UK: Teenage boys in school skirt protest over hot weather

Article here. Excerpt:

'Four teenage boys have worn skirts to school in protest at being disciplined for wearing shorts on the hottest day.

The year nine students at Longhill High School in Rottingdean, East Sussex, were among about 20 boys who wore PE shorts instead of trousers on Tuesday.

Some were sent home, and others kept in isolation and excluded the next day.

When the four boys turned up in school skirts on Thursday, head teacher Kate Williams said they could "wear any part of the agreed school uniform".

The mother of 14-year-old Michael Parker, who was one of the group, said three of the boys were initially told to remove the skirts, but all four of them kept them on.'

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Lutheran Church Votes to Protect Women from the Draft, But Not Men

Article here. The Lutheran church votes overwhelmingly to protect women from the draft, but not men. As men flee churches, it becomes abundantly clear that churches really don't care about men. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'For its modest size and relatively apolitical ethos, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod seems to be having more than its share of days in court. Three years ago the Supreme Court unanimously vindicated one of its congregations in Hosanna-Tabor v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which recognized that churches have broad autonomy over whom they hire. This fall the justices will take up Trinity Lutheran v. Pauley, a dispute over whether states can deny funds to schools with religious affiliations.

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‘Hysterical feminism’ isn’t helping our fight against domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fuming feminists are leading Australia on a terrifying hunt for scapegoats.

How many innocent men are we going to see sent to the desert before we acknowledge our nation’s domestic violence problem doesn’t — and shouldn’t — rest on any individual’s shoulders?

The last couple of weeks haven’t demonstrated impressive progress toward tackling domestic violence — or having calm debate. Rather, they are cheerless affirmation of how frenzied and dangerously controlling the modern feminist movement is becoming. The hunt is on — and heading in the wrong direction.

Those who aren’t fierce feminists want unity and equality between the sexes — not incensed war. Domestic violence is a serious, challenging issue running rife. Statistics are well known, but our strategy in dealing with that data is taking a hysterical feminist lead rather than calm yet urgent action.'

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You Can Now Look Up ‘Manspread’ In The Dictionary

Article here. Excerpt:

'Readers can now look up the definition of manspreading on

On Tuesday the online dictionary added over 300 new words and definitions to make sure the publication is keeping up with the times. Among the words is one of our all-time favorite love-to-hate terms: manspread.'

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Male DNC delegates barred from seating due to gender

It's Hillary's Democrat Party! Brace yourself, as this is just the beginning! Story here. Excerpt:

'A complaint to the Democratic National Convention says two male Vermont delegates were replaced by women in the name of "gender balance" and without adequate due process.

The complaint, filed by 21 Vermont Democrats, says the national party this month ordered the state party to replace Vermont Sen. Tim Ashe and party stalwart Ken Dean although Dean and Ashe were elected June 11.

Dean told The Associated Press on Wednesday about the complaint. It was filed with the DNC credentials committee.

Executive director Conor Casey of the Vermont Democratic Party said Thursday the state party was trying to follow national party requirements. A national party spokesman didn't immediately reply to a request for comment.'

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Should schools punish in sex cases when there's no accuser?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The expulsion of two college athletes on sexual misconduct grounds highlights a little-known facet of the latitude schools are given when investigating such cases: They can mete out punishment even in the absence of a complaint from the alleged victim.

Former Yale University basketball captain Jack Montague and former Colorado State-Pueblo football player and wrestler Grant Neal both filed federal lawsuits this year over their expulsions, alleging their schools mishandled information that originated with someone other than the alleged victim.

"There is no real complainant," said attorney Andrew Miltenberg, who represents Neal and has been the lawyer for about 100 men accused of sexual assaults on campuses. "There is no victim making the charge. There is the school acting on some sort of hearsay or information."
Beth Hamilton, the director of prevention and programs at the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence, defends the "preponderance" standard as appropriate in a college setting.

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5 Cases That Could Shape Campus Sexual Assault Investigations

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'After Yale University expelled Jack Montague, a former basketball team captain determined by school officials to have sexually assaulted a female student, his lawyers went out on the offensive.

Employing an increasingly common strategy for male college students accused of sexual misconduct, Montague’s lawyers sued Yale in June, accusing the school of violating the former basketball star’s due process rights. The suit claims Yale railroaded Montague to counter criticism that it hasn’t reacted strongly enough to reports of sexual assault.

The case comes as universities are amping up their response to sexual assault allegations. Those efforts have gained steam as reports of campus assaults have grown more widespread, and following a U.S. Department of Education threat, in a 2011 directive, to withhold federal funding under Title IX of the Civil Rights Act to schools that don’t adequately respond to sexual violence.

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Milo Suspended Permanently by Twitter Minutes Before ‘Gays For Trump’ Party At RNC

Article here. Excerpt:

'Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos has been suspended from Twitter once more just 20 minutes before his “Gays for Trump” event takes place at the Republican National Convention.

The justification for the suspension is currently unknown, although it could be as a result of Milo’s run-in with Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones on the site. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey publicly reached out to Jones late on Monday evening after she complained about “abuse” on the platform. Milo was suspended despite the fact that he sent no abusive tweets to the actress.

BuzzFeed gleefully reported that the suspension is permanent, citing a statement from Twitter promising a clampdown on “targeted abuse.” Milo has also received a message from Twitter confirming that that his ban is permanent, copied below.'

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SAVE: Campus Sexual Assault: Lawmakers Abandon Affirmative Consent, Turn to Traditional Law Enforcement Approaches

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Responding to high-profile cases at Stanford University, Vanderbilt, Baylor, and elsewhere, Democratic and Republican legislators are beginning to enact laws that emphasize traditional criminal justice approaches to curbing campus rape. Lawmakers have largely abandoned consideration of affirmative consent policies, which require intimate partners to indicate agreement at every step of sexual activity.

In the wake of the Stanford rape case, California lawmakers have begun debating whether to expand the definition of rape and establish minimum sentencing requirements. In Missouri, a bill was enacted on July 1 that directs universities to enter into a memorandum of understanding with law enforcement on sexual assault policies (SB 921). Laws designed to strengthen the reporting of sexual assault cases to local law enforcement were enacted earlier this year in Hawaii and Virginia.'

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University finds student not guilty in "blackout" case

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Haley Lind was found alone in a stranger’s bathroom, she was naked and in a drunken stupor, barely able to stand or speak, a raucous party raging around her. She awoke in her bed hours later, her head pounding, leaves in her hair, soaked in her own urine.

“I think I got assaulted last night,” she texted a friend the morning after the annual welcome-back-to-school Block Party at the University of Virginia. “Something just feels very wrong.”

In a dorm room about a mile away, a freshman athlete got up that same morning with a clear memory of his first college party, just days into his U-Va. career. At an off-campus residence where athletes lived, there had been the cups of a potent liquor drink and crowds of sloshed students. An alluring, petite blonde had led him into an upstairs bathroom for sex, a rash decision that would end up haunting him.'

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Professor targets MSU in civil rights complaint

Article here. Excerpt:

'A University of Michigan-Flint professor has filed a civil rights complaint against Michigan State University over its women's study lounge.

But the lounge, located on the first floor of the MSU Student Union, won’t be restricted when it reopens later this summer, according to MSU spokesman Jason Cody. The lounge is currently being converted into an all-purpose quiet study area, accessible to all students.

But that doesn’t mean MSU is off the hook, said Mark Perry, the University of Michigan-Flint economics professor who filed the complaint in July.

“I think MSU owes an apology to the thousands of men whose civil rights have been violated,” Perry said, noting that men were previously not allowed to use the public space.'

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The U.K. Police Force That Sees Misogyny as a ‘Hate Crime’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week’s news that Nottinghamshire Police in the UK now classifies misogyny as a hate crime was praised by feminist bloggers in the U.S., eager to move to the utopian county where relentless catcallers are thrown behind bars.

The Huffington Post and the Guardian both praised Notts Police.

“Literally why isn’t this a thing everywhere?” asked one writer at Self magazine, thrilled that any Nottinghamshire “asshole who whistles at you every morning needs to think twice before doling out another cat-call. That’s criminal now, sucker.”

Well, not necessarily.

In a statement announcing the initiative, a collaboration with the Nottingham Women’s Centre, the police department has broadened its definition of a ‘hate crime’ to include misogyny and harassment of women.

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College urged to hire 'case manager' for sexual misconduct complaints

Article here. Excerpt:

'An advisory group is urging St. Olaf College to hire a full-time case manager just to handle complaints of sexual misconduct on the campus of 3,000 students.

That is one of the key recommendations in a lengthy report released Thursday in response to campus protests this spring.

St. Olaf commissioned the report in April after a group of students accused the liberal arts college in Northfield of mishandling allegations of campus rape, which has become a growing nationwide issue.

Thursday’s report, by a group of students, faculty, staff and outside experts, concluded that the college needs someone to devote full time to managing complaints filed by or against students.

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Pakistan: Social media star murdered by brother in "honor killing", feminists stay silent

Article here. Hundreds of women are murdered in Pakistan yearly, thousands in total there and in other Muslim countries, in "honor killings" done because they had the temerity to try living their lives without being coerced into compliant submission. Yet supposed feminists like Hillary Clinton, et al, remain utterly silent. They're more obsessed with a mythical wage gap and imaginery "microaggressions". Priorities are non-existent, it seems. Excerpt:

'A Pakistani social media celebrity whose selfies polarised the deeply conservative Muslim country has been murdered by her brother in a suspected honour killing, officials said Saturday, prompting shock and revulsion.

Qandeel Baloch, praised by many of the country's youth for her willingness to break social taboos but condemned by conservatives, was strangled near the city of Multan, police said.

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Research finds link between father absences and declining male college enrollment

Article here. Excerpt:

'Absent dads may be contributing to the growing male gender gap in higher education, according to research published by a professor at Brigham Young University.

Brian Willoughby, an assistant professor in the School of Family Life, was one of three authors that recently published a study in the journal “Family Relations” looking at whether the declining rate of males enrolling in college has been influenced by nonmarital birth rates and father absences.

What they found was that the gender gap opened up about 18 years after family structure changes in the late 1960s.

“I think we need to continue to talk about fathers and talk about their importance in our culture as we get more and more messages that they don’t matter,” Willoughby said.'

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