Men’s Rights Facebook Page A Voice For Men Removed On Day Of Annual Conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speaking to a crowd at the International Conference on Men’s Issues in the ExCel Centre in London, Paul Elam revealed that the Facebook page for “A Voice For Men,” one of the organising groups for the event, has been unpublished by the social network on the second day of the conference.

The timing for the unpublishing could not be any worse for the group, as they are now unable to publish post-conference articles and summaries of the event. It may have just be a coincidence, but a co-ordinated mass reporting operation could also have been the cause – so far, no group has come forward to take responsibility for the removal of the page.

After having amassed around 35,000 likes on the social media platform, the page was deleted for having “violated community standards” – it was not revealed what exact regulation was violated, and Elam was adamant that they had done nothing wrong.

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How gullible journalists do harm to rape victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Unfortunately, when you start out committed to a narrative, you tend to be looking for reasons to believe, instead of reasons to doubt.

Journalists are not the only ones who want to believe. There were powerful voices saying rape was a special sort of crime, one that must be treated very differently from other sorts of crimes. Rape is, unfortunately, a difficult crime to prosecute: There are generally only two witnesses, sometimes one or both of whom are often impaired by intoxicants, and even if you think that the rate of false accusations is “only” 8 percent . . . well, an 8 percent chance that any given rape accusation is false gets you at least a big start toward “reasonable doubt.”

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"Law? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Law"

Article here. Excerpt:

'This week, the president and vice president revealed plans to intensify their personal crusade against campus "rape culture." President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will "put the pedal to the metal," per the Washington Post: They, their wives, and cabinet members won't set foot on college campuses where officials don't adjudicate sexual assault cases to the White House's liking, thus denying students the privilege of a snoozing through a commencement address delivered by Dr. Jill Biden.

Rape being a crime, some colleges defer to the police, but in so doing, these schools, it is now claimed, violate federal guidance on how to enforce the Education Act of 1972's Title IX—which states, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

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"The Western World’s In Crisis. Bring In The Women."

Article here. Excerpt:

'As political and social turmoil rocks the Western world, we’re increasingly looking to women to clean up the mess ― the U.S., the U.K., Germany, the IMF and the United Nations may all be run by women come January.

At least one woman isn’t the least bit surprised, but she is worried: Are the coming leaders facing down impossible situations? Are we setting up women to fail, discouraging a generation of women from vying for leadership roles?

More than a decade ago, Michelle Ryan, an organizational and social psychologist at the University of Exeter, along with a colleague, coined a term ― the Glass Cliff ― to describe the situation when women, and sometimes minority men, ascend to power during times of organizational decline, crisis and turmoil. It’s the natural corollary of the “glass ceiling,” the invisible barrier women face when trying to make it up the top of the ladder. Those who crack the ceiling, the reasoning goes, step out onto a fragile ledge at the top and face down various crises.'

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UK: Removing a privilege for women that men pay for is unfair

Article here. Excerpt:

'If there are any female Guardian Money readers born on 5 March 1953, then congratulations (or commiserations): you officially reached state pension age on Wednesday 6 January, and can start claiming your basic state pension of up to £115.95 a week.

But if you are a woman born exactly one year later, on 5 March 1954, then you won’t hit state pension age until July 2019 – ie, not for another three-and-a-half years. By that time the woman born in 1953 will arguably be in a much stronger financial position because she will have received well in excess of £20,000 of basic state pension (assuming she is entitled to the full amount), purely because she happened to arrive in the world 12 months before you did.

If anyone is looking for reasons why many women are up in arms about “unfair” changes to the state pension age, then the weird quirk in the UK pension rules outlined above is just one.
Clearly there was a lack of fairness – so we equalised the SPA at 65 for men and women. As with any change in policy, one group will always be affected first. In this case, women born in 1950 were the first to see an increase in their SPA. Due to further sharp rises in life expectancy, we then had to make the difficult decision to speed up the rises to 65 and 66.

