All Marines to Get 'Unconscious Bias' Training as Women Join Infantry

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'Marines across the Corps will be challenged on their unconscious prejudices and presuppositions as women get the opportunity to become grunts for the first time.

The Marine Corps is rolling out mandatory training for all Marines before the first future female rifleman hits boot camp, aiming to set conditions for a smooth transition and head off cultural resistance.
Topics include unconscious bias, which focuses on how people prejudge others based on factors such as race and gender, and principles of institutional change. The seminar will also walk officers through the elements of the Corps' plan for opening ground combat jobs to women and include vignettes featuring challenges units might encounter.'

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Yale prevented accuser from recanting claim that got hoops star expelled

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'A female Yale University student whose rape accusation against Jack Montague, a senior and the captain of the men’s basketball team, resulted in his expulsion last month reportedly told a friend she wanted to recant the claim but wasn’t allowed to take it back.

The potential bombshell report, published late Thursday in the U.K. by the Daily Mail newspaper, is the latest in a saga that has already seen Montague issue a statement through his Boston-based lawyer in which he vowed to sue the famed Ivy League institution over a procedure he claims was “wrong, unfairly determined and arbitrary.”

Montague’s lawyer, Max Stern, on Friday declined to comment through Montague’s spokeswoman, Karen Schwartzman of Polaris Public Relations in Boston.'

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Father of 5-year-old boy shot by his mother feared son was not safe

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'The father of a 5-year-old Denver boy shot by his mother in his sleep while visiting Montana last weekend says he had tried for months to convince Denver County child welfare workers the woman was paranoid and his son was not safe.
"She had threatened to do it before," Kreuscher said. "She said, 'I'm going to kill myself. I'm going to take him with me.' "

The parents had 50-50 custody of Kenny, and Kreuscher said he blames child welfare officials for not taking his concerns seriously enough.

Denver County child welfare officials would not talk about the specifics of the case, citing privacy laws.'

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Draft debate: Should women be required to register?

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'Not everyone is enthusiastic about women — or men — having to register for the draft.

Sava Shoemaker, 22, Pottsville, a senior at Kutztown University, recalls registering for the Selective Service in high school.

"I think the draft worked well during World War II, but military service should be an option today," he said.

Victoria Stanfield, Royersford, a sophomore at Kutztown, said it's scary to register for the draft.

"I would not want to be required to do it," she said. "I do know people who would want to sign up voluntarily. I would just not want to be required to do it."

Jenna Sillaman, 21, Lancaster, a Kutztown senior, said women should be allowed to enroll on a voluntary basis.

"I still think that women are looked down upon in the military," she said.'

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Former DOJ Lawyer Explains Why Jack Montague Case Got Where It Is

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'A lawyer who once prosecuted sex crimes for the U.S. Department of Justice stated the Jack Montague case represents the thin line many schools have to walk when investigating campus sexual assault. A female student at Yale University said she had non-consensual sex with Montague, who argued the contrary and was expelled following an investigation.

Jack Montague, the former captain of the Yale men's basketball team, responded to his expulsion by suing the school, all while the Bulldogs were on the verge of their first NCAA Tournament berth in 54 years. But no matter what Yale administrators decided for Montague, the school was destined to be criticized.

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It's time we recognised that a father's love is just as important as a mother's

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'As we approach Father's Day, it's refreshing to see the public display of affection between Guy Ritchie and his son Rocco – albeit one expressed in unhappy circumstances.

Both are at the centre of an ongoing court case, with Rocco's mother, Madonna,having filed papers attempting to force him to live with her in the United States. Rocco currently lives with his father in England – an arrangement we are led to believe he wishes to continue.

The case is courting attention because of the high profile nature of those involved. But on a more fundamental level, it's noteworthy because we aren't accustomed to seeing things this way around. Normally, it is the father fighting for access to his child, not vice versa.

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Reexamining Our Sexual Assault Investigative Process

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'Though the John Doe case was settled months ago and he is no longer enrolled at Middlebury, I nonetheless feel compelled to weigh in. I empathized with Doe. I’m not saying he is innocent, but I’m not calling him guilty either. I, too, was accused of sexual assault (and cleared after an extensive investigation, more on that later). There is a myriad of ways a rape investigation can go wrong. There are several factors that can adversely affect alleged perpetrators, alleged victims and the integrity of the investigation.

We have evolved as a society. Student activists have fought for the rights of silenced voices. Now, previously marginalized voices are heard, and this has changed how we view some of the most painful experiences these individuals go through. Nowhere is this clearer than in conversations regarding sexual violence. I would like to believe that we are slowly moving away from victim-blaming and that we take any allegation of sexual violence with the seriousness it deserves. On this campus, I feel that it is unthinkable to stand in front of someone who claims to be a victim of sexual violence and dare ask: “are you sure?” Anyone who questions a victim publicly would be shamed and ostracized.

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The "Madonna double-standard"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Imagine if YOU were a high profile celebrity involved in a custody battle over your 15-year-old son?

Court proceedings are on-going, emotions are high, lawyers are engaged in furious exchanges and the world's media is salivating over every spit, cough and titillating claim.

The boy himself is confused, upset and incredibly embarrassed over all his family's dirty linen being washed in public.

What would YOU do in that situation?

I'd hazard a guess that pretty much bottom of your list of sensible responses would be to drag a 17-year-old girl up on stage in front of thousands of people and deliberately expose her breast, right?

