Former Basketball Players Accused Of Sexual Assault Sue University

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'Three days before the University of Oregon’s basketball team opens play in this year’s NCAA Tournament, two former Ducks players who were kicked out of school after being accused of an off-campus sexual assault have filed a $20 million lawsuit against the university.

The suit filed Tuesday in Lane County Circuit Court by former Ducks Dominic Artis and Damyean Dotson comes five months after a third former player, Brandon Austin, filed a $7.5 million lawsuit against the UO.

All three players allege university officials violated their due process rights and ruined their chances at professional basketball careers. The suits assert the players were treated unfairly when they were issued long-term suspensions after Lane County prosecutors declined to prosecute them in connection with the off-campus incident.

A female student accused the three players of raping her at a party in Eugene in March 2014. The players have acknowledged a sexual encounter occurred but say the woman consented to it.'

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Why Husbands Need Respect

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'Want to experience a happier relationship with the man in your life? Well, hear this: Your love is not enough for him. Your RESPECT is really what he is after.

When polled, men said they would rather feel alone and unloved than inadequate and disrespected. (It is the opposite for women. Most women would put up with feeling inadequate and disrespected over feeling alone and unloved.)

While men and women are created equally, and made to be partners that sail through life together, we are also created differently. And what helps a woman feel love does not usually translate for men. If you want to love your man in the way he needs and wants to be loved, then you need to ensure he feels your respect.'

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U of Texas tells its police to hide evidence that favors students accused of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Advocates for due process in campus rape adjudications have long sought to remove college officials from investigations because their various conflicts of interest render them unable to provide basic fairness to either party. (See this recent column by Barnard College student Toni Airaksinen on her involvement in sexual-misconduct cases.)

That’s why it’s troubling those advocates to see how the University of Texas-Austin is attempting to turn a neutral institution – its campus police – into an advocate for one party.

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Psychology Today: The Big Stall

What is your opinion of this article? It does make some good points, but leaves out some as well. Excerpt:

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"A Marine's Convictions"

Article here. Excerpt:


That’s what Marine Maj. Mark Thompson declared the first time we met.

He’d been fighting to prove it ever since two young women accused the former history instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy of having sex with them while they were students. One of the women said the 2011 liaison — amid a drunken night of strip poker at his Annapolis home — was consensual and part of an ongoing relationship. The other called it rape.

None of it was true, Thompson said as we sat at a quiet table inside the Hay-Adams hotel bar called Off the Record — ironic, considering how eagerly he wanted The Washington Post to write about the way the military had handled his case.

“They railroaded me,” he would say later.'

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"I'm Broken": The Duke Lacrosse Rape Accuser, 10 Years Later

Article here. Excerpt:

'You know who Crystal Mangum is, even if you don’t know her name.

Ten years ago, on the night of March 13, 2006, Mangum and another woman were hired by members of the Duke Lacrosse team to dance and strip at a house party. Early the next morning, she reported to Durham police that she had been sexually assaulted by some of the lacrosse players.

Mangum lives on in the public consciousness as one of America’s most infamous rape accusers. She is aware of this even though she’s currently serving a minimum 14 year, 2 month prison sentence for second-degree murder in an unrelated case.

“It’s so hard for me to share my story with strangers,” Mangum said over the phone from the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women. “I’ve had so many times… where I share my story and it got misconstrued or people made up what they wanted to believe out of the story.”

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Men Dress As Sex Slaves To Support Sexual Assault Survivor

Story here. Excerpt:

'During her freshman year at Wesleyan University, Karmenife Paulino was raped in the basement of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. Up until her junior year, Paulino said nothing of the assault, feeling that, as a woman of color, the attack on her body and mind would go unrecognized.
For the resulting photo series, titled "Reclamation," Paulino collaborated with friend and photographer Tess Altman to reclaim her campus, her body and her life. In the images, Paulino dons dominatrix attire -- "something I feel powerful and really beautiful and confident in" -- and revisits both Psi Upsilon and Eclectic House, assuming positions of authority and control.'

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Open your eyes, ladies, girl power is not about demonising men

Article here. Excerpt:

'If a non-gender-specific fairy offered me a wish it would be that we abandon the type of helpless feminism that seems to be emerging. This kind of feminism enshrines victimhood and men as perverts, bullies and misogynists. This kind of feminism thinks that the simplistic answer is that men are wrong and women are right, and allows women to whine and exaggerate wrongs. The current policing of sex, the hysteria that male students are pillaging university campuses and the demand for consent workshops, rest on the assumption that all men are potential rapists and therefore women are doomed to live as victims. Some modern feminists also don't want to engage in aspects of life they disagree with. Instead, they want to silence what they don't like through censorship and criminalisation. They avoid debate and launch Twitter wars on anybody with diverging views. They want the entire world to be their own 'safe space' and it's a sad departure from what real girl power should be about.'

