts.
Because of the movement she helped create, Shevinsky has been described as a "social justice warrior" — a usually derogatory term applied to those who engage in hostile arguments in the name of righting a perceived social injustice.
Shevinsky is now sorry for whatever role she played in creating all of this outrage and silliness. She's sorry, she writes in her new book, Lean Out, and she adds that her initial position was "flawed."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2015-05-24 20:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'State Rep. Earl Ehrhart (R-Powder Springs) is the chairman of the subcommittee that oversees appropriations for public universities. Ehrhart said he read a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that described a “secret process for judging sexual misconduct allegations,” which troubled him because it outlined what he considers a violation of the right to due process as its laid out by the Fifth Amendment.
“If somebody commits a crime, that’s the purview of trained professional jurists, district attorneys (and) law enforcement. The universities absolutely don’t need to be in that business, so I want to make sure that they’re not,” Ehrhart said. “They don’t need a secondary system of justice on university campuses. That’s the issue.”
He said even if a person is accused of a heinous crime, they should still be considered “innocent until proven guilty” and be granted their right to due process.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2015-05-24 20:31
Article here. Excerpt:
'Nacht has seen how the system can seriously harm the reputation and future of some students—especially male students. When universities investigate reported sexual misconduct, due process is often thrown out for the accused. That's leading a lot of male students and their families to seek legal help when a complaint is filed. While Nacht also represents women in campus incidents, he says at any given time, he's got six male clients.
When relationships go south, those disagreements are now starting to include lawyers and even police.
Nacht related a recent case that illustrates the problem. A couple at UM had been together for three years, and in the course of one weekend, they had consensual sex three times. But after they attended a party, the woman decided she wanted to break up with him. She didn't inform him of this and went back with him to his dorm room that night, where some sexual activity took place. They both had been drinking.
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