Hillary’s #WomanCard Is Over Its Limit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Someone needs to remind Hillary she is running for president of a country with a population of both women and MEN. If you read her Twitter feed, or listen to her speak, you would think she only cares about the female vote. It’s a little bit like she’s trying to get elected on Paradise Island, Wonder Woman’s birth place, but instead of an island full of gorgeous Amazons it’s a commune full of angry women who own a bunch of cats, demanding abortions.
Here we have her tired talking point about women’s rights somehow being different from men’s; we still can’t seem to find that one amendment in the Constitution that speaks specifically of women’s rights.
If only Hillary herself treated women with respect this tweet might actually mean something. And there’s the issue with her “we are women hear us roar” agenda, Hillary’s own record with women is not great. But hey, she’s a woman, so what difference does it make?'

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UVA Dean Defamed In Rolling Stone Article Takes On Major Feminist Organization

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Virginia dean who is suing Rolling Stone for defamation has asked a federal judge to force the National Organization for Women (NOW) to turn over its correspondence with lawyers for the woman whose false rape claims are the centerpiece of the debunked article, “A Rape on Campus.”

Attorneys for the dean, Nicole Eramo, allege that NOW, the largest feminist group in the U.S., and the lawyers for the false rape accuser, Jackie Coakley (“Jackie”), engaged in a “publicity stunt” by jointly crafting a Jan. 6, 2016 open letter criticizing Eramo for “re-victimiz[ing]” the fabulist.

Defendants in the $7.5 million lawsuit — which include Rolling Stone and its reporter, Sabrina Rubin Erdely — have indicated that they plan to introduce the letter as evidence in the case.'

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The frenzy over ‘campus rape culture’ is hurting real victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you want to know the difference between someone who is a victim of rape and someone who is a victim of the “rape culture,” you could do worse than compare the recent cases at Stanford and at Columbia.

In the case of the former, two graduate students came upon a young woman, unconscious, on the ground behind a trash bin as a man was assaulting her. She awoke in the hospital to find, by her own account, “fingers had been jabbed inside me along with pine needles and debris.”

In the case of the latter, a young woman (now widely known as “Mattress Girl” because she carried a mattress around campus to symbolize her plight) claimed that a man with whom she’d previously had consensual sex, assaulted her in her bed and then left.'

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When Did White Men Become The Bad Guys in America?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here in America, there are no massacres happening and white men are certainly not a minority, but white men are regularly passionately smeared, attacked and degraded in our country. White people (men included) are the only group in the country that is discriminated against via Affirmative Action by official government policy. In all fairness, Asians are also discriminated against by universities that often wave them off in favor of less qualified applicants from different racial groups, but there’s no widespread cultural assault against Asian Americans. To the contrary, when it comes to white men, outright hatred based on our skin color is commonplace. Just look at some of the stories we’ve covered at Right Wing News over the last couple of months.
It’s not like we’re looking for these stories or covering every one that comes down the pike; there are just so many hateful attacks aimed at whites in general and white men in particular that they’re bleeding into the news.

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Actress: White Male Actors Should ‘Shut Up and Sit in the Corner’

Story here. Excerpt:

'Oscar-nominated actress Patricia Clarkson sounded off on sexism in Hollywood, the gender wage gap and the backlash against the upcoming all-female Ghostbusters reboot in an interview, explaining that women are “still underpaid” and are still “a vast minority” in the entertainment industry.
“There are still so many movies made starring 50 men and one woman!” Clarkson told the paper. “A white male actor should never be allowed to complain about anything. Shut up and sit in the corner. I mean, seriously!”
“Men make bad movies that bomb all the time but they’re like, ‘Oh well, we didn’t do the marketing right.’ Eat me!” Clarkson told the paper.

Clarkson, who’s gearing up for the release of her latest film, Learning to Drive, also challenged comments made recently by Game of Thrones star Kit Harrington, who said that men also experience sexism in the entertainment business.

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Charen: Hookup culture and the campus rape hysteria

Article here. Excerpt:

'The case should remind us of something important: Don’t think in categories. The left slips into this all the time: Men are guilty; women are victims. The right has its own categories: Campus rape is ginned-up hysteria based on missed signals and regretted sex. Both sides need to remove their blinders.