Or to declare to the crowd that she was 'the kind of girl you just want to slap on the a**e'.
Now imagine if you were a male celebrity in that position?

What do you think would happen to you?

First, there would be universal revulsion.

Second, there would be global media fury.

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University disciplinary hearing different process than criminal hearing

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'According to attorney Brian Lowder a university disciplinary hearing on the campus of WKU is a very different process than a criminal hearing in a traditional courtroom.

Lowder has represented several WKU students, including WKU swimmers, at disciplinary hearings.

"In the criminal justice system you're afforded due process. You also have the presumption of innocence. You have to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. None of those rights are afforded to a student going through Western Kentucky University or I think most other universities' disciplinary process."

According to Lowder, a student isn't given detailed notice of the accusation until the day of the hearing. They then take questions from a group made of students and staff.

"The disciplinary committee. That's comprised of students as well as faculty members that hear and are involved with those proceedings."'

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The War Against Boys and the Myth of ADHD

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'The United States and Britain are experiencing a masculinity crisis. From as early as 4 years old, girls begin to think they are superior to boys, and not long after, boys begin to accept the inferior role. In nearly every area of society, the role of the male is being undermined. What triggered this dangerous trend, and what effects will it have on society?

Recent studies have discovered that attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is vastly over-diagnosed. Scientists say many children are just immature. In the United Kingdom, nearly 1 million children have prescriptions for drugs like Ritalin to combat the supposed “disorder.” In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the number is somewhere over 6.4 million. The drugs come with serious side effects, which is a big price to pay to combat a disorder that may not even be there. What can parents do to solve this problem?'

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Commentator Gripes Only Women Voters Labeled, But Cited 'Angry White Men' Last Week

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'There was a serious case of selective amnesia induced by liberal bias on Thursday's CNN Newsroom as host Carol Costello oddly complained about women voters having labels like "soccer moms" and "welfare queens" applied to them while men supposedly escape such labeling.

But just barely a week ago on her show, Costello herself asked about "angry white men" supporting Donald Trump as she declared that it would be "kind of fun" to ask race-obsessed CNN liberal Marc Lamont Hill about this "voting block."'

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Tennessee says women in Title IX lawsuit made 'salacious' claims

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'The University of Tennessee accused the plaintiffs in their Title IX lawsuit of repeatedly publishing "irrelevant and incorrect (if salacious) allegations intended to inflame the passions of journalists and sports fans alike."

UT's filing came in a memorandum last week in support of the university's motion to dismiss the lawsuit or transfer the case to federal court in Knoxville instead of Nashville.

Eight Jane Doe plaintiffs are accusing UT of creating a hostile sexual environment that led to assaults and then using an adjudication process that is biased in favor of athletes. UT pushed back in a 68-page memorandum and asked federal Judge Aleta Trauger to either transfer the venue to the Eastern District of Tennessee of throw out the case entirely.'

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Exposing rank injustice in the Columbia ‘mattress girl’ case

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'The saga of Columbia University’s “mattress girl” Emma Sulkowicz, who famously carried a mattress on campus to protest the non-expulsion of her alleged rapist, and Paul Nungesser, the accused man who says he is the real victim, is not quite over a year after both graduated.

Last week, a federal district judge threw out Nungesser’s Title IX lawsuit against Columbia, which charges that the school abetted his gender-based harassment by Sulkowicz. But attorney Andrew Miltenberg vows to continue to “pursue justice” for Nungesser, by filing either an appeal or an amended complaint.

Having reported on this story, I hope the lawsuit goes forward — not only on Nungesser’s behalf, but for the sake of truth-seeking about a tangled case that raises important issues.

Nungesser is one of over 100 men who have sued colleges and universities for what they allege is unfair treatment in the handling of sexual-assault accusations. Many of these lawsuits have been dismissed, others settled.'

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Yale Basketball Player Case: Why Title IX Should Be Nullified

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'Due process of law. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The right to confront your accusers. The exercise of the general police power by the states — not the federal government, which may only exercise those powers delegated to it by the Constitution.

All of these important legal principles — and more — are at stake in the case of an expelled Yale basketball player, which is only one of many examples stemming from federal Title IX statutes.

Yale faced highly-ranked Baylor in the first round of the NCAA basketball tournament — their first appearance in the “Big Dance” since 1962. Missing was their captain, Jack Montague (shown), who was expelled from the Connecticut Ivy League school in February. The expulsion followed the decision of a five-person panel that Montague had “unconsented sex” with a female student.'

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SAVE: ‘Victim-Centered’ Investigations

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'On March 14, 2006, Crystal Mangum reported to the Durham, North Carolina police that she had been gang-raped by a group of Duke University lacrosse players. Over the ensuing months, Mangum gave a dozen different accounts of the incident, changing her stories of the number of assailants (from 20 to three), nature of the attack (raped, penetrated with an object, or groped), physical description of the assailants, and much more.

Many campus rape activists would try to explain away the inconsistencies in Mangum’s accounts by saying she was traumatized by the attack, resulting in what they call “tonic immobility.” But laboratory analyses proved none of the DNA specimens obtained from Mangum came from any of the Duke players, revealing her claims to be baseless.

Advocates of “victim-centered” investigations claim that they are merely seeking to assure fairness in the investigative process. But they have a tendency to only use the word “victim” — even though no legal determination has been reached – revealing their own biases.

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