India: Man held for rape under false promise of marriage

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Vizhinjam police on Monday arrested a 38-year-old man on charges of sexually exploiting a widow under the false promise of marriage. The police identified the accused as Saju of Sisilipuram. He has been booked for rape.

The police said that a case was registered against the accused after the victim attempted suicide on last Tuesday by swallowing excess numbers of sleeping pills. The victim was a mother of two. She was discharged from the hospital a day later following which the cops recorded her statement and registered a case.

According to the complainant, her husband had died three years ago following which Saju developed a relationship with her. However, recently Saju tried to distance himself from her as he wanted to marry another woman. She was heartbroken and hence tried to commit suicide.'

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Biden Says College Men Who Listen to Rape Jokes and Do Nothing Are “Accomplices” to Actual Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Biden's view, America's own culture is to blame for allowing women to go on feeling unheard. Even more directly, he reminded the audience of a simple, too-often-forgotten fact: "Sex without consent is rape. Period. And if you can't consent because you are unconscious, it is rape."

But Biden reserved some of his harshest words for "regular" guys who put up with "the locker room talk, the bar banter, the rape jokes," any of the "sexist talk [that] perpetuates the idea that women are less deserving of basic human dignity than men." Drawing upon Dante’s classic argument that the deepest circle of hell is reserved for those who remain silent "in times of moral crisis," Biden argued that it isn't merely an act of passivity to ignore these (wildly unfunny) "jokes." In fact, he said, "If you let it pass…you become an accomplice."'

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UK: 'Penny Dreadful' Is Proving That Misandry In Feminism Can Be Fun

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism fueled by anger isn’t sexy or fun. These days, it’s all the rage to ask celebrities if they identify with the F-word. Regardless of whether they have any background in the subject, we treat their fame like it gives them cultural authority and condemn them when they give the wrong answer. Many dance around it, because a wrong answer is all too easy: If you shy away from it, you’re sexist, but if you embrace it too wholeheartedly, you’re an angry, shrill, unchill feminist.
In Season 3, she uses her new immortality to recruit women who are in the same position she once was — whores — and incite them to rise up. Her methods are unconventional. They’re a mixture of her own seduction, as she invites them into bed with her male partner, and encouragements of brutality. “Go now to those dark streets you know so well,” she tells them. “Find me a bad man, a faithless husband, a cruel lover… Find him and bring me his right hand. Cut it off.”

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"We are the United State of Women, hear us complain, bicker and whine"

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s this summit thing happening today called the United #StateofWomen that is supposedly talking about how far women have come but with a focus on how far we have to go. You know, that traditional leftist nonsense of segregating women from men and pretending we have super special rights because the Constitution spoke specifically about vaginas making a difference with individual liberties.

Pretty sure it’s the XX Amendment, definitely not the XY Amendment because evil men or something. Here is our First Lady making some commercial with other self-important ladies...
Going through the list of speakers for the two-day summit reads a little bit like a Marxist phone book, with Valerie Jarrett, Cecile Richards and other “I am woman hear me roar” types.'

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Orlando shooter's wife knew of plans, aided and abetted

Story here. Let me be real clear: the nutcase Islamist homophobic bigot who apparently was himself gay, or if not, then inclined that way, is the murdering piece of shit who killed all those people. No reducing or denying it in any way. In the rush to assign blame let's not forget that planning a crime like this on the down-low is next to impossible. His wife KNEW he planned the attack and by her own admission helped him plan it by taking him to the club to case it. Then she stayed quiet about his plans. This is called guilt by complicity and by her own admission she admits her role in the attack: aiding and abetting. Damn right she needs to be charged and locked up for life. Will she be? No. Because she's female. Excerpt:

'The Orlando gunman's wife has told federal agents she tried to talk her husband out of carrying out the attack, NBC News has learned.

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Local men spending Father's Day protesting custody laws

Article here. Jump the login by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'A group of local fathers said they would love to spend Father's Day celebrating with their children.

Instead, they'll be protesting at the Rock County Courthouse against what they see as gender inequality in the child custody decisions of courts. The protesters, who are part of the Wisconsin Fathers' Rights Movement, will carry banners, and a podium will be available for anyone who wants to speak.

In divorces, mothers receive custody of children 80 percent of the time, said Janesville father and rally organizer Jeremiah Jacobs.

“That's not OK,” he said. “It's the children who suffer. Fatherless children is the cause of a lot of problems in our society.”'

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Men ‘more likely to be sacrificed for the benefit of others’ than women – study

Article here. Excerpt:

'People generally think that women’s welfare should be preserved over men’s, according to a new study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Researchers conducted a series of experiments in which subjects were presented with scenarios in which their choices could lead to a (real or hypothetical) person being harmed in some way.
Subjects were also asked questions such as: “On a sinking ship, whom should you save first? Men, women, or no order”; and “According to social norms, how morally acceptable is it to harm men/women for money?”

Overall, the answers of both female and male respondents suggested that social norms account for greater harming behavior toward a male than a female target.'

