Questioning Circumcision Is Common Among Young Jews in America

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young Jewish parents in the USA are bucking historical trends on this questionable surgery. Articles about or mentioning Jewish opposition to circumcision have appeared recently in a variety of Jewish papers, websites, and blogs including the Jewish Daily Forward, JewSchool, Jweekly,,Jewish Journal, Jewish Business News(Israel) and Ynet Jewish World.

Young Jewish parents are working with supportive Jewish clergy to create ritual alternatives.'

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Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit

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'Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.

According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.
“It is upsetting that my mental health is not cared about by the University,” said one student at the event. “I do not know what else to do for us to be heard for us to be cared about. I deserve an apology, everyone in this room deserves an apology.”

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Milo Yiannopoulos: Feminists ‘Waging War on Working Class Men’

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'Milo Yiannopoulos attended the University of Minnesota on Wednesday to deliver a joint-talk with American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, during which he dispelled the gender pay gap myth, debated sexual consent on campuses, and was protested by a group of the misinformed armed with air-horn sirens. Yiannopoulos also declared during the speech that third-wave feminists were waging war against working-class men.

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DV project director accused of harassment resigns

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'A domestic violence project director accused of harassing the president of the Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce has resigned, officials said Thursday.

Tanya Curtis Richards, 58, had been leading the effort to open the Family Justice Center of Washington County, which would offer services and resources for victims of domestic violence in one location. She voluntarily stepped down as project director, said Hillsboro Police Chief Lee Dobrowolski, who serves as chairman of the center's board.
Richards had been pursuing a friendship with the Beaverton chamber leader, Lorraine Clarno, and contacted her repeatedly from April 2014 until Jan. 28 of this year, said Officer Mike Rowe, a Beaverton Police spokesman.

Clarno didn't want any contact with her, he said, and asked Beaverton Police Chief Geoff Spalding to tell Richards to stop. The chief did so in a meeting Nov. 25.

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Female teacher dumbfounded by charges when caught in 'affair' with 15-YO boy

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'Toni Sutton, a well-liked, 37-year-old volleyball coach and Spanish teacher at Crawford High School in San Diego, California, finds herself behind bars this week after she was charged with two counts of having sexual intercourse with a minor — a male student reportedly just 15-years-old. She also faces nine more felony counts related to the allegation that she repeatedly had sex with the teen boy — charges that could land her in prison for almost 10 years, according to a report in the Times of San Diego newspaper.

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UK: Police chief to meet widow and apologise over false rape claim

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'The Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, is to meet Lord Brittan’s widow later this month to apologise for his force’s handling of a false rape allegation [see footnote].

Hogan-Howe will visit Diana Brittan within weeks to discuss Scotland Yard’s failure to confirm the former home secretary’s innocence over the rape claim before his death last year.

An informed source confirmed on Thursday that the meeting would go ahead. The Met had concluded there was no charge to answer over a 45-year-old rape allegation four months before Brittan’s death in January 2015 but failed to tell him. Lady Brittan was only informed in October.'

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University settles lawsuit by student expelled for sexual assault

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'Washington and Lee University has settled with a former student who filed a lawsuit alleging gender bias as the motivation for his expulsion over a sexual assault accusation.

The student, identified as John Doe in the lawsuit he filed in late 2014, was expelled after an investigation in which he was not allowed legal representation or cross examination, and which was conducted by an administrator who allegedly told his accuser that "regret equals rape."

John and the university have "compromised and settled all matters in controversy," according to new documents filed in the case. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. Typically, accused students win very little in settlements; they might get their record cleared and a small amount of money that doesn't even cover their legal fees.'

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Judge denies request to stop university sexual assault hearing

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'A federal judge on Tuesday rejected the request of six former University of Tennessee female students to stop the institution from using its current disciplinary process for students accused of sexual assault — allowing a campus hearing to go forward in Knoxville Wednesday to determine whether a male student accused of sexually assaulting a female student in October 2014 should be disciplined.

U.S. District Judge Kevin Sharp denied the women's request for a temporary restraining order, ruling they failed to show imminent irreparable harm if UT went to forward with such disciplinary hearings while the case challenging the campus process as "unlawful" goes forward.

The plaintiffs, named only as Jane Does, filed a sweeping lawsuit against UT last week alleging the university has enabled a campus culture that leads to sexual assaults and then utilized a biased hearing process that favors student-athletes accused of sexual misconduct over victims.'

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Christina Hoff Sommers takes on modern feminism and trigger warnings

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'Christina Hoff Sommers has encountered some resistance from campuses she’s been to. Sommers said although she didn’t feel scared, her visit to Oberlin last year was the first time she had been provided with security guards.

While her visit to Oberlin was contentious, Sommers was well received at Ohio University on Tuesday night.

Robert Ingram, the founding director of the George Washington Forum at OU, said he was initially approached about bringing in Sommers by Anna Lippincott, the president of OU College Republicans. The forum has, on occasion, worked with student groups to bring speakers to campus.

Sommers, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of several books and articles, has been vocal about her stance on modern feminism throughout her career. Sommers said she identifies as an "equity feminist," which promotes equality between both men and women.

