White House Targets Toys And Media To Attract More Girls To STEM Careers

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s an ambitious goal. The White House aims to “break down gender stereotypes in media and toys so that our children can explore, learn and dream without limits,” as stated in a press release earlier today. From retail to media, organizations like Netflix and Discovery Communications are coming on board, pledging to take new action to break down gender stereotyping in toys and media. The audacious aim is to get more girls interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers, and more boys interested in fields like nursing and teaching.

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Is masculinity a problem to solved?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is masculinity a problem to be overcome?

That’s what you might believe after hearing what some academics and filmmakers are claiming about the character traits of most men.

The documentary, The Mask You Live In, which was recently shown at a forum on men’s issues at the University of B.C., pictures masculinity as the driving force behind virtually all that is wrong with North American culture.

“Be a man!” “Don’t be a girl!” “Stop crying!” “What a fag.” “Grow some balls!” “Don’t let a woman run your life.” “Get laid.” “Stop with the emotions!”

These male rebukes are spat out at the beginning of The Mask You Live In. They’re part of the catalogue of stereotypical admonitions that the filmmakers claim compose the hidden social rules that forge the grim “mask” of masculinity.

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Court: Student Punished for USC Sex Assault Didn't Receive Due Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wading into the fraught issue of sex crimes on college campuses, a state appeals court has reversed the suspension of a male USC student accused of participating in a group sexual assault against a female student.

The Second District Court of Appeal held that the male student, a USC football player referred to only as John Doe, wasn't given sufficient notice of the allegations against him or a fair hearing by the school before being suspended.

The ruling highlights the difficult task universities have in balancing accused students' due process rights with the concerns of victims and federal officials who have urged schools to adopt procedures to keep campuses safe.

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University professors claim Title IX abuse in new report

Article here. Excerpt:

'The professors have their own complaint about violation, and it goes like this: in too many cases, Title IX investigations are trampling due process and free speech rights.

"From trigger warnings to tweets. . ." the report says, "When Title IX concerns play out as hostile environment sex panics within the corporate university, academic freedom is threatened."

Harassment was not even mentioned in the Title IX legislation, AAUP notes. But by the 1980s, courts and the federal government had expanded the concept of discrimination in the workplace to include sexual harassment—which was then defined as quid pro quo demands for sexual favors and/or "verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature" that creates a "work environment" so hostile or offensive that it interferes with the affected person's ability to function.'

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The New World of Campus Sexual Assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'The President portrays colleges and universities as centers of sexual assault where men routinely escape responsibility for their actions. Twenty eight Harvard Law School professors decry campus adjudications “stacked” against young men. No wonder college age women and men (and their parents) look at this aspect of college life with trepidation.

Two powerful themes contend. On the one hand, victims of sexual assault present a civil rights issue: the right of young women to have their claims taken seriously and redressed. On the other, young men face the potential for limited due process and unjust outcomes.

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Teen falsely accused of Brooklyn gang rape to sue the city

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the five Brooklyn teens who faced, and then were cleared of, accusations they gang-raped a drunk 18-year-old girl — who was later revealed to have been having sex with her long-lost father before engaging in consensual acts with the boys — plans to sue the city and the NYPD, The Post has learned.

“Onandi [Brown] is deserving of recompense for what happened to him,” the 17-year-old’s attorney, Spencer Leeds, said on Monday.

“It is clear that the city is legally obligated to compensate Onandi for the damages that he has suffered, and likely will continue to suffer,” the attorney said.

Leeds filed a notice of claim on behalf of his client late Monday, indicating his intention to sue the city.'

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‘Jackie’ must testify in lawsuit over Rolling Stone rape story

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Virginia judge has ruled that the woman at the center of Rolling Stone’s discredited story about an alleged frat house gang rape must testify as part of a lawsuit against the magazine.

The woman identified only as “Jackie” will be deposed on Thursday by attorneys representing Rolling Stone and Nicole Eramo, the University of Virginia administrator who is suing the magazine and the author of the now-retracted article, Sabrina Rubin Erdely.

Erdely’s 2014 piece, “A Rape On Campus,” featured Jackie’s graphic claim to have been raped by a group of fraternity members during her freshman year at UVA.

Eramo, an associate dean of students at UVA, is suing Rolling Stone and Erdely for defamation over what she says was an unfair portrayal of her as an insensitive campus bureaucrat in the story. She is seeking $7.85 million in damages.'

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UK: Outrage at Feminist Week bake sale plan to charge men more than women for cupcakes to highlight gender salary gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'A bake sale at a university feminist week has caused outrage due to its plans to price items based upon the pay gap between men and women.

The University of Queensland Union is holding Feminist Week from April 4-8 and at the associated Gender Pay Gap Bake Sale on Tuesday, items will cost a proportion of a dollar compared to men who will pay $1 for each item.

