Hundreds of Harvard Women Protest to Keep Same-Sex Clubs

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than two hundred members of the Crimson Women’s Coalition demonstrated in Harvard Yard on Monday against a new policy that bans undergraduates from joining same-sex organizations like fraternities, sororities and especially elite “final clubs.”

The rally, called “Hear Her Harvard,” was organized by women, primarily students, who feel that the university’s new policy will destroy social spaces that women have created for mutual support on campus.
Dean Rakesh Khurana, who has been responsible for much of the politically-correct upheaval at Harvard — including the end of the term “master” for faculty members supervising undergraduate dormitories, lest the term evoke slavery — called same-sex clubs “rife with power imbalances.”'

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ACLU: The Federal Government Is Investigating Sexism Against Directors in Hollywood

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two federal government agencies have launched an investigation into discrimination against female directors in Hollywood, the American Civil Liberties Union announced Wednesday. The news comes a year after the civil rights organization requested that the government look into hiring practices at studios.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs have been working on a wide-ranging investigation, according Melissa Goodman, a lawyer with the ACLU. The investigation was prompted by an ACLU report after the organization conducted its own two-year audit into discriminatory practices. The ACLU collected testimonials from over 50 female directors who reported sexist practices like studio-compiled “short lists” of potential directors that were almost exclusively male. In October, the Los Angeles Times reported that several female directors received surveys from the EEOC regarding gender discrimination in Hollywood.'

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Wife Battered Husband Over Candy, Flowers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Incensed that her husband got her “the wrong flowers and candy” for Mother’s Day, a Florida woman allegedly pummeled her spouse, according to cops who arrested her for domestic battery.

Investigators allege that Virginia Stewart, 42, attacked her spouse during an argument early Sunday in their family’s Holmes Beach residence. Cops arrived at the house in response to a 911 hangup call.

As detailed in a probable cause affidavit, Stewart quarreled with her husband about “the victim getting her the wrong flowers and candy for Mother’s Day.”

After Stewart “did throw cups around the room and break them,” she allegedly attacked her spouse, punching him several times while also striking the man in the head with a coat hanger.'

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The Problem With Sheryl Sandberg’s Ivory Tower Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s nothing more insufferable than an ivory tower feminist who insists on forcing the world into a box — her box. Facebook COO-turned social justice warrior Sheryl Sandberg is on a mission. Sandberg made clear her feminist agenda several years ago, when she announced this to a group of college graduates (and later reiterated in her Lean In campaign): “A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes.”

A lofty goal, indeed — one that demands a complete restructuring of the way America operates. And so began Sandberg’s true occupation (because clearly, running Facebook isn’t it): to upend human nature and to change the world, one campaign at a time.

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The End of Men (In Literature)

Article here. Excerpt:

'The undergraduate course "Men in Literature" was taught eight times from 2005 to 2015 at Springfield College in Massachusetts. It drew healthy enrollments and was reviewed favorably by a large majority of the students who took it. In 2010, the course was formally approved by the college curriculum committee as an addition to the offerings of the humanities department.

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University Recommends ‘Safe Zone Training’ To Prepare For Milo Event

Article here. Excerpt:

'Posters for an upcoming event featuring Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos at The University of California, Irvine, have prompted the university to encourage students to attend “Safe Zone training.”

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These High School Kids Created An Awesome Prom Photo. Then The Left Stepped In.

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of adorable high school boys wore superhero t-shirts under their tuxes on prom night, matching their date’s dress. A photo was taken of the girls smiling back at the camera as they open their date's vests to reveal the superhero logo on their t-shirts. The sweet photo that no one could possibly be offended by--or so one would think--was posted to Twitter.

Then a social justice war-waging Leftist came in to suck the fun right out of the awesome prom photo by railing against its “sexist” undertones and comparing it to a lynching done by the KKK.
Apparently, young high school boys and girls consensually posing for a cute superhero-themed prom picture is abundantly sexist. If only Superman or Batman were in a dress, then modernity would have won and sexism would have been defeated. Damn archaic gender roles!

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India: Dowry harassment case: Retired armyman pleads for mercy killing

Story here. Excerpt:

'A retired army man on Tuesday submitted a petition to the President of India seeking mercy killing, apparently annoyed at the slow progress of justice after being "falsely implicated" by his son's in-laws in a dowry case.

A distressed Ramnath Das, who was employed with the mechanical wing of the Electronic Mechanical Engineering Corp of the Army, appealed to Pranab Mukherjee to ensure early justice to him or permit him to end the life willingly. "The agony of this dowry case has troubled my family to such an extent that in the last two years most of the members of the family have gone into depression and are ailing from various psychological problems," the letter addressed to the President reads.

