Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 17:26
Via email:
"Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women" has come out in print:
E-book at: Description:
'Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women offers a comprehensive overview and debunking of the "rape culture" myth that has devastated campuses and is spilling into Main Street America. An ideological madness is grotesquely distorting North America's view of sexuality. The book applies sanity to the claims that men are natural rapists and our culture encourages sexual violence.
Written by a libertarian feminist and rape survivor, Rape Culture Hysteria opens with a highly personal appeal to depoliticize rape and treat it instead as a crime. Victims need to heal. Politicizing their pain and rage is a callous political maneuver that harms victims, women and men.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 15:52
Article here. Excerpt:
'The controversial conservative flame-thrower was booted off the social networking site Wednesday for reasons that have yet to be determined, though Milo has been under fierce attack from Muslims for his criticism of the left for “choosing Islam over gays.”
Milo told Heat Street on Tuesday: “I saw the shootings happen and realized this has been something I’ve been speaking about for a very long time and although I’m constitutionally opposed to saying, ‘I told you so,’ this did strike me as an illustration of something I’ve been warning against for quite some time.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 15:22
Story here. The author tries to conflate an unrelated erroneous bomb scare previously with this protest, but it's a pretty transparent effort. Still, not unexpected given how the MSM hates the MRM. Excerpt:
'Loose Women was forced to go briefly off air today after a 'peaceful protest' was made by Fathers4Justice.
Three male audience members of the group interrupted a segment in which Coleen Nolan was discussing her weight loss journey with guest Dan Hooper.
A man's voice could be heard shouting what sounded like "Father4Justice no kids, no cash".
The interruption comes just months after the ITV Southbank studios had to be evacuated when two controlled explosions took place in the car park after a suspicious vehicle was found.
Loose Women was mid-air during the moment an announcement was made that the incident was happening and being dealt with.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 12:33
Article here. Ever wonder why supposedly feminist Hillary stays quiet about how women in the ME are treated? Here's your answer. Excerpt:
'In what may be the pinnacle of hypocrisy, moments ago Hillary Clinton, while speaking live on national security and addressing the Orlando shooting took some time from her constant bashing of the Second Amendment and calling for a ban on assault rifles, to say some less than kind words about Saudi Arabia whom it accused of supporting radical organizations...
There is nothing wrong with that statement, as it is the whole truth - Saudi Arabia's involvement in supporting terrorism stretches from Sept 11 all the way through to ISIS - however, where there is a big, and potentially law-breaking, problem is what Jordan's official news agency, Petra News Agency, reported on Sunday citing the Saudi crown price, namely that Saudi Arabia is a major funder of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to become the next president of the United States.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2016-06-15 12:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'The United States Senate voted to pass a defense bill today that would require young women to sign up for a potential military draft for the first time in U.S. history. The vote was 85-13 in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act, a $600 billion defense spending bill that had a host of other controversial provisions in it, including prohibiting the closure of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and denying the Pentagon’s attempt to close military bases.
Republicans were divided about whether the U.S. should require women to register for the draft when they turn 18. Sen. Ted Cruz told Politico it was a “radical change that is attempting to be foisted on the American people,” while Sen. John McCain said “a large bipartisan majority on the Armed Services Committee agreed that there is simply no further justification to limit Selective Service registration to men.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2016-06-15 04:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'More than 5,000 powerful women from across the country and around the world met in Washington, DC for the first-ever United State of Women summit on Tuesday. With an ambitious agenda to tackle the biggest issues holding women back from total equality, leaders from the White House, Hollywood, major corporations, and civil society gathered together in one room to propose solutions.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2016-06-15 04:32
Article here. Excerpt:
'It was a summit on the "United State of Women," but Michelle Obama had advice for the men in the audience: Be better.
"Be better at everything. Be better fathers," she said during a conversation with one-time talk-show host Oprah Winfrey. "Just being good fathers who love your daughters and are providing a solid example of what it means to be a good man in the world. That is the greatest gift that the men in my life gave to me."
She urged the men who were among the estimated 5,000 people who attended the daylong, White House-organized conference to be part of their family's lives, to do the dishes and not "babysit" their children.
"Be engaged. Don't just think going to work and coming home makes you a man," Mrs. Obama said.
"Be better. Just be better. I could go on, but I'm not. You get the point, fellas," she said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2016-06-14 21:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'Three days after a 25-year-old woman filed an FIR and accused two youths of allegedly abducting, drugging and gang-raping her in their moving Swift Dzire car, the police on Monday arrested the woman and her live-in partner on the charges of extorting money from the youths.
