With new US law, more funding to protect women who have children after rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama signed the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act into law on May 29 as part of the bipartisan Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. It boosts funding for states that allow women to petition for the termination of parental rights based on clear and convincing evidence that a child was conceived through rape.
Currently, about 36 states address the issue in law, but many of them require a criminal conviction of the rapist, which leaves little protection for the vast majority of victims, since very few rapes lead to prosecution. The “clear and convincing” standard – in place in 10 states – allows a judge to block the alleged rapist’s access to a child in a civil proceeding with a lower burden of proof than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard required in criminal courts. ...'

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Iceland politicians seek women-only Parliament

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Alþingi parliament came together at 11.00 this morning and the first item on the agenda was parliament itself.

Left Green MP Steingrímur J. Sigfússon started by endorsing a suggestion from Independence Party parliamentary chairman Ragnheiður Ríkharðsdóttir for a women-only Icelandic parliament—though Steingrímur’s idea is a little different to the original proposal.

Steingrímur said that there is nothing new in the idea that the world might be a better place if women had more of a say in how it is run, Vísir reports. He pointed to a conference where he put forth the idea that women should be allowed to run the whole world for fifty years in an experiment to see how much better of a place it might become.

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Editorial demands stop to Title IX inquisition “insanity”

Article here. Excerpt:

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Campus tales: Manspreading, rape, and Title IX idiocy

Article here. Excerpt:

'The politics of sex and race often sound like dispatches from the lunatic fringe. Two stories, one about man-spreading, and one involving Title IX, emphasize that impression.

The Title IX story comes from Northwestern University in Chicago. Professor Laura Kipnis wrote an article for the Chronicle of Higher Education in February in which she described sexual paranoia on campus. She used as an example a case involving a philosophy professor at Northwestern who was accused by an undergraduate of “unwelcome and inappropriate sexual advances.”

Kipnis named no names, but the young woman involved and a graduate student who had also filed a charge against the professor decided that Kipnis had made the campus an unwelcoming, even hostile place. They sued.'

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Senators Exclude Statistics At Premiere Of Campus Assault Documentary

Article here. Excerpt:

'The premiere event for Vice News’ campus rape minidocumentary brought Democratic Sens. Claire McCaskill and Kirsten Gillibrand to George Washington University on a stormy Monday Night, yet notably failed to provide the statistics for the issue and did not mention the creator of a rape protest movement the event celebrated but whose story of sexual assault is now doubted.

Neither the documentary itself nor McCaskill and Gillibrand presented a hard number on the rate for sexual assault on campus — and it wasn’t due to no one asking.
McCaskill replied that the statistics for rape are hard to come by, and she couldn’t give a number for the amount of rape cases that were based on false allegations. But she did say that her experience as a prosecutor precludes her to believe that they are especially low due to the arduous process involved in a rape investigation and the toll it takes on a victim.

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Expelled student claims in lawsuit the inability to consent

Story here. Excerpt:

'Apparently consensual sex, intoxicated participants, bad advice from the university and employees, and damning text messages: A pattern is emerging in litigation by students accused of sexual assault against the universities that punished them.

Amherst College is the latest to be targeted by a punished student for his role in a sexual encounter, following similar allegations by accused men at Occidental College and Columbia University.

The May 29 lawsuit accuses Amherst of conducting a “grossly inadequate investigation” of John Doe and accuser “Sandra Jones,” depriving Doe of a competent adviser, withholding evidence during a hearing before the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board, and harming Doe’s reputation.

What differentiates the Amherst suit from others, though, is that it portrays Doe as unable to give consent, and Jones as the initiator and the sober party.

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Columbia’s Mattress Girl Has Made An ‘Artistic’ Sex Tape

Story here. Can just imagine Gillibrand's reaction to this. New York voters, paying attention? She's the one who's lionized this person right up to the last State of the Union address. At this point I have to wonder, is Mattress Grrl trying to capitalize off her self-styled victimhood as an amateur porn star? This is why I don't bother with fiction. The news is sufficiently bizarre. Excerpt:

'Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia graduate famous across the country as “Mattress Girl” after she hauled a mattress around campus for a year to protest the school’s handling of her alleged rape, has apparently released a sex tape recreating her alleged rape.

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California's sexual re-education camps are coming soon

Article here. Excerpt:

'Not content to redefine consent to mean asking permission before every step of the sexual process, California is now on the path to teaching high school students the proper way to have sex — because human nature is now wrong.

