The Feminists Who Want To Silence Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'If there’s one person who epitomises the University of York’s notable alumni, it’s Harriet Harman.

The Labour MP studied politics there in the early 1970s before becoming a lawyer and, subsequently, a politician who — not long ago — believed that touring Britain in a pink van might dismantle the ‘patriarchy’ (otherwise known as civilisation, to you and I; something men created, but women have long enhanced, benefited from and now co-own).

Needless to say, she was wrong. On paper her approach may have had all the hallmarks of a PR success story, but in today’s climate it simply smacked of tired tactics. Still, by the University of York’s standards, it was probably A-grade stuff. After all, stale with esoteric feminist professors and their wacky take on reality, they too remain locked in Harman’s time-warped mindset.

Earlier this week, the college u-turned plans for a modest International Men’s Day (IMD) meeting — even though it coincided with a parliamentary discussion on the 19 November event.

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UK: "Tory MP Philip Davies attacked for using International Men's Day debate to moan about 'militant feminists'"

Link here. Excerpt:

'A Tory MP has been criticised for complaining about 'militant feminists' as he led a debate to mark International Men's Day.

Philip Davies won the three-hour Commons session by saying women have plenty of special days - and men need an equivalent to talk about the fact more than three-quarters of suicides are by men .

During a 44-minute speech Mr Davies spoke up about male suicide, men's fight to win custody of their children and the lack of male primary school teachers.

But female MPs rounded on him after he accused 'militant feminists' of 'stirring up' division and championing 'equality but only when it suits'.

He also said it was time to end the 'stereotypical image' of all domestic violence being against women and condemned 'positive discrimination'.

Mr Davies declared: "I want to be very clear - I don't believe there is actually an issue between men and women.'

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Canada: Man on trial for three years for criticizing feminists

Story here. Excerpt:

'His name is Gregory Alan Elliott. He has been on trial for three years, in a costly Canadian court battle with drastic implications for free speech. For two years, he was banned from the internet, where he previously earned much of his income. His artwork, hanging in a local coffee shop in Toronto, was recently defaced by a mob of enraged activists.

Crippled by loss of work and the ongoing court case, Elliott and his family have been forced to turn to an online crowdfunding campaign to cover their legal costs. What did he do to bring about such persecution? Did he kill someone? IS he a virulent white supremacist? A campaigner for pedophile rights?

No. Elliott criticised feminists on the internet.

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'The Hunting Ground' crew caught editing Wikipedia to make facts conform to film

Article here. Excerpt:

'A crew member from "The Hunting Ground," a one-sided film about campus sexual assault, has been editing Wikipedia articles to make facts conform with the inaccurate representations in the film.

Edward Patrick Alva, who is listed on the film's IMDB page as part of the camera and electrical department, has been altering Wikipedia entries for months, in violation of the website's conflict-of-interest guidelines. Alva is the assistant editor and technical supervisor for Chain Camera Pictures, the production company associated with "The Hunting Ground" director Kirby Dick.

Wikipedia guidelines state: "Do not edit Wikipedia in your own interests or in the interests of your external relationships." As a member of the film's production team, Alva should not have been editing pages about the film or related to the film.'

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SAVE E-lert: CNN's Freshly Aired Lies

This Sunday, November 22nd, CNN will be airing The Hunting Ground, a propaganda piece that includes blatant lie after blatant lie:

SAVE held a National Press Club event to counteract the film back in March, and recently a group of Harvard professors have issued a press release against the film as well:

Florida State University's President has also just denounced the film:

Help us contact CNN executive producer, Rebecca Kutler, and tell her to not allow CNN to be used as a propaganda vehicle for The Hunting Ground.

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Factual Feminist: Do men need to check their privilege?

Video here.

'Do men need to check their privilege? Gender activists tell us that men carry around with them an invisible knapsack of advantage. Well, is this true and is it the whole story? AEI Scholar Christina Hoff Sommers checks the facts.'

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Are You Celebrating International Men's Day?

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you are at all like me, your first reaction upon learning that this is a reality is that the holiday must be a joke, a smug retort to International Women’s Day, which is observed on March 8, mostly in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, although it actually began as a socialist celebration in New York. (If that was not your first response, congratulations on your light heart.) But it isn’t. The day doesn’t exist to celebrate machismo, or to ask why American women are whining about pay when women in other countries are worse off (sound argument), or to complain that women are confusing and/or overly sensitive (hey!).

On November 19 (if you’re reading this on its day of publication, that’s today), 60 countries—including the United States, apparently—observe International Men’s Day. What is it? Why does it exist? And, in a world where, to quote Manuel Contreras-Urbina, who runs the Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University, “There is not one society that is not patriarchal” (disclaimer:there are six), do we need an International Men’s Day?

Maybe, maybe not. We do, however, need to talk about men’s issues.

But first, to briefly discuss the day: In 1999, Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh of Trinidad and Tobago began International Men’s Day to improve gender relations and celebrate and support positive male role models. The day only reached a wider audience, however, in 2007, when Australia’s Warwick Marsh, co-founder of the Fatherhood Foundation, and India’s Uma Challa, founder and president of India’s Men’s Welfare Association, came together to promote the day.

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Judge: Divorced California couple's embryos can be discarded

Story here. Wish the judges in the other states were as fair-minded. Excerpt:

'A woman must abide by an agreement with her ex-husband to destroy five frozen embryos if they got a divorce, despite her contention that they represent her last chance to have children, a California judge ruled Wednesday.

