Men need not apply: Meet See Jane Go, a startup ride service for women only

Article here. Excerpt:

'For men hoping to hail a female driver, See Jane Go redirects them automatically to Uber or Lyft through its app, which avoids any discrimination claims. The company will not allow male passengers unless accompanied by a female.

“We didn’t want to completely cut men out because we want our women to have maximum flexibility using the app,” said Toonen. “As long as the woman is the account holder and is the one who hailed the ride, he can come along. She’s informally saying, ‘He’s OK, he’s with me.’”

She added, “There will never be a situation with a female Jane driver alone with a man in the car.”'

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PBS Indicts White Men on Hillary: Guilty of 'Ambivalent or Benevolent Sexism'

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'Liberals are unhappy at this point that Hillary Clinton isn’t trouncing Donald Trump, so there must be an obvious culprit: Sexism. Especially among white males, the most likely Republican voters. On Thursday night’s PBS NewsHour, they interviewed their own correspondent Daniel Bush on their question “Does gender bias explain why Hillary Clinton has fared so poorly with white male voters?”

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Scientists expose major differences between boys and girls in shock study

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'Feminists have spent years campaigning against “sexist” children’s toys which allegedly promote gender stereotypes.

Now researchers have shown that baby boys and girls naturally choose to play with the sort of gender-specific toys which many campaigners find offensive.

A team from City University, London, found that baby girls tended to enjoy interacting with faces and practising “fine motor skills”, whilst boys used their increased “interest and ability in spatial processing” whist playing.
The research flies in the face of feminists who believe kids’ playthings promote “harmful and limiting stereotypes”, because it suggests kids have a natural tendency to play in different ways.

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Australia: It’s time to fight back against feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Radical feminism shouldn’t be allowed to hijack our fight against domestic violence.

I recently asserted DV isn’t a male problem, it’s society’s problem; I was called a “misogynist”, “traitor” and “disgrace”.

Believing in equality doesn’t make anyone a misogynist. Contrary to a harmful, brainwashing feminist TV advertising campaign, men aren’t born evil perpetrators.

Bullying is never excusable, despite your cause. Clearly, feminism only cares about women who agree with their agenda.

Both men and women are capable of domestic violence.

The Queensland Government Department of Communities report found that more than one in three domestic and family violence protection orders issued by the Magistrate Court were issued to protect men.

And one in three victims of current partner violence during a 12 month period were male, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

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"Feminists and Other Politically Correct Tyrants Are Taking over the World"

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'When it comes to hypocritically extolling the virtues of tolerance and falsely presenting themselves as defenders of free speech, collectivist feminists are true experts. They claim that they fight to liberate and empower women, but any time a woman dares to say something that bothers them, they try to censor her in hordes.

Last week, I published a video in which I spoke of “the tyranny of collectivist feminism.” Naturally, the video was online for less than one day because the social medium in which I had published it decided to delete my account due to “massive complaints” about my viewpoint. The feminists who argue that I’m wrong and that they want to establish no kind of tyranny managed to remove my video from the air simply because they didn’t like it.

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The 'Dad' Documentary released

Video here. Description:

'In Australia, 1 in 6 children don't live with their biological Dad and in the UK and USA it's 1 in 3...

Everyday, 261 Divorce cases are lodged in our Australian Federal Circuit Court and it's estimated that at least 3 dads take their lives due to family related issues. The rate of suicide and depression with both dads and children are at there highest level ever.

Since the first screening of this film back in November 2014, Karen and her team have presented the film in Parliament, Canberra after being personally invited by two politicians to open discussions into reforming the Australian Family Court system.

Karen also spoke at the Men's Family Law/Violence Conference Victoria. More recently at Senator John Madigan's campaign dinner and a Family Court rally event of over 200 people in Fitzroy Town Hall.'

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Belinda Brown: Women exploit men’s chivalrous instincts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Psychologists recently established, for the benefit of those too blinkered to know already, that society perceives harming women as less morally acceptable than harming men.

This was in the past deeply beneficial to evolution. A society’s survival would have depended on the number of mature females able to reproduce and the degree to which their children could be nurtured, nourished and protected to maturity. Both of these processes would have required adaptations where women’s interests and wellbeing were prioritised over those of men.

Sadly, the way women have in recent times exploited this pivotal position means the benefits that accrued from this sort of behaviour are being reversed.

There are two consequences that flow from this greater concern for women. Firstly, what has been dubbed “The Empathy Gap”; a lack of empathy, and understanding when it comes to the problems facing men.

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Joe Biden pushes debunked 'one in five' sex assault statistic at Democratic convention

Article here. Excerpt:

'Even though Democrats, activists and the media insist campus sexual assault is such an "epidemic" we have to eviscerate due process rights to solve it, there has been little mention of the issue at the Democratic National Convention.

Even the biggest campus sexual assault fearmonger of them all, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, ignored the issue during her convention speech. There's hardly any mention of it in the Democratic Party platform.

