UK: Woman hits man with ‘End Violence Against Women’ placard, man charged with Criminal Damage for breaking her placard

Following is a press release from Tom Martin of Sexism Busters:

The man claims several police officers and demonstrators witnessed him being assaulted but are all pretending he started the violence, in a case of mass deception - with the exception of one honest witness.

Tom Martin will appear in a central London court tomorrow, facing a charge of Criminal Damage following a fracas that took place at a Reclaim the Night rally in November 2014 on the Charring Cross Road, central London. Mr Martin, 44, explains: “I was window-shopping on Earlham Street in central London where I live, when I heard female screams coming up Charring Cross Road, so went over to find a women-only ‘Reclaim the Night’ rally in procession. As I object to their women-only domestic violence victim advocacy, and their use of inflated rape and domestic violence statistics, I approached the rally, informed a female police sergeant present that I was going to do “an impromptu counter-demonstration” and at a safe one metre distance, gave the passing crowd the thumbs down.

They looked a bit confused to be honest, so I started shouting “Stop sex-segregating. Stop sex-segregating”. One of the passing protesters hit me on the head with her “End Violence Against Women” placard, which I instinctively grabbed and tussled away from her. The female police sergeant shouted “Oi!”, immediately apprehended me, letting my attacker go, and then holding me in hand cuffs for one hour and 25 minutes, finally arresting and charging me with Criminal Damage because the flimsy handle fell off the placard in the struggle.

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The Government's War Against Men's Health Is About to Get Much Worse

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Centers of Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) is proposing using PSA screening as a quality metric for payments to providers. If enacted, your primary care physician will be monetized to not screen you for prostate cancer. This is an inevitable downstream effect of the largely discredited and intellectually lazy United States Preventive Task Force Recommendation (USPSTF) Grade D against screening for prostate cancer. That should scare you. That should scare everyone who loves men.

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The Hunting Ground Uses a Striking Statistic About Campus Rape That’s Almost Certainly False

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Woman branded selfish and cowardly by judge for false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who invented a false rape claim against a wholly innocent businessman has been branded as selfish and cowardly by a Judge.

Sophie Tucker invited her fiancé's 50-year-old boss to her home and took part in a sex act with him and tried to lie her way out of trouble when her partner spotted him leaving the house.

She claimed he had grabbed her pony tail and forced her to have oral sex against her will. She repeated the lie at hospital and to the police in a 51-minute video taped interview.

The victim of her lies was Carl Williamson, who runs a company which organises medical training courses. He was arrested while working at North Devon District Hospital.
He told her the only reason she was not going straight to jail was for the sake of her two children, aged one and two.'

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Evidence of employers paying women 23% less than men for doing the same work noticably absent

Article here. Excerpt:

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Campus Crazies: Women’s Officers Who Have Gone Off The Deep End

Article here. Excerpt:

'You’ve probably heard of Bahar Mustafa, the diversity and welfare officer at Goldsmiths University in London. She shot into the limelight after tweeting in support of #KillAllWhiteMen and banning white males from a conference on – ironically – diversity.

Schadenfreude always catches up, and Mustafa last week resigned from her post – on International Men’s Day, no less – after allegations of harassment and bullying from colleagues.

But Mustafa is not alone. Social justice warriors are deeply embedded in the hierarchy and structures of the British university system. As a public service, I’ve combed through the track record of women’s officers in some of the top universities around the country, so that you don’t have to. Thank me later.'

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Today’s whiny feminism is killing sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'These days, women are treated as perpetual victims. In need of safe spaces at their colleges so they dare not hear alternative opinions, suspicious of all men as predators and infantilized by people in power seeking to protect them.

We’ve gotten to a point where society accepts that sex isn’t an action between two equals — we treat the man as always in control of the encounter. A drunk woman is incapable of consent while a drunk man remains responsible for all of his actions.

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UK: Campus zealots hound student with shouts of 'rapist' after questioning the effectiveness of rape 'consent workshops'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A student has been driven out of lectures and bars with shouts of ‘rapist’ after he dared to question the effectiveness of ‘consent workshops’.

Second-year George Lawlor, 19, fears for his future at Warwick University after being ostracised and bullied for challenging a student union drive to hold rape awareness sessions.

Writing in a blog, he argued that the overwhelming majority of people ‘don’t have to be taught to not be a rapist’ – and that men inclined to commit the crime would be unlikely to attend such a workshop.

He added that he found his invitation to one of the sessions ‘incredibly hurtful’.

But in the latest example of politically correct intolerance in universities, the student faced a fierce backlash from radical feminists. He was attacked on Twitter and Facebook by student activists branding him a ‘rapist’ and ‘misogynist’.

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Vigilante justice: Student turns to public shaming of her alleged rapist

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than 100 posters plastered across the UC Berkeley campus Wednesday could not be more clear. “Rapist,” they declared in large, bold type, featuring a close-up photo of a young man above a caption with the word “rapist” also used as a title before his name.

The flyers were a call to action for Berkeley students to rally against the young man, who showed up on campus to appeal his August expulsion for violating UC’s sexual assault policy. As of this year, state law says all campuses must require affirmative consent between sexual partners. Students accused of sexual assault who can’t prove their partner said “yes” to sexual contact are subject to campus discipline.