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Campus rape dogma in the age of promiscuity

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'According to campus rape dogma, one in five female undergraduates will be the victim of sexual assault during their college years.

Let’s put this claim in perspective.

The violent crime rate in Detroit for all four violent felonies included in the FBI’s crime index — murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault — is 2 percent. Detroit’s rape rate is 0.05 percent. And yet, despite an alleged campus sexual-assault rate that is 100 times greater than Detroit’s, female applicants are beating down the doors of selective colleges in record numbers.'

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Montana to pay ex-quarterback $245K over rape investigation

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'Montana will pay a former University of Montana quarterback $245,000 to drop his claims that school officials mishandled a rape investigation against him that drew national attention, according to a settlement agreement approved Tuesday.

Jordan Johnson said that university officials predetermined his guilt after a female acquaintance accused him of raping her in 2012, then led a biased investigation against him, according to a statement released by his attorney, David Paoli.

A jury acquitted him in 2013.'

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Men accuse UT of unfairly punishing them for sex assault allegations

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'Two men who University of Texas officials have recommended be disciplined after being accused of sexual assault are suing the school to prevent the punishment. They say the school is using them as scapegoats to build a reputation for being tough on sexual assault.

Neither of the men faces criminal charges, and they have denied committing sexual assaults. The men — each called “John Doe” in the lawsuits filed this month — are seeking an undetermined amount of money and list the university, UT President Gregory L. Fenves and two UT employees who investigated the allegations as defendants.

Their attorney, Brian Roark, also represented former Longhorn football player Kendall Sanders, who wasacquitted last fall of sexual assault but was expelled by UT before the trial. Sanders had sex with a female UT student; jurors said it was unclear whether the woman had given her consent.'

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Tell the American Academy of Pediatrics to Stop Hurting Babies

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says babies shouldn’t be subjected to unnecessary pain. But the AAP continues to promote “routine” infant circumcision, a painful, medically unnecessary surgery that removes a normal part of a baby’s penis.

Help Intact America help baby boys – Sign the Petition!

Last month, the AAP published research showing that common medical procedures carried out on newborn babies are very painful, and that the effects of the pain can last many years. The procedures mentioned included heel sticks, insertion of IV needles, and circumcision. The AAP report also found that commonly used pain relievers are neither effective nor safe.

Infant circumcision differs from the other procedures discussed in the report in that it is an invasive surgery

that neither tests for nor treats any illness, and permanently removes a natural and valuable part of a boy’s sexual anatomy — the foreskin. The pain from circumcision is intense and continues for days or weeks after the surgery.

Circumcision, originally promoted in the 19th century as a way to prevent masturbation, has become part of American medical culture. Every year, a million baby boys in the United States are subjected to this surgery, although no medical association in the world recommends it.

Some of the falsehoods currently used to support circumcision include hygiene, disease prevention, and aesthetics.

The truth is:
The intact penis is easily cleaned throughout a boy’s and man’s lifetime.

Circumcision does NOT prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. European countries where fewer than ten percent of all men are circumcised have about the same STD rates as the United States, where circumcision is common.

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Manning’s Accuser has a Tendency for Suing Famous People

Article here. Excerpt:

'Profootballtalk outlined a Sports Illustrated article today that debunks many of the myths in the original Shaun King article. Mr. King took liberties with the facts he was given and stretched them to fit his narrative. Basically as we stated a few days ago, the article was extremely biased and one-sided.

However, we have since discovered that Jamie Naughright, Peyton Manning’s accuser has had a history of filing lawsuits against A-listers and as one defense lawyer cited “(1) the litigant’s history of litigation and in particular whether it entailed vexatious, harassing or duplicative lawsuits”.

In 2010 Ms. Naughright filed a lawsuit against fashion designer Donna Karan and “Urban Zen” after allegedly receiving injury during a physical therapy session with a trainer Karan had suggested. The Urban Zen Website states affiliation with Naughright and that she even “introduced 35 students to the Urban Zen Integrative”.

The lawsuit against Karan was eventually dismissed but has several nuggets worth mentioning. The court justified their decision via the defense’s argument that

“a history of litigation entailing vexation, harassment and needless expense to other parties and an unnecessary burden on the courts and their supporting personnel is enough” to warrant such a remedy.”

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‘Yes means yes’ bills introduced in Hawaii because rapists have become ‘more clever,’ sponsor says

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'The Hawaii Legislature is considering a pair of bills based on California’s affirmative-consent standard that would make it nearly impossible for accused University of Hawaii System students to prove they received consent in a sexual encounter.

Ka Leo, the student paper at the University of Hawaii-Manoa, reports that the House and Senate bills were introduced more than a year ago and are back up for consideration in the new session:

`“HB 1249 attempts to establish a clear policy of ‘yes means yes.’ This policy ensures that predators cannot take advantage of a victim’s incapacitated state,” said Rep. Sharon Har, co-author of House Bill (HB) 1249, in an email. …

“The existing policy of ‘no means no’ has not brought an end to sexual assault on and off campus, it has only made sexual predators more clever to cover their tracks and avoid prosecution,” Har said.`'

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