'I like this' button enabled on MANN

OK, so it took me awhile. Like, 10 years. Or more. But finally, the brilliant idea occurred to me that maybe, just maybe, there is a "like" module for Drupal that I can implement quickly and easily that allows readers to indicate their appreciation of an article or other reader's comment without needing to log in and comment. And DUH!, a couple Google searches later, I done found something that'll work.

I could have set the "Like" feature to have a rating number system, which I thought was too much mental overhead for the casual reader. (I mean, it is for me. I don't want to think that hard, even about a good article. "Is it 5 stars? Maybe 4? Maybe it's really just 3? To hell with it!" Then not do anything.) I mean, life's hard enough, right? No need to spin one's wheels over rating a bloody Internet post. :)

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‘Drug-Dealing’ Sorority Girl Murdered, UCLA Faculty Blames Epidemic of Violence and Sexual Assault Against Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The blonde, attractive, and seemingly-affable young senior was the model victim, according to American cultural consciousness; she was an older JonBenét Ramsey and received ample media attention as a result.

As reports surfaced about Del Vesco’s criminal allegations, the narrative of a feeble woman killed by a deranged male high off the drug of patriarchy became slightly complicated. “At the time of her death, Del Vesco was facing drug-related charges. On July 8, she pleaded not guilty to charges of possessing Ecstasy, LSD, methamphetamine and Psilocybin, officers said,” reports CBS Los Angeles News. "According to the Superior Court’s website, she was scheduled to appear in court [the following week].

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Update on Tom Martin's hearing over "protestgate"

The following is from Tom Martin at Sexism Busters. I've decided to coin this incident "protestgate", since the authorities have involved themselves in an apparent attempt to at least obscure the truth if not try to side-step it, despite some honest officers changing their initial accounts. From Tom:

I just attended court, where unbelievably, the Crown Prosecution Service decided to proceed with the case, despite the fact that the police now admit, in their OWN statement, that I was indeed hit with the placard first - something they had all previously denied witnessing. The police statement falsely claims that I was aggressive and had my finger in the protesters' faces beforehand, when in fact, I stood at a safe distance with my thumb down, shouting "Stop sex-segregating" as the crowd streamed by.

The police statements were submitted to the court outside the time limit, and not signed, so my court-appointed lawyer is pushing to get their case against me for Criminal Damage thrown out on this technicality - an outcome I believe the police are secretly hoping for as well - to save them the blushes of a court case that will established they wrongfully and maliciously arrested me on a trumped up charge.

CCTV was found by the police, but it mysteriously did not show the incident - another cause of concern for my lawyer. Criminal Damage cannot be brought against a case of self-defence, as the prosecution have to prove I had malicious intent to break the sign, when in reality, I was responding to an assault, removing the assault weapon (it doesn't matter how violent the assault was - unwanted contact of any degree is assault.)

The case has been adjourned until December 15th, at 9.30am - the National tabloid press photographers and journalists were there having read the above press release - they interviewed me and were very supportive.

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Feminist bullies and the pernicious myth that sexual morality is just about 'consent'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Pity today’s male undergraduate, tasked with navigating his way through the thorny thicket of university gender politics.

For surely Oliver Cromwell himself, history’s most notorious puritan, would have admired the zeal of the new generation of self-styled feminist campaigners, with all their fury over perceived grievances.

The latest target of their rage is George Lawlor, a second-year politics and sociology student at Warwick University, who dared to question the effectiveness of sexual consent workshops run on his campus.
But those engaged at the forefront of gender politics do not tend to appreciate people challenging their viewpoint.

I am not remotely under-estimating the seriousness of rape and sexual assault. Apart from murder, they are among the darkest crimes known to humanity. But it is precisely because they are so serious that they should not be used as vehicles for doctrinaire point-scoring or political power games.

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North Dakota 'man camps' battle pending ban in oil capital

Story here. You can be 1000% certain that if these were camps filled with women, the merest suggestion that they be evicted and made to pay for hotel housing instead of much more affordable employer-sponsored housing would be met with demands for the suggester's resignation followed by a "ribbon campaign" to raise money for the many "poor women" in need of *whatever*. Instead, men in this condition are met with rejection. Excerpt:

'Providers of temporary housing for North Dakota's oilfield workers are fighting a plan by the state's energy capital to evict their "man camps," fearing it could set an example for others and add to the sector's woes caused by a global commodity slump.

Earlier this month, the Williston City Commission voted 3-2 in favor of an ordinance that would deny "man camps" occupancy permit extensions beyond July 2016.

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CNN Shows Sex Assault Film Despite Legal Threat

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the face of threatened legal action from the football star Jameis Winston, CNN did not back away from broadcasting “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about sexual assault on college campuses that has stirred controversy since its January debut at the Sundance Film Festival.

“CNN is proud to provide a platform for a film that has undeniably played a significant role in advancing the national conversation about sexual assault on college campuses,” the network said in a statement. The film was shown on the network at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday.

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UK: Woman hits man with ‘End Violence Against Women’ placard, man charged with Criminal Damage for breaking her placard

Following is a press release from Tom Martin of Sexism Busters:

The man claims several police officers and demonstrators witnessed him being assaulted but are all pretending he started the violence, in a case of mass deception - with the exception of one honest witness.