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo said in a tentative decision that the agreement trumps the woman's desire to now keep the embryos. The woman, Mimi Lee, had argued that cancer made it risky for her to get pregnant, so the embryos were her last chance to have her own genetic child.

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International Men's Day: Why the masculine 'gold standard' is harming men

Article here. Excerpt:

'To most people, holding high standards of personal achievement is considered only a good thing - yet the reality for many mid-life men is that pressures to achieve can cause unthinkable emotional and psychological pain.

In 21st Century Britain, the decline of typically male industry and a rise in family breakdown mean that all too many middle-aged men now believe that they fall short of the ‘gold standard’ of masculinity. They are neither the providers nor the protectors that traditional masculinity requires.'

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Gender Pay Gap Has Almost Nothing To Do With Discrimination, Says Top Economist

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 17 percent gender pay gap is almost entirely due to age, marriage and the different hours worked by men and women, according to a top economist at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) annual report on the “Highlights of Women’s Earnings” shows women’s in full-time work median earnings were 83 percent those of men.

The National Committee on Pay Equity claims this pay-gap emerges “in part because many women and people of color are still segregated into a few low-paying occupations.”

But AEI economist Mark Perry says one reason the wage-gap appears is that men work more hours than women. More than quarter of men in full-time work clocked in 41 or more hours per week in 2014, whereas the same could be said for only 14.8 percent of women. On the more extreme end, men were two and a half times more likely than women to work 60 hour weeks.'

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New Jersey to consider 'yes means yes' college policy

Story here. Excerpt:

'Unless New Jersey colleges and universities implement a yes-means-yes policy governing sexual conduct they could lose certain state funds under a bill being considered by lawmakers.

The state Senate Higher Education Committee is scheduled to review the legislation on Monday.

The proposal makes New Jersey among the latest states moving to require college campuses to define when "yes means yes" in an effort to stem the tide of sexual assaults.

The bill would withhold state funds from colleges and universities for certain programs unless they adopt a so-called affirmative consent standard.

Some critics of the policy change say it could be unfair to victims who have protections under Title IX, the law dealing with sexual discrimination.'

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Students call for punishment of campus rape suspect

Article here. Excerpt:

'About a dozen UC Berkeley students and members of the group "By Any Means Necessary" loudly protested outside a hearing was to determine whether a student they say raped a co-ed last year should be punished.

The protesters want him expelled.

"We're building a student-lead independent movement to put the pressure not just on the administration, but on the rapist, and force them out and expel them. So survivors can go to college campuses without having fear about running into the rapist," said Angela Dancev of By Any Means Necessary.

Student Stephanie Garcia has publicly claimed the student raped her in a dorm room in October of 2014. Her supporters have posted flyers all over campus with the title rapist above the student's name and picture.

But the Alameda County District Attorney's office says it reviewed the case and declined to press any charges.

The university says the student was last enrolled in the fall of 2014, but that it is prohibited by law from commenting further.'

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'The Hunting Ground' filmmakers defend movie, insult critics

Article here. Excerpt:

'The filmmakers of "The Hunting Ground" have been called out for inaccuracies, distortions and false statistics, and for disregarding journalistic integrity in order to push propaganda.

Their response? To call their critics "misogynistic" and accuse them of victim-blaming.

Filmmakers Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering mischaracterized what 19 Harvard Law professors wrote when they criticized the film. The filmmakers claimed that the professor's reference to the Harvard accuser's inebriated state was "classic victim blaming and is exactly the kind of misogynistic, punitive and shaming attitude that helps perpetuate sexual assault on college campuses."'

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Feminist author argues against 'affirmative consent'

Article here. Well this does her in among the sisterhood. Excerpt:

'And now we get to the single thing that has most distressed me, as a feminist and a lawyer, about the affirmative consent bandwagon.  The norm itself sounds great.  I myself would never want to have sex with an unconsenting person, and I don’t want you do so either.  I also don’t ever want to have sex that I haven’t consented to, and I hope that never happens to you either.   But using legal procedure to decide these cases is about far more than just the desirability of the norm.  It’s also about the desirability of putting the weight of the state and of punishment behind that norm.  We have to want to put the norm into legal proceedings in the real world.

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Discredited rape data overshadow what's accurate

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Washington Times headline on Nov. 9 declared, "Pentagon 'gay' rape debacle: Report alleging male-on-male sexual trauma retracted." In an almost unprecedented move, the American Psychological Association (APA) retracted an article it had published a week earlier in its journal, Psychological Services. "Preliminary Data Suggest Rates of Male Sexual Trauma May be Higher than Previously Reported" had claimed that the rate of rape for military males might be 15 times higher than acknowledged. The media trumpeted the presence of another rape crisis.

Why were the data retracted? An APA press release explained, "Although the article went through our standard peer-review process, other scholars have ... raised valid concerns regarding the design and statistical analysis, which compromise the findings." Flawed methodology rendered useless results. This often occurs with rape research, whether it is conducted inside the military, at police stations or on campuses.

The most remarkable aspect of the APA retraction may be that it was mentioned by mainstream media. Most discredited assault studies are invisibly corrected, which allows the original, sensational conclusions to be repeated as fact. For example, the campus survey"Denying Rape but Endorsing Forceful Intercourse" exploded across the airwaves in early 2015. One in three male students would rape, researchers maintained, "if nobody would ever know and there wouldn't be any consequences." Activists cried out for tighter controls on campus.

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