NFL Commissioner to require teams to interview women for executive jobs

Article here. Excerpt:

'NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell will implement a "Rooney Rule" requiring that women be interviewed for executive positions with teams around the league and in his own office, too.

Goodell made the announcement Thursday in his opening remarks at the first NFL Women's Summit, part of Super Bowl 50.

"We believe in diversity," Goodell said. "We believe we're better as an organization when we have good people at the table. We have great people at the table. We're also seeing it on the field. ...'

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The Yale Problem Begins in High School

Article here. Excerpt:

'That night, after I gave a different talk to an adult audience, there was a reception at which I spoke with some of the parents. Several came up to me to tell me that their sons had told them about the day’s events. The boys finally had a way to express and explain their feelings of discouragement. Their parents were angry to learn about how their sons were being treated and… there’s no other word for it, bullied into submission by the girls.*

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Another pro athlete appears to have been falsely accused of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Giants defensive lineman Jay Bromley was accused of attempted rape and vehicular assault after engaging in sexual activity with a woman on Jan. 31. Police now believe he was falsely accused by a woman seeking money.

The woman claimed that after she told Bromley that she wanted to stop their sexual activity, he got angry and tried to rape her, then hit her with his car.

The two had met on Instagram and decided to meet up at a hotel. Bromley told police that he found the woman naked on the hotel bed after he came out of the bathroom. She performed oral sex on him, stopped, and demanded $2,000. Bromley said he didn't pay because he thought it was a date.'

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Panels OKs polyparental offspring experimentation - on male fetuses only

Article here. It's fine -- provided you don't place female fetuses at risk, of course. Don't let the supposed "medical rationale" for it fool you. If the sexes were reversed in the so-called explanation, you can be sure the panel would not have approved. The closing article makes that clear to anyone paying attention. Excerpt:

'The 12-member panel, assembled by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, released a 164-page reportWednesday outlining a plan for how scientists could ethically pursue the controversial research.

"The committee concludes that it is ethically permissible" to conduct such experiments, the report says, but then goes on to detail a long list of conditions that would have to be met first.

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College students given five-step checklist on how to kiss without committing sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'The old adage “a kiss is just a kiss” may not stand up to scrutiny anymore.

On Thursday, the University of Southern California’s student government hosted a “Consent Carnival” that aimed to teach students how to properly hook-up under the “yes means yes” state law that requires so-called affirmative consent throughout any sexual encounter.

With that, a “Kissing Booth” at the event offered Hershey Kisses glued to little sheets of white paper that essentially explained how to properly kiss without committing sexual assault. The five-step checklist states on the front “what exactly does it mean to … ‘consent’ to a kiss?” ...'

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Woman faces felony for falsely claiming rape

Article here.

'Taffy Wheeler, 31, arrested Tuesday after admitting to police she lied about being attacked and raped by four men on the beach Sunday morning

She told officers she actually had arranged to have an affair with a former co-worker that night

She said she lied to keep her husband from finding out, according to an incident report.'

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Canada: University Won't Recognize Men's Issues Group after Feminists Say it Makes Women Feel Unsafe

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ryerson University has denied the final appeal to recognize a student group dedicated to addressing issues impacting men because feminists said its existence does not promote equality and would make women feel unsafe.

Ryerson’s independent student newspaper the Eyeopener reports the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) has “rejected the last appeal” to have the school sanction the Men’s Issues Awareness Society (MIAS).

According to the group's president, Kevin Arriola, the point of the group is to raise “issues that have never been [talked] about or usually disregarded.”

MIAS has received its major opposition from the school’s Feminist Collective.

In November, Ryerson Feminist Collective organizer Arezoo Najibzadeh called the idea of the group “horrifying.”

Najibzadeh said, “I think it’s just horrifying. I don’t see the benefit of having them on campus.”

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‘She’s getting violent': Miami doctor suspended after attack on Uber driver

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Florida doctor has been put on administrative leave after the emergence of a video that appears to show her hitting, kicking and screaming profanities at an Uber driver, a hospital spokeswoman confirmed to the Miami Herald.

Anjali Ramkissoon, a fourth-year neurology resident within the Jackson Health System, was removed from clinical duties following Sunday’s incident, and hospital officials have launched an internal investigation.

Police responded to the scene but did not file a report, Miami police spokeswoman Frederica Burden told the Miami Herald.

“We were called for a disturbance,” she told the newspaper. “There was no report written, and there will be no investigation.”

In the narrative that accompanied the video, the YouTube user wrote that the woman also allegedly became hostile with police officers at the scene, though authorities have not verified that claim.

