India: Husbands presumed guilty under law when wife dies

Article here. Excerpt:

'In December last year, 27-year-old Venkatajagadish Kintali, a city-based software engineer, spent a month in jail after his wife committed suicide and his in-laws cried "dowry harassment". The devastated Kintali came out on bail and decided to find out what led his wife of mere 10-months to take the drastic step. At the root of it, he soon found out, was a relationship he was kept in the dark about - not only by his wife but by his in-laws too.

When Kintali and Jyothsna Vysyaraju had an arranged marriage last year, the young man had no reason to doubt his wife's affections. About 10 months later on December 4, Jyothsna committed suicide at their Mahadevapura house allegedly due over a "heart ailment". The shocked Kintali soon had a dowry harassment case slapped against him too by the in-laws.

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"From manspreading to mansplaining – here's some other skills for dudes to master"

Article here. Excerpt:

The footpath is yours to own. Pitch yourself riiight in the middle, gear down to an amble, swing those arms and watch everyone struggle to overtake. The public space is your dominion so go full Gandalf on the operation. You shall not pass. Extra points if you lead with your crotch like it’s an icebreaker. A big sexy icebreaker.

Get yourself all up in that party’s business by manopolising the music. Without asking just unplug the host’s gadget and link up your Android phone with a “lemme tell you why this kicks an iphone’s ass (or vice versa)…”. Now for the next four hours force your playlists onto (into?) everyone else. Extra points for actively minimising the presence of female artists on said playlist.'

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Stanford student accused of sexual assault fires back at university in federal lawsuit

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male Stanford University student found responsible for sexual assault in 2014 has fired back at the university in a lawsuit that alleges Stanford, motivated by gender bias and a "discriminatory zeal to prosecute sexual assault claims," violated his rights under federal gender-equity law Title IX.

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Hillary Clinton: Women and prison -- the cost in money and lives

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mass incarceration has torn families apart, impoverished communities, and kept too many Americans from living up to their God-given potential. But mass incarceration's impact on women and their families has been particularly acute — and it doesn't get the attention it deserves. I learned about Alice and Tanya's experiences through a nonprofit organization that works with women in the justice system. (Both women's names have been changed to protect their privacy.)

The United States' prison and jail population includes 215,000 women — nearly one-third of all female prisoners worldwide, and 800% more women than were in prison four decades ago. African-American women are more than twice as likely to be in prison than white women.

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Terrible, awful campus sex assault bill is back

Article here. Excerpt:

'An awful, reality-denying campus sexual assault bill is being pushed for in the Senate for the third year in a row, and there is much in the bill that should give congress pause.

The deceptively titled Campus Accountability and Safety Act would create new resources on campus for accusers, ensure minimum training standards for campus personnel who deal with accusations, require a memorandum of understanding with law enforcement, require schools to survey students annually about their experiences with sexual violence and create harsher penalties for schools that don't comply.
Expecting a frightened 19-year-old who had a drunken one-night stand with a woman a year ago who is now claiming it was rape to be able to act as a trained and adequate attorney is absurd. Activists would like to brand this young man a rapist just because he has been accused — and that is exactly why the truth in these cases is so important and the ability to defend oneself is essential.

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"The Title IX Juggernaut"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Major miscarriages of justice often stem from unsound judicial and administrative procedures. Consider the story of Grant Neal, a student on an athletic scholarship at Colorado State University–Pueblo. Neal was suspended for sexual assault after he had consensual sexual intercourse with an unnamed woman. He has now filed suit to challenge that suspension, both against the CSU–Pueblo and the United States Department of Education and its Office for Civil Rights.

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Well meaning, but out of control

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 22 senators say in their letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee that OCR has gotten busier, with a lot of complaints to investigate. Of course it has.

After one investigation, OCR told the University of Montana that sexual harassment should be more broadly defined as “any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.” The university’s requirement that the conduct create a hostile environment, OCR said, was too limiting: the university ought to intervene, OCR said, before a hostile environment appears.


A preemptive strike against harassment? You cannot get broader than that.

If we take seriously the idea that all unwanted speech with a possible sexual implication is harassment, anyone who asks a classmate on a date runs the risk that the invitation will be defined as harassment.

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Social Justice Warriors Get Owned In Epic Rant By Comedian

Video here. (NSFW) Description:

'Joining Milo Yiannopoulos and Professor Christina Hoff Sommers at an event called "The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far", Crowder gives his opening statements to the students at UMass College.'

