Australia: Premier warned: don't put domestic violence against men above women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The premier of Queensland has been warned not to recognise male victims of domestic violence at the expense of women after she said she had changed her language to include male victims.

Annastacia Palaszczuk, who has committed to ending domestic violence, told a community cabinet event violence against men is something that needs to be addressed more.

“I do understand that there are a number of men have gone through or are going through [domestic violence],” she said on Sunday, according to Fairfax Media.

“I actually did change my language when it did become public because it was brought to my attention that there was some serious issues surrounding some men in our community needing help as well.'

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'5 Signs You Might Be Dating A "Man-Child"'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The idea of a boy who never grows up is promoted and even romanticized in our culture as sexy and just "the way men are." Sadly women often pay the price for such a prize. There are consequences to keeping this type of "man" in check. She does the work for two and he coasts by. This may partly explain why men, by and large, benefit more from marriage than do women.

Marriage brings for most men greater happiness, physical health and greater wealth than their bachelor counterparts. Women on the other hand, can't take for granted that they too will reap these same benefits. In fact, for women benefiting from marriage or long-term partnership is dependent upon the quality of the partnership.'

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Man sues university, accuser in sex-assault allegation

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Brown University students met last October at a party where they flirted and kissed. Their intimacy escalated later in his dormitory room. But what he viewed as consensual groping and fondling, the woman claimed were unwanted sexual advances that spiraled into an assault.

She filed a sexual-misconduct complaint with the Ivy League school, and that led to his suspension for 2-1/2 years. Now, as a plaintiff named John Doe, he is suing the school in U.S. District Court. He accuses Brown of violating his due process rights and discriminating against him based on his gender, in violation of Title IX.

In another lawsuit brought by the same lawyer in the same court, a John Doe, of Texas is suing a Jane Doe, of California, accusing her of defaming and slandering him by filing a false sexual-misconduct report that led to his 2-1/2-year suspension from an "elite" liberal-arts university in Rhode Island and his being labeled as responsible for a sexual offense. That lawsuit does not name Brown but details the same chronology.'

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Sexual assault “Yes Means Yes” legislation necessary in understanding consent and the accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'Male students are claiming that a bias against them has resulted in unfair trials in which the accused are not able to submit potential evidence in sexual assault cases. One student at the University of California, San Diego, was accused of sexually assaulting a friend, and in his hearing at the school he attempted to submit text messages as evidence that would have proven that the woman had given consent to the sexual relationship. The submission of the text messages was denied, and the student lost his hearing because he couldn’t prove consent. Later, Superior Court Judge Joel Pressman said, “the hearing against petitioner was unfair,” NPR reported.

It is likely true that some of men who are accused of sexual assault aren’t guilty. But this arguably wouldn’t be an issue if students were taught to cover all of their bases, so to speak. It isn’t difficult to be a decent person. It isn’t difficult to realize that if a person is drunk, you shouldn’t have sex with them, because they aren’t in the right state of mind to give you consent. Herein we tie back to the question of, “what if one person says it’s okay, but decides in the morning they didn’t want it?” It’s simple, really: no matter how many times a person may say something is okay, no one is able to give consent when they are drunk. Period. And if this “Yes Means Yes” legislation begins teaching this fact in the tenth grade when it really starts to matter, then the government is doing its job. We need to learn to play it safe. We need to teach that if you shouldn’t drive a car when you’re drunk, as it could change your life in ways you never imagined, the same goes for sexual conduct.

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Is The Tide Turning On Phony College Rape?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the past few years, the apparent epidemic of rapes on college campuses (backed by shady statistics) has been the Left’s favorite talking point.

But, as rules and laws get continually more stacked against male students–who often face the challenging task of proving their innocence, rather than having their accusor prove guilt–there’s the beginnings of backlash.

Male students at the United Kingdom’s University of Warwick are up in arms about a class, called “I Heart Consent,” that teaches them how to not accidentally rape their partner. No, really.

In an article called, “Why I don’t need consent lessons,” published by the student newspaper, The Tab, student George Lawlor struck at the very heart of the liberal narrative:

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Women And The Draft: How Equal Do We Want To Be?

Article here. Excerpt:

'If the words “Selective Service” aren’t a call to arms for you, it might be because you are a woman – with no sons. For American young men and their parents, “Selective Service” means “the draft,” and, yes, boys still have to sign up for it.
True, the country has not yet re-activated a draft, leaving Selective Service to fade into near obscurity, while our all-volunteer military has fought three more wars. However, the consequences for men who don’t register are immediate and real: up to 5 years in prison, a fine of up $250,000, and ineligibility for government jobs or financial aid.

