UK: Family judge criticised for not naming council that breached father's rights

Story here. Excerpt:

'A family court judge has come under fire after refusing to name a council that violated a man’s parental rights by taking his four-year-old daughter into care without a proper investigation.

Judge Heather Anderson said the council had admitted breaching the human rights of the man, who has a learning disability and is separated from the girl’s mother.

Staff had not consulted him when temporarily placing the girl, who had lived with her mother, with foster carers after concerns emerged about her being neglected. He had not been asked if he could care for his daughter or suggest other possible carers, pending decisions about her long-term future.'

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Embrace feminism to improve decision-making, says Canadian PM

Article here. Excerpt:

'Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, has called on men and women to embrace feminism to improve decision-making in politics and business.

Speaking on a platform discussing gender parity at the World Economic Forum inDavos on Friday, Trudeau said: “We shouldn’t be afraid to use the word feminist. Men and women should use it to describe themselves whenever they want.”

Trudeau appointed a gender-balanced cabinet after he became prime minister in November, made up of 15 men and 15 women. At the time, he explained his decision by saying: “Because it’s 2015”.'

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Campus sexual-assault hearing is ‘akin to a criminal prosecution,’ federal court says

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sometimes when you lose the battle, you win a larger victory.

Critics of the typical college approach to sexual-assault investigations – treating male students as “responsible” while depriving them of basic due process – can take some comfort from a decision by the U.S. District Court in Lexington, Ky.

Male student “John Doe” preemptively sued the University of Kentucky after it put him through two hearings in the 2014-15 school year that were twice overturned by the University Appeals Board, which found gross due-process violations including the “withholding of critical evidence” by the student-conduct director. (The first punishment was a one-year suspension; the second, a five-year suspension.)'

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Is Georgia Tech crossing a line on sexual assault, other cases?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Georgia Tech will face questions Monday from a state lawmaker looking at whether the school is doing enough to protect the rights of students accused of sexual assault and other wrongdoing.

State Rep. Earl Ehrhart, a Republican from Cobb County, said while he looking at due process rights across the state university system he is particularly concerned about Tech, which has moved to aggressively punish those facing sexual assault allegations.'

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Prominent Medieval Scholar’s Blog on ‘Feminist Fog’ Sparks an Uproar

Article here. Excerpt:

'A months-old blog post written by a respected medieval scholar, Allen J. Frantzen, has gained a second life on social media — and whipped the discipline into a frenzy.

The post, entitled "How to Fight Your Way Out of the Feminist Fog" and published on Mr. Frantzen’s personal website, attacks feminism, alluding repeatedly to "anti-male" propaganda, paints men as victims, and offers advice on how they should "clear the fog." Mr. Frantzen retired in 2014, after more than 35 years at Loyola University Chicago.

The post borrows terminology often associated with men’s-rights activism, including encouragement for men to take the "red pill" of reality, not the "blue pill" of illusion, and to break away from the feminist fog. The fog, Mr. Frantzen explains, represents how feminism hangs over society — in a "sour mix of victimization and privilege" — and intimidates men into accepting its perspective.

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Sorry, activists, another flawed survey doesn't prove rape culture

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yet another sexual assault survey was released this week. Cue the usual media outlets predictably touting it as proof that America is in the midst of a "rape culture" and that college women are victimized at rates similar to that of the Congo.

The alarming statistics included in summaries make for good headlines. Huffington Post wrote: "There's no more denying campus rape is a problem. This study proves it." Media Matters went with: "New study once again debunks right-wing media's favorite myths about campus sexual assault statistics."

These outlets can claim that the survey proves the existence of a campus rape epidemic, but the data prove just the opposite.'

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College student acquitted of rape re-enrolls, sues accuser

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Roanoke College student who was accused of rape and found not guilty at trial and in a sexual misconduct hearing is back on campus this semester and is suing his accuser for $500,000 in damages.

Ezra Zigarwi, who was found not guilty on charges of rape and aggravated assault, has re-enrolled at Roanoke College this semester after he was found not guilty in a jury trial in November and at an on-campus sexual misconduct hearing in December.

The 19-year-old student from Zimbabwe, Africa, also has filed a civil lawsuit against the female student who accused him of rape. The lawsuit alleges the woman made false claims to campus and Salem police, and asks for $500,000 in compensatory and punitive damages.

The Roanoke Times does not name people who file sexual assault reports.'

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"Lock Him Up! Feminists Call To Put Milo Yiannopoulos Behind Bars"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Self-proclaimed comedienne Kate Smurthwaite called for Yiannopoulos to be “locked up” on the BBC’s The Big Questionsyesterday, after having lost a debate to him previously by losing her temper.

