Newborn Dies Following Botched Circumcision That Parents Didn’t Want in the First Place

Article here. Excerpt:

'In January of 2013, Ontario natives John Heydari and Homa Ahmadi gave birth to a little boy they named Ryan. He was perfectly healthy and the parents had no desire to circumcise him because they believed “mother nature created us the way she intended us to be.”

But their physician, going against the recommendation of the Canadian Pediatric Society, suggested the boy should be circumcised anyway. The unnecessary procedure was botched and the boy died three weeks after his birth due to blood loss.
"In fact, the case only became public because the couple appealed the original Ontario College of Physician and Surgeons rulings, which were rendered in secret.

An appeal tribunal upheld this month adecision by the College to caution the doctor who saw Ryan in the emergency department hours after his circumcision, his diaper stained red with blood.

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Feminists think a Supreme Court ruling on K-12 speech restrictions applies to colleges

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'UCLA Law Prof. Eugene Volokh, an expert on First Amendment jurisprudence and Washington Post columnist, has closely examined the legal arguments made by the Feminist Majority Foundation and allies in their quest to shut down Yik Yak on college campuses.

Calling the feminists’ push to eradicate boorish speech on the anonymous social-messaging app “another example of today’s Anti-Free Speech Movement for American universities,” Volokh finds their arguments contrary to well-established legal precedents.'

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Feminist filmmaker sees project in danger as her sympathy for the MRM grows

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'There is a documentary film on gender currently running a Kickstarter campaign that feminism would prefer never sees the light of day. You may be imagining some amateur film made by buffoons bumbling their way through a hit piece on feminism, but you’d be well off the mark. The film isThe Red Pill, by self-professed feminist Cassie Jaye.
Jaye describes her latest project, The Red Pill, as “a fly-on-the-wall film about men’s rights activists.” But, she says, at some point during filming the process morphed into her journey through ideologies opposing feminism. What makes the film unique is that it will document her “chipping away at long held beliefs, as my worldview changed within the first month,” a process captured, she says, through video diaries which will be included in the film.
The underlying suggestion in all of this, of course, is that she has come to sympathise with the men’s movement and jettisoned a lot of received feminist wisdom.

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The Number of Male Domestic Abuse Victims Is Shockingly High — So Why Don’t We Hear About Them?

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'When you think of a victim of domestic abuse, who comes to mind?

If you’re being honest, it’s probably a woman. After all, domestic violence against men isn’t a theme of many Hollywood movies.

Yet in 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data from its National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey — and one of the most shocking statistics wasn’t just the sheer total of victims of physical violence but also how those numbers broke down by gender.

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Taxpayer-funded groups seek to deny due process to students accused of rape

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'Fraternity and sorority groups are paying a former high-ranking senator to help protect their members’ due-process rights in campus rape investigations.

Sexual-assault awareness groups and universities are lobbying to deprive them of due process, using taxpayer money.

The war of words is heating up over the Safe Campus Act, introduced in July by three House Republicans, who were joined in sponsorship by two Democrats in the past several weeks.

Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., and lawyer Cleta Mitchell, an adviser to two Chi Omega fraternity chapters, promoted the Safe Campus Act in aWashington Post op-ed earlier this month. Lott is lobbying for fraternities and sororities on the issue.

They wrote that the bill “would require that law enforcement authorities have a first look at claims of sexual assault on campus” and “provide interim measures to improve student safety, due-process protections for students and student organizations, and more education to prevent such crimes.”'

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"Feminism is over, the battle is won. Time to move on"

Article here. Excerpt:

'It would be easy to believe from the papers these days that women have never been more oppressed. From the columnist Caitlin Moran to the comedian Bridget Christie, a new creed is preached: that we are the victims, not the victors, of the sex war. Feminists claim we are objectified by the builder’s whistle, that a strange man attempting to flirt with us is tantamount to sexual assault. Suddenly, just as it seemed we women were about to have it all, a new wave of feminists has begun to portray us as feeble-minded — unable to withstand a bad date, let alone negotiate a pay rise.

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The Crucible, Now at a Campus Near You

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'"Believe the victim"—the mantra of today's feminist anti-rape movement—is a remarkably prominent theme in Miller's play. At one point, Deputy Governor Danforth, who presides over the trials, notes that unlike "an ordinary crime," witchcraft is by its nature invisible: "Therefore, who may possibly be witness to it? The witch and the victim. None other. Now we cannot hope the witch will accuse herself; granted? Therefore, we must rely upon her victims—and they do testify." Today, advocates for "survivors" of sexual violence argue that since such crimes virtually always take place in private, especially when victim and offender know each other,  it is imperative to believe those who come forward with accusations. 

Of course, "believe the children" was also the mantra of the child abuse trials of the 1980s and early 1990s. But in those cases, the children themselves were a somewhat passive presence, more victims of adult manipulation than active accusers. Not so the girls ofThe Crucible, whom Miller made older than their 10- and 11-year-old historical counterparts—more young women than children. (Danforth and other adult authority figures in the play often refer to them as "children"; but today's anti-rape advocates, too, often use language that infantilizes young people and young women in particular, sometimes explicitly insisting that college "kids" are not really adults.) 

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Double standard? Clinton must beware accusing Sanders of sexism

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'This time around, Clinton is fully embracing her status as woman. She is vocal about sexism, misogyny, and gender inequality. However, could she take her gender battle too far?

At the Democratic National Committee's Women's Leadership Forum, Clinton subtly accused Bernie Sanders of sexism. Senator Sanders (I-VT), the populist and progressive candidate, is actually more moderate than Clinton on one single issue: Gun control. Clinton has been referencing this issue heavily in the wake of recent mass shootings, including taking a dig at Sanders at the Democratic debate on October 13. Since then, Sanders has cautioned that candidates that "all the shouting in the world" will not improve gun laws.