That’s right; your son can go to jail if he does not register for the Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday.

But don’t worry; your daughters are still safe. They can choose to serve or not. Even if your son has a disability, he must register. But America’s healthiest daughters do not.'

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Unfair treatment alleged in school suits

Article here. Excerpt:

'But Joshua Engel, a Mason attorney who is representing students suing Ohio State University, the University of Cincinnati, Ohio University and Marietta College, said universities have a financial motive for unjustly treating the accused.

“Schools are scared,” he said. “They’re scared that if they don’t crack down and show they are tough on allegations of campus sexual assault, that the federal government is going to come in and take all their money. How do they keep the federal government from investigating them and threatening their funding? The way to do that is by throwing kids out of school because that impresses the federal government, evidently.”'

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Q&A: Sen. Bob Casey on his campus sexual assault bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'USA TODAY College: Is the statistic that 1-in-5 women will be sexually assaulted in college widely accepted in Congress? It’s gotten some backlash from university administrators who think it’s an exaggeration.

Sen. Robert Casey: The number is important. Even if the argument proves true that it’s not (valid) — that it’s 1 in 6, 1 in 7, 1 in 10, 1 in 20 — that is still way too high. I have four daughters, two in college. So this hits people in a very personal way. We could spend all day debating numbers. I’m much more concerned about taking action.

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Joe Biden calls 'yes means yes' consent policies 'tricky'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Vice President Joe Biden has called current campus consent policies "tricky," but is apparently still just fine with using them to brand students as rapists.

Biden, speaking at a Domestic Violence Awareness Month roundtable on Thursday, said that current "yes-means-yes" — or affirmative consent — policies can be "tricky," despite his continuous insistence that schools do more to curb an alleged epidemic of campus sexual assault.

"The cultural norms make it still kind of hard to say, 'Yes, I'd like you to kiss me,' or 'Yes, I'd like you to do that,'" Biden said, according to veteran journalist and Washington Editor for PJ Media Bridget Johnson. "So it's still tricky."

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Yes Means Yes: Yes or No?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Q: How to prove consent?

How, in a realistic scenario, could a person accused of sexual assault under affirmative consent provide evidence that consent occurred?

A: Jaclyn Friedman

That would depend a lot on the details of the case. But the standard is no different than in a kidnapping case - if a defendant wanted to defend against a kidnapping charge by saying that the person agreed to go with them voluntarily, they'd have to convince a judge and jury that was true. Rape is no different.
Q: criminal law "yes means yes?"

It's my understanding that "yes means yes" provisions are confined to college campus codes of conduct---for now. Is this a standard we would want in our criminal law?

A: Jaclyn Friedman

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Democratic National Committeewoman says her party is 'clearing a path' for Hillary because 'the women in charge' want it that way

Article here. Excerpt:

"The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.

Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'

The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.

Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.

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NBC Cheers Feminist Magazine’s Campaign to Photoshop Men from Pictures of Elected Officials

Article here. Excerpt:

'Closing out Thursday’s NBC Nightly News, the evening newscast found it pertinent to tout a new campaign by the British edition of the liberal feminist magazine Elle to photoshop men out of pictures of elected officials in an effort to promote the global need for more women in office.

Anchor Lester Holt led into correspondent Stephanie Gosk’s piece by admitting that “it’s one thing to talk about the gap in power between men and women” but “another to see it before your eyes.” He continued by explaining that this represents “the idea behind a thought-provoking new campaign that’s making its point with the help from photoshop.”

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Feminist Professor Claimed ‘Moral Right’ To Censor, Batter Teen Abortion Foe

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of California, Santa Barbara has agreed to settle a civil lawsuit brought by two anti-abortion protesters after feminist studies professor Mireille Miller-Young mocked them, stole their sign, destroyed the sign and scratched up the wrists of one protester — a 16-year-old girl.

The financial details of the settlement will remain confidential, reports Campus Reform.

The plaintiffs, sisters Thrin Short and Joan Short, say they are “very satisfied” with the settlement amount.

The events that gave rise to the lawsuit occurred in March 2014. At the time, Thrin Short was 16 and Joan Short was 21.'

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Janet Napolitano writes essay criticizung her own 'Yes means Yes' policy initiative

Essay downloadable from here. It is by Janet Napolitano, a driving force behind the current campus nutsery. But hang on, sometimes Hell freezes over... jump to page 398 of the essay and be prepared to feel your jaw hit the floor. Description:

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What’s Behind the Reversal of the Gender Gap in Higher Education?

Article here. Excerpt:

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