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Students throw temper tantrum at free speech event

Article here. Excerpt:

'Students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst set a new high for hysteria Monday night at an event featuring Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopulous, and Steven Crowder.

The event was intended to be a forum and discussion about the use of political correctness on campus, but degenerated into a shouting match as protesters sought to drown out the speakers with cries of “hate speech” and, less imaginatively, “fuck you.”

One of the protesters took it upon herself to pass out literature expressing her concern for the “triggering” event, claiming the speakers “all demonstrate either that you don’t give a shit about people’s trauma and pain and think it’s funny to thrust people into states of panic and distress OR that you fundamentally do not understand what a trigger is, what it means to be triggered, and what a trigger warning is meant to prevent.”'


Protesters go crazy during The Triggering event at UMass

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Feds May Force Universities To Violate The First Amendment

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Department of Justice’s recent interpretation of Title IX after its investigation into the University of New Mexico’s (UNM) sexual discrimination policies will require colleges and universities to violate the First Amendment, according to a free speech advocacy group.

The DOJ found the UNM improperly defined sexual harassment, and declared in its findings letter that sexual harassment is “(u)nwelcome conduct of a sexual nature” including “verbal conduct” –- “regardless of whether it causes a hostile environment or is quid pro quo.”

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Students Falsely Accused of Sex Assault Sue Dept. of Education for Encouraging Colleges’ Denial of Due Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Colorado State student who claims he was falsely accused of rape says a "Dear Colleague" letter from an assistant secretary of the Department of Education encourages colleges to deny male students due process.

As universities' responses to rapes, sexual assaults and harassment have become nationwide news, increasing numbers of young men have sued their colleges, claiming they have been suspended or expelled, though the women acknowledged that the sex was consensual.

Colorado has seen at least two such discrimination lawsuits in the past three years.

In 2015, Colorado University at Boulder paid a student $15,000 in a settlement after he was found guilty of sexual assault in 2013.'

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Senators Fight For A Vote On Campus Rape Bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'A bipartisan group of senators tried to generate momentum Tuesday for a vote on their legislation reforming how colleges handle sexual assault.

The Campus Accountability and Safety Act, or CASA, would dramatically change how sexual assault is handled on college campuses. It has 36 co-sponsors, but senators are waiting on the GOP-controlled Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions to bring the bill up for a vote.

CASA would allow the Department of Education to fine schools up to 1 percent of their operating budget for violations of Title IX, the gender equity law requiring schools to handle sexual assault and harassment reports. Currently, the Education Department can either reach an agreement with universities outlining reforms a school will make to comply with Title IX, or withhold all federal funding from the school, including student loans. The department has never withheld funding, and activists say the fines are simply a slap on the wrist for schools.

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Andrea Tantaros blasts feminism in new book

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Relations between men and women in America have never been more dysfunctional,” writes Ms. Tantaros, the co-host of “Outnumbered” on the Fox News Channel who takes on the “commandments of feminism” with vigor. Those edicts demanded women act, work and party like men. When all the squawking was through, however, women have little to show for it, she says.

“Everyone always hears about the benefits of feminism, but nobody talks honestly about the downsides,” Ms. Tantaros tells Inside the Beltway. “If women are more empowered than ever, why are they more unhappy than ever? The book looks at the lies women were sold by the feminist movement: that we don’t need men — but that we should emulate them in our professional and personal lives — and the havoc this groupthink has wreaked upon the genders ultimately destroying respect, discretion, monogamy, decency and intimacy.”'


Wikipedia on the author here.

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Slideshow: 10 Celebrities Who Are Anti-Circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

'Another subject famous folks have been piping up about: Choosing not to circumcise a baby boy. Here, 10 celebs who disagree with circumcision and what they've said about their decision to opt out of the practice ...'

1. Alicia Silverstone
2. Howard Stern
3. Russell Brand
4. Mario Lopez
5. Sara Gilbert
6. Cameron Diaz
7. Ben Affleck
8. Princess Diana
9. Roseanne Barr
10. Gerard Butler

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More than 300 pre-teen boys go under the knife on school tables in a mass circumcision in the Philippines

Story here. Excerpt:

'In the Philippines circumcision is a tradition for boys who are just about to enter their teenage years. Uncircumcised boys often end up being teased by their peers but as these images show, the price of social acceptance is a painful one.

Circumcision is traditionally associated with Muslim and Jewish culture but the ritual of 'tuli' is common in the Philippines, where the majority of people are Roman Catholic.

This week 300 boys began the traditional journey into adulthood in a single mass circumcision exercise at a school in Marikina City, east of the Filipino capital Manila.'

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