The Federal Government's Sexual Reign of Terror on College Campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new "sex bureaucracy" is attempting a full takeover of young people's sex lives through moral strictures that trample free speech and the due process of law. In only the most recent symptom of this disease, a court recently ruled that George Mason University wrongfully expelled a student in 2014 -- for engaging in consensual sex with his girlfriend.

That student, who is anonymously referred to as "John Doe," won a federal lawsuit against George Mason after administrators ignored evidence that he had been in a consensual relationship for over one year. After the break-up, the ex-girlfriend told school officials and police about what she considered in hindsight to be sexual assaults. This girl's reaction follows a recent totalitarian trend on college campuses. In seeking to prevent "sexual violence," schools have taken to regulating students' behavior and even attitudes about sex to absurd levels.

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Spain: German retiree 'fed to dog' by Russian wife

Story here. Excerpt:

'Svetlana Batukova, 46, is in police custody after she was found next to the bloody corpse of her husband named locally as Horst Hans Henkels on Friday.

A post mortem on Saturday revealed that the German had bled to death after being repeatedly stabbed with a kitchen knife.

Flesh from his arms had reportedly been cut off and fed to the couple’s dog, an American Staffordshire bull terrior, according to the online Periodistadigital.

Initial findings widely reported in local media on the Balearic Islands indicated that the victim had been drugged before being repeatedly stabbed and had bled to death on the floor of their flat in Sant Llorenç.'

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SAVE E-lert: Let's Rescind the Dear Colleague Letter Used to Bully

This week marks the five year anniversary that the Department of Education released a Dear Colleague Letter, directing colleges to handle campus sexual assault cases far beyond their expertise.

Moreover, this letter never went through the required channel to become a proper regulation:

This is dangerous for students and for police investigations.

Contact your federal legislators now and tell them to help us get the Office for Civil Rights, April 4, 2011 Dear Colleague Letter to universities rescinded.

Find your federal legislators here:

Let's make a statement that the government cannot bully universities unlawfully!

Thank you!

Gina Lauterio, Esq.
Policy Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Campus rights group to challenge federal sexual assault mandate

Article here. Excerpt:

'Colleges and universities may one day be freed from the requirement to adjudicate felonies, if this campus rights group gets its way.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education plans to officially challenge the Education Department's mandate that schools adjudicate campus sexual assault. Currently, the agency's Office for Civil Rights, through a 2011 "guidance" document — known as a "Dear Colleague" letter — requires schools to create pseudo-court systems to determine whether students have committed sexual assault.

FIRE is seeking "a student or institution to challenge OCR's abuse of power" and has offered to pay the legal fees of whoever takes on this task.'

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A broader role for women in the military, Selective Service

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some members of Congress, the Marine Corps commandant and the Army’s chief of staff have proposed that women register for the draft. If the proposal is approved, women will join men ages 18 to 25 years in being required to register with the Selective Service System.

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UMass updates Title IX websites with provisions inspired by Survivor’s Bill of Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Massachusetts updated the My Rights section of their Title IX website to specify provisions from the Coalition to End Rape Culture’s Survivor Bill of Rights.

The My Rights section, which CERC President Priya Ghosh said has been consistently revised by UMass since the winter break, contains nine bullet points and is prefaced with a statement acknowledging the influence of the Survivor’s Bill of Rights, which specifically applies to survivors of sexual assault.

“I discovered yesterday that many of the parts of the nine major clauses were adopted from the Survivor’s Bill of Rights,” said Ghosh, a public health sciences major.

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After 800 Years, Oxford Theology Students to Swap Christianity for Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oxford University is deviating from its 800-year-old tradition to remain relevant to "the dramatic change" in the U.K., by allowing its undergraduate theology students to skip studying Christianity after the first year of their degree, and choose instead subjects like "Feminist Approaches to Theology and Religion" and "Buddhism in Space and Time."
From September 2017, theology students will have to study Christianity only in their first year, and can opt for other areas, including feminism, Buddhism, Islam and mysticism, from second year onwards. A result of seven years of consultation, the new course will be called "theology and religion" for the first time.

"If you have a very rigid curriculum, there will be an increasing mismatch between what lecturers are doing in their research time and what they're having to teach," Zachhuber seeks to explain.'

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Feminism: Why I'm campaigning for UK schools to teach boys and girls all about it

Articl here. Excerpt:

'Now aged 14, this thought process led me to start a petition, “A In Equality”, because I think that feminism should be on the PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) curriculum in all schools. In order to achieve equality on every front, we need to start by educating the future generation on the rights that will affect every single person every single day.

If gender equality is formally put on the curriculum, it may not eradicate the major feminist issues in our society today, but it may, in the longer term, have a positive impact on attitudes towards feminism, and its importance in daily life.