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Military Leaders Say Women Should Get Drafted

Article here. Excerpt:

'When answering a question from Senator Claire McCaskill in a Senate Committee on Armed Services hearing, Marine Corps Commandant General Robert Neller and Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley did something no military leader has ever done before: They went on record saying that Congress should look into expanding the selective service to include women.

According to The Daily Caller, in the past, officials who have been asked this question declined to answer, claiming it would need further research. Now that combat roles have been opened to all genders, that research seems to have been concluded and conclusive. The mandate opening the roles to women was made last December and the hearing during which the question was asked took place to work out the best methods of implementation.'

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Shock probation granted for woman who assaulted elderly victims

Link here. Excerpt:

'Demesha Hicks is getting out of prison, six months into a 20-year sentence.

Hicks looked for senior citizens at grocery stores, followed them home, and robbed them, sometimes violently. This morning Judge Brian Edwards granted Hicks' request for shock probation after a hearing earlier in the week.

Attorneys say Hicks was a single mother, homeless and desperate when she committed the crimes, and this was her first arrest..

Family members of the victims voiced their opposition to shock probation during a hearing on Tuesday.'

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Yahoo sued over employee rankings, alleged anti-male discrimination

Story here. Excerpt:

'A new lawsuit (PDF) filed against flailing tech giant Yahoo claims that company managers governing the "Media Org" were biased against men. It also claims that the company's Quarterly Performance Review (QPR) process favored female employees and that the company engaged in mass layoffs without proper warnings.

Gregory Anderson was editorial director of Yahoo's Autos, Homes, Shopping, Small Business, and Travel sections until he was terminated in 2014.

In his complaint, Anderson says that between 2012 and 2015, Yahoo reduced its work force by more than 30 percent to fewer than 11,000 employees. That constitutes a mass-layoff, which requires 60-day notice under state and federal law, he says.

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Boys Victims of Dating Violence, Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Contrary to what many people may think, teenage boys commonly suffer dating violence -- including physical and emotional abuse, a new U.S. government study finds.

The study focused on teens considered to be at high risk for dating violence -- those who had suffered or witnessed violence at home or in their neighborhoods.

It turned out that boys were about as likely as girls to say they'd been victims of some form of dating violence. The pattern was also corroborated by girls' reports: They commonly admitted to being perpetrators.

"To the average person, this is probably surprising," said Monica Swahn, a professor of epidemiology at Georgia State University who has studied dating violence.'

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India: Elderly couple seeks permission to commit suicide over false dowy accusation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dejected and traumatised after being caught in a protracted legal battle defending themselves against allegations of their daughter-in-law and her family, an elderly couple has sought mercy killing from the President.

The couple, retired central government employee DD Sharma and his wife Shakuntla who are both 68, is unable to meet their daily expenses, thanks to the court proceedings that have dragged on for a decade now.

"Please give me the permission for mercy killing or send me some poison so that I can free myself and my wife from the wrath of the draconian law of domestic violence," pleaded Sharma in a letter to the President and the Chief Justice of India (CJI). The couple wrote to the President on January 14 this year, but is yet to get a reply.

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SAVE: In Maine Prosecutor Misconduct Case, Judge Orders Complaint to Move Forward


Contact: Gina Lauterio
Telephone: 301-801-0608

In Maine Prosecutor Misconduct Case, Judge Orders Complaint to Move Forward

WASHINGTON / February 1, 2016 – In a case involving the first Maine prosecutor to be disciplined by the state bar disciplinary committee, United States District Court Judge John Woodcock largely denied the motion of the defendant, former Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett, to dismiss, and ordered that the case could go forward.

In 2007, Vladek Filler was indicted on five counts of gross sexual assault and two counts of assault of his now former wife. After two trials and two appeals to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, Filler was convicted of one assault charge. In 2015, Filler’s attorney filed a motion to vacate and dismiss the misdemeanor conviction. The motion was granted on April 24, 2015 and the charge was dismissed:

The case resulted in an ethics complaint filed against ADA Mary Kellett. On December 5, 2012 a three-member panel found Kellett had violated seven ethical standards, including intentional concealment of exculpatory evidence, trying to mislead a jury, failing to employ reasonable skill and care, engaging in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice, and engaging in conduct unworthy of an attorney:

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Judge: Coakley must turn over communications records

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jackie Coakley gained infamy as the accuser at the center of a Rolling Stone story about rape at the University of Virginia that turned out to be fake, and now Coakley is under pressure from a Virginia court to reveal what she said to a reporter about the allegations.

This week, a judge overseeing a defamation case filed by the University of Virginia dean ordered Coakley to turn over communications relating to the alleged assault. The judge specifically asked Coakley for communication with Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the reporter who contacted Coakley and wrote the story.

Lawyers for Coakley tried to argue that the communications were privileged, Reason reported, but U.S. District Judge Glen Conrad rejected that argument.'

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