Comedy relief: The "vagenda"

Article here. Personally, I always have "Oppress women and minorities" on my MANgenda every morning. Excerpt:

'My to-do list usually includes some combination of meetings, interviews, deadlines, events, household chores, drinks with friends and, like all women, the next phase in my mission to eliminate men. That last task is apparently called “manocide,” and women’s pursuit of it? Well, that’s our “vagenda.”

If you’ve seen these words floating around the internet, it’s because a right wing gun shop used them to warn the world about the true intentions of “Hildabeast,” who most of us refer to as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

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Why don’t men’s rights activists fight for men’s rights?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) are a vocal bunch. They’ve got websites and social media accounts and YouTube channels, all dedicated to what they misname as activism for men’s rights.

But when their activism is only discussing men’s rights and masculinity in reference to feminism or violence against women, it’s not acting for men, it’s acting against women.

And men are in desperate need of help, so why are they being let down by the advocates who are supposed to be acting on their behalf?

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UK: GCSE Results: White, Working-Class Boys Got Shafted Again – But Nobody Cares

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today’s GCSE results revealed that boys still lag behind girls dramatically in many subjects – with girls having an 8% lead on boys in getting A*-C grades.

This is nothing new – girls have been steamrolling the boys years at GCSE, A-Level and in university admission.

Even in “male” subjects that few girls take, like computing, they have 2 per cent lead.

It’s clear – British girls are achieving while British boys, mostly are not – and nothing is being done to help them catch up.

The Government tried minimising coursework, which they felt gave girls an edge, but the gap increased further.'

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Back to Campus, Where Due Process Is a Myth

Article here. Excerpt:

'Colleges are supposed to be places of learning. However, many argue they've become liberal indoctrination centers, dedicated to churning out legions of progressive zombies who can parrot the Democratic Party's platform verbatim -- yet can't actually do anything useful to support themselves, or society.

Liberals, unsurprisingly, deny this.

However, there appears to be a movement afoot on college campuses that should alarm liberals, conservatives, and libertarians alike.

By now, most readers of this site are bound to be familiar with the persecution of men suspected of sexual assault on campuses throughout the nation. And yes, using "persecution" rather than "prosecution" is intentional. Prosecution implies they will be put through the unalienable rights-based American legal system. That isn't true anymore.'

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Women thrive as the primary breadwinner while men suffer, study finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men often take on, and even embrace, the role of primary breadwinner for their families—but a new study suggests that too much pressure to bring home the bacon is bad for their physical and mental health. For women, the study found the opposite: The more economic contributions they made to their families, the better their psychological well-being.

The results, to be presented at the American Sociological Association's annual meeting, suggest that some men see breadwinning as a stressful obligation, while many women may approach it as an opportunity or a choice.

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Believe it or not, women are doing better

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's easy to get the impression, as the U.S. celebrates the 45th annual Women's Equality Day on Friday, that the march toward equality has slowed to a crawl. Allow me to disagree.

True, the usual statistics tell a story of stalled progress. Women's labor force participation stands at less than 57 percent, down from a peak of 60 percent in the late 1990s. The rapid improvements in the gender wage gap that occurred in the 1980s and early 1990s show little sign of returning. And mothers — particularly the large number who are single — still shoulder most of the burden of child-rearing.

A deeper look, however, suggests more fundamental change in women's experiences as equals at home and in the workplace.

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Coffee shop offers women-only discount

Story here. Excerpt:

'Friday marks Women's Equality Day to commemorate the 19th amendment, and one Highlands coffee shop is celebrating by offering women discounted drinks.

Day's Espresso and Coffee, 1420 Bardstown Road, is offering women every item on the menu for just 78 cents on the dollar all day Friday, according to a public post on its Facebook page. The amount is representative of the full-time wage gap for women compared to men.

The business initially posted the promotion on Aug. 14 before sharing it again on Friday. It had been shared more than 700 times, as of Friday afternoon.'

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Where feminism went wrong

Article here. Excerpt:

'No one suggests men and women shouldn't have equal rights. So by the textbook definition, we should all be feminists.

Why then, do so many women — especially young women — refuse the label?

Feminism has gotten a reputation in the past few decades of being less about equal rights and more about crushing men in order to raise women up. A new report from the Heritage Foundation (a conservative think-tank and my former employer) suggests modern feminism (and some of second-wave feminism from the 1960s) no longer views the movement as being about erasing inequalities in opportunity, but about enforced parity.

