Kirsten Gillibrand claims her bill gives equal rights to accusers and accused, but it doesn't

Article here. Excerpt:

'During a Washington Post symposium on campus sexual assault Wednesday (which included no speakers advocating for due process), Gillibrand was asked if the bill she has introduced — the Campus Accountability and Safety Act — takes into account the rights of accused students. Gillibrand responded with an emphatic "absolutely" before claiming that she and her Senate colleagues worked with accused students while crafting the bill.

"[We] made sure that they had the same rights of representation as someone who was alleging the crime," Gillibrand said. "And so, all notice requirements are for both, all representational requirements — that you can have someone by your side representing you — are for both."

This is not accurate. Gillibrand's bill does not specifically lay out what rights accusers (the bill calls them "victims" throughout, except for once, illustrating a clear bias) and the accused have. It states only that schools must provide each student with written notice of the process to provide them "with the opportunity to meaningfully exercise the due process rights afforded to them under institutional policy."

Due process rights are mentioned elsewhere in the bill as being provided by a certain section in the Higher Education Act of 1965. That section calls for a supposedly "fair and impartial investigation" conducted by minimally trained campus administrators (more on that later). It also calls for both students to be notified of the process and outcome of the investigation and allows them to have "others" present at the disciplinary hearing.

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Women Against Paternity Fraud (WAPF) Opens New California Office and Launches a New Website

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Women Against Paternity Fraud (WAPF) a national non-profit organization that educates the public, media, and policy makers on issues relating to paternity fraud (which is devastating to men, women, and especially children) opens up a new California office. 

Year after year, the American Association of Blood Banks reports that approximately 28% of all paternity tests excludes the targeted man. In LA County alone, 80% of paternity establishments are entered by default judgments. 

The mission of WAPF is to institute dialogue and educational efforts that encourage reform – to insure that children develop a relationship with their biological fathers, have access to their family medical history, their heritage, and inheritance and medical insurance benefits. With the goal of ending paternity fraud and the devastation it creates within families.'

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‘Happy Father’s Day, Mom’ Angel Soft’s Newest Campaign

Article here.

'On the newest commercial for Angel Soft titled ‘Happy Father’s Day, Mom,’ several adults tell the stories of how their mom had to play both parental roles. On Sunday, June 21st fathers are celebrated for this special holiday.

Their stories are tear jerkers as they talk about how their mom not only juggled a family, jobs and personal lives, but made sure there kids had the best life she could give them. One of the men even said during the video, “She really is the most amazing mother, but she was an incredible father.”

Although some fathers may feel a bit offended, Todd Wingfield, Angel Soft’s Senior Brand Manager, told Centric TV, “We celebrate families in all forms, shapes and sizes. Our vision is that this is the first in a series of unique stories we’ll be sharing. Dads also play an important role and exemplify those traits of being soft and strong every day.”'

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A Nobel professor's hounded from his job for 'sexist' remarks in disturbing trend

Article here. Excerpt:

'First of all, let me just say that I do not intend to resign on account of what I am about to say. Or issue a grovelling apology, or cry in the loos.

So if you’re a touchy ‘feminazi’ with the sense of humour of a Ryvita, or just one of those weird people who like getting in a massive lather about things, save your spittle. If, that is, you have any left. Because you did it, ladies. You got your man. Sir Tim Hunt, 72, Nobel Prize winner, one of Britain’s top scientists last night resigned.

No doubt it will be extra helpings of organic non-GM muesli all round at breakfast this morning now that this scourge has been banished from scientific circles. After all, men like him can’t be allowed to go around the place making giant scientific breakthroughs of the kind that may one day lead to, oh I don’t know, a cure for cancer, unless and until they have fully submitted to the will of the mob.

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Megyn Kelly lashes out at Amherst College again

Story here. Excerpt:

'For the second night in a row, Fox News host Megyn Kelly has criticized Amherst College over its handling of a sexual assault accusation.

Kelly opened her show with the story, and could hardly contain her disdain for the way the case was handled. A young man, blacked out after a night of drinking, had a sex act performed on him, and then two years later was accused of sexual assault and expelled. He hired a lawyer to sue the university, and his lawyer discovered text messages strongly suggesting that the accuser was not sexually assaulted. Yet Amherst refused to reopen the case.

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2011 Update to Title IX: The Pendulum Has Swung Too Far

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text and clicking on the first search hit. Excerpt:

'The federal law that requires gender equality in higher education, commonly referred to as Title IX, has brought about many laudable results since it was first passed in 1972. But at the behest of the U.S. Department of Education in 2011, the law that was passed to ensure that female students get equal opportunity was refashioned to require that schools investigate and punish sexual assaults on campus under DOE-approved procedures.

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Michelle O calls men "useful" in meeting with girls

Story here. Excerpt:

'She suggested that while boys and men were important, it was crucial for them to talk about the lack of education for girls around the world.

“You know our sons are important, we love men, we all do, they’re good, they’re useful,” she said.

“I have one in my life,” she added, referring to President Obama. “I like him but you know we have to change the definition of what it means to invest in our young girls.”'

