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'Last fall at Oberlin College, a talk held as part of Latino Heritage Month was scheduled on the same evening that intramural soccer games were held. As a result, soccer players communicated by email about their respective plans. “Hey, that talk looks pretty great,” a white student wrote to a Hispanic student, “but on the off chance you aren’t going or would rather play futbol instead the club team wants to go!!”
Unbeknownst to the white student, the Hispanic student was offended by the email. And her response signals the rise of a new moral culture America.
Story here. Well it's "some justice," I suppose. Excerpt:
'A Sacramento federal judge ruled Wednesday that an early-release program for female inmates in California’s prisons is unconstitutional and must be expanded to include male inmates.
“When the state draws a line between two classes of persons, and denies one of those classes a right as fundamental as physical freedom, that action survives equal protection review only if the state has a sufficient justification for the classification. Here, the state does not,” U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. declared in a 35-page order.
The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation “shall immediately cease denying admission to the (Alternative Custody Program) on the basis that an applicant is male,” the judge ordered.'
'Are you a man who majored in business because it interested you or because you felt it would lead to a great career? That may be an unhealthy form of masculinity, according to a series of seminars coming next week from the Vanderbilt University Women's Center.
Yes, you read that correctly: A women's center seems to be telling men how they should and should not behave. Imagine the outrage if a male-dominated group attempted to tell women how they should and should not behave. You don't have to imagine, just remember all the anger that comes whenever a man speaks up about abortion. (Well, this actually happens only to the men who don't agree with feminists on abortion.)'
'Benjamin Banneker Academic High School has an abundance of college-level classes and one of the highest graduation rates in the District. It’s also overwhelming female. Three out of four Banneker students last school year were girls.
Banneker is not the only high-performing District high school that serves mostly girls. Duke Ellington School of the Arts, which offers both arts and academic enrichment, was 67 percent female in 2014-2015, according to school data. And School Without Walls, where some students take classes at nearby George Washington University, was 60 percent female.
'Young men considering college may want to look at safer pastimes, like race car driving. Colleges are hell-bent on penalizing the male gender.
So far their efforts have not held up in court, yet.
“In four recent cases, judges have overturned sexual assault findings by campus disciplinary committees,” Gina Lauterio of Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) noted late last month. “In each case, the judges ruled the college proceedings lacked necessary due process protections. As the new academic year begins, these judicial decisions highlight the need for renewed focus on fairness in college sex assault cases, SAVE says.”'
'People who perform an ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcision suction ritual will no longer have to get parents to sign acknowledgements of potential health risks, the city Board of Health decided Wednesday, reversing a policy that pitted health officials against religious leaders over a practice that dates to biblical times.
The vote formalized a tentative policy shift Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration made in February. The city now distributes information about what officials see as possible risks of oral suction circumcision, but signed consent forms are no longer required.
"The Board of Health, from the start, aimed to ensure that parents had information so that they could make informed decisions," Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said Wednesday, adding that the consent requirement "hadn't been that effective."
'The University of California may explicitly recognize a right for students to not be offended, if a resolution under consideration is approved by the board of regents next week.
"Articulating a view that people with various intellectual disabilities are incapable of various intellectual tasks, or people with various physical disabilities are incapable of various physical tasks, would be condemned by the authority of the University,” he writes. “Saying that illegal aliens (or noncitizens who are legally here) ought not be appointed to be, say, the student member of the Board of Regents — likewise condemned.”
'Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has doubled down on his assertion that all combat jobs should be opened to women in the wake of a new study showing that all-male Marine control groups outperformed those with women in nearly every infantry task.
Mabus spoke to David Greene at NPR a day after Marine officials revealed findings from a nine-month infantry experiment that assessed the performance of male and female Marine volunteers during physically demanding ground combat tasks. A summary of data showed that mixed-gender teams completed tasks more slowly and shot with less accuracy, and that women sustained injuries at more than twice the rate of their male counterparts.