The government listened to concerns, and introduced a measure to ensure that the maximum change to SPA that anyone would face is 18 months rather than two years. This concession means that it will reach 66 by October 2020, rather than April 2020, and is worth more than £1bn.

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Didn't feminism promise to eliminate women's need for prostitution?

One argument feminism made for itself was that due to its effects, women would not have to turn to prostitution, and indeed, would not want to. Apparently someone forgot to tell the younger generation. Read it here. Excerpt:

'Her adventures in “sugaring” started three years ago when she got hit on by an older guy and rebuffed him, saying, “Look, I’m not interested, so unless you’re offering to pay my student loans,” and he said, “Well . . . ?” After that, “he paid for stuff. He gave me money to help out with my living expenses.”

It ended when she went on a school year abroad and started meeting men on Seeking Arrangement, the Web site and app which match “sugar daddies” with “sugar babies,” whose company the daddies pay for with “allowances.” Now, she says, she has a rotation of three regular “clients”—”a top Austin lawyer, a top architect, and another tech guy,” all of them married. She adds, “Their relationships are not my business.”
“While in college,” she goes on, “I’ve had the ability to focus on developing myself because I’m not slaving away at a minimum-wage job. I reject it when people say I’m oppressed by the patriarchy. People who make seven dollars an hour are oppressed by the patriarchy.”

“She’s in control of the male gaze,” says another woman at the table, Erin, 22.
The most surprising thing about Miranda’s story is how unsurprising it is to many of her peers. “Almost all of my friends do some sort of sex work,” says Katie, 23, a visual artist in New York. “It’s super-common. It’s almost trendy to say you do it—or that you would.”

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Cops: Mother Swung Her Baby "Like A Bat"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Swinging her five-month-old son like a baseball bat, a Florida woman yesterday struck her boyfriend with the infant before dropping the child face first into the sand on Daytona Beach, police charge.

Cops allege that Tatyana Allen, 18, initially hit her 19-year-old beau “several times in the face with a closed hand” before using her baby “as a weapon.” Allen, witnesses said, swung the infant “like a bat” before “the baby was dropped in the sand, face down.”

Allen’s boyfriend, the child’s father, quickly flipped the infant upright since he was unable to turn over on his own. Witnesses told cops that Allen subsequently “snatched” her son from the man’s arms and walked away with the child “dangling,” without his head being supported.'

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Cokie Roberts Blames Sexism for Clinton’s Poor Polling on Leadership

Article here. Excerpt:

'ABC News panelist Cokie Roberts cited sexism for Hillary Clinton’s poor polling on leadership questions during a Sunday appearance on This Week, saying that was “all about being a woman.”

Discussing potential vice-presidential picks for Clinton with the national convention less than a month away, Roberts said choosing Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) could pose problems for her candidacy.

“I think Elizabeth Warren is the real problem,” Roberts said. “Not only does she not need her in terms of the Democrats—Hillary Clinton in our last ABC poll had 88 percent of the Democratic vote. Barack Obama got 89 percent of the Democratic vote when he won in 2008. It’s fine. Having two women on the ticket is a real issue. We have looked at implicit bias, and you look at the polling where you see that Hillary Clinton is losing on leadership. That’s all about being a woman.”'

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Shooting the Feminist Sheriff

Article here. Excerpt:

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No Men Beyond This Point – Mockumentary Debuts on DVD July 12th

Article here. Excerpt:

'The festival favorite NO MEN BEYOND THIS POINT debuts on DVD and digital July 12 from Samuel Goldwyn Films and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. The film was written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Mark Sawers (Camera Shy) and stars Rekha Sharma (“The 100”), Ben Cotton (Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome), Patrick Gilmore (Cabin in the Woods), Hilary Jardine (“Van Helsing”), Tara Pratt (“Standard Action”) and Bruce Harwood (“The X Files”). NO MEN BEYOND THIS POINT took home awards for Best Feature Audience Award, Best Feature Actor (Patrick Gilmore), Best Script (Mark Sawers) and Best Feature Editing at the 2015 Other Worlds Austin Sci-Fi Film Festival and Best Supporting Actress in a Canadian Film (Tara Pratt) from the Vancouver Film Critics Circle.'

