Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2016-01-19 20:53
Article here. Excerpt:
'In a story here, wrongfully convicted high school football star Brian Banks is seeking $219,000.00 from the State of California for his imprisonment based on a wrongful conviction. California passed a statute that permitted exonerated convicts to be paid a maximum of $100 for each day they were wrongfully convicted and confined. You can read the horrific facts of his ordeal reported here.
What I find interesting is that the DA's office sought a conviction Banks without any physical evidence except Wanetta Gibson's word. You would think obtaining a rape conviction would be a tough case to prove, but the DA's office pursued charges against Brian Banks whose defense attorney talked him into a plea deal out of fear that a jury would assume Banks was guilty because he was a big black teeenager.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-01-19 09:26
Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-01-19 09:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'NO one wants sexual harassment or assault to be ignored. But the processes used to investigate related allegations on many college campuses increasingly resemble kangaroo courts.
It appears those potentially unconstitutional processes have been adopted due to pressure from the federal Department of Education through means that bypassed valid rule-making procedures.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-01-19 09:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'Perhaps no school in the state has been as aggressive in punishing alleged sexual assailants in recent years as Georgia Tech.
With campus rape grabbing national headlines, Tech has expelled or suspended nearly every student it has investigated for sexual misconduct in the past five years, records show. And at Tech, officials finding a student responsible for “non-consensual sexual intercourse” must either expel the student or explain why they did not.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-01-19 09:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'After the incidents of sexual assault in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve committed by Muslim refugees against German women, feminist apologetics have acquired renewed vigor in the European debate.
Pundits and politicians assure the public that refugee males now storming the gates of Europe from the Middle East, Northern Africa and Central Asia will be required to learn that Western women are independent and sexually liberated. Such arguments, however, are obviously too weak to have any impact on the male cultures representative of certain refugee groups.
To these individuals, strong European women are ‘easy’ and easy victims; they have respect only for strong men – and strong men aren't exactly thick on the ground in Europe.
The deficiency of masculinity in European culture renders it impotent in the face of the political and cultural chaos that has escalated along with growing immigration.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-01-19 00:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'Defense lawyers in an evolving Brownsville rape case are now claiming that there's video that clears five young men of allegedly gang raping a young woman in a dark playground last week. The case has gripped the city's attention and there's a lot at stake in how it turns out.
The case has reminded some of the infamous 1989 Central Park 5 case, where young men were wrongfully convicted of brutally raping a jogger in Manhattan's Central Park. If you haven't seen Ken Burns' documentary or followed the story of how the young men fought for their freedom and ultimately sued the city, you really should. The story was in the headlines again recently when a teacher was allegedly fired for teaching her class about the case.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2016-01-16 17:45
Story here. Another example of a female getting a group of males to do her dirty work for her. And another lesson to would-be pseudo-chivalrous white knights, too. Excerpt:
'The woman accused of luring her ex-boyfriend to his death in 2011 has been found guilty of his gruesome murder.
Seath Jackson was tortured, beaten, shot and burnt in a Summerfield, Florida home before having his body broken into pieces to be put into paint cans that were thrown into a lime quarry.
His ex-girlfriend, Amber Wright, was 15 years old at the time of his murder. She was found guilty of first-degree murder after jurors deliberated for two hours in a Marion County courtroom, WESH reported.
This was Wright's second trial after her first conviction was overturned because she wasn't properly read her Miranda rights.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2016-01-16 05:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'A new data analysis from EconoMonitor is attempting to prove that men don't want to manspread -- they need to.
With the help of data scientist Mark Skinner, EconoMonitor writer Ash Bennington looked at the science behind why dudes manspread on public transit. "Manspreading" refers to when men take up more room than necessary on subways, buses and other types of public transportration.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2016-01-15 22:35
Article here. Excerpt:
'Poor men. It was already difficult enough for them to accomodate their fellow subway riders, ostensibly because their balls need space (or something). Now they can't even spread their legs on public transit without being shamed for manspreading — by the transit authority, no less.
Well, one data scientist wants to put a stop to all the ladies nagging men for simply doing what they need to do for a comfortable train ride (i.e. sit with their knees as far apart from one another as possible, thereby ensuring strangers can't fit more than a single butt-cheek on the seat next to them).