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How Sexual Harassment Codes Threaten Academic Freedom

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'In its zeal to spread "gender justice," the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) threatens to stifle academic freedom and infantilize women, says feminist legal expert and New York Law School Professor Nadine Strossen. At a recent talk at Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, the former American Civil Liberties Union head warned that current campus policies to curb sexual harassment are overbroad and dangerous. And while "safety"-mongering students deserve some of the blame, bureaucrats are the biggest progenitors of this paranoid style in American academia.

"By threatening to pull federal funds, the OCR has forced schools, even well-endowed schools like Harvard, to adopt sexual misconduct policies that violate many civil liberties," Strossen said.

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Women’s Groups Urge Colleges and Government to Rein In Social Media

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'Seventy-two women’s and civil-rights groups on Wednesday announced a campaign to enlist the federal government in pressuring colleges to protect students from harassment via anonymous social-media applications like Yik Yak.

The groups have sent the U.S. Education Department a letter calling for it to treat colleges’ failure to monitor anonymous social media and to pursue online harassers as a violation of federal civil-rights laws guaranteeing equal educational access.

The letter says many colleges have cited "vague First Amendment concerns" to shirk their obligation to respond to harassment, intimidation, and threatening behavior via such applications. It calls on the department’s Office for Civil Rights to require colleges to fight such online abuse by taking steps like identifying and disciplining perpetrators and creating technological barriers to the use of social-media applications that harassers favor.'

But if you read the article, you will see that what REALLY upsets them is the hostile comments on feminism.

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Gynocentrism in Men's Rights Movement - Blessing in disguise or unwarranted hurdle?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a world otherwise grappled with the thoughts of male-chauvinism and privileges of being a male, a movement that talked about the issues faced by men and the need for their rights was sensational in itself.
This sensationalism took the men's rights movement in India to a much elevated platform wherein, within a very short span of time, the men's rights activists were able to sensitize the Indian parliament about some of the issues that face men and get them thinking about those issues.
At the same time, a parallel development was taking place. Many women, who were at the receiving end of feminism and Gynocentrism in the society, resorted to men's rights movement. They took up the cause and started talking about men and their issues.

And, this gave rise to a new phenomenon which even the mainstream media showed more keenness to highlight and that phenomena was - "Women in Men's Rights Movement for the sake of brevity.

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American Academia’s War on Due Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'We are still, for the most part, a nation of laws, except on college campuses.

At the Heritage Foundation recently, Samantha Harris, director of policy research at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), said that “students have complained about the lack of due process” at colleges. “In the last five years, thanks to unprecedented intrusion by the federal government…due process has gotten a lot worse,” she said. Too often, accused students are left “without a hearing or [cannot] confront their accuser” in court, Harris averred. By her estimate, “more than 60 students have filed lawsuits” of unfair treatment by colleges by withholding due process.

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Gloria Steinem’s laughable excuse for feminism’s bad rep

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'Countless women refuse to call themselves “feminists,” and Gloria Steinem knows why: It’s Rush Limbaugh’s fault.

And, no, it’s not funny.

The ur-feminist stopped by “CBS This Morning” on Friday to promote her new book. Host Norah O’Donnell began by noting that Meryl Streep “doesn’t consider herself a feminist. She says she considers herself a humanist. Why is it that the feminist label do you think has that —”

Steinem broke in, rushing to insist that Streep says she’s both — and, anyway, it’s Lim­baugh who’s given feminism a bad name, because he “talks about feminazis every day.”

Sorry, Gloria: The brand turned sour long before Rush ever launched his first rant — a victim of its own leaders.'

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The phony campus rape crisis

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'In August 2012, two rapes by unknown assailants were reported at Harvard University, sending the school into crisis. Police cruisers idled around the campus; uniformed and plainclothes officers came out in force. Students were advised not to walk alone. A member of the undergraduate council called for the closing of Harvard Yard. “I thought Cambridge wasn’t a dangerous area,” a freshman told the student newspaper. “It was Harvard—it was supposed to be safe, academic.” (In fact, Harvard still was safe. The campus authorities ultimately deemed at least one of the rape allegations baseless, judging by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports. Since Harvard never disclosed the outcome of either of its investigations, its findings regarding the other supposed incident remain secret.)
Why the disparity between administrative talk and action? Harvard, after all, is not the only college capable of forcefully responding to alleged rape. In the fall of 2014, the University of Virginia doubled down on security after a student was abducted and presumed raped (the girl was later found to have been killed). If Drew Gilpin Faust and her fellow presidents really believe that they are presiding over a crime scene of what would be unprecedented proportions, they should at the least radically revamp their admissions procedures to prevent sex fiends from joining the student body, if not provide round-the-clock protection to female students.

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Feds Have Spent More on Origami Condoms, Fat Lesbian Studies Than on Benghazi Committee

Story here. Excerpt:

'The amount of taxpayer funding that has gone toward the investigation into the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, is less than the amount the federal government has invested in “Origami condoms” and studies on why lesbians are obese.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave$2,466,482 to Daniel Resnic to develop three versions of the Origami condom, including the “first of its kind” anal condom. Resnic was later accused of wasting the money on full-body plastic surgery, trips to Costa Rica, parties at the Playboy mansion, and patents for inventions such as “rounded corners.”

The NIH has also given $3,531,925 to researchers to determine why lesbians are obese and gay men are not. Results have included: gay men have a “greater desire for toned muscles” than straight men, lesbians have low “athletic self-esteem,” and young men think about their muscles.'

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