Police said all the charges the woman allegedly made against the two youths, who are pursuing their MBA courses from different universities in Australia and India, were false and premeditated with the intention to extort money from their families. The arrested live-in partner of the woman, identified as Kishan Kumar, is a resident of Jagatpuri in east Delhi.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-06-14 20:34
Article here. Excerpt:
'President Barack Obama says that it’s up to Americans to make changes to the internet to protect women from social media harassment.
“We need to change an internet where women are routinely harassed and threatened when they go online,” he said during the White House United State Of Women conference in Washington D.C. organized by his senior adviser Valerie Jarrett today.
Obama took the podium, declaring that he is a feminist.
“I may be a little grayer than I was eight years ago, but this is what a feminist looks like,” he said proudly, as the the audience cheered wildly.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-06-14 20:03
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Vizhinjam police on Monday arrested a 38-year-old man on charges of sexually exploiting a widow under the false promise of marriage. The police identified the accused as Saju of Sisilipuram. He has been booked for rape.
The police said that a case was registered against the accused after the victim attempted suicide on last Tuesday by swallowing excess numbers of sleeping pills. The victim was a mother of two. She was discharged from the hospital a day later following which the cops recorded her statement and registered a case.
According to the complainant, her husband had died three years ago following which Saju developed a relationship with her. However, recently Saju tried to distance himself from her as he wanted to marry another woman. She was heartbroken and hence tried to commit suicide.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-06-14 19:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'In Biden's view, America's own culture is to blame for allowing women to go on feeling unheard. Even more directly, he reminded the audience of a simple, too-often-forgotten fact: "Sex without consent is rape. Period. And if you can't consent because you are unconscious, it is rape."
But Biden reserved some of his harshest words for "regular" guys who put up with "the locker room talk, the bar banter, the rape jokes," any of the "sexist talk [that] perpetuates the idea that women are less deserving of basic human dignity than men." Drawing upon Dante’s classic argument that the deepest circle of hell is reserved for those who remain silent "in times of moral crisis," Biden argued that it isn't merely an act of passivity to ignore these (wildly unfunny) "jokes." In fact, he said, "If you let it pass…you become an accomplice."'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-06-14 19:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Feminism fueled by anger isn’t sexy or fun. These days, it’s all the rage to ask celebrities if they identify with the F-word. Regardless of whether they have any background in the subject, we treat their fame like it gives them cultural authority and condemn them when they give the wrong answer. Many dance around it, because a wrong answer is all too easy: If you shy away from it, you’re sexist, but if you embrace it too wholeheartedly, you’re an angry, shrill, unchill feminist.
In Season 3, she uses her new immortality to recruit women who are in the same position she once was — whores — and incite them to rise up. Her methods are unconventional. They’re a mixture of her own seduction, as she invites them into bed with her male partner, and encouragements of brutality. “Go now to those dark streets you know so well,” she tells them. “Find me a bad man, a faithless husband, a cruel lover… Find him and bring me his right hand. Cut it off.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-06-14 19:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'There’s this summit thing happening today called the United #StateofWomen that is supposedly talking about how far women have come but with a focus on how far we have to go. You know, that traditional leftist nonsense of segregating women from men and pretending we have super special rights because the Constitution spoke specifically about vaginas making a difference with individual liberties.
Pretty sure it’s the XX Amendment, definitely not the XY Amendment because evil men or something. Here is our First Lady making some commercial with other self-important ladies...
Going through the list of speakers for the two-day summit reads a little bit like a Marxist phone book, with Valerie Jarrett, Cecile Richards and other “I am woman hear me roar” types.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2016-06-14 19:09
Story here. Let me be real clear: the nutcase Islamist homophobic bigot who apparently was himself gay, or if not, then inclined that way, is the murdering piece of shit who killed all those people. No reducing or denying it in any way. In the rush to assign blame let's not forget that planning a crime like this on the down-low is next to impossible. His wife KNEW he planned the attack and by her own admission helped him plan it by taking him to the club to case it. Then she stayed quiet about his plans. This is called guilt by complicity and by her own admission she admits her role in the attack: aiding and abetting. Damn right she needs to be charged and locked up for life. Will she be? No. Because she's female. Excerpt:
'The Orlando gunman's wife has told federal agents she tried to talk her husband out of carrying out the attack, NBC News has learned.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2016-06-14 02:47
Article here. Jump the login by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:
'A group of local fathers said they would love to spend Father's Day celebrating with their children.
Instead, they'll be protesting at the Rock County Courthouse against what they see as gender inequality in the child custody decisions of courts. The protesters, who are part of the Wisconsin Fathers' Rights Movement, will carry banners, and a podium will be available for anyone who wants to speak.
In divorces, mothers receive custody of children 80 percent of the time, said Janesville father and rally organizer Jeremiah Jacobs.
“That's not OK,” he said. “It's the children who suffer. Fatherless children is the cause of a lot of problems in our society.”'
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