"'Censorship' just evens the playing field"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Pity the poor university student. Thanks to ‘safe spaces’ and ‘trigger warnings’, ‘no platforming’ and PC hogwash, they’re being turned from rigorous intellectual thinkers into delicate hothouse flowers - and, in doing so, they’ve been barred from a grand tradition of academia that stretches back for centuries: free speech.

Yes, the very same freedom women have only been enjoying for little over a century.

According to newly published research from the Higher Education Policy Institute, more women then men think universities should safeguard people of a particular gender, race or sexuality against offensive views.

Or, depending on where you get your news, ‘female students are pro-censorship.’

There’s an ugly subtext to this argument – that all the people complaining about the right to a safe space just don’t understand what university is about. After all, it wasn’t designed for them.'

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Georgia offers Prostate Cancer license plate

Good news from Georgia about their blue ribbon license plate for prostate cancer. If only other states would follow their example!

'Prostate Cancer is the second-most common cancer in American men. The American Cancer Society estimates 220,8000 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed.

The Georgia Prostate Cancer Coalition and ProstAware have partnered to spread awareness with a dedicated license plate.

The $22 used to purchase each license plate will go towards funding cancer screenings in Georgia and prostate research at Georgia hospitals and universities. For more information about how to get your Georgia Prostate Cancer license plate, you can contact Frank Catroneo at (770) 619-0710.'

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UK: Sex crimes committed by women at record high

Article here. Excerpt:

'Alarming figures uncovered in a Daily Star Sunday investigation reveal offences by females have rocketed in five years.

Greater Manchester Police has seen a 270% rise.
The Met revealed that 235 sexual offences were committed by females in 2011 to 2012, soaring to 473 by 2015 to 2016.

Greater Manchester Police saw the number of crimes rise from 45 to 174 over the same period.

The statistics, released under the Freedom of Information Act, include all types of sex crimes – from indecent exposure to sexually abusing someone with a mental disorder.'

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Midway University to accept men as undergrads (sort of)

Story here. Excerpt:

'For the first time in nearly 170 years, Midway University will start accepting men as full-time undergraduates, the Board of Trustees has decided in a step aimed at keeping the small Woodford County school open.

Men can apply as full-time undergraduates starting this fall; they can apply to live in residence halls starting in spring 2017. Men are currently accepted into online and graduate programs.

“Today is yet another historic moment in the life of an institution that has always transformed itself to remain relevant,” President John Marsden said in a news release Monday. “Our founding mission was to provide young women with access to education at a time when education was mainly available to men. We have fulfilled that mission for 169 years and this decision will ensure that we continue to do so.”'

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Student Group Questions Validity of Campus Rape Statistics

Article here. Excerpt:

'A guest speaker for the UCSB Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) on Wednesday spoke against commonly held beliefs regarding sexual assault on college campuses.

Guest Speaker Andrew Cavarno, a fourth-year history major and member of Young Americans for Liberty, argued that a frequently referenced statistic of one in four women being sexually assaulted on college campuses is heavily inflated and lacking in evidence.

“There is absolutely no evidence of a rape epidemic on college campuses,” Cavarno said. “The word epidemic implies that there’s a sudden wave of sexual violence, or that things are getting worse – this is just not the case.”

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Campus Sexual Assault: Who Should Be the Judge and Jury?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's an unfortunately familiar and complicated story, fraught with the personal, the political and the historical.

The controversy over the new era of Title IX enforcement regarding sexual assaults on college campuses is playing out at universities across the nation and increasingly spilling over into the courtroom, only serving to fan the flames of an already strident debate about how to best address the problem.

A spate of lawsuits filed by individuals claiming schools mishandled investigations and judiciary hearings related to campus sexual assault call into question whether universities or colleges should adjudicate sexual assault allegations or whether the issue is best left to the criminal justice system.'

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The Counter-Feminist Cyclopedia

Blog here. Very bookmarkable. Excerpt:

'We set out to write a dictionary of useful terminology for people who oppose feminism. We were unable to keep the entries brief, and quickly found ourselves writing paragraphs and short articles. So we decided to call this a "cyclopedia" rather than a dictionary. As we see it, a cyclopedia is a cross between a dictionary and an encyclopedia: too fat to be a dictionary but too skinny to be a proper encyclopedia. Hence, a cyclopedia - a compromise solution.

The purpose here is not to convince or convert any feminist, but to foster a linguistic understanding among those who oppose feminism.

Some of these words are old familiar friends that have been around for years. Others are entirely new.'

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Dershowitz and Other Professors Decry ‘Pervasive and Severe Infringement’ of Student Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of law professors are accusing the civil rights office of the U.S. Education Department of taking “unlawful actions” that have led to “pervasive and severe infringements” of speech rights and due-process protections on college campuses.

An open letter signed by Harvard University professor Alan Dershowitz and 20 other legal scholars blasts a series of directives issued by the federal office to schools on dealing with sexual misconduct and harassment complaints from students.