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Here's the moment a Rolling Stone author knew her gang-rape story was complete bull

Article here. Excerpt:

'Originally, Rolling Stone was going to issue a statement in response to questions and doubts over the validity of Jackie's story.

"Obviously, we regret any factual errors in any story," the statement was supposed to read. "But Rolling Stone believes the essential point of Jackie's narrative is, in fact, true: A young woman suffered a horrific crime at a party, and a prestigious university reacted with indifference to her claim."

"This happens too often at college campuses all over America," the statement continued. "Any mistakes we made were honest ones, trying hard to create a narrative and an investigation that would improve the prevention, investigation and prosecution of sexual violence. For that we would never apologize."

Note the insistence that the narrative was more important than the facts when it comes to combating campus sexual assault. Forget the fact that continually covering hoaxes makes the public less likely to believe the next accuser.'

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Wife runs down husband with car

Story here. Excerpt:

'Yavapai County Sheriff's deputies arrested 32-year-old Jennifer Fletcher for assaulting her estranged husband with her car.
The incident happened Tuesday around 6:30 a.m. in Chino Valley.

According to deputies, Fletcher pinned the man between her 2010 Toyota Prius and his truck following a discussion between the two.

After he was able to get away and into the house, Fletcher drove into the home, striking the front door area.

The couple's three children were in the living room of the home at the time.'

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"In the Face of a Huge Gender Gap with Trump, It's Time for Progressive Men to Get Behind Hillary"

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shapes up, we continue to see Clinton and the women who are supporting her exiled (with apologies to Liz Phair) in Guyville. As presumptive Democratic nominee Clinton says about this historic election, “This campaign is about making sure there are no ceilings, no limits on any of us and this is our moment to come together.”

Yet, we are not all coming together. Bernie Sanders has not withdrawn, despite Clinton’s securing the delegates to win the nomination. Twenty-two percent of Sanders supporters say they’d rather vote for Trump than Clinton. Male Sanders supporters continue to troll and threaten Clinton supporters and the media covering her.

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Ask Amy: How can my son escape his abusive marriage?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dear Amy: My 40-year-old son is in an abusive marriage. His wife hits him, locks him out of the house, calls him humiliating names, has alienated him from his friends and family, etc.

He has lost 70 pounds and developed dangerous stress-related symptoms. He’s a shell of what he once was. He acts confused and disoriented, rather than our smart, capable and popular son. It’s heartbreaking.
They have two small children who witness this abuse. He’s very worried about the kids, but is so broken down he doesn’t feel capable of caring for them on his own. We’ve told him we will care for them, but he tells us it’s too much of a burden.
It’s hard for us to be good in-laws when we’re aware of this. She often blows up at us if we try to talk about it. We are sick with worry about our son.

Dear Mom: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in seven men (over the age of 18) in the U.S. has been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner.

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"Feminists Are Not Mistreating Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'But, gentlemen, we all need to realize something. Women didn't create the unfairness; we did. We did it when we threatened them with violence. We did it when we refused to take no for an answer. We did it every time we tried to make them feel safe by being kind and friendly only to then become hostile if they didn't reciprocate our interest. We convinced them that kindness and friendliness are just a facade we use to get what we want. Is there any reason they should trust us?

I'd like you to take a moment and contemplate the horror of that. Imagine that just about every time someone showed you kindness, you later found out that they had an ulterior motive. Worse yet, kindness turned to cruelty and aggression once their true motivations became clear. You've come to associate kindness with pain, with betrayal. How do you ever trust again after that? The very thing that is supposed to cement a bond between two human beings is itself viewed with suspicion. That is what we did to women. That's why they don't trust us.

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