In his radio interview, Mabus suggested the Marines' study was flawed due to the caliber and mindset of the volunteer participants.
'When Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., suggested yesterday that colleges be allowed to expel students accused of rape even when they were only 20 percent sure those students were guilty, he was applauded in the subcommittee hearing room.
The reaction outside of Rayburn 2261, though, was swift and vituperative. Perhaps the group with the most moral authority to rebuke Polis was Families Advocating Campus Equality.
Founded by three mothers of sons who were falsely accused of rape at their respective colleges, FACE has ample experience with campus disciplinary proceedings that are identified as “educational” by administrators but Kafkaesque by the accused and their loved ones.'
'The University of Michigan has reached a settlement agreement with a former student suspended in 2012 after he was accused of sexual assault.
Under the agreement, confirmed Friday by a UM spokesman, the university states that student Drew Sterrett’s disciplinary record will reflect that he did not violate its sexual misconduct policy. As part of the agreement, Sterrett cannot reapply to the university and cannot disparage or contact the female student who brought the complaint against him.
Sterrett’s alleged victim is unhappy with the settlement and is weighing her legal options in light of the agreement, her attorney told The Detroit News on Friday.
The settlement — signed by the university on Sept. 1 and Sterrett on Tuesday — is in response to a federal lawsuit Sterrett filed against the university alleging that it unfairly forced him off campus by denying him due process in its investigation of the sexual misconduct allegation.'
'The College Board released its 2015 SAT college-entrance test results this week, and the overall results were somewhat disappointing (“ugly” according to AEI’s Rick Hess’s article below), see Washington Post article “SAT scores at lowest level in 10 years, fueling worries about high school” and the National Review article “The New SAT Results Aren’t Pretty,” by AEI scholar Rick Hess, who points out that the “scores on the SAT have sunk to the lowest point since the venerable college-admission test was revamped in 2005.”
As in the past, my main interest in the annual SAT test results is the ongoing gender gap in favor of boys for the SAT math test, and this year wasn’t any different than previous years. ...'
'Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE), a not for profit organization that advocates for fairness for any student accused of sexual misconduct on campus, expresses the following responses to key points made in testimony before a House subcommittee meeting on the topic of campus sexual assault held on September 10, 2015
'Feminist scholarship leaves a lot to be desired. Feminists often provide statistics that cannot be sourced, perform highly biased studies with major flaws, and shame men into giving in to feminist demands even after their prevarications have been exposed.
Male Control Theory is a feminist theory that contends that the male patriarchy motivates men to try to control women, and to use violence if necessary. This theory appears to be the basis of many feminist legal and ideological arguments. For example, it is the feminist basis of men’s domestic violence against women, and states that most female-on-male violence is defensive in nature. This theory has been used to institute policies that blame and punish men for domestic violence.
'Paul Ford has preschool twins, Abe and Ivy. But he's worried that, thanks to gender inequality and the ongoing wage gap that still pays women only 78% of what men make, his little lady isn't going to get a fair shake financially when she's older. So, he writes for Elle, he came up with the idea for a "Jump the Gap" fund for Ivy. Adjusting for inflation, Ford figured out what salaries his kids would make upon entering the workforce in 2032 and how much in lost wages Ivy would rack up by 2070 (between $1 million and $3 million, by his count), figuring in the years she might leave work to care for future kids. "We can predict that, because of the systematic economic inequities, our daughter will not be on the same financial footing as our son. And so why not start now?" Ford writes, insisting he's not favoring Ivy over Abe, because if Abe really needed financial assistance down the road, Ford and his wife would "go all in" and do what they could.
Video here. Please beware, the male feminist in this video is extremely disturbed. I'm not embellishing when I say his comments are frightening. Sadly, he may be a microcosm of a new generation of self-loathing males. Description: "You can thank MRAs for fighting tooth and nail to preserve rape culture."
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