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Ex-pro cheerleader pleads guilty to sex charge

Story here. Yup, quite a "rape culture", we have going, here, eh? How much you wanna bet she won't serve anywhere near a 15-year term? Excerpt:

'A former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader charged with having sex with a 15-year-old in Bethany Beach pleaded guilty in Sussex County Superior Court Tuesday.

Molly Shattuck pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree rape. She settled nine different charges, some of them more serious, by agreeing to plead guilty.

Superior Court judge E. Scott Bradley told Shattuck she faced up to 15 years in prison when she gets sentenced on August 14.'

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Accomplice in New York prison break suspected in plot with escapees to kill husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'His wife is accused of helping two convicted murderers break out of a New York prison. And the escape plan, a source says, also included a plot to end his life.

But how much did Lyle Mitchell know?

That's one question investigators are asking as they search for two fugitives in a massive manhunt.

The answer depends on whom you ask.

A source with direct knowledge of the investigation told CNN that prison tailor Joyce Mitchell knew the inmates had plotted to kill her husband, told him about their plans to break out of the facility and warned him that his life could be in danger.

But a lawyer representing Lyle Mitchell said the husband, who also worked in prison's tailoring block, was kept in the dark.
She'd been investigated in the past for an inappropriate relationship with Sweat that led corrections officials to move him out of the tailor shop in 2013 and keep them separated, said Wylie, the district attorney.

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Child allegedly abducted by mother placed in county care

Story here. Excerpt:

'A child allegedly abducted by his mother from Sunnyvale and found in Newark over the weekend has been placed under the care of the Santa Clara County Department of Family and Children’s Services division, a Sunnyvale public safety captain said on Monday.

The child’s mother, 20-year-old Christina Rodriguez, was arrested along with 19-year-old Alina Herd and 22-year-old Joel Lopez in connection with the alleged abduction on Saturday, public safety Capt. Jeff Hunter said.

The trio was booked into county jail where they were booked on suspicion of parental child abduction and conspiracy, according to Hunter.

Around 3:45 p.m. Saturday, public safety officers responded to a report of a child abduction in the 800 block of San Aleso Avenue where 16-month-old Trinnian Gonzalez was taken, Hunter said.'

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Micro-Aggression Is The Road To Micro-Tyranny

Article here. Excerpt:

'The political left has come up with a new buzzword: "micro-aggression."

Professors at the University of California at Berkeley have been officially warned against saying such things as "America is the land of opportunity." Why? Because this is considered to be an act of "micro-aggression" against minorities and women.

Supposedly it shows you don't take their grievances seriously and are therefore guilty of being aggressive toward them, even if only on a micro scale.

You might think that this is just another crazy idea from Berkeley. But the same concept appears in a report from the flagship campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana.

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Fathers Into Felons

Article here. Excerpt:

'Federal courts have long recognized parenthood as a “sacred” and “inherent, natural right,” “far more precious than property rights,” and “for the protection of which, just as much as for the protection of the rights of the individual to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, our government is formed.” Shell summarizes assumptions that, until recently, have been virtually universal among free societies: “No known government, however brutal or tyrannical, has ever denied, in fact or principle, the fundamental claim of parents to their children. …A government that distributed children randomly … could not be other than tyrannical. Even if it had the best interest of society in mind … a government that paid no regard to the claims of biological parenthood would be unacceptable to all but the most fanatical of egalitarian or communitarian zealots.”

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Kirsten Gillibrand Q&A: ‘I’m not going away’

Article here. Excerpt:

'DS: You've dropped the '1 in 5 college women raped' statistic from your website, which some say is proof this isn't as big an issue as you make it out. How do you respond?

KG: Well, we may not know what the actual rate is, but we know it is prevalent, and we know it's real. And so if somebody wants to hide behind not having the right statistic, they're actually denying that problem that really does exist. And these men and women who tell their stories — they are horrific. And it is happening all across all campuses, whether it's a small school, a big school, private or public. And I think those who deny this is an issue are just wrong. And the power of these individual stories will overcome them.'

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More College Rape Hype — This Time from the Washington Post

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since 2012, the New York Times has led the way in systematically biased coverage of on-campus sexual assault allegations and how colleges are responding. The paper has relentlessly hyped the issue, has smeared quite possibly innocent students while omitting evidence that they were innocent, and has cheered efforts to presume guilt and deny due process for the accused. It has also parroted egregiously misleading statistical claims used by the Obama administration and others to portray the campus rape problem, which is clearly serious, as an out-of-control “epidemic,” which it clearly is not. (In fact, the campus rate rape has plunged in the past 20 years.)

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Natalie Portman Puts Halt on Feminist Ginsburg Film Until Female Director is Found

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist icon and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg revealed recently that Natalie Portman, who is innegotiations to play her in an upcoming biopic, has put a halt on production until a female director is attached to the film.

The film, titled On the Basis of Sex, will follow Ginsburg’s life as she fights for equality in her career.

“Natalie Portman came to talk to me about [the film landing a female director], and we had a very good conversation,” Ginsburg said during an American Constitution Society convention panel Saturday, viaMSNBC.

“And one thing, interesting, that she insisted on, it held up the project for a while,” she continued. “She said, ‘I want the director to be a woman. There are not enough women in this industry. There are many talented out there.’ And now they do have a woman director.'

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