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Shaped by False Rape Case, Former Duke Lacrosse Player Becomes Lawyer

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last night, ESPN aired the latest episode in its “30 for 30” documentary series, taking a close look at a 2006 case in which the U.S. justice system nearly fell down, when three members of Duke University’s men’s lacrosse team were wrongly accused of raping a stripper.

A prosecutor withdrew the case against all three defendants, and recently, one has pursued a career in the law: In 2014, Reade Seligmann joined the New Jersey law firm Connell Foley as an associate, after receiving his J.D. from Emory University School of Law.

The other two accused have since found jobs in finance: Collin Finnerty is an equity sales trader for Deutsche Bank in New York City, while David Evans is a senior associate at the consumer team at Apax Partners in New York.

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Expelled Student Says He Will Sue Yale Over Dismissal

Story here. Excerpt:

'The lawyer for a Yale student expelled for sexual misconduct said he plans to sue the university.

Jack Montague, captain of the basketball team, was dismissed from Yale for unspecified reasons. The university has declined to comment and Montague has not been charged with a crime. Yale and New Haven police are not investigating.

"We strongly believe that the decision to expel Jack Montague was wrong, unfairly determined, arbitrary, and excessive by any rational measure,'' said Max Stern, lawyer for Montague, in a statement emailed to media Monday morning. "Yale has been oblivious to the catastrophic and irreparable damage resulting from these allegations and determinations."

"The expulsion not only deprives Jack of the degree which he was only three months short of earning, but has simultaneously destroyed both his educational and basketball careers," Stern said.'

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"The Feminist Cult Will Tolerate No Dissent"

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you criticize feminism, feminists will label you as sexist and use unethical tactics to prevent your opinion from being heard.

This mentality is not unique to North Dakota State; in fact, it is the defining characteristic of feminism at academic institutions all over the world.

Feminists have a warped sense of ethics that leads them to believe their actions are justified.

They believe the world is ruled by the patriarchy, which is a series of social systems that benefits men at the expense of women. To feminists, the patriarchy represents the source of all evil in the world, and by fighting the patriarchy they are essentially working to create a utopia.'

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The Triggering: A powerful defence of free speech against the professionally offended

Article here. Excerpt:

'In September last year, I came up with an idea. What if there was a day solely dedicated to annoying cultural authoritarians across the world? What if we all came together and collectively posted offensive content in defence of free speech? A day when media feminists and social justice warriors would be triggered 69 times a second – a day of "Triggering", if you will.

I jokingly tweeted out my master plan, not expecting anything to come of it. However, a screenshot of the tweet was shared all over Facebook and other realms of social media.

The reaction was overwhelmingly positive. With threats to our freedom of expression coming thick and fast both online and in the real world, I knew we had to go through with it.'

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Dad orders DNA test, finds out he's the father of only one twin

Article here. Excerpt:

'Vietnam has identified an extremely rare case of bi-paternal twins - twins with different fathers.

A set of twins born to a Vietnamese couple, whose names have not been released, were recently taken for testing because of stark differences in the children's appearances, according to local reports.

"Our Centre for Genetic Analysis and Technology lab has tested and found a pair of bi-paternal twins," Le Dinh Luong, president of the Genetic Association of Vietnam, told AFP.

"This is rare not only for Vietnam, but for the world," he said, explaining that the two children had different fathers but the same mother.'

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Actor sees sexism 'double standards' in street propositions

Article here. Excerpt:

'Henry Cavill, the Superman actor, believes women exhibit double standards in sexism when it comes to strangers propositioning him in the street.

The star of Batman v Superman also experiences a “deep and nasty backlash” levelled against his partners because of his fame.

Cavill, who is dating Tara King, a 19-year-old Bristol University student, has questioned how women would feel if they were the targets of the same propositions they fire at him.

He told the Sunday Times: “I do think there’s a bit of a double standard, you know.

“I mean, if a girl shouts something like ‘Oi, love, fancy a shag?’ to me as I walk past I do sometimes wonder how she’d feel if a builder said that to her.'

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'Manspreaders' in San Francisco could face $500 fines

Article here. Excerpt:

'People who take up more than one seat on trains in San Francisco could be fined up to $500, in a plan that could be see 'manspreaders' targeted.

The director of Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), a rail system that serves San Francisco’s Bay Area, proposed the penalties for anyone using an extra seat for a reason other than their body size or a medical condition.

Joel Keller said they should initially be fined $100, with $200 fines for their second offence - with repeat offenders facing charges of up to $500.

It follows a statement from San Francisco Municiple Transport Agency in January that promised to work on solving the rising problem of ‘manspreading’: the male practice of sitting with legs spread widely, in a position that occupies a lot of room.'

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