A website for the event states: 'For example, if you are a woman of colour in the legal profession, a baked good at the stall will only cost you 0.55 cents!'.
'I get pretty frustrated when I hear people saying 'What about the men, isn't that discriminatory, isn't it reverse-sexism?,' she said.

'Many men generally speaking have the extra pay as an unearned privilege while women are disadvantaged and people of colour are disadvantaged and minority groups and people who don't conform to binary genders are disadvantaged.

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The Federal Government's Sexual Reign of Terror on College Campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new "sex bureaucracy" is attempting a full takeover of young people's sex lives through moral strictures that trample free speech and the due process of law. In only the most recent symptom of this disease, a court recently ruled that George Mason University wrongfully expelled a student in 2014 -- for engaging in consensual sex with his girlfriend.

That student, who is anonymously referred to as "John Doe," won a federal lawsuit against George Mason after administrators ignored evidence that he had been in a consensual relationship for over one year. After the break-up, the ex-girlfriend told school officials and police about what she considered in hindsight to be sexual assaults. This girl's reaction follows a recent totalitarian trend on college campuses. In seeking to prevent "sexual violence," schools have taken to regulating students' behavior and even attitudes about sex to absurd levels.

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Spain: German retiree 'fed to dog' by Russian wife

Story here. Excerpt:

'Svetlana Batukova, 46, is in police custody after she was found next to the bloody corpse of her husband named locally as Horst Hans Henkels on Friday.

A post mortem on Saturday revealed that the German had bled to death after being repeatedly stabbed with a kitchen knife.

Flesh from his arms had reportedly been cut off and fed to the couple’s dog, an American Staffordshire bull terrior, according to the online Periodistadigital.

Initial findings widely reported in local media on the Balearic Islands indicated that the victim had been drugged before being repeatedly stabbed and had bled to death on the floor of their flat in Sant Llorenç.'

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SAVE E-lert: Let's Rescind the Dear Colleague Letter Used to Bully

This week marks the five year anniversary that the Department of Education released a Dear Colleague Letter, directing colleges to handle campus sexual assault cases far beyond their expertise.

Moreover, this letter never went through the required channel to become a proper regulation: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/campus-rights-group-to-challenge-federal-sexual-assault-mandate/article/2587605.

This is dangerous for students and for police investigations.

Contact your federal legislators now and tell them to help us get the Office for Civil Rights, April 4, 2011 Dear Colleague Letter to universities rescinded.

Find your federal legislators here: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials

Let's make a statement that the government cannot bully universities unlawfully!

Thank you!

Gina Lauterio, Esq.
Policy Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Campus rights group to challenge federal sexual assault mandate

Article here. Excerpt:

'Colleges and universities may one day be freed from the requirement to adjudicate felonies, if this campus rights group gets its way.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education plans to officially challenge the Education Department's mandate that schools adjudicate campus sexual assault. Currently, the agency's Office for Civil Rights, through a 2011 "guidance" document — known as a "Dear Colleague" letter — requires schools to create pseudo-court systems to determine whether students have committed sexual assault.

FIRE is seeking "a student or institution to challenge OCR's abuse of power" and has offered to pay the legal fees of whoever takes on this task.'

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A broader role for women in the military, Selective Service

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some members of Congress, the Marine Corps commandant and the Army’s chief of staff have proposed that women register for the draft. If the proposal is approved, women will join men ages 18 to 25 years in being required to register with the Selective Service System.

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UMass updates Title IX websites with provisions inspired by Survivor’s Bill of Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Massachusetts updated the My Rights section of their Title IX website to specify provisions from the Coalition to End Rape Culture’s Survivor Bill of Rights.

The My Rights section, which CERC President Priya Ghosh said has been consistently revised by UMass since the winter break, contains nine bullet points and is prefaced with a statement acknowledging the influence of the Survivor’s Bill of Rights, which specifically applies to survivors of sexual assault.

“I discovered yesterday that many of the parts of the nine major clauses were adopted from the Survivor’s Bill of Rights,” said Ghosh, a public health sciences major.

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After 800 Years, Oxford Theology Students to Swap Christianity for Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oxford University is deviating from its 800-year-old tradition to remain relevant to "the dramatic change" in the U.K., by allowing its undergraduate theology students to skip studying Christianity after the first year of their degree, and choose instead subjects like "Feminist Approaches to Theology and Religion" and "Buddhism in Space and Time."
From September 2017, theology students will have to study Christianity only in their first year, and can opt for other areas, including feminism, Buddhism, Islam and mysticism, from second year onwards. A result of seven years of consultation, the new course will be called "theology and religion" for the first time.

"If you have a very rigid curriculum, there will be an increasing mismatch between what lecturers are doing in their research time and what they're having to teach," Zachhuber seeks to explain.'

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