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Can we change your mind about Men's Rights Activists?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are Men's Rights Activists (MRAs) a necessary force for good, or harmful and unnecessary?

According to entrepreneur and Telegraph Men columnist Alex Proud, groups identifying themselves as such are "deluded conspiracy nutjobs" who ought to be ignored at every turn.

"In MRA circles, you’ll hear a lot about the feminisation of society, but when pressed on specifics, MRAs either dissemble or offer up examples where women are moving towards the same deal men have enjoyed for years. You do start to wonder if it’s all just nostalgia for a time when boys ruled the world without having to try," Proud wrote.

Others, however, see the existence of organised communities speaking out for male issues a natural and necessary antidote to feminism.'

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India: Woman held for filing fake rape case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 21-year-old woman was arrested on Monday for filing a fake abduction-cum-sexual assault case against three men in Delhi last week, police said.

Investigators said the woman, a resident of Jagatpuri in east Delhi, had demanded Rs 10 lakh extortion money from the three persons to withdraw her rape complaint against them.

Police have seized Rs 9.5 lakh from her possession.

The woman had on Saturday filed a case against the three persons at a south Delhi police station alleging that they abducted her in a car and sexually assaulted her.'

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Planned Parenthood Blames ‘Toxic Masculinity’ for Orlando Attack

Article here. Excerpt:

'Planned Parenthood Action’s black community outreach arm is blaming the Orlando terrorist attack on “toxic masculinity.”

Shortly after the terrorist attack at the Pulse nightclub, a popular gay bar, the Twitter account claiming to represent Parenthood Black Community tweeted its own theories about the motivation behind the attack. Planned Parenthood Black Community alleged the attack was due to “toxic masculinity” and “imperialist homophobia,” while simultaneously claiming it has nothing to do with Islam:
Planned Parenthood Black Community explained, stating, “Toxic masculinity enables rapists & rape culture, violent heterosexism & attacks on reproductive freedom”:'

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This is what happens when a university prosecutes an alleged rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you were charged with a heinous sex crime, you would assume that the investigation of the allegation would be impartial and fair. Indeed, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights Revised Sexual Harassment Guidance mandates that universities undertake “adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints.” Likewise, the OCR’s 2011 Dear Colleague Letter on campus violence instructed that, “a school’s investigation and hearing processes cannot be equitable unless they are impartial.”

But what if it turned out colleges were ignoring the OCR’s impartiality requirement, and instead training investigators to adhere to “victim-centered” approaches, which in practice means “always believe the victim”?
Two days later the Montana District Court ruled against the request on technical grounds. But Judge Dana Christensen sharply criticized the university’s adjudication procedures, explaining:

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Study shows white males underrepresented at UK colleges

Article here. Excerpt:

'The UK university admissions service UCAS “for the first time” has put out data regarding the likelihood of college acceptance “based on gender, ethnicity and the social background of applicants.”

And guess what — “Women were found to attend university 90 per cent more than men,” and “disadvantaged groups, young men and the white ethnic group are the most under-represented in higher education.”

UCAS Chief Executive Mary Curnock Cook said “Girls are doing better throughout primary, secondary and higher education than boys; poor, white boys are the most disadvantaged group in entry to higher education and the gap is getting bigger.”'

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UK: Couple ordered to compensate men forced to work as slaves

Story here. Excerpt:

'A British couple are faced with paying a bill of hundreds of thousands of pounds to victims of modern slavery in the first case of its kind to come to court.

Six Lithuanian men were trafficked to the UK and severely exploited by the gangmaster company that employed them, DJ Houghton Chicken Catching Services Ltd, based in Kent.'

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With Women in Combat, Taking the 'Man' Out of Job Titles

Article here. Excerpt:

'Engineman? Yeoman? Not so fast. Now that women will be allowed to serve in all combat jobs, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are dropping "man" from some of their job titles to make them inclusive and gender-neutral.

Much like the term "fireman" has evolved to "firefighter" and "policeman" to "police officer," an engineman could be called an engine technician and a yeoman could be called an administrative specialist.

"This is one more step in how our force has changed," Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus said in an interview Friday. "Our force has evolved, our force is different. And I believe it's stronger and better."

Some Army and Air Force titles end in "man," too, but the services aren't considering changing them. The names are historically significant, and the focus now is on bringing women into the jobs rather than on what to call them, both services said.'

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Congress still sending mixed signals on women in the draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite key votes in Congress, it remained unclear Friday whether the United States is closer to an historic move requiring women to register for the military draft.

The Senate was wrapping up an annual defense bill that calls for opening the Selective Service to women despite opposition from some conservative lawmakers. Meanwhile, the House reached an opposite outcome in May when Republicans successfully blocked a measure integrating the draft.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle cried foul, claiming the issue did not get adequate debate. Now, as Congress pushes ahead with its annual defense budget, the House and Senate face brokering a compromise between lawmakers who are deeply divided over requiring women between 18-25 years old to register with Selective Service -- and potentially forcing them to the front lines of future wars.

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