The policies and procedures circulated in recent years are part of an Obama administration campaign to curb harassment at universities and combat a campus climate that it said too often treated victims unfairly. The professors say the government overreached. ...'

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Too many ‘dead white dudes’? Seattle U students protest program’s curriculum

Article here. Excerpt:

'For seven days and counting, dozens of Seattle University students have been holding a sit-in in the lobby of a university administrative building, demanding an overhaul of one of the university’s elite programs and the resignation of a college dean.

At issue, they say, is a classical curriculum that focuses on Western ideas and history, in part through the teachings of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle.
In a letter to the university community this weekend, Seattle University President Stephen Sundborg said the students have raised serious issues, and that the university will address them.

“I cannot pretend to know how deep their pain goes, the amount of harm it has caused or the extent of our own shortcomings as educators and administrators,” wrote Sundborg.

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"Activists Combatting Sexual Assault Make Strides as Semester Concludes"

Article here. Excerpt:

'It has been three weeks since 19 women protesting sexual assault disrupted the April 29th Board of Trustees meeting. In the time since, significant progress has been made in resolving the three demands they posed at the meeting. These included the creation of additional positions to combat issues of sexual violence, and the cancellation of off-campus fraternity trips.

The group of activists are now working under the name the Vigilante Feminists. They have met with President Murray twice, spoken with Greek leaders, and have held open meetings with students to brainstorm ideas for a new Gender & Sexuality Coordinator position. Though the semester is winding down, Vigilante Feminist leaders are encouraged by the progress they have made.

“We’ve gotten President Murray’s attention and we’ve established credibility,” said senior Katy Wills, who spearheaded the protest. “But we still have a long way to go.”'

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Mizzou Women's Softball Team Says Title IX Is Killing the Sport

Article here. Excerpt:

'The purpose of Title IX—the federal statute wreaking havoc on campus free expression and due process—is to ensure equality between male and female students. You would therefore expect female student-athletes to be grateful that the law protects their rights and guarantees them equal access to school resources.

But the University of Missouri women's softball team is currently staging a rebellion against the administration—because they think Title IX is destroying their sport.

The situation at Mizzou is complicated, and involves considerable ill will between some members of the softball team, other members, the coaching staff, and the university administration. But the gist of the problem is Title IX. Female athletes essentially claim that university administrators, citing Title IX, have forced the team to bring on under-qualified players. This has in turn reduced the amount of game time enjoyed by more skilled players.

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Holly Madison's Biggest Fear About Having A Son Brings Up An Important, Modern Question

Article here. Excerpt:

'When it comes to motherhood, it is natural for there to be certain fears associated with certain things. And while motherhood might not be so scary itself, the little details that go into it can be the worst part of all. For reality star and New York Times Best Seller Holly Madison, her fear is justified. And Holly Madison's biggest fear about having a son brings up a very important question.
Despite having a little more knowledge during her pregnancy, Madison does have one fear about the birth of her baby boy. What is that fear? In a recent interview with People Now, Madison said her biggest fear with a new son was circumcision. Yes, circumcision — which is a very justified fear.

"I tell my husband, 'You have to do it! You have to handle that!'"

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Only 25% Believe There's A Political 'War on Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many politicians and activists claim there is a political “war on women” in America today, but voters are even more convinced that isn't true.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 25% of Likely U.S. Voters believe there is really a political “war on women.” Sixty-five percent (65%) think instead that it’s primarily a slogan used for political purposes. That's up from 59% when we first asked this question in September 2014.
The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on May 17-18, 2016 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. ...'

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U of Melbourne mathematics school advertises women-only positions

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Australian university will only accept applications from women for three senior, full-time positions currently advertised within its department of mathematics.

The job advertisement for roles in applied mathematics, pure mathematics and statistics at the University of Melbourne states: “The school is seeking to lift the representation of women and therefore will only consider applications from suitably qualified female candidates for these three positions.”

The head of the school of mathematics and statistics, Prof Aleks Owczarek, said it was the first time the university had taken such a step. But with only 9% of mathematics professors in Australia women, it was necessary, Owczarek added.'

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Canada: Does elbowgate hysteria undermine feminism?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The memes have circulated social media, the hashtags have emerged, and the Internet has had its say.

But as the dust settles over the infamous 'elbowgate' incident — during which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accidentally elbowed NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau as he took Conservative Party whip Gordon Brown by the arm in the House of Commons on Wednesday — a very real political debate has emerged between Canada's three major parties.

The altercation was provoked by a government motion to limit debate on Bill C-14 on assisted dying. NDP MPs deliberately blocked Brown from moving forward to proceed with the vote, prompting an impatient Trudeau to walk across the aisle and guide the Tory through the gaggle of New Democrats that were trying to delay proceedings.

By the time the dust settled, NDP MP Niki Ashton characterized the elbowing as "the furthest thing from a feminist act," and reason for any woman who sits in the Commons to feel "unsafe and deeply troubled."'


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