To recap: Last year California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law aiming to redefine consent as an "affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement," that is "ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time." Saying "no" to unwanted sexual contact was no longer necessary, as a "lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent." Also, previous sexual history "should never by itself be assumed to be an indicator of consent." Alcohol also negates consent, since the line between "intoxicated" and "incapacitated" can be decided after the fact by an accuser.

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Fewer Young Men Fathering Children Outside of Marriage: CDC

Link here. Excerpt:

'Fewer unmarried American men are becoming first-time fathers, U.S. health officials reported Thursday.

Thirty-six percent of first-time fathers younger than 44 had a child out of wedlock during the first decade of the 2000s, officials said.

"This represents a decline from the previous two decades," said report author Gladys Martinez, of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics.

In the 1980s, she said, 42 percent of first-time fathers were unmarried, as were 40 percent in the 1990s.

The national survey also found a larger proportion of unmarried first-time fathers living with the mother and child than in the past.

The report is good news, given prior research indicating that "having a father involved positively with his child benefits the child and the family on a number of outcomes," said Dr. Craig Garfield, an associate professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.'

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Survey: Half of bullying bosses are women who bully women

Article here. From 2004, but still a good read for anyone with a bully-boss. It's a rare acknowledgement indeed. Excerpt:

'It's no secret that there are abusive bosses out there -- you know the type. Bullies with big job titles that make the people working for them miserable.

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NPO: 50 Media Wins in 2 Months Advances Shared Parenting and Parental Equality Efforts

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Parents Organization has been featured in the media more than 50 times in the past two months — an accomplishment that brings significant attention to the organization’s shared parenting and parental equality advocacy efforts. 

These publicity wins have included prominent stories on shared parenting in some of the nation’s most influential news outlets, including TIME magazine and The Wall Street Journal. In addition NPO members’ opinion pieces on family court reform legislation have landed in publications throughout the nation, and numerous news outlets covered NPO’s Parental Alienation Awareness Day involvement as well as other efforts.'

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SAVE: Revelations of Campus ‘Inquisition’ Stir Outrage

Press release here. Excerpt:

'A recent article by a Northwestern University professor about flawed campus sexual assault policies has triggered sharp criticism and calls for reform. Professor Laura Kipnis detailed how campus policies designed to address sexual assault have deprived the accused of their due process rights. Titled “My Title IX Inquisition,” the editorial was published in the May 29 edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Kipnis had published an article in February criticizing Title IX procedures, which she described as overly-intrusive and unfair. Title IX is the federal law that bans sex discrimination on college campuses.

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“Women only” Hillary event forced to admit men after poor turnout

Story here. First of all I need to ask the (fairly obvious) question: What do you think the reaction would be if a male presidential candidate held an event for men only?

Well, of course the outcries of "sexism" would be heard 'round the world and thus would be the end of that male candidate's run for president, as well as his political career as a whole. No bones about it, and well it should.

Yet Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a women-only event, and of course no sexism there, what? Clinton claims to be for "equality", but as is the case with most feminists, their actions speak louder than their words. In any case, it rather blew up in her face, like a stick of TNT for Wile E. Coyote. Excerpt:

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Workplace Worries for Women vs. Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of which NIOSH is a part, says women are more likely to have work-related cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, respiratory diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases, and anxiety and stress disorders.

Women’s work-related health concerns differ from men’s for a number of reasons, including different types of jobs being performed, as well as social, economic and cultural factors. For example, because women are more likely to hold part-time jobs, which are typically more unstable, they could be more afraid to voice safety concerns for fear of losing their jobs, the CDC says.

Apart from straightforward safety concerns, women also face sexual harassment, which can impact physical and mental health and cause anxiety, depression, lower self-esteem, alienation, insomnia, nausea and headaches.'


From Occupational fatality on Wikipedia:

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Change.org: Let's Have A Google Doodle For International Men's Day

You can sign the petition for a Google Doodle for International Men's Day, November 19 2015. Excerpt:

'We, the undersigned, respectfully request that Google and its doodlers do something as creative and fun as possible for as many people as possible to celebrate "International Men's Day" and have it made public on 19 November 2015.

Background: International Men's Day (IMD), like so many grassroots initiatives, has a history and people who need to be acknowledged.'

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