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Don’t allow mob rule to influence judges’ rulings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Of course, not every unpopular judgment is a fair one. But if we make judges political animals who pander to popular opinion, what would happen to the rights of citizens who are not the most vocal, the most powerful or the most organized? To quote Justice O’Connor, “The founders realized there has to be some place where being right is more important than being popular or powerful, and where fairness trumps strength. And in our country, that place is supposed to be the courtroom”.

Judge Persky is not the only one facing the fury of the online mob. Leslie Rasmussen, a musician who had written a character letter in support of Turner, became one of the most hated persons on social media — her band was forced to shut down its social media accounts. Cyberbullies unwittingly sent thousands of hateful messages to an unrelated woman who shared a last name with the musician.'

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Civil Liberties on Campus | Sexual Misconduct: Procedures

Video here. Description:

'Tino Cuellar (moderator), Supreme Court of California Michele Dauber, Stanford Law School Jacob Gersen, Harvard Law School Andrew Miltenberg, Nesenoff Miltenberg Goddard Laskowitz, LLP Deborah Rhode, Stanford Law School.'

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The Brock Turner case: Sexual assault, mob justice, and the war on "rape culture"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I think the victim's statement was moving and compelling. I also understand the disgust and anger at the attitudes exhibited in the statements submitted to the court by Turner's father (who infamously lamented that his son's life was being ruined for "20 minutes of action"), by his friends and other character witnesses who seemed to see him as an equal victim, and by Turner himself. While his statement makes several brief references to the pain and trauma his actions caused the victim, most of is steeped in self-pity and shows little accountability; he clearly sees himself as a victim of "the party culture" at Stanford.

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Malecare: Your advocacy restored Federal Prostate Cancer Research Funding

Via email:

June 9, 2016 - The Senate Appropriations Committee voted to approve its FY17 Labor-HHS Appropriations bill earlier today, with only one senator, Bill Cassidy (R-LA), voting against the bill. Funding for the Centers for Disease Control's Prostate Cancer activities program was restored!!!  Thanks to all of Malecare's Patient Advocacy Leaders and ALL of You who sent emails and made phone calls to the Senate Appropriations Committee.  

Malecare was the lead organization in fighting for the restoration of CDC Prostate Cancer program funding.  Which means, you made this happen!

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How to Use The Chronicle’s Title IX Tracker

Article here. Excerpt:

'But despite the high-profile crackdown, how those investigations come to be, and how they play out, isn’t always clear. The civil-rights office is opening investigations much faster than it’s resolving them: So far this year, 46 cases have been opened and only two resolved (one by the Department of Justice).

The Chronicle wants to shed light on the federal-enforcement process. We introduced a Title IX tracker in January, including all investigations in this wave of enforcement — since the civil-rights office issued a "Dear Colleague" letter, in April 2011, putting colleges on notice — and this week we added several new ways to use it. Our goal is to let people keep up with the process and other developments on campuses under review.'

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"Men who want sexbots are sociopathic rapists"

Article here. Looks like some people find the idea of sexbots most threatening indeed! Excerpt:

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Ex-High School teacher gets 7 days in jail for sex with student

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Marysville High School teacher who admitted to a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old student was sentenced to seven days in jail.

Stacy McConoughey, 36, faced a maximum 20 years in prison on four counts of sexual battery, but Union County Common Pleas Court Judge Don Fraser, while chiding her, noted that she was contrite and cooperative throughout the investigation and hearing Monday.

"You should have taken steps to distance yourself from the young man rather than repeatedly encouraging his lust," Fraser wrote in a sentencing entry he read in court.'

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"Rape culture is a man problem. Why aren’t more men speaking up?"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Woman won't spend any time in prison after admitting to sex crimes against multiple children

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Jefferson City woman won't spend any time in prison after admitting to sex crimes against multiple children. Misti Fitzwater pleaded guilty to five different felonies Thursday.

A judge suspended Fitzwater's sentence and placed her on parole. Judge Robert Schollmeyer was very clear that he did not want to have to revisit the issue with her, saying "If there is a violation that is alleged, you and I will see each other again. You do not want that to happen."

Judge Schollmeyer went on to say, "If you and I see each other in this setting again, I assure you that I will do everything that is necessary to see that these sentences will be actually executed."

Fitzwater pleaded guilty to one charge of statutory rape, two of statutory sodomy and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child.

She was charged after having sex with two separate underage partners and allowing them to smoke marijuana in her car.'

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