Woman charged with filing a false rape report

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman has been charged in Great Falls after she allegedly filed a false rape report because she was angry at her boyfriend.

According to court documents, Jennifer Rima True claimed that on March 9 she had gotten out of her boyfriend's vehicle near the Frontier Inn and when her boyfriend left two men pulled up in another vehicle and tried to "pick her up."

She said that she then ran across the railroad tracks and fell and hit her head, and the men tried to force prescription pills into her mouth.

She claimed that one of them had a knife and cut her numerous times. She also said that her purse, which contained her prescription medicine, was stolen.'

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Men’s Rights Group Says Facing Discrimination in Lawsuit Against Student Union

Article here. Excerpt:

'Toronto men's rights group at Ryerson University is suing the student union for allegedly discriminating against the group's right to free speech.

First reported by The Eyeopener, the lawsuit was launched by the Ryerson Men's Issues Awareness Society (MIAS) founder Kevin Arriola and social media coordinator Alex Godlewski last week. It cites how the Ryerson Student Union (RSU) denied legitimacy to the men's right group as reason for concern, and it also asks that the university give the group official status on campus.

"As members and executives of MIAS and students of Ryerson University, we feel excluded from the Ryerson community. The allegations levelled against us by RSU have caused us to be ostracized by fellow students and have sabotaged our confidence and desire to engage with our fellow students," an affidavit from Arriola reads.

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Adding men's varsity programs tougher, but not impossible, thanks to Title IX

Artice here. Excerpt:

'Almost 60 percent of UNC's undergraduates are women, making the chances of adding another men’s sport low because Title IX compels universities to create more opportunities for women, who are considered underrepresented, in order to achieve gender equality.

“Since our undergraduate student body is primarily women, men are already overrepresented for participation opportunities,” said Barbara Osborne, a UNC exercise and sports science professor specializing in sports law. “Title IX is not measured on a sport by sport comparison. You’re comparing all of the opportunities men have to participate against all of the opportunities women have.”

While it would be difficult for UNC to add another men’s sport, athletic departments at other universities have chosen to goes as far as cutting money for men’s sports in order to make funding more proportional between men's and women's athletics.'

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Navy Secretary to Marines: Women in Combat Is Irreversible

Article here. Excerpt:

'Four of the seven questions that Mabus took were about women in combat. Others were more interested in his thoughts on Iraq and the future size of the Marine Corps.

One questioner asked for his thoughts on drafting women. He said he supports the idea but it's a decision for Congress. Another wanted to know how quickly women would be fully integrated into combat jobs.

"I think it won't happen all in one day," Mabus said. "It'll be relatively gradual but the decision's been made."

Gunnery Sgt. Janet Marrufo, 31, said Mabus' simple message was effective.'

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Military May Force Commanders To Interview More Women For Promotions

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. military is considering a version of the NFL’s “Rooney Rule” in order to achieve more diversity among its high-level officers, USA Today reports.

The NFL’s “Rooney Rule” (named for Pittsburgh Steelers owner Dan Rooney) requires all teams to interview at least one minority candidate for senior positions such as head coach or general manager. The rule is credited with increasing the number of black head coaches in the NFL.

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Male Student Urges Circuit to Revive His Bias Suit

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male student who claims he was wrongly disciplined by Columbia University for a nonconsensual sexual encounter that he says was consensual should be allowed to sue school officials under federal anti-discrimination laws, his lawyer told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Tuesday.

Attorney Philip Byler said his client was the victim of an administration bowing to public pressure to stop sexual predators and believing that all misconduct allegations against male students are true.

He said his client "was made an example of for no other reason than political correctness."

Byler was asking the court to reverse a lower court's dismissal of his lawsuit, brought under Title IX, which bars colleges and universities that receive federal funds from discriminating based on gender.'

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Students’ Open Letter Calls on Senate to End Dept of Education Overreach

Article here. Excerpt:

'Students around the country have signed an open letter calling on the U.S. Senate not to increase the budget of an Education Department Office that has been at the forefront of efforts to promote censorship, speech codes, and the whittling down of due process for students accused of sexual harassment.

The Senate is currently deliberating on whether or not to allocate additional funding to the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). This is an office that has pressured colleges to adopt a range of disastrous policies, from stifling campus speech codes to poorly-disguised racial quotas in disciplinary policies.

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Women and competition in the workplace

Article here. What, it's not the evil Patriarchy doing it? Excerpt:

'Competing with female co-workers could be bad for business, especially if you're a woman.