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Students who falsely reported racial attack, bragged about "beating up a boy" expelled

Article here. Expelled, is that all? Evidence of race- and gender-based motivation for violence and they were *only* expelled? Excerpt:

'In a rare act, a university has expelled students who allegedly perpetrated a race hoax that brought negative attention to the school.

Two women who were involved in the alleged hoax have been expelled from the State University of New York at Albany, while a third student was suspended for two years. The disciplinary action comes after the students were arrested and charged with 10 misdemeanor charges, including assault and false reporting.

The three women — who are black — accused a bus full of white people of attacking them and using racial slurs. After police investigated the incident, it was determined that the three accusers were not the victims but in fact the aggressors.

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Donald Trump: “All of the men, we’re petrified to speak to women anymore”

Article here. Excerpt:

'"If [Clinton] didn't play the women's card, she would have no chance, I mean zero, of winning," Trump said. "She's playing the women's card. She's going — " [here Trump's voice drips with sarcasm] "'Did you hear that Donald Trump raised his voice while speaking to a woman?' Oh, I'm sorry!"

And then: "I mean. All of the men, we're petrified to speak to women anymore. We may raise our voice. You know what? The women get it better than we do, folks. They get it better than we do. If she didn't play that card, she has nothing."

Women in the audience started cheering at this.

Trump's "women get it better than we do" line could mean two things. It could mean that he thinks women have an easier lot in life than men — partly because men now have to be constantly "petrified" of being labeled sexists.'

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"Harvard wants secretive male clubs to go co-ed. All-female groups are being punished in their wake."

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the recommendations appear to condemn the exclusivity for which all-male final clubs are known, the new guidelines also apply to fraternities, sororities and the more recently formed five all-female final clubs — none of which are recognized by the university.

The unexpected consequence of the penalties, then, is to prevent women from associating under their gender as well, prompting all-female groups to ask the administration to consider them in a different vein from their all-male counterparts.

“Basking in the praise of the national press for its efforts to make all-male final clubs go co-ed, Harvard has left out an important piece of the story: female final clubs,” three female students wrote in an op-ed for the Harvard Crimson.

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Men Charged Almost Double for Concert

Article here. Excerpt:

'Scottish music star Calvin Harris is selling tickets for his new concert at the Omnia in Las Vegas, but if you’re a man, you’re in for some bad news — you have to pay $75 for a standard ticket, whereas women only have to pay $40.

No one knows yet whether Harris is trying to fix the mythical feminist “wage gap” by slapping men with a higher fee (a common tactic at feminist bake sales), or whether he’s going for the old nightclub-owner’s trick of letting the women in for free to make his show seem cooler.

Of course, surely a smart marketer would claim to be doing the former to disguise the fact that he’s doing the latter.

Harris’ mysterious pricing policy has already got commentators talking. The Daily Telegraph straightforwardly accuses the singer of being sexist and points out that the practice of charging men and women different prices for the same product has been banned in a number of US states.

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Male student files gender discrimination suit against Stanford

Article here. Excerpt:

'The male student accused of sexually assaulting Leah Francis ’14 two years ago has filed two separate suits against the University, claiming gender discrimination under Title IX during the review process that led to his suspension. The student, who has elected to remain unnamed, is filing the case as John Doe.

The assault of Francis was the first sexual assault case in three years at Stanford to lead to disciplinary action when it occurred in 2014.

This case was the center point of the “Stand with Leah” movement, which demanded that Stanford change its sexual assault policies and provide more support for victims of assault, as well as harsher punishments for those found guilty of sexual assault.
Doe is pursuing damages in the federal case on the basis that he was unfairly discriminated against because he was a male student and the University wished to appear tough on sexual assault.

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Woman Arrested For In-Flight Molestation

Article here. And airlines are afraid to seat single men next to women and children. Maybe nobody should be allowed to sit next to anyone. Ever. Excerpt:

'An Oregon woman flying home last night from Las Vegas allegedly molested another female passenger, according to police who arrested the suspect on a sex abuse charge.

Cops allege that Heidi McKinney, 26, was en route to Portland when she touched the breasts and genitals of a woman who told investigators that the alleged contact was not consensual.

McKinney and the victim were traveling on an Alaska Airlines flight that arrived late Sunday in Portland. Alerted by airline personnel, police met the aircraft upon landing and took McKinney into custody after interviewing the other passenger.'

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CBO: Nearly 1 in 6 young men in jail or jobless

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nearly one in six young men (between the ages of 18-34) in the U.S. were either jobless or incarcerated in 2014, according to a new government report. It details a striking amount of male alienation that has been on the rise since the 1980s.

According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), out of the 38 million young men in the U.S. in 2014, 16 percent were jobless (5 million or 13 percent) or incarcerated (1 million or 3 percent). The share of young men without a job or in prison has increased substantially since 1980, when just 11 percent of young men fit into either category.

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