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Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:
'Labor Day is an appropriate moment to reflect on a quiet catastrophe: the collapse, over two generations, of work for American men. During the past half-century, work rates for U.S. males spiraled relentlessly downward. America is now home to a vast army of jobless men who are no longer even looking for work—roughly seven million of them age 25 to 54, the traditional prime of working life.
This is arguably a crisis, but it is hardly ever discussed in the public square. Received wisdom holds that the U.S. is at or near “full employment.” Most readers have probably heard this, perhaps from the vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, who said in a speech last week that “it is a remarkable, and perhaps underappreciated, achievement that the economy has returned to near-full employment in a relatively short time after the Great Recession.”
'Women in Germany could be forced to reveal the names of the biological fathers of their children under a proposed new law.
The controversial measure will force women to divulge acts of adultery or infidelity during a relationship.
It has already been dubbed the “Cuckoo Kids’ Law” by the German press, after the German phrase for children concieved in adultery, Kuckuckskindern — the equivalent of “milkmen’s kids” in English.
Heiko Maas, the justice minister, said the law, which will be presented to Angela Merkel's cabinet on Wednesday, would make it easier to resolve who was responsible for paying child support.'
'Is there any truth to feminists' assertion that women make less money than men in the same jobs? Factual Feminist and AEI Resident Scholar Christina Hoff Sommers sheds some light on the gender wage gap controversy.'
'The 2016 Olympics in Rio were both a triumph for American athletes and a tribute to the lasting impact of Title IX, the 1972 law that set out to equalize educational and athletic opportunities for the nation’s women and girls. Women made up a majority the 554 American athletes at this year’s Olympics, and brought home fully half of the 121 medals won by U.S. competitors.
For women seeking parity in the United States, particularly in the political sphere, Title IX offers an important road map. Female athletes were not told to change their attire, behavior, or strategy, as women in politics are constantly advised to do. They were materially helped by legal protections and systemic policy changes. As the nation gears up to vote in a presidential election featuring the first woman ever nominated by a major political party, female politicians in America need a Title IX of their own.
The story of Title IX’s origins is an inspiring one. In response to being passed over for a full-time teaching position because she “came on too strong for a woman,” then-University of Maryland lecturer Bernice Sandler helped to organize 350 sex discrimination complaints at academic institutions. Congressional hearings concluded that the inequality that girls and women were experiencing merited a comprehensive structural remedy in the form of federal intervention.
'Eva Solberg is a Swedish politician, a proud feminist who holds an important post as chairwoman of the party Moderate Women. Last year she was presented with her government’s latest strategy for combating domestic violence. Like similar reports across the world, this strategy assumes the only way to tackle domestic violence is through teaching misogynist men (and boys) to behave themselves.
The Swedish politician spat the dummy. Writing on the news site Nyheter24, Solberg took issue with her government’s “tired gendered analysis”, which argued that eradicating sexism was the solution to the problem of domestic violence. She explained her reasoning: “We know through extensive practice and experience that attempts to solve the issue through this kind of analysis have failed. And they failed precisely because violence is not and never has been a gender issue.”
'However, since the violent allegations were made, Scott’s attorney unveiled some new evidence, which suggests Mary is lying about how her bruised eye came to be.
Home security footage shows Mary screaming hysterically in the bedroom, slapping and punching herself in the head and face:
Earlier in the year, Scott filed a lawsuit against Mary and her parents, Linda and Michael Hunt, claiming they helped Mary steal 99 diamond necklaces, 147 gold rings, and 172 loose diamonds.'
'Juanita Gomez, 49, of Oklahoma City stands accused of First-Degree Murder in the death of her 33-year-old daughter, Geneva.
A judge denied her bond, but she had a lot to say to the judge during her video arraignment, Monday afternoon.
Gomez spent her time before the judge complaining about the jail conditions and also spoke up about not needing a public defender - claiming she already had a lawyer.
“Yes sir he believes in God like me,” said Juanita Gomez during her video arraignment. “Yes he's the best in town.”
Over at the Gomez home near NW 15th and McKinley, friends and family have left behind candles and flowers and rosaries to honor the life and tragic death of Geneva Gomez.
Neighbors News 9 talked to did not want to talk on camera, but say the mother and daughter seemed to have a good relationship.'
'A Palm Coast woman is charged with second-degree murder after police said she killed her husband in his hospital bed at Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center.
Daytona Beach police said 62-year-old Jan Sochalski stuck by her husband's bedside from April 7 until his death on May 19. Police arrested her on Monday.
"He just went in there for back surgery and he was not expected to succumb to those injuries," said Jimmie Flynt, of Daytona Beach Police Department.
Sochalski, a retired nurse who practiced for more than 40 years is the prime suspect. An arrest report showed her husband, Henry, was hooked up to a pain-medication machine when Jan Sochalski pressed the button 264 times in an eight hour period. Police said the button should have only been pressed six times an hour.'
Story here. And feminists insist there's no such thing as female privilege. Excerpt:
'An argument outside a North Las Vegas McDonald’s turned deadly for a 31-year-old man.
Family members of Mohammad Robinson say he died Saturday night after he mistakenly did not hold the door open for a woman.
North Las Vegas police say Saturday night just before midnight a man shot Robinson outside the McDonalds near Pecos and Las Vegas Boulevard.
“It was a stupid reason honestly, irrelevant. It doesn't make any sense why would you actually take someone's life over not opening a door,” said Sampson.'
'In the developed world of the 21st century, I see the role of feminism as addressing those with the attitude that a woman’s place should be in the home, those who promote a society in which a woman’s work is undervalued, and those who treat women as objects at the disposal of men’s desires. To reverse the centuries of gender roles that have solidified this mentality is no small feat in itself. But to the mission of feminism has been added a new hurdle: the anti-feminist.
'Welcome to the channel that provides everything CRINGE worthy. I will be uploading the most cringiest compilations every other day. So sit back, Subscribe, and get your daily dose of cringe.'
Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:
'WE used to be known as Australian citizens. But now, in the age of identity politics, we have our own special category: the white male. This is the new trend at the ABC and Fairfax Media — to judge people, not by the quality of their character or their contribution to society, but by the colour of their skin and the shape of their genitals.
Unsurprisingly, in this world of reverse racism, white men are being blamed for the whole shebang.
According to the Left’s propaganda, we are good for nothing and responsible for everything.
We made the Islamic terrorists take up arms and slaughter innocent people (even though the radical preachers promoting the caliphate are Arabic and African Muslims).
'Rebel Media commentator Lauren Southern uploaded a video she was anonymously sent showing an insane Social Justice Warrior (redundant) laying into her driver for having a classic dashboard hoola girl displayed in his car.
The "vocal-fried" SJW in question is a woman named Annaliese Nielsen, the founder of "Girls Night In," a secretive and selective women's community which she described to ABC News as an exclusive online sorority. Apparently these women enjoy going out, having a few cocktails, and then hunting for males who will undoubtedly offend them in some SJW rage-inducing way.
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"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand