Celebrating Brit Shalom Brings Its Message of Inclusion to Union for Reform Judaism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Being so involved in the circumcision issue, it’s easy for me to forget that many are still unaware of the anatomical facts, or even the controversies surrounding the practice. This was evident during my recent trip to the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial, held this year in Orlando, Florida. “Why would any parent want to opt out?” “Hasn’t it been proven healthier?” These were among the many questions that Lisa Braver Moss and I encountered during the five day event.

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St. Paul’s School and a New Definition of Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'An eighteen-year-old male student’s sexual encounter with a fifteen-year-old female student at St. Paul’s School has led to his being sentenced to one year in jail, followed by five years of probation, and registered for life as a sex offender. Both feel their lives are destroyed. Our fascination with the secret sex rites of the New Hampshire prep school put Owen Labrie’s bespectacled face in all the papers. But the deeper pity and fear the case inspired revolved around a basic question we increasingly project onto the bodies of our young: What makes sex rape?

Based on an incident in a campus mechanical room, Labrie was charged with an array of crimes and convicted of five. The three most serious charges were “aggravated felonious sexual assault,” corresponding to penetration with a finger, penis, or mouth. For a conviction, the prosecution needed to prove that the accuser had shown, by speech or conduct, that she did not freely consent, and that the accused knew or should have known she was not consenting. But the jury acquitted him of these charges, meaning that it did not regard the acts as lacking consent.

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Fathers' Rights Protesters Rally Outside County Courthouse

Story here. Excerpt:

'Protesters rally for fathers' rights to child custody outside the Allen County Courthouse. A group of people supporting fathers' rights gathered in Lima to protest the current Ohio family law that gives full child custody to the mother if her and the father split. Protestors say the law makes it difficult for fathers and grandparents to get visitation rights, and they want to change it so parents will share equal 50/50 rights to their children, or prove that the other parent is unfit.

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Vice president Joe Biden urges students to change campus rape climate

Story here. Excerpt:

'“We have a cultural problem. We have to change the standard of decency by which we measure ourselves,” Biden said. “The standard with which we have to measure ourselves is if we do not have consent, it is rape. Period.”

Biden delivered that message at Morehouse College, where he spoke to a crowd of students mainly from Morehouse and Spelman colleges as part of the White House’s “It’s On Us” campaign. Morehouse was the final stop on Biden’s three-campus swing that began Monday at the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., and continued Tuesday morning at South Carolina’s Clemson University before his afternoon stop in Atlanta.
Much of the onus for changing the rape culture on campuses is dependent upon men, Biden said. Men are the perpetrators of sexual violence in most cases, and have the responsibility for first not committing the act, abiding by the strict standard of consent and reporting other men who may be violating women, he said.'

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Cover Your Buns and Then We'll Respect You

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am in receipt of your email stating your forceful objection to my recent column on rape prevention. I understand that you objected to my claim that a woman wearing a Glock tee shirt is less likely to be targeted for rape than a woman wearing a Pink (or Victoria’s Secret) tee shirt. However, I do not understand your claim that the column sexually harassed you. Nor do I understand why it was necessary for you to label me as a “filthy subhuman scumbag” and “a (f-bombing) piece of (poop).” Today, I wish to provide a reply that is more rational and intelligent than your response to my column. Fortunately, that will not be difficult.

As an initial matter, you need to be instructed on the proper use of the term “harassment.” Put simply, ideas are not harassment. This goes against what you have learned in your Women’s Studies classes. But virtually everything taught in these classes is both factually incorrect and ideologically bigoted. No court would ever sustain a charge of harassment made by a woman who lacks the good sense to avoid reading columns she may find offensive. If you knew the column would offend you and you read the column anyway then you must enjoy being angry. That probably explains why you are a campus feminist. Regardless, something cannot be harassment if you actually enjoy it.
When women started to attend colleges and universities in greater numbers several decades ago there were those who objected to their enrollment. Those objectors claimed that women were irrational and emotional and really didn’t belong in a setting where controversial ideas were being discussed. In fact, it was thought that they should stay at home where they could do things more suited to their nature – such as cook, clean, and care for children.

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Modern Educayshun

Video here.

'The follow up to #Equality, Modern Educayshun delves into the potential dangers of our increasingly reactionary culture bred by social media and political correctness.'

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NPO: December Conference in Germany on Shared Parenting a Unique Opportunity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Don’t forget to register for the December 9th through 11th conference of the International Council on Shared Parenting in Bonn, Germany described in last week’s newsletter, it will give you access to important information on shared parenting that is not widely available in the U.S. This information could help in your individual case. And professionals will need this information to remain fully informed on one of the most important issues of the day.'

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Pentagon ‘gay’ rape debacle: Report alleging male-on-male sexual trauma retracted

Article here. Excerpt:

'The American Psychological Associationhas taken the extraordinary step of retracting an in-house journal article that asserted the rate of rape and other sexual trauma among military men was as much as 15 times higher than the Pentagon’s own survey.

In a press released posted Sunday night, the APA said outside scholars had examined the study, “Preliminary Data Suggest Rates of Male Sexual Trauma May be Higher than Previously Reported,” and determined that the method for randomly selecting and surveying male combat veterans was flawed.

“Although the article went through our standard peer-review process, other scholars have since examined the data and raised valid concerns regarding the design and statistical analysis, which compromise the findings,” Gary R. VandenBos, APA’s publisher, said in announcing the retraction.'

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Men in Asia continue to be defrauded, abused, and enslaved by fishing companies

Story here. Excerpt:

'When Eril Andrade left this small village, he was healthy and hoping to earn enough on a fishing boat on the high seas to replace his mother’s leaky roof.

Seven months later, his body was sent home in a wooden coffin: jet black from having been kept in a fish freezer aboard a ship for more than a month, missing an eye and his pancreas, and covered in cuts and bruises, which an autopsy report later concluded had been inflicted before death.

“Sick and resting,” said a note taped to his body. Handwritten in Chinese by the ship’s captain, it stated only that Mr. Andrade, 31, had fallen ill in his sleep.

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SAVE: Lawsuits Multiply, Expelled Students Often Prevail in Campus Sex Cases


Contact: Gina Lauterio
Telephone: 301-801-0608
Email: info@saveservices.org

WASHINGTON / November 9, 2015 – The number of lawsuits filed by students alleging violations of due process in campus sexual assault cases has ballooned in the last two years. And increasingly, courts are ruling in favor of the expelled students. These trends highlight the need for colleges to re-evaluate their sexual assault procedures to assure constitutionally protected rights are respected.

According to the Database of Due Process Lawsuits Against Colleges and Universities, 100 lawsuits have been filed across the country alleging due process and other violations by colleges and universities. Prior to 2014, the annual number of lawsuits remained in the single digits. In 2014, this number jumped to 31. Thus far in 2015, 33 lawsuits have been filed: http://boysmeneducation.com/lawsuits-database/

In the past, courts often upheld the expulsions. But in the past several months, courts have consistently ruled in favor of expelled students, as seen in cases from Washington and Lee University, University of Tennessee – Chattanooga, University of Southern California, and University of California San Diego: http://www.saveservices.org/2015/08/pr-four-rulings-four-reversals-judges-give-thumbs-down-on-campus-sex-tribunals/

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'If bears killed 1 in 5 people'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Late last week, College Humor (partnered with the Obama administration)released a video asking: What if bears killed one in five people? It was supposed to be a humorous attempt at getting people to consider just how dire it is that "one in five women will be sexually assaulted by the time they finish college."

Except there's no evidence that one in five women are sexually assaulted during college. That statistic has been debunked again andagain and again. Only the most incredulous (or calculating) media outlets still print it as a fact without noting what it actually refers to or that it has been disputed.

The statistic comes from surveys of college students who are asked whether they have ever experienced a broad range of sexual activity. The students are also asked if they have ever engaged in said activity while drunk or on drugs. Based on answers students give to these questions, biased researchers hoping to prove "rape culture" exists determine that these students have been sexually assaulted.'

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The real Rape Culture

It's not on college campuses, and its victims aren't women. A story from the NY Daily News that graphically illustrates the real "rape culture" in the US: a state-sanctioned campaign that casually uses the threat of incarceration and repeated rape as a punishment and deterrent for men. Excerpt:

'New Mexico man got a harsh wake-up call from a judge who said he would be someone's "b---h" in prison.

When Isaiah Gay, 20, was being sentenced Tuesday for his burglary charges by Bernalillo County District Court Judge Christina Argyres, she asked him what he thought could happen to him in jail.

Gay assumed the worst would be beatings, but the judge had a different outlook, according to court transcripts.

"You would probably be raped everyday, number one," she said. "You would be beat up every other day."

Shaken by the judge's harsh forecast, and facing a 15-year sentence for his string of burglaries, the first-time offender promised he'd never commit another crime, blaming his previous antics on "being young and dumb."'

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When evidence is allowed, Stanford changes its verdict on an alleged campus sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2013, Elise Clougherty accused her ex-boyfriend of a year, Joe Lonsdale, of abuse and sexual assault. She reported her allegations to Stanford University, where she was a student and he was her mentor. Stanford found Lonsdale responsible for sexual assault and banned him from the campus for 10 years.

In early November 2015, Stanford reversed the ban, citing "new evidence" in the case.

That "new evidence" was apparently emails sent from Clougherty to Lonsdale during their relationship that raised doubts about her accusations. The emails were not included in the original investigation against Lonsdale, and were only brought to the attention of Stanford administrators due to a New York Times article about the case.'

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Sen. Claire McCaskill decries 'mansplaining'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's unusual to hear a politician ridicule about half her constituents on national television, but certain topics simply supersede politics. For Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), that issue is apparently mansplaining. Or maybe just men talking? As one of 20 women in the Senate, she wants more women to run for office, she said for Monday's Late Show, "but equally important is encouraging more men to sometimes just shut the hell up." She quickly clarified, sort of, telling the world's men: "It's not that women don't value your thoughts, it's just that we don't value all of them."

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Feminist Professor Calls For ‘Muscle’ To Help Remove Male Reporter at U Miss Protests

Story here. Excerpt:

'A shocking video emerged Monday from the anti-free speech protests that took place at the University of Missouri following the resignation of school president Tim Wolfe.

Video recorded by journalist Mark Shierbecker shows an assistant professor of mass media at the school named Melissa Click calling for “muscle” to help remove him as he was trying to film protests being held on campus.
A phone call and email to Click was not immediately returned. The University of Missouri website shows that Click teaches classes in mass communication and television analysis.
“Current research projects involve 50 Shades of Grey readers, the impact of social media in fans’ relationship with Lady Gaga, masculinity and male fans, messages about class and food in reality television programming, and messages about work in children’s television programs,” her bio reads.'


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