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"Hope Solo's punishment shows that women are judged more harshly"

Article here. Like clockwork. After beating up her family members, et al., she should have been suspended. Better late than never, if even for a different reason. Excerpt:

'Two weeks ago, the US women’s soccer team crashed out of the Olympics. Now their controversial goalkeeper, Hope Solo, has been suspended for six months.

“The comments by Hope Solo after the match against Sweden during the 2016 Olympics were unacceptable, and do not meet the standard of conduct we require from our national team players,” said US Soccer president Sunil Gulati, in announcing her suspension.

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India: Girl weaves fake kidnap-rape story, Youth faces humiliation

Story here. Excerpt:

'The incident in which a girl who went missing since Monday evening last and came back in bad shape on Tuesday evening is gaining new twists with each passing day. The police have learnt that the girl's complaint that Rajesh, a car driver from Kollur, had abducted her, raped and posed death threat to her, was a concoted story and there is not even an iota of truth in her narration.

The 20-year-old lady from Yalur, Kollur, had stated before the police here that she had been abducted by the accused, who also raped and threatened of killing her. The police had taken into custody the car driver in question. The statements given by the lady and Rajesh widely differed from one another. During verification of location of cellphones of Rajesh and the lady, and also calls made from these numbers, further gave clue that the two had nothing to do with each other.'

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Stop calling Nate Parker a rapist

Article here. Excerpt:

'The much-anticipated October opening of “The Birth of a Nation,” the story of Nat Turner’s 1831 slave rebellion, is now clouded by past rape allegations against director, writer and star Nate Parker. Already, critics are lined up against the film. In a New York Times op-ed, Roxane Gay declared she won’t see it; a black popular culture site refused to review it. A blogger for the Seattle alternative paper, the Stranger, has called for the studio to “pull the plug” on the movie altogether.

The twist: Parker was actually tried, and acquitted, on the rape charge 15 years ago.

For many, it seems, an accusation of rape now equals guilt not only before there is a conviction but even after a not-guilty verdict. This may look just to those for whom “believe the survivors” is an article of faith. But such “justice” will inevitably shatter lives — and may hurt victim advocacy by lending credence to fears that rape accusations are a danger to the innocent.'

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Nate Parker's Critics Are Convinced He's a Rapist, But It's More Complicated Than That

Article here. Excerpt:

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College Coach: I Was Fired for Reporting Campus Rape to Police

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Wisconsin wrestling coach says he was fired for reporting sexual assault allegations to police—rather than telling the university first.

Timothy Fader, former head coach at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, has filed a federal lawsuit against the school’s athletic director and former chancellor alleging retaliation, wrongful termination, and defamation.

It wasn’t the only sexual assault claim Fader reported. The first time he reported such allegations to the university on behalf of a woman, in January 2013, officials failed to document it, he claims.'

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"Men should step up, embrace feminist values in college"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Joining the fight means being an active advocate for the cause and educating those around you so that the message is heard. Some fraternities at the University of Maryland, have shown their solidarity with women by educating their members on consent and making it clear that they do not tolerate sexual assault. By supporting legislation such as the “Yes Means Yes” law, men can begin to change the conversation from “not all men” to “no men at all”.

These efforts take place on our very own campus with organizations like A Men’s Issue that work to spread awareness of sexual and relationship violence. As a former three-term president of A Men’s Issue, 2016 SU graduate Anthony McGriff is a prime example of why it’s vital that men use their voice to bring light to these issues.

“As an outspoken, male feminist, you get to see how male privilege allows me to move in this work,” said McGriff. “I’d tell men to embrace it: feminism leads to a healthier masculinity.”

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Woman Gets 50 Years for Murdering Olympic Medalist Husband Who She Accused of Beating Her

Article here. Excerpt:

'The widow of a 1984 Olympic medalist was sentenced Tuesday to at least 50 years in prison for his 2009 murder, PEOPLE has confirmed.

The sentence came nearly five months after Jane Laut, 59, was found guilty in March of the first-degree premeditated murder of her husband, Dave Laut, who was found shot to death in the yard of their Oxnard, California, home on Aug. 27, 2009.

Dave Laut, a 52-year-old athletic director at Hueneme High School in Oxnard and a bronze medalist in shot put, was shot five times with a .22 caliber handgun, authorities have said. The last bullet was fired into the back of his head.

"The People are pleased the jury was able to see through the defendant's uncorroborated claims of domestic violence and find her guilty of premeditated murder," Ventura County Senior Deputy District Attorney Rameen Minoui tells PEOPLE in an email.'

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