PSHE covers lots of difficult subjects - such as mental health and bullying - which is why I believe it would also be a perfect place to learn about gender equality for both girls and boys.'

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Department of Education to be sued by due-process group for bogus Title IX threats

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you’ve ever wanted to see your name memorialized in an important legal precedent, here’s your chance.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education said Monday it “aims to challenge” the Department of Education’s use of unenforceable guidance to threaten colleges into changing their Title IX procedures around alleged sexual misconduct – and it needs a student or institutional plaintiff:

FIRE has made arrangements to secure legal counsel for a student or institution harmed by [Office for Civil Rights’] mandates and in a position to challenge the agency’s violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). In keeping with FIRE’s charitable mission to advance the public interest, representation will be provided at no cost to the harmed party.

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Policing Students' Sex Lives Costs Colleges Millions, But Nobody's Happy With Results

Article here. Excerpt:

'In order to fall into compliance with federal anti-discrimination law, the University of Kansas (KU) should segregate male student athletes to special dorms and immediately suspend anyone accused of sexual assault, argue the lawyers of a former student who says she was raped in the KU dorms. The young woman, Daisy Tackett (who has chosen to be public with her name and identity), is now suing the university in federal court.

According to Tackett's claim, the school's failure to take reasonable steps to prevent the assault and to adequately address the situation afterward created a "hostile" educational environment, in violation of the federal statute known as Title IX. The original aim of Title IX was to combat institutional sex discrimination in education, but has since morphed into "a lever by which the federal bureaucracy monitors schools’ policies and procedures regulating sexual behavior," as Harvard law professors recently put it. These days, schools are increasingly finding themselves under investigation by the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and on the receiving end of student lawsuits over perceived inadequacies in addressing sexual harassment and assault on campus.

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Judge Sides with Gay Brandeis Student Guilty of 'Serious Sexual Transgression' for Kissing Sleeping Boyfriend

Article here. Excerpt:

'A judge rebuked Brandeis University for denying fundamental due process rights to a student who was found guilty of sexual misconduct for a variety of non-violent offenses: most notably, because he had awakened his then-boyfriend with nonconsensual kisses.

The process that Brandeis employed to investigate the matter was "essentially secret and inquisitorial," according to Dennis Saylor, a federal judge who ruled that the accused student's lawsuit against Brandeis should continue.

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"The Current Depiction of Masculinity Isn’t Cutting It"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The definition of masculinity is fairly straightforward — the possession of qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man. However, society has shifted its collective perception of what it means to be masculine. Nowadays, there’s no ennobling, culturally accepted role for men; males are cast as either historical villains or self-abasing sinners begging for the collective forgiveness of their gender.

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'Women want to have baby girls, not boys, as their lot in life is much better'

Article here. Excerpt:

'She may be 84, but Fay Weldon's work as a novelist, playwright, TV dramatist and scriptwriter still sparks debates in many a book club and beyond. Weldon, whose work includes the hit series The Life And Loves Of A She-Devil and The Cloning Of Joanna May, has lived long enough to be confident in her views on contemporary life, and today talks airily in detached tones about what "one" does and what "one" thinks.

Her outspoken opinions on feminism have often courted controversy, but after a lifetime spent people-watching, three marriages, four children, four stepchildren and a clutch of grandchildren, she's come to the conclusion that men are now under the cosh. Both men and women may have suffered as feminism has evolved, she reflects.
"Feminism has certainly undermined men," she continues, "if only because women now want to have girl babies, not boy babies, because their lot in life is better."'

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UK: Drunk woman dialled 999 with a false rape claim to get a lift home

Story here. Excerpt:

'A drunk woman dialled 999 with a false rape claim because she wanted a LIFT HOME, a court heard.

Claire Hollins picked up the phone and asked a Derbyshire Police call handler if she could be driven from Derby to her home in Stoke.

The 22-year-old was hung up on - but called back a second time to say she had been raped.

However when officers spoke to her she admitted nothing had happened and that she "just wanted a lift home".

Hollins was pointed in the direction of a Derby taxi firm, but when the driver refused her fare, she caused £500 of damage to his cab.

Hollins pleaded guilty to a public order offence and to criminal damage and was handed a 12-month community order. She was also ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £60 victim surcharge.'

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College sued for Title IX investigation against student

Article here. Excerpt:

'Macalester College was sued last February by a former student who accused the college of violating his right to due process and failing to provide him reasonable accommodations for his disabilities. The student, Alec Scott Jackson ’18, was being investigated by the college for an alleged case of sexual assault, and the lawsuit charged Jackson’s rights were violated during that disciplinary process. Jackson’s appeal for a restraining order against Macalester, which would have prevented them from carrying out his investigation while the suit was pending, was denied, and Jackson withdrew the lawsuit a few days later. Jackson no longer attends Macalester College.

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