A new study has found that women might be held back in the workplace because of competition from other women.

Women who take competition with female co-workers too seriously might actually be damaging their careers by causing rifts and isolating themselves from the rest of the office.

According to the study from researchers at University College London's School of Management, the effect may be driven by fundamental differences between male and female culture values.

Dr Sun Young Lee, an assistant professor at UCL, found women experience competition with co-workers of the same gender more negatively than men do because female peer culture values harmony and equality.'

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Men Are Creepy, New Study Confirms

Article here. Excerpt:

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How America's sexual extremists took over the public square

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is, first of all, the way sexual assaults are being handled on college campuses. The increased focus on such assaults over the past few years may well be justified, but the overwhelmingly bureaucratic response favored by both universities themselves and the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights is not. If college administrators wanted to do a better job of protecting female students from various forms of sexual assault, especially rape, you might think they would do things like — oh, I don't know — crack down on Greek life, enforce the legal drinking age on campus, and make clear to students that all accusations of assault will be turned over to local law enforcement.

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UK: Girls sentened to life for beating woman to death

Story here. A rare case where the female discount was not applied in sentencing. Excerpt:

'But when he went to return them to her the next morning, the landlord found Wrightson dead — battered, bleeding and nude from the waist down.

Her killers, authorities said, were two of Wrightson’s young friends.
The 15-year-old girls, who cannot be publicly named due to their age, were convicted in Wrightson’s murder earlier this week after authorities said the pair beat her to death with items they found around her house: a shovel, a wooden stick filled with screws, a TV set.

The BBC reported that a mirror was smashed over the woman’s face.

During an hours-long torture session, authorities said, the girls goofed around on social media — posting pictures to Snapchat — and left for a “time out” before they returned to finish the job, according to the Guardian.'

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Man-Free Uber Alternative Hits The App Store This Month

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new women-only ride share app is launching in an effort to offer a safer transportation alternative for women.

Chariot for Women launches on April 19, and will work in the exact same way as GPS-based ride shares like Uber and Lyft — with one major difference: only women will be able to drive, and only women and children are able to be passengers.

The app was created by Michael and Kelly Pelletz, a married couple whose income depended on Michael’s driving for Uber after the crumbling of his family business. According to the Chariot for Women website, as a driver, one experience left Michael particularly unsettled: He picked up a young man in his 20s, who he soon realized was seriously inebriated and who became somewhat aggressive. Michael nervously sought help from a police officer.

“How would a woman handle that situation, especially when I was so nervous myself?” Michael wrote.'

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Humanistic Judaism and Anti-Circumcision Intactivism

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Humanistic Jewish movement is a quickly growing denomination in Judaism and the closest to Jewish Intactivism. The movement contains over 30,000 members and has over 50 active synagogues in the United States and Israel. There are a variety of active Humanistic Jewish journals and a group of thriving associations and communities connected to the movement. The focus of Jewish Humanism is on Judaic culture and society while embracing Humanistic ethics.

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Obama to designate a national monument in D.C. to honor women’s equality Tuesday

Story here. Excerpt:

'President Obama will pay homage to women's equality Tuesday, designating the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, a historic house in the District that has housed the National Woman's Party since 1929, as a national monument.

The site, to be named the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument, honors both Alva Belmont, the National Woman's Party benefactor, and Alice Paul, who founded the party and served as its chief strategist. Obama will deliver remarks at the house, which served as the party's fifth headquarters and is on Capitol Hill, on Equal Pay Day, an annual commemoration that aims to highlight economic disparities between men and women. The date marks how many extra days a woman would have to work to make as much as a typical man would have made in the previous calendar year.'

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Equal Pay Day: What's really causing the gender wage gap, and how to fix it

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's that time of year again when gender activists claim women are discriminated against en masse by employers and paid less than men as a result. These activists will refer to this alleged discrimination as the gender wage gap.

There is a gap between men and women, but it is not a wage gap — it is an earnings gap. Working women earn less on average than working men, but it is not due to some widespread discrimination or the elusive, conniving patriarchy.

Rather, the gap is due to the different choices men and women make during their education years and careers. The current gap — estimating that women earn 79 cents to the dollar that men earn — is a two-cent improvement from when I first started writing about the topic two years ago. But the real issue is not what the number is, but the misleading methods by which it is derived. In order to calculate a 21-cent earnings gap, one must overlook that the average working woman works in a lower-paying field and works fewer hours each week than the average working man.'

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