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2016-01-15 17:20
Story here. Excerpt:
'In April 2014, Stephanie Burns' company, Chic CEO, was gearing up for a networking event at an Italian restaurant in San Diego. Chic CEO hosts online resources for women starting their own businesses, and this spring evening it had teamed up with a local networking group to throw a mixer at Solare Lounge, where women could mingle over cocktails and appetizers while talking business.
During the event, Rich Allison, Allan Candelore, and Harry Crouch appeared at the restaurant door. They had each paid the $20 admission fee, and they told the hosts they wanted to enter the event. Chic CEO turned them away, saying that "the event was only open to women," according to the men's version of events, explained later in a legal complaint. Within two months, the three men had filed a discrimination lawsuit against Burns and her company alleging that the event discriminated against men. They are each members of the nation's oldest men's rights group, the National Coalition for Men, and Crouch is the NCFM's president.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2016-01-15 17:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'Wielding irrelevant laws, spurious social science and financial coercion, the Obama administration is pressuring colleges and universities to traduce standards of due process when dealing with students accused of sexual assault. Claiming that a 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in education somehow empowers the government to dictate institutions’ disciplinary procedures, the administration is dictating that a mere “preponderance of the evidence,” rather than “clear and convincing” evidence, be used in determining a life-shattering verdict of guilt.
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Submitted by ThomasI on Fri, 2016-01-15 10:54
Article here. Two! Just Two. Yes, of the 46 cases so far investigated, there were two cases -- TWO -- where the OCR found there had been a hostile environment. And ONE of those two were UVA. So go figure that! And this does NOT mean there WAS a sexual assault that went unpunished. It just means that there was an ill-defined "hostile" environment AT THE TIME (which may very well have been fixed before OCR even got involved). In all the remaining of the 46... just form letters were sent. That is how your money is being spent. Excerpt:
'Since the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rightssignaled stricter enforcement of Title IX in April 2011, it has resolved 46 investigations of colleges for possible violations of the gender-equity law involving alleged sexual violence. You can explore all investigations in this wave of enforcement and learn morewith The Chronicle’s Title IX investigation tracker.
Here we break down those 46 cases to see how they were resolved.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2016-01-15 09:19
Story here. Excerpt:
'A pair of Oklahoma women have been arrested for allegedly beating and torturing a five-year-old boy so badly that he has had two strokes since being placed in the hospital.
Police in Muskogee, OK, arrested the boy’s mother, Rachel Stevens, 28, and his “stepmother,” Kayla Jones, 25, for what doctors say appears to be months of vicious child abuse.
The case ended up with the police after the child was transferred from a Muskogee clinic to St. John Medical Center in Tulsa because of lesions on his face and a series of seizures. But when he got to Tulsa, doctors became suspicious over his injuries and determined that he was abused and not just suffering some sort of ailment as claimed by the lesbian couple.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2016-01-14 22:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'In excerpts released Thursday, the Democratic presidential candidate suggested she believes women govern differently than men.
"I just think there are some areas where our own life experiences really prepare us to be more receptive," Clinton said. "I do think there is something in the governing or organizing approach. I just think women in general are better listeners, are more collegial, more open to new ideas and how to make things work in a way that looks for win-win outcomes."
Asked whether she has seen sexism change over the years, Clinton said it might be less pronounced but it's still "prevalent in our political scene."
"There still is a double standard, there's no doubt about that," she said. "I see it all the time where women are just expected to combine traits and qualities in a way that men are not. And it does make running for office for a woman a bigger challenge. It's hard for anybody, but I do think that women bear that extra burden."'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2016-01-14 22:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'The government has backtracked on plans to stop teaching feminism as a “major political philosophy” in A-level politics. Following a typically noisy online campaign, feminism “will now be compulsory” and the number of “female thinkers” on the syllabus will be greatly expanded.
Plans to drop the current section on feminism from the A-level politics course were revealed in proposals from the Department for Education in November 2015.
The section is not currently compulsory, but has proven a popular optional topic alongside environmentalism.
The topic included parts on sex/gender, gender equality and patriarchy. Last year, for example, the AQA politics and government exam paper asked students to: “Explain the term patriarchy in the context of feminism.”
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