Tom Martin will appear in a central London court tomorrow, facing a charge of Criminal Damage following a fracas that took place at a Reclaim the Night rally in November 2014 on the Charring Cross Road, central London. Mr Martin, 44, explains: “I was window-shopping on Earlham Street in central London where I live, when I heard female screams coming up Charring Cross Road, so went over to find a women-only ‘Reclaim the Night’ rally in procession. As I object to their women-only domestic violence victim advocacy, and their use of inflated rape and domestic violence statistics, I approached the rally, informed a female police sergeant present that I was going to do “an impromptu counter-demonstration” and at a safe one metre distance, gave the passing crowd the thumbs down.

They looked a bit confused to be honest, so I started shouting “Stop sex-segregating. Stop sex-segregating”. One of the passing protesters hit me on the head with her “End Violence Against Women” placard, which I instinctively grabbed and tussled away from her. The female police sergeant shouted “Oi!”, immediately apprehended me, letting my attacker go, and then holding me in hand cuffs for one hour and 25 minutes, finally arresting and charging me with Criminal Damage because the flimsy handle fell off the placard in the struggle.

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The Government's War Against Men's Health Is About to Get Much Worse

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Centers of Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) is proposing using PSA screening as a quality metric for payments to providers. If enacted, your primary care physician will be monetized to not screen you for prostate cancer. This is an inevitable downstream effect of the largely discredited and intellectually lazy United States Preventive Task Force Recommendation (USPSTF) Grade D against screening for prostate cancer. That should scare you. That should scare everyone who loves men.

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The Hunting Ground Uses a Striking Statistic About Campus Rape That’s Almost Certainly False

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Woman branded selfish and cowardly by judge for false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who invented a false rape claim against a wholly innocent businessman has been branded as selfish and cowardly by a Judge.

Sophie Tucker invited her fiancé's 50-year-old boss to her home and took part in a sex act with him and tried to lie her way out of trouble when her partner spotted him leaving the house.

She claimed he had grabbed her pony tail and forced her to have oral sex against her will. She repeated the lie at hospital and to the police in a 51-minute video taped interview.

The victim of her lies was Carl Williamson, who runs a company which organises medical training courses. He was arrested while working at North Devon District Hospital.
He told her the only reason she was not going straight to jail was for the sake of her two children, aged one and two.'

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Evidence of employers paying women 23% less than men for doing the same work noticably absent

Article here. Excerpt:

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Campus Crazies: Women’s Officers Who Have Gone Off The Deep End

Article here. Excerpt:

'You’ve probably heard of Bahar Mustafa, the diversity and welfare officer at Goldsmiths University in London. She shot into the limelight after tweeting in support of #KillAllWhiteMen and banning white males from a conference on – ironically – diversity.

Schadenfreude always catches up, and Mustafa last week resigned from her post – on International Men’s Day, no less – after allegations of harassment and bullying from colleagues.

But Mustafa is not alone. Social justice warriors are deeply embedded in the hierarchy and structures of the British university system. As a public service, I’ve combed through the track record of women’s officers in some of the top universities around the country, so that you don’t have to. Thank me later.'

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Today’s whiny feminism is killing sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'These days, women are treated as perpetual victims. In need of safe spaces at their colleges so they dare not hear alternative opinions, suspicious of all men as predators and infantilized by people in power seeking to protect them.

We’ve gotten to a point where society accepts that sex isn’t an action between two equals — we treat the man as always in control of the encounter. A drunk woman is incapable of consent while a drunk man remains responsible for all of his actions.

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UK: Campus zealots hound student with shouts of 'rapist' after questioning the effectiveness of rape 'consent workshops'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A student has been driven out of lectures and bars with shouts of ‘rapist’ after he dared to question the effectiveness of ‘consent workshops’.

Second-year George Lawlor, 19, fears for his future at Warwick University after being ostracised and bullied for challenging a student union drive to hold rape awareness sessions.

Writing in a blog, he argued that the overwhelming majority of people ‘don’t have to be taught to not be a rapist’ – and that men inclined to commit the crime would be unlikely to attend such a workshop.

He added that he found his invitation to one of the sessions ‘incredibly hurtful’.

But in the latest example of politically correct intolerance in universities, the student faced a fierce backlash from radical feminists. He was attacked on Twitter and Facebook by student activists branding him a ‘rapist’ and ‘misogynist’.

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Vigilante justice: Student turns to public shaming of her alleged rapist

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than 100 posters plastered across the UC Berkeley campus Wednesday could not be more clear. “Rapist,” they declared in large, bold type, featuring a close-up photo of a young man above a caption with the word “rapist” also used as a title before his name.

The flyers were a call to action for Berkeley students to rally against the young man, who showed up on campus to appeal his August expulsion for violating UC’s sexual assault policy. As of this year, state law says all campuses must require affirmative consent between sexual partners. Students accused of sexual assault who can’t prove their partner said “yes” to sexual contact are subject to campus discipline.

And, in the case of the young man, subject to vigilante justice as well. Prosecutors never charged him.

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