Smurthwaite and Yiannopoulos had previously locked horns on the show last year, as her “institutionalised sexism” outburst was the source for theunforgettable “I’m talking about men, darling” viral video. For her disappointing performance, Smurthwaite received ridicule and criticism that she later sought to depict as “abuse” and “harassment.”

After complaining as to why Yiannopoulos,who refers to himself as a “Dangerous Faggot,” gets so much airtime, despite the fact his social media followings are over ten times the size of her own and probably more than the whole room combined, she argued that until we see some “high-profile individuals, perhaps including some in this studio, locked up, it’ll be time for other people to back off.”

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Dallas' Family Place plans to open first Texas shelter for battered men

Story here. Excerpt:

'Dallas family violence cases increased by 7 percent last year. But the most stark rise at one local shelter was in the number of battered men needing a temporary place to stay.

The Family Place nearly tripled the number of battered men it served last year compared with 2014. The 24 men assisted through November represented about 10 times the figure from just a few years ago, when the organization provided emergency shelter for two or three men annually.

In response to the escalating need, The Family Place plans to open a separate shelter for battered men early this year. Executive director Paige Flink said it would be the first in Texas and one of the first in the nation.

“Some people can’t believe me and others are saying, ‘Finally,’” Flink said about the new effort.'

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UK: Woman stabs man in eye with stiletto, sees no jail time

Story here. Excerpt:

'A student who stabbed a man in the eye with a Christian Louboutin stiletto heel leaving him with serious injuries has walked free from court.

Shadiya Omar, 22, of Clarendon Road, Whalley Range attacked Justin Lloyd, also 22, as they both waited for a taxi home after a night out in Manchester city centre.

Manchester Crown Court heard Mr Lloyd, from Blackley, approached Omar’s friend outside the Mercure Hotel in Piccadilly Gardens on October 18 2014.

He offered the woman a crisp, but she knocked them out of his hand, so he attempted to pour them over her head.

The court heard Omar reacted by rushing to her friend’s aid and struck Mr Lloyd in the eye with the designer shoe.

Prosecuting, Jonathan Savage, said: ‘He was then struck a single blow to the left eye with an object.'

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Study: Those Who Believe Feminism ‘Irrelevant’ Outnumber ‘Feminists’

Article here. Excerpt:

'More people believe that feminism is irrelevant than call themselves a feminist, a survey has revealed. However, two in three Brits say that more needs to be done for women’s equality in our society, leading to a feminist organisation declaring Britain a nation of ‘hidden’ feminists. The survey results don’t bear this conclusion out.

The results were revealed in a recentSurvation poll for The Fawcett Society, in which more than 8,000 British adults were quizzed on their attitudes to gender and feminism.

It found that, while seven per cent of Brits identify as a feminist, nine percent say they believe feminism to be irrelevant. A further 61 per cent believe in equality between the sexes, but say they are not a feminist.

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SAVE E-lert: "California Dreamin'" Up Some More Bad Policy

Once upon a time, California students could choose how to give consent to private sexual activity. Nowadays, the state has mandated affirmative consent, which means an accused student must show something like a sexual consent contract or video to prove consent existed.

But now, the University of California has stated that students may not videotape sexual activity without possible consent, which means that students are not able to prove that consent did occur:

This new policy is making it impossible to defend oneself against a sexual assault accusation.

Contact University of California President Janet Napolitano: and tell her that the school's new policy is dangerous for every student.

Let's not wait until innocent students are found guilty under it.


Very truly yours,

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Brian Banks Lawsuit Seeks $219,000.00 Against State of California

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a story here, wrongfully convicted high school football star Brian Banks is seeking $219,000.00 from the State of California for his imprisonment based on a wrongful conviction.  California passed a statute that permitted exonerated convicts to be paid a maximum of $100 for each day they were wrongfully convicted and confined.  You can read the horrific facts of his ordeal reported here.

What I find interesting is that the DA's office sought a conviction Banks without any physical evidence except Wanetta Gibson's word.  You would think obtaining a rape conviction would be a tough case to prove, but the DA's office pursued charges against Brian Banks whose defense attorney talked him into a plea deal out of fear that a jury would assume Banks was guilty because he was a big black teeenager.

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Why Modern Feminism Does Nothing To Benefit Men

Article here. Excerpt:

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Federal agency's actions may undermine students' rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'NO one wants sexual harassment or assault to be ignored. But the processes used to investigate related allegations on many college campuses increasingly resemble kangaroo courts.

It appears those potentially unconstitutional processes have been adopted due to pressure from the federal Department of Education through means that bypassed valid rule-making procedures.'

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