And, in the case of the young man, subject to vigilante justice as well. Prosecutors never charged him.

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"Just another member of the patriarchy"

Article here. Excerpt:

'At about 6pm he discovered that she had gone ahead and had the abortion that morning. She had spent most of the day groggy in hospital, but he was angry because she also appeared to have spent much of the afternoon on Facebook, instead of telling him. I told him not to be angry – she was obviously feeling defensive and wanting distraction.
My thoughts are pretty simple. This is just another demonstration for me of what a wicked and insidious development abortion-on-demand is. There is no happy ending here. A baby has lost its life and a man is at home beside himself with grief. He says he hasn’t been able to sleep or eat properly for weeks or concentrate on work. A formerly loving relationship is in tatters, with both parties harbouring feelings of anger and resentment. A mother has to deal with the repercussions of her decision while at the same time, caring for her living child.

Not once in this man’s decision was there an element of patriarchy -- wanting to control her uterus or chain her to the kitchen sink. This guy realised that he loved his unborn baby and wanted them to live. The reality of abortion means that every single pregnancy becomes a lifestyle choice and children are given a specious right – to be meticulously planned and born into “perfect” circumstances which supersedes their basic right to life. Had abortion not been an option, he wouldn’t have had his damaging wobble and would have stepped up to the plate sooner. But we are all now conditioned to think not of new life, not of a baby, but of choice.

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Deluded feminists divide us and imperil basic freedoms

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is a "trigger warning". Reach for the smelling salts, victims of the patriarchy. I intend to be offensive.

For the benefit of challenged readers, here is the Urban Dictionary's definition of the term: "A phrase [whose] purpose is to warn weak-minded people who are easily offended that they might find what is being posted offensive in some way due to its content, causing them to overreact or otherwise start acting like a dipshit."
It has been one of the joys of my life that mutual respect and easy friendship between men and women, which was unusual in Ireland and Britain in my youth, became a norm in these islands. My younger friends are unselfconsciously at ease with the opposite sex, and mutual teasing is a part of that. All this is undermined by the tiny minority of women who are helping the struggle for equality to mutate into the assault on free speech that is modern feminism.

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Bill Clinton accuser speaks out against Hillary

Article here. Excerpt:

'In one of her first media appearances in nearly a decade, Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who famously accused Bill Clinton of rape, is now speaking out against Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president.

“Shame on you, Hillary, that’s disgusting,” Broaddrick said of Clinton’s attempt to run for high office in part on women’s issues. “Shame on you, Hillary. It’s time to be truthful,” she added.

Broaddrick was speaking in an interview set to air Sunday night on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” the popular weekend talk radio program. An advanced copy of the audio interview was obtained exclusively by Breitbart.

During the exchange with Klein, the notoriously media-shy Broaddrick accused Clinton of complacency in covering up her husband’s alleged sexual crimes and indiscretions.

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A Man's World but Not a Boy's

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have high regard for Adam Grant, whose bestselling book, Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success, shows how altruism can be a key to accomplishment. And perhaps I should focus on that when I think about his post on Psychology Today, whose title is not quite as gracious. It’s “Dear Men: Wake Up and Smell the Inequality,” and it talks about how women still do not have an equal opportunity in the workplace, and that it’s time for men to work hard to change this.

But he is certainly not making it easy for me, a man, since not only the title, but the text itself addresses men in a condescending and patronizing way. Consider his two hypotheses as to why men don’t recognize the fact that women still don’t have the same opportunities to rise up as they do: First is “Men are stupid.” Granted, he admits that “not all men are idiots,” but this does set a tone.

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UVA Rape Hoaxster Refuses To Turn Over Emails And Phone Records

Story here. Excerpt:

'Jackie, the former University of Virginia student whose fabricated claims about being gang-raped by fraternity members in 2012 appeared in Rolling Stone exactly one year ago, is refusing to turn over emails and phone records of her correspondence with her friends and with the article’s author, Sabrina Rubin Erdely.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch is reporting that Jackie’s attorney, Palma Pustiknik, claimed in a recent court filing pertaining to a $7.5 million defamation lawsuit filed by UVA dean Nicole Eramo that Jackie’s “privacy and dignity” will be violated and that she will be subjected to “extreme harm” if the records are provided.

Jackie is not a defendant in the lawsuit. Instead, Eramo is suing Erdely, Rolling Stone, and its parent company, Wenner Media, for $7.5 million in damages.'

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Coca-Cola CEO OK with "positive discrimination"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent likes new Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. A lot.

The chief of the beverage giant brought up the newly elected prime minister during a panel on women in corporate leadership at theWomen’s Forum of New York’s Breakfast of Corporate Championson Nov. 19. Later, Kent brought Trudeau up again in an interview, lauding the PM’s insistence on a Cabinet that is 50% female. “I’m a big, big fan,” Kent said. “He’s my favorite feminist right now.”

Kent, it seems, isn’t shy with the f-word. “If you’re a male and you’re at the top, you have to be a feminist, and you have to be proud of being a feminist,” he says. “Being a declared feminist— I’d even go as far as to positively discriminate, to put it in people’s annual assessment.”'

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