Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2016-06-16 20:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Taliban are using child sex slaves to mount crippling insider attacks on police in southern Afghanistan, exploiting the pervasive practice of "bacha bazi" -- paedophilic boy play -- to infiltrate security ranks, multiple officials and survivors of such assaults told AFP.
The ancient custom is prevalent across Afghanistan, but nowhere does it seem as entrenched as in the province of Uruzgan, where "bacha bereesh" -- or boys without beards -- widely become objects of lustful attraction for powerful police commanders.
Some policemen, they said, demand bachas like a perk of the job, refusing to join outposts where they are not available.
Horrifying abuse at checkpoints makes the boys, many unpaid and unregistered, hungry for revenge and easy prey for Taliban recruitment -- often because there is no other escape from exploitative commanders.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2016-06-16 19:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'Attend the Fatherless Day Rally in Jefferson City this Friday -- tomorrow -- June 17, from noon to 3 PM in the Capitol Rotunda to support House Bill 1550. Governor Nixon has been invited. Major print and television media are expected to attend, as they did last year, so we need to show a good crowd!
Will Missouri Governor Jay Nixon sign the shared parenting bill HB1550?
This is the most important question in the family court reform movement at this exact moment. It is a good bill, with strong protections for shared parenting. The Missouri legislature passed it almost unanimously. We are hoping that he will sign it either on Friday, June 17 -- National Fatherless Day -- or on Monday June 20, in honor of Fathers Day.'
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Submitted by charlie on Thu, 2016-06-16 12:12
Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2016-06-16 02:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'While passion and volatility can lead to reality TV fame, Kate Chastain is learning that those traits have very different consequences in the real world.
The “Below Deck” star, 33, was arrested for biting and choking her girlfriend in Melbourne Beach, Fla., on Monday, Page Six has confirmed.
Earlier that day, a domestic violence investigation was launched after the reality star’s girlfriend, Ro Hernandez, showed up to work with bruises on her arm. After looking into the matter, police found that Chastain had bit and choked her girlfriend while trying to kick her out of their home, according to TMZ, which first reported the arrest.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2016-06-16 02:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'Biden and his team reached out to colleges across the country to get feedback on how they could change this dangerous culture. The top thing they heard from students, he said, was to get men involved. So, they started the It’s On Us initiative.
“The answer isn’t to shame women for drinking,” he said. “Consent isn’t ‘well I didn’t hear no.’ Sex without consent is rape.”
“Everyone has a responsibility,” he continued, particularly school administrations. “There is no excuse” for an institution of higher learning to put its reputation above students’ respect.
He and his staff are studying the results of hundreds of colleges across the country to determine if they have followed the It’s On Us guidelines.
If not, they can expect to be stripped of some important funding.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2016-06-16 02:14
Article here. Excerpt:
'A Long Island teacher who was accused of sexually harassing male colleagues and students last year is back in the classroom, The Post has learned.
Cecilia Sanossian, 52, a married mother of two, referred to male underlings as “FILFs,” or “fathers I’d like to f- -k,” and called one a “hot fudge chocolate (sundae) that students want to eat,” her accusers at Valley Stream North High School alleged last year.
Despite 10 members of the social studies department signing a letter condemning her, an internal investigation found the complaints unsubstantiated and Sanossian resumed teaching last week.
“When I saw her at school, I couldn’t believe it,” said one teacher. “It’s unbelievable that they would allow this to happen. It’s a cover up of her actions, plain and simple. People – teachers, students – are just in shock.”
Two teachers, Al Daddino and John Brennan, filed with the state Division of Human Rights after they said their complaints about Sanossian were ignored last year by school brass.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2016-06-16 02:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has proudly declared he is a feminist, but now his Liberal government is being urged to back up those claims by considering how each of its decisions affects women and girls.
The Status of Women committee is recommending that gender-based analysis -- a tool that helps government study how policy, legislation and program decisions might impact women and men in different ways -- be mandatory across all government departments and agencies.
If the analysis then reveals one gender will experience disproportionately negative impacts, policy-makers have the opportunity to make adjustments or otherwise mitigate those effects.
For example, Fraser said, applying gender-based analysis to the billions in infrastructure spending the Liberal government has promised would show that while the money could lead to a boost in employment, the jobs would be in skilled trades that disproportionately employ men.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2016-06-16 00:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Brock Turner, the Stanford rapist, and the Orlando shooter (I do not want to type his name; he has had enough publicity) are the flip sides of the same bent coin. I am not claiming that their crimes are equivalent. But I am saying that both men, in their twisted way, represent the poisonous levels at which toxic masculinity operates in our culture. Fundamentalism shores up masculinity. While male insecurities are present in Catholic church documents in the 13th century, they go back further. Anywhere that one reads about the regulation of women — their bodies, their reproductive capabilities, their abilities to speak, to think, to live independently — there you will find a fragile masculinity asserting power over the gender that does not have the physical power to fight back.