But Vice President Joe Biden, one of the other peddlers of the alleged epidemic, did mention the issue in a video that played prior to his convention speech. The video pushed the debunked statistic that one in five women will be sexually assaulted in college campuses. Anyone who's looked into the statistic beyond the talking points of the biased people who crafted the survey it's based on will see that it is nonsense.'

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Bogus ‘sex offender’ labels are ruining lives

Article here. Excerpt:

'What’s the most common age of sex-offenders?

It’s not a trick question, but unless you follow this stuff closely you’ll almost certainly answer wrong.

In fact, most people are shocked to learn that the most common age of people charged with a sex offense isn’t a creepy 39, or 51.

It’s 14.

That’s right. As the US Bureau of Justice reports: “The single age with the greatest number of offenders from the perspective of law enforcement was age 14.”

Why so young? Because people tend to have sex with people around their own age, which means young people tend to have sex with other young people. And much under-age sex is illegal.'

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Hillary Clinton’s Faulty Numbers on Equal Pay Would Backfire on Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'At the Democratic Convention on Monday night, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker lamented that American women do not earn “equal pay for equal work.” A Hillary Clinton administration, they promised, would right this wrong.

The latest U.S. Department of Labor data show that women working full-time make 81 percent of full-time men’s wages. But this figure is both inaccurate and misleading. This statistic looks only at raw averages and does not take into account factors such as education, skills, and hours worked. After controlling for other factors, the gender pay gap practically disappears. Indeed, among single, childless workers under 30, women earn more than men. Legislation to close the gender “wage gap” is misguided: in reality, there is no gap to close.'

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Sexism’s secret gift to Hillary Clinton

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yet women like Hillary Clinton also get big benefits from their gender, too. In fact, one of the main reasons Democrats wanted Hillary Clinton as their candidate is because of the belief that it’s important and appealing to put the first woman in the White House.

Her primary campaign had a notoriously hard time generating much enthusiasm, but to the extent that she did have fervent backers, they were overwhelmingly from the left’s feminist movement and from organizations specifically focused on electing women.

If Clinton were simply a former senator and secretary of state — with a lackluster record of achievement, scandal-plagued past and poor campaigning skills — and not also the first woman running for the presidency, she would at a minimum have had a lot more competitors for her party’s nomination, and likely would have been an early also-ran.'

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Court complicit in paternity fraud

Article here. Excerpt:

'Shortly after Chris Atkins began dating Lori Lonnquist, she informed him that she was pregnant. As Atkins tells Fox 31 Denver, he “tried to do the right thing,” and the two Colorado residents got married.

When their daughter was two-and-a-half years old, the pair split up, after which Atkins paid child support and enjoyed visitation rights.

Eight years later, Lonnquist decided she wanted to change their daughter’s last name. When Atkins refused, Lonnquist informed him that the child — whom he had been supporting for the past eleven years — was not his, and a DNA test confirmed her assertion.
While declining to enforce visitation rights, the court continues to require Atkins, pictured below, to pay child support, even though the child is not biologically his, and despite his not being allowed to see her for the past four years.'

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Appeals Court Reinstates Accused Male Student's Title IX Lawsuit Against University

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a significant ruling on the issue of Title IX in campus sexual assault investigations, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit today vacated a district court decision and will allow a male student's lawsuit against Columbia University to proceed. The Second Circuit clarified the standard for accused students pleading a violation of Title IX, and suggests the possibility of a Title VII framework, which would be much better for males suing schools due to alleged sexual discrimination.

The student claims Columbia University violated his due process rights and discriminated against him based on his gender in a wrongful sexual misconduct investigation that resulted in his suspension. The plaintiff is represented by attorney Andrew Miltenberg, who specializes in Campus Assault Due Process, and the appeal was argued by Philip A. Byler, of Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP.

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Under Title IX, a kiss isn’t always just a kiss

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'Under Baylor’s Title IX guidelines, even a stolen kiss could trigger a process in which the accused may be presumed guilty from the start, a local defense attorney says.

Title IX, which is at the center of the sexual assault scandal that engulfed Baylor’s football program earlier this year, is part of a more than 40-year-old law aimed at ensuring equal rights for those participating in educational programs that receive federal financial assistance.

It applies to all facets of a school's environment.

It has been interpreted to mean that sexual harassment of students including sexual violence interferes with the right to receive an education free from discrimination, and requires schools to take immediate action to end harassment and sexual violence.

Under Baylor’s policy, even kissing could be considered “non-consensual sexual contact.”

The university said in March it is spending $5 million to prevent and respond to acts of interpersonal violence.'

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I’m a feminist — and I’m tired of Hillary’s sexist campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some glass ceilings should never be cracked.

Hillary Clinton’s massive head beamed onto a video screen in the main hall of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Tuesday night, as if the Joker had escaped from a “Batman’’ movie and dived into a mosh pit of leftist celebrities.
And there you have it, estrogen fans. Hillary’s long, exhausting quest to assume the role of Leader of the Free World was never based on her smarts, skill, experience or fitness for the enormous undertaking.

Hillary is playing the chick card from the bottom of the deck.

We were reminded, ad nauseam, that her selection as the Democratic Party’s standard-bearer has made her the first female ever to be nominated as a presidential candidate by a major political party.'

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