An open letter to feminist students (from a guy who shoots straight)

Article here. Excerpt:

'Perhaps you’ll smear all of what follows as “mansplaining” so as to extricate yourself from critical engagement. That would be a shame, though not wholly unanticipated.
It is repugnant that women are coached by feminist enablers who are, broadly speaking, informed by the ideology’s principles to reinterpret past sexual encounters as rape because they presently feel emotionally damaged—and are then actively encouraged to weaponize that regret to the ruin of many young men who are simply following cultural cues brought about by the Sexual Revolution—ostensibly a feminist movement, to boot.

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Men should have rights, even on college campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’ve written previously in this column about how many colleges and universities — some of them the most elite in the country — are not allowing free speech on campus. Listening to different points of view should typify students at any university, but it no longer is the case.

But another disturbing trend on college campuses is to disallow male students from defending themselves against accusations of sexual assault. In many cases colleges have taken action against the defendants, such as expelling them, when they were not allowed to state their case or hire a lawyer to defend them.

This is particularly disturbing considering the number of high-profile cases where accusations have been proven to be bogus. It was predictable that defendants would start filing lawsuits against the universities, and that is now happening. This will probably get the schools’ attention more than anything.

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Gillibrand, McCaskill Hope to Derail Greek-Backed Campus-Sexual-Assault Bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sens. Kirsten Gil­librand and Claire Mc­Caskill will sit down Thursday with the lead­ers of na­tion­al fra­tern­it­ies and sor­or­it­ies, hop­ing to earn al­lies and to kill le­gis­la­tion sponsored by the Greek groups to com­bat cam­pus sexu­al as­saults—a bill that, the sen­at­ors say, would ac­tu­ally be harm­ful to vic­tims.

The Safe Cam­pus Act, writ­ten by Re­pub­lic­an Reps. Matt Sal­mon and Pete Ses­sions, would re­quire vic­tims of sexu­al as­sault on col­lege cam­puses to re­port their at­tack­ers to the po­lice. It also al­lows schools to in­crease their stand­ar­ds of evid­en­ce for sexu­al-as­sault cases. The bill is backed by the na­tion’s ma­jor fra­tern­ity and sor­or­ity or­gan­iz­a­tions, who hired a lob­by­ing team, in­clud­ing former Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Trent Lott, to sup­port the bill just last month.

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Court Wins for Accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, Brandon Austin, a former college basketball player, filed a lawsuit against the University of Oregon for $7.5 million, arguing that administrators there violated his rights when they suspended him over his alleged involvement in a gang rape.

Austin was able to transfer to a community collegeand play basketball there last season, but has since left to (so far, unsuccessfully) pursue a professional basketball career. In the lawsuit, Austin claims that the punishment caused him emotional distress and lessened his chances of one day playing in the National Basketball Association. His case joins more than 50 other pending lawsuits filed by men who say they were unfairly kicked off campus after being accused of sexual assault.

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'Gay' rape in military underreported by Pentagon

Article here. Excerpt:

'Far more military men are being raped by other men than is reported by the Pentagon because of the stigma attached to such sexual assaults, says a new study published by the American Psychological Association.

“Rates of military sexual trauma among men who served in the military may be as much as 15 times higher than has been previously reported, largely because of barriers associated with stigma, beliefs in myths about male rape, and feelings of helplessness,” the APA said in releasing the findings Tuesday.

The Defense Department issues a biannual report on sexual assaults. Based on Internet emailed surveys it found that more men than women, in pure numbers, are sexually assault victims. Women make up about 14.5 percent of the 1.4 million active force.'

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NY Times: Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White [Male] Americans, Study Finds

A New York Times article points out that death rates have been rising for middle-age white Americans, but fails to point out that this is likely mostly men driving this increase. Excerpt:

'Something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group, unlike their counterparts in other rich countries, death rates in this group have been rising, not falling.

That finding was reported Monday by two Princeton economists, Angus Deaton, who last month won the 2015 Nobel Memorial Prize in for Economic Science, and Anne Case. Analyzing health and mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and from other sources, they concluded that rising annual death rates among this group are being driven not by the big killers like heart disease and diabetes but by an epidemic of suicides and afflictions stemming from substance abuse: alcoholic liver disease and overdoses of heroin and prescription opioids.

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UK: Philip Davies MP: 'Political correctness is damaging men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Philip Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley, found himself at the centre of a raging gender storm last week, when he suggested that men’s issues should be discussed in Parliament on International Men’s Day, November 19th.

Despite making an impassioned plea to the Backbench Business Committee last Tuesday – underscored by troubling new data on Thursday that showed a 40 per cent spike in male suicides for men in their 40s and record low educational achievement for white, working-class boys – his comments were met with unbridled ridicule from Labour’s Jess Philips.

Despite claims on the Labour website that Ms Philips, MP for Birmingham Yardley, “helps the poorest and most vulnerable in society,” she openly laughed and petulantly pulled faces while Davies spoke, then scoffed: “You’ll have to excuse me for laughing. As the only woman on this committee, it seems like every day to me is International Men’s Day.”

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UK: Jess Phillips vs Philip Davies on ‘ridiculous’ International Men’s Day debate

Article here. Excerpt:

'PD: If you actually look in Parliament, those things — like the under-achievement of boys in school, testicular cancer rates and the under-reporting of male victims of domestic violence — very rarely get debated and they are real issues.

If Jess is saying that these issues can be debated at other times, then exactly the same things applies to things around national women’s day; we have a monthly questions of women and equality in Parliament which we don’t have for men. So if Jess is going to say to people who want a debate on international women’s day ‘well you don’t need one as there’s plenty of other opportunities to raise these issues’ then that would be entirely consistent. What wouldn’t be is if she supported an international women’s day debate but deprived one for international men’s day.'

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The NYT erroneously reports marathon winner based on sex

Mary Keitany won the MARATHON

But poor Stanley Biwott... He ONLY won the MEN'S MARATHON

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An Assault on Common Sense

Article here. Excerpt:

'In August 2012, two rapes by unknown assailants were reported at Harvard University, sending the school into crisis. Police cruisers idled around the campus; uniformed and plainclothes officers came out in force. Students were advised not to walk alone. A member of the undergraduate council called for the closing of Harvard Yard. “I thought Cambridge wasn’t a dangerous area,” a freshman told the student newspaper. “It was Harvard—it was supposed to be safe, academic.” (In fact, Harvard still was safe. The campus authorities ultimately deemed at least one of the rape allegations baseless, judging by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports. Since Harvard never disclosed the outcome of either of its investigations, its findings regarding the other supposed incident remain secret.)

In September 2015, Harvard president Drew Gilpin Faust announced that Harvard students experience sexual assault with “alarming frequency.” Faust was responding to the results of a sexual assault survey conducted at Harvard and 26 other colleges earlier in the year. According to the survey, spearheaded by the Association of American Universities (AAU), 16 percent of Harvard female seniors had experienced nonconsensual sexual penetration during their time at the college and nearly 40 percent had experienced nonconsensual sexual contact. The “severity of the problem” required “an even more intent focus on the problem of sexual assault,” Faust said. Harvard professor and former provost Steve Hyman decried the “terribly damaging” problem that “profoundly violates the values and undermines the educational goals of this University.” 

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Lawsuit alleges tutor set up athletes and daughter for sex

Story here. Hey, where'd all the "believe the victim" people go? Excerpt:

'A University of Notre Dame student has accused a female academic coach of coercing young football and basketball players into having sex with her daughter, according to a lawsuit.

The student came forward Friday accusing an unidentified faculty member of orchestrating “sexually and racially motivated” trysts with her daughter by including condoms, transportation and hotel rooms for academic favors.

The accusor is an African-American student while the academic coach is white. Neither the student, coach nor her daughter are identified in court documents filed Friday in Indiana’s St. Joseph Circuit Court.'

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Why family matters, and why traditional families are still best

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s been a good month for champions of the traditional family, but don’t expect the family wars to be ending any time soon.

In recent weeks, a barrage of new evidence has come to light demonstrating what was once common sense. “Family structure matters” (in the words of my American Enterprise Institute colleague Brad Wilcox, who is also the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia).

And Princeton University and the left-of-center Brookings Institution released a study that reported “most scholars now agree that children raised by two biological parents in a stable marriage do better than children in other family forms across a wide range of outcomes.” Why this is so is still hotly contested.

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Listen Feminazis, don't try to stop me calling you Feminazis

Article here. Right on target. Excerpt:

'So what do I, as a card-carrying feminist myself, mean by a feminazi? In the absence of an official definition (although it is probably only a matter of time before it gets one) I use the term to mean radical, authoritarian feminists who view everything in gender terms and brook no dissent – least of all from other women.

So is calling someone a feminazi really comparing them to the Nazi mass-murderers, as one critic claimed, or “equating the fight for gender equality with mass murder”, as another stated? I don’t think so.

In exactly the same way that calling someone a grammar-Nazi doesn’t imply that they want to send people to the gas chambers for misplacing apostrophes.
Just because some people don’t like a word, that doesn’t automatically mean other people shouldn’t use it. If that was the case, the wonderful breadth of the English language would be swiftly cut down to just a few grunts in a matter of weeks.

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Former Oregon player accused of rape sues university

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former Oregon player Brandon Austin filed a $7.5 million lawsuit against the school and four administrators alleging they damaged his prospects of playing in the NBA.

Austin was among three Oregon players who were kicked off the team and barred from campus after a woman accused them of rape last year.

In the lawsuit filed Thursday in Lane County Circuit Court, lawyers for Austin say he was wrongly accused and was denied a chance to adequately defend himself in university disciplinary proceedings.

Lane County prosecutors declined to charge the players following the March 2014 incident, saying there was insufficient evidence. The players say the sexual encounter at an off-campus party was consensual.

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Rival bills on campus sex assault stirring controversy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gillibrand and McCaskill are optimistic about their own legislation -- the Campus Accountability and Safety Act – will be included in a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act that a Senate committee plans to act on later this year.

McCaskill said the bill protects due process for those accused of sexual assault and addresses the same concerns the Salmon bill addresses without handcuffing colleges' ability to take swift disciplinary action under Title IX.

“The prosecution process is about depriving someone of their liberty, putting them in prison, labeling them a sex offender for the rest of their life,’’ she said. “The Title IX process is for campus safety and it is a much different kind of process and should be treated much differently.’’ Criminal investigations can be lengthy, she said. Title IX bars sex discrimination in education.'

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