So, in looking at the Orlando shooter and Brock Turner, we have two examples of how young men’s understandings of what it means to be male in this culture have led to death and destruction.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2016-06-15 22:22
Letter here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:
'The Journal is right to criticize the Obama administration’s attack on due process on campus (“Punishment Without Evidence on Campus,” Review & Outlook, June 7). Constitutional violations will result from its pressure on colleges to impose “provisional suspensions for [those] accused” (of sexual assault) before anyone has even “examined the evidence.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2016-06-15 22:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'Next, actor Matt McGorry, the token man at the gathering, stated that to help feminism succeed, men should “have [women’s] backs and listen.”
This is what men can do to help women. Shut up and don’t dare try to “mansplain” anything. Even though it seems to me, since men hold the majority of offices in all three branches of government, it would appear that men could affect actual change through legal action. But that’s just my poor attempt at “mansplaining.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2016-06-15 22:10
Video here. Excerpt:
'Michelle Obama hosted a “United State of Women” summit Tuesday at the White House. The schedule featured an interview with the First Lady conducted by Oprah Winfrey.
At one point, Winfrey asked Obama if she had any advice for men. “What can men do, leaving here?” the former talk show host asked.
Obama’s response was pretty telling.
“Be better,” the First Lady replied. As Winfrey screeched (literally) with laughter and the attendees of the women’s summit reacted with rousing cheers and applause, Obama reiterated, “Be better at everything.” And, the audience, along with Oprah shriek, howl and cheer some more.
This offers some great insight into Mrs. Obama’s view of men, as well as the overall agenda at this summit. The one message the First Lady can provide to American men is that they’re just not good enough? That men aren’t living up to her, Oprah and the audience’s expectations of what a man should be bringing to the table for these perfect women.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 17:26
Via email:
"Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women" has come out in print:
E-book at: Description:
'Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women offers a comprehensive overview and debunking of the "rape culture" myth that has devastated campuses and is spilling into Main Street America. An ideological madness is grotesquely distorting North America's view of sexuality. The book applies sanity to the claims that men are natural rapists and our culture encourages sexual violence.
Written by a libertarian feminist and rape survivor, Rape Culture Hysteria opens with a highly personal appeal to depoliticize rape and treat it instead as a crime. Victims need to heal. Politicizing their pain and rage is a callous political maneuver that harms victims, women and men.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 15:52
Article here. Excerpt:
'The controversial conservative flame-thrower was booted off the social networking site Wednesday for reasons that have yet to be determined, though Milo has been under fierce attack from Muslims for his criticism of the left for “choosing Islam over gays.”
Milo told Heat Street on Tuesday: “I saw the shootings happen and realized this has been something I’ve been speaking about for a very long time and although I’m constitutionally opposed to saying, ‘I told you so,’ this did strike me as an illustration of something I’ve been warning against for quite some time.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 15:22
Story here. The author tries to conflate an unrelated erroneous bomb scare previously with this protest, but it's a pretty transparent effort. Still, not unexpected given how the MSM hates the MRM. Excerpt:
'Loose Women was forced to go briefly off air today after a 'peaceful protest' was made by Fathers4Justice.
Three male audience members of the group interrupted a segment in which Coleen Nolan was discussing her weight loss journey with guest Dan Hooper.
A man's voice could be heard shouting what sounded like "Father4Justice no kids, no cash".
The interruption comes just months after the ITV Southbank studios had to be evacuated when two controlled explosions took place in the car park after a suspicious vehicle was found.
Loose Women was mid-air during the moment an announcement was made that the incident was happening and being dealt with.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 12:33
Article here. Ever wonder why supposedly feminist Hillary stays quiet about how women in the ME are treated? Here's your answer. Excerpt:
'In what may be the pinnacle of hypocrisy, moments ago Hillary Clinton, while speaking live on national security and addressing the Orlando shooting took some time from her constant bashing of the Second Amendment and calling for a ban on assault rifles, to say some less than kind words about Saudi Arabia whom it accused of supporting radical organizations...
There is nothing wrong with that statement, as it is the whole truth - Saudi Arabia's involvement in supporting terrorism stretches from Sept 11 all the way through to ISIS - however, where there is a big, and potentially law-breaking, problem is what Jordan's official news agency, Petra News Agency, reported on Sunday citing the Saudi crown price, namely that Saudi Arabia is a major funder of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to become the next president of the United States.
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