International Women’s Day Explained For Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'First up: What are women?

Long-standing assumptions about the difference between men and women have been eroded in recent decades, as we begin to understand how our traditional notions of both biological sex and social gender roles impose artificial binaries on a far more fluid reality.

However, as a broad rule of thumb: Women are like men, but with better personalities, deeper friendships, and structural disadvantage imposed by societal norms.

But wait: Why do they need a whole day to themselves?

This may seem like overkill! Why should just 49.6% of the world’s population get a whole 0.27% of the year’s days to themselves? Women can often be greedy in this way, like when they live to be older than men, hogging all the life.'

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Missouri professor refuses to accept firing

Story here. Excerpt:

'A University of Missouri professor who was fired for trying to block a journalist from recording a campus protest is fighting back.

Melissa Click appealed the decision and is now getting support from the American Association for University Professors.

The AAUP announced Monday that it would be investigating Click's firing.

Click, an assistant professor of communications, said she was pleased by the news. She maintains that she was fired without due process when the university's Board of Curators "overstepped their authority."

According to a university spokesperson, Click was fired for failing to meet the standards expected of faculty members.'

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"Feminism has failed and needs a radical rethink"

Article here. Excerpt:

'We knew then that legal equality was only the starting point. We understood that real gender equity would require radical changes to macho cultural power structures. So we planned and discussed the ways we could revalue what matters and eliminate gender-biased, macho-designed cultural dominance.

Despite fixing most of the legal barriers, the cultural changes failed to follow. There were other changes happening. By the 1980s the arrival of neoliberalism as the dominant political paradigm slowed most social progress, as market models took over. These changed the political focus from progressive social change to market choices and individualised material success.
These necessary strengths are undermined by the macho tendencies in current political directions. We need to recognise the importance of social connections, cultural needs and care of others that economics doesn’t cover; to balance material and social stability.

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State University announces the planned elimination of 6 teams and roster caps on men’s teams

Article here. Excerpt:

'Triggered by budget concerns, the plan to cut and cap teams will follow the proportionality playbook in order to comply with Title IX’s gender quota.

Because St. Cloud State is cutting two women’s teams with four men’s teams, the only option the school has meet Title IX compliance standards is proportionality. Although there are technically three ways to comply with Title IX, only proportionality has protected schools when they face litigation.

St. Cloud State undergraduate student enrollment is almost 50%-50% with 4,492 male and 4,488 female students according to US Department of Education website

The site shows gender ratio of 60% male to 40% female athletes for Saint Cloud State. According to reports, the program cuts will eliminate 24 female athletes and 92 male athletes. Roster quotas on baseball, football, men’s swimming, and wrestling will eliminate more male players in order to bring the school to a 50-50% gender ratio.'

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Senate chairman demands Department of Education ‘immediately rein in’ its Title IX ‘abuses’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lankford minced no words with King:

"I again call on you personally to clarify that these policies are not required by Title IX, but reflect only one of various ways schools may choose to develop and implement policies for the prevention and remedy of sexual harassment and sexual violence that best meet the needs of their students and are compliant with federal law. I further ask that you immediately rein in the regulatory abuses within the Department of Education and take measures to ensure that all existing and future guidance documents issued by your agency are clearly and firmly rooted in statutory authority."

The senator is greatly annoyed that the department keeps citing its own earlier guidance as justifying its later guidance.'

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Actress admits she wasn’t ‘almost raped’ by Uber driver

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Teen Mom OG” star Farrah Abraham, who last week claimed that an Uber driver “almost raped’’ her, now acknowledges that he never tried to lay a hand on her, but instead was just “looking at her lecherously” and that “it could have escalated into a rape situation.”

Abraham now says, “I got into the car and the gentleman was looking me up and down.”

Abraham described how in January 2015 she ordered an Uber to pick her up from a hotel in Jericho, LI. She claims the driver asked her to walk down the road to his car instead of picking her up front of the hotel, and then turned around to stare at her as she got in. She said she felt so uncomfortable that she immediately got out of the car.'

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Swedish group wants 'legal abortions' for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men who don’t want to become fathers should be permitted to have a “legal abortion” up to the 18th week of a woman’s pregnancy, say the young liberals. 

The cut-off date coincides with the last week in which a woman can terminate a pregnancy in Sweden. 

“This means a man would renounce the duties and rights of parenthood,” LUF Väst chairman Marcus Nilsen told The Local. 

By signing up for a “legal abortion” then, a man would not have to pay maintenance for his child, but neither would he have any right to meet the child.'

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Australia: International Women's Day should be a holiday: activist

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mother-of-three Juliana Nkrumah believes International Womens Day should be a national holiday.

The Quakers Hill resident believes that women deserve a day off from work to celebrate "sisterhood and the milestones achieved for women’s rights".
“International Women’s Day is a day that our forbearers made an effort to highlight the situation of all women in work and society, to really push and advocate for changes to bring rights to women,” Ms Nkrumah said.

The day is celebrated as an official holiday in 27 countries and in the United States, the whole month of March is recognised as Women's History Month.'

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Feminist Internet: Men Proposing to Women Is Rape Culture

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a piece in the feminist blog Bustle, the tradition of men proposing women is “problematic” because it “perpetuates rape culture.”

Yes — not “problematic” because it perpetuates recklessly emotional social media posts, but because it “perpetuates rape culture.”

"The stereotype that men must get women to date them or marry them or sleep with them and that it’s up to women to respond can be problematic — not just because it discourages women from going after what they want, but also because it encourages men to pursue what they want at a woman’s expense,” Suzannah Weiss writes in a piece titled “6 Marriage Traditions That Reinforce Rape Culture.”

“Putting what men pursue over what women want perpetuates rape culture,” she continues.'

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 Woman sentenced to five years after biting off boyfriend's eyebrow

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Arkansas woman has been sentenced to five years in prison for slicing open her ex-boyfriend's hand with a knife and biting off one of his eyebrows when he tried to break off the relationship, law enforcement authorities said on Friday.

Latosha Wilbourn, 34, admitted to slashing her 55-year-old former companion during an argument in January 2015 at the home the two shared at Hot Springs, a resort city about 50 miles southwest of Little Rock, police said.

The victim in the attack, Charles Willis Jr., received more than a dozen stitches to his hand and treatment for a bruise to his head after being struck with a stick, police said.'

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The six eye-watering reasons why you should never allow your son to be circumcised

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most people would consider the bodies of men and women equally valuable. 

But, when it comes to circumcision, that clearly isn’t true - which is odd considering the procedure removes functional tissue, causes extreme pain, permanently disfigures and forever damages sexual response, regardless of gender.

Oh, and in most cultures where female circumcision is routinely performed, the male equivalent is also done with equally dirty, blunt apparatus. 

Meaning it's less a competition of suffering and more a universal issue of genital integrity.

So, you can imagine my disdain when Dr Paul Turek, a private doctor from California, recently claimed that clamping a boy’s foreskin and cutting it off with a scalpel is meritorious (although, with a lucrative clinic that charges handsome fees, he would say that…) 

Fortunately, as someone with 30 years experience of having a penis, I’m more than qualified to explain why it’s not OK to modify a person's body without consent.'

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On 'period leave': Ladies, suck it up and go to work

Article here. Excerpt:

'It sounds like an excuse a character from "Mad Men" would come up with to avoid hiring a woman: claiming she can't do the work because she would need several days off each month due to her menstrual cycle.

Yet that is precisely what a company in Bristol, U.K., is doing. The organization, called Coexist, which manages event spaces, isplanning to offer paid leavefor women who are on their periods. The company, which employs 24 women and seven men, believes that giving women the paid time off for their periods doesn't make a business unproductive, but allows women to "synchroniz[e] work with the natural cycles of the body," according to Company Director Bex Baxter.
Surely, informing other employers that women aren't very productive when it's that time of the month will be a major win for women's equality and advancement in the workplace.

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Madonna using child abduction laws in an attempt to force Guy Ritchie to return Rocco to New York

Story here. Excerpt:

'Madonna is using child abduction laws in an attempt to force ex-husband Guy Ritchie to return their 15-year-old son to her in New York.

The singer, 57, is using the Hague Convention to bring to an end the bitter custody battle over Rocco.

The teenager is living with the Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels director in London and has so far ignored his mum’s requests to go home.

Now Madge has launched a case against the film producer, 47, at the family division of the High Court under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

She has also brought a case at the Family Court in New York.

But sitting in the High Court in London yesterday Mr Justice MacDonald told the couple to sort out the problem themselves.

He said it was his “fervent hope” that the singer and film producer could have discussions and reach an “amicable resolution” without further use of the courts.'

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Yale students push for affirmative consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'But others expressed less positive views about the affirmative consent bill. Wilton, Connecticut resident Shelley Dempsey spoke against the bill after being introduced by her representative, Rep. Gail Lavielle GRD ’81, R-Wilton.

Dempsey, an attorney involved with due-process advocacy group Families Advocating for Campus Equality, said a false accusation of sexual assault against her son, then a Bucknell University student, led to his suspension from the university. He was ultimately reinstated after he was cleared of the charge. She said his situation was only one among many and that the affirmative consent legislation would shift the legal balance away from the accused.

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Charges Now Dropped Against Father Who Turned in Mother for Doing Drugs While Pregnant

Story here. Charges against the father who turned in a pregnant mom for drug abuse have now been dropped. He had been charged for felony child abuse for not preventing the mother from using drugs. However, no charges will be made against the mother, even though she used drugs while pregnant. Excerpt:

'KTOE News asked Blue Earth County Attorney Pat McDermott about Felony charges filed Friday against 41-year old Daniel Gerald Sturdivant after his newborn baby tested positive for amphetamines and opiates.

McDermott says he reviewed the case and dismissed the charges against Sturdivant. McDermott says his office has also declined charges against the mother of the infant.

Blue Earth County Human